Breaking: Comey Now Claims He Deleted His Memos


they dont call em leftards for no reason


No one goes to a hearing under testimony and doesn't deliver the memo's dumbass. That's the first thing they would ask for. Judge Judy may be able to help you out with that one--LOL

well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.

Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.

Prove a negative? Where did you learn to debate?

^^^ odd response and silly questions^^^

He either did or did not give the memos to Mueller; If he did, he spoke the truth, if he did not, he lied. Only one can be true, logically; thus the solution is to ask Muller.

Then, of course we, are faced with the same two possibilities, did Mueller lie or tell the truth.

The production of the documents by Mr. Mueller will resolve that issue, but we can expect the documents themselves to come under further attack by the lawyers of The President.

What will be, will be; it will all come down to the credibility of Mr. Comey or Mr. Trump, My bet on that issue is Trump's track record will not help him one iota.


Mueller is not going to produce the documents during his investigation, at least not at this early stage and I doubt Congress is going to ask him for them.

You're just going to have to sit on your hands and wait.
Still reading through the thread. Had a challenging weekend helping relatives. Trying to catch up. So far my understanding is some believe he wrote the memos on a gov computer and some believe they were hand written. Either way, it seems odd he would not retain a copy.

Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

they dont call em leftards for no reason


No one goes to a hearing under testimony and doesn't deliver the memo's dumbass. That's the first thing they would ask for. Judge Judy may be able to help you out with that one--LOL

well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.

Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.

Prove a negative? Where did you learn to debate?

^^^ odd response and silly questions^^^

He either did or did not give the memos to Mueller; If he did, he spoke the truth, if he did not, he lied. Only one can be true, logically; thus the solution is to ask Muller.

Then, of course we, are faced with the same two possibilities, did Mueller lie or tell the truth.

The production of the documents by Mr. Mueller will resolve that issue, but we can expect the documents themselves to come under further attack by the lawyers of The President.

What will be, will be; it will all come down to the credibility of Mr. Comey or Mr. Trump, My bet on that issue is Trump's track record will not help him one iota.

well fk, all Mueller has to say is I have them? Right? clears up the picture doesn't it? why can't he make that statement? Cause he doesn't have them, like what was stated in this thread.
What the right should be doing is trying to find that tax plan that's moving right through Congress that Trump was talking about.
That's in congress hands

Then perhaps Trump either shouldn't lie about it's non-status or, I don't know, figure out how government works.
he doesn't set up the votes in the House and Senate. I supposed you'd be ok with him bypassing the lazy bastards and bitches in congress? I didn't think you'd want legislation through EO's.

Trump: "The massive TAX CUTS/REFORM that I have submitted is moving along in the process very well, actually ahead of schedule. Big benefits to all!"

Trump: "Our tax bill is moving along in Congress, and I believe it's doing very well. I think a lot of people will be very pleasantly surprised,"

Those are called incompetent statements or lies, or both.

Maybe you need a civics lesson as well.
they are in congress, it is what happens with legislation. Are they not? How is it you feel he's lied?
Mueller is not the senate
Still reading through the thread. Had a challenging weekend helping relatives. Trying to catch up. So far my understanding is some believe he wrote the memos on a gov computer and some believe they were hand written. Either way, it seems odd he would not retain a copy.

Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
What the right should be doing is trying to find that tax plan that's moving right through Congress that Trump was talking about.
That's in congress hands

Then perhaps Trump either shouldn't lie about it's non-status or, I don't know, figure out how government works.
he doesn't set up the votes in the House and Senate. I supposed you'd be ok with him bypassing the lazy bastards and bitches in congress? I didn't think you'd want legislation through EO's.

Trump: "The massive TAX CUTS/REFORM that I have submitted is moving along in the process very well, actually ahead of schedule. Big benefits to all!"

Trump: "Our tax bill is moving along in Congress, and I believe it's doing very well. I think a lot of people will be very pleasantly surprised,"

Those are called incompetent statements or lies, or both.

Maybe you need a civics lesson as well.
they are in congress, it is what happens with legislation. Are they not? How is it you feel he's lied?

There is no legislation, it's gotten nowhere. Trump lied or is stupid or both.
Still reading through the thread. Had a challenging weekend helping relatives. Trying to catch up. So far my understanding is some believe he wrote the memos on a gov computer and some believe they were hand written. Either way, it seems odd he would not retain a copy.

Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
Trump was afraid Comey would put Trump under investigation at some point, so he fired him. Stop playing dumb about the "he wasn't under investigation" thing. You know the investigation had not come to an end, therefore it was too early for Trump to be off the hook.
How convenient...

Hillary 'Bleach-Bits' her un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured server / e-mails...but 'only what she deems to be personal information' after being told by the FBI to save and hand-over everything.


Now Hillary-connected, bitter-for-being-fired, self-identified-leaking, perjurous-testimony-giving former FBI Director Comey announces he has deleted his infamous memos....because when you think something is important enough to jot down for use later if needed, that's what you do - when they are finally needed, you delete them.

Destroying govt records is a crime. And destroying evidence that you believe could be evidence is a bigger crime.

18 U.S.C. § 641 - 1663. Protection Of Government Property -- Protection Of Public Records And Documents

Any custodian of a public record who "willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys (any record) shall be fined not more than $2,000 or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States." While the range of acts proscribed by this subsection is somewhat narrower than subsection (a), it does provide the additional penalty of forfeiture of position with the United States.

