Breaking: Chuck Schumer (A Jew) Takes The 5th On Trump Wiretapping


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This happened moments ago. You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

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He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
Currently unable to watch that show, because of local contract disputes...

shame really..

I miss the Sunday morning cartoons
You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

this is like that scene where Beavis and Butthead were caught stealing cash from their McDonalds restaurant. remember?
Of course he can't reveal that the wiretapping took place. But the reports of the two FISA requests with one granted I beleive are solid.

And do I believe the Dems, the punk from Cheeeeeeeeeeecago and the Intelligence agencies are that evil?

Why yes, yes I do. And never forget Clapper lied his ass off to Congress over the NSA scandal. He's the last person anyone should believe.

He had no problem spying on over 100 world leaders, over 1,000 global businesses AND members of the House and the Senate AND American citizens.
Currently unable to watch that show, because of local contract disputes...

shame really..

I miss the Sunday morning cartoons
We didn't have CBS for three months last year--missed the first episode of the new season of NCIS and everything. We all demanded discounts on our bill and got it.
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.

Tell me please that you really don't expect anyone to believe that Clapper is a truthful human being?

He commited perjury on a massive scale.
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.

If Trump wasn't wiretapped, and at this point, I don't believe he was, why not just say so. I fail to see how this violates any classified information. As for Clapper, he's not exactly credible. This is the same man who lied to Congress and said the NSA wasn't spying on the American people. Clapper belongs in prison for a whole of reasons.
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.
And he's a flat out proven liar.

James Clapper Lied to Congress About NSA Surveillance. He Should Be Fired.
Fire James Clapper
The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about?

Back at an open congressional hearing on March 12, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) asked Clapper, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper replied, “No sir … not wittingly.” As we all now know, he was lying.

We also now know that Clapper knew he was lying. In an interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell that aired this past Sunday, Clapper was asked why he answered Wyden the way he did. He replied:

“I thought, though in retrospect, I was asked [a] ‘when are you going to … stop beating your wife’ kind of question, which is … not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. So I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying, ‘No.’ ”
On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.

Note this part of the exchange:

"I can deny it", Clapper said.

“There is no FISA court order,” Todd asked.

“Not to my knowledge,” Clapper responded.

He says he denies that it happened, then on the other end of his mouth, he tells us he does not know.

It should be that Clapper can’t rule out wiretapping of Trump.
You can only take the 5th when being question under oath when the government has the power to compel you to reply to their questions.

As for this, no one can infer anything from this. Schumer, in this interview, did the right thing. We do not want our government officials talking about classified information to the media.
Those of you who support Trump wouldn't believe it if God told you. Clapper isn't in prison and he remained in his position until the new administration took over, so I'm guessing his "perjury" before a Republican Congress might have been explained another way? I dunno. I'm not real up on it. I do believe it didn't happen and I also realize that no matter who tells you different, you will continue to believe the sputtering madman you elected.
If Obama would spy on Merkel, what would stop him from spying on what he perceived as the enemy of his legacy? Some new found moral high ground? Please...


Putti and Shumie sittin in a tree.......
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This happened moments ago. You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

thankfully white chister trash is dying off and your spawn will know their place
He didn't take the Fifth. He just said he wouldn't reveal classified information. On the same show, James Clapper make it crystal clear a few minutes later that the President's accusations never happened. He said so flat out.

If Trump wasn't wiretapped, and at this point, I don't believe he was, why not just say so. I fail to see how this violates any classified information. As for Clapper, he's not exactly credible. This is the same man who lied to Congress and said the NSA wasn't spying on the American people. Clapper belongs in prison for a whole of reasons.

He doesn't "say so" until there has been enough outrage and lying umbrage on the part of the object in question. Then he lets them have it.
Those of you who support Trump wouldn't believe it if God told you. Clapper isn't in prison and he remained in his position until the new administration took over, so I'm guessing his "perjury" before a Republican Congress might have been explained another way? I dunno. I'm not real up on it. I do believe it didn't happen and I also realize that no matter who tells you different, you will continue to believe the sputtering madman you elected.
Like Obama would have charged him? You have a bee in your bonnet.
Two FISA requests. One in June denied one in October granted.

For crying out loud people we've been told that all the intelligence agencies have been investigating not just Trump, not just his aides, but the whole bloody family including Ivanka's mother in law.

Sheesh. Is it really a stretch to think that the NSA wasn't wiretapping Trump Tower?
This happened moments ago. You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

thankfully white chister trash is dying off and your spawn will know their place

Our superior place will always be where it's been, at the top!
This happened moments ago. You see the look on Shumers face? He knows that the shit has hit the fan.
Katrina Pierson on Fox this morning said Trump has access to information we haven't seen yet. So let them deny, deny, deny. Then drop the proof bomb on them.

thankfully white chister trash is dying off and your spawn will know their place

The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.

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