And he used a private server.
I want each one of you stupid libturds to explain why he didn't bring his memos to the
No one goes to a hearing under testimony and doesn't deliver the memo's dumbass. That's the first thing they would ask for. Judge Judy may be able to help you out with that one--LOL
well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.
Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.
hahahahahaha, here it is


See he didn't give them to him.

You want me to produce something that doesn't exist. you are special?
So you admit Mueller was given the memos. Thank you.
He gave them to Mueller, and the special prosecutor is investigating the validity of Comey's notes and whether or not there was a misunderstanding or President Trump tried to obstruct justice....

No prosecutor releases memos that could be pertinent to his investigation before he can thoroughly investigate the memos, notes, or documents.

I believe I heard the Senate intel committee asked for Comey's notes from Mueller, and the FBI/Mueller said no, not at this time.... so they MUST be investigating the notes still or they are somehow involved in what Mueller is working on?
No one goes to a hearing under testimony and doesn't deliver the memo's dumbass. That's the first thing they would ask for. Judge Judy may be able to help you out with that one--LOL

well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.

Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.

Prove a negative? Where did you learn to debate?

^^^ odd response and silly questions^^^

He either did or did not give the memos to Mueller; If he did, he spoke the truth, if he did not, he lied. Only one can be true, logically; thus the solution is to ask Muller.

Then, of course we, are faced with the same two possibilities, did Mueller lie or tell the truth.

The production of the documents by Mr. Mueller will resolve that issue, but we can expect the documents themselves to come under further attack by the lawyers of The President.

What will be, will be; it will all come down to the credibility of Mr. Comey or Mr. Trump, My bet on that issue is Trump's track record will not help him one iota.


Mueller is not going to produce the documents during his investigation, at least not at this early stage and I doubt Congress is going to ask him for them.

You're just going to have to sit on your hands and wait.

I agree, of course. And we can expect the documentary evidence, which are the memos, will be under attack by Trump's Pettifoggers. The integrity of every spokesperson for The President is suspect, if only by association, and it would behoove them to resign, write a book or go fishing - Trump does not have the coat tails to allow those sullied by his behavior to land cushy jobs as did Libby and Wolfowitz .
Not sure why it matters.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.

Careful snowflake, you're melting.

The investigation isn't over yet regarding possible collusion of Trump's campaign staff. At least two of those individuals (Manafort and Flynn) appear to be in real jeopardy and possibly Kushner...oh and Carter Page and then Sessions and Roger Stone who is a Trump confidant. So, whether the investigation includes Trump personally at this point is not the sole reason for said investigation. You simply just wanted it to be over and it's not, you just have to be an adult.

Oh, and btw Comey hinted that Trump is possibly under investigation for Obstruction by Mueller. We'll just have to wait and see.
former FBI Director Comey announces he has deleted his infamous memos
Link to this nonexistent announcement.
1. I was responding to the OP's post.

2. Thanks to Democrats, no link or evidence to support this claim is required. All one has to do these days is declare the statement to be true without having any evidence while declaring 'the investigation is not over. There WILL be evidence'.

I want each one of you stupid libturds to explain why he didn't bring his memos to the
well dumb ass he didn't turn any over, it's why they asked for them. Look at the fking transcripts you stupid fk.
Link where he did not give memos to Mueller.
hahahahahaha, here it is


See he didn't give them to him.

You want me to produce something that doesn't exist. you are special?
So you admit Mueller was given the memos. Thank you.
He gave them to Mueller, and the special prosecutor is investigating the validity of Comey's notes and whether or not there was a misunderstanding or President Trump tried to obstruct justice....

No prosecutor releases memos that could be pertinent to his investigation before he can thoroughly investigate the memos, notes, or documents.

I believe I heard the Senate intel committee asked for Comey's notes from Mueller, and the FBI/Mueller said no, not at this time.... so they MUST be investigating the notes still or they are somehow involved in what Mueller is working on?
Mueller is probably holding onto them as potential evidence. Cops NEVER release information about potential evidence. He may never use it but they err on the side of caution until the trial.
well sure it does, because when documents are saved on a computer, there are copies automatically when you save them. So it's disingenuous to sell it like he doesn't have copies, no logic there bubba.

Does he have the computer in his possession? I doubt it. It doesn't matter, he testified that Mueller has the documents.

Whether Comey personally has copies at this point is irrelevant.
well they're his. why wouldn't he? you still can't produce any logical thought I see. Why won't the FBI provide them if they have his computer? why all the defensive behavior of avoiding the congress? seems like you have no answer. I do, they don't exist.

The FBI is in the middle of an investigation, they often times won't comment or hand over evidence until they have completed their work. Which was why it was not routine for Comey to comment on the Clinton emails.

Anyway, if the computer was FBI property and Comey is no longer in the FBI then use your imagination as to why he doesn't have the computer in his possession.
I stated that you fking stupid fk. Now why doesn't the FBI just comply with the Justice Department and the congress and move this mother along? why do we all wish to play with ourselves all the time rather than produce a conclusion. What are you all afraid of? Comey admitted that Trump isn't under investigation. never was. NEVER WAS! So dude, right now, you're holding shit in your hands. How's that feel, never experienced it like you.
Trump was afraid Comey would put Trump under investigation at some point, so he fired him. Stop playing dumb about the "he wasn't under investigation" thing. You know the investigation had not come to an end, therefore it was too early for Trump to be off the hook.
Complete BS you made up in your head. We do know Comey forgot to record the Hillary interview and promptly destroyed the evidence after meeting with her.
2. Thanks to Democrats, no link or evidence to support this claim is required. All one has to do these days is declare the statement to be true without having any evidence while declaring 'the investigation is not over. There WILL be evidence'.


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