Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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And he is also a rightwingnut who wants to kill Texas Democrats and potential Texas Democrats in order to keep Texas Republican.; and he's a trump supporter....

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

His violent attack was due to his environmental extremism.........12 years of left wing indoctrination on the environment.... He wasn't a Trump supporter as he made clear.......
He made no such thing clear. All he said was he held these views before trump. That's not saying he didn't support trump. Meanwhile, his twitter account showed several times where he expressed support for trump. Your lying exposes the gaping head wound of your position.

And again, he clearly expressed his interest in killing immigrants was to cull the group because he feared them becoming Democrats and wrestling control of Texas from Republicans.

Fucking liar.

Seriously psycho troll, if you had the ability to feel shame, you would.

{The automation threat, Crusius continued, means the U.S. "will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs." (Crusius shared an interest in universal basic income, or UBI, and a pessimism about job retraining, with Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang.) Crusius' idea was that fewer "invaders" meant more resources for government programs. "Achieving ambitious social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed," he wrote.}

You KNOW you're going to be exposed as the fucking liar that you are, but you don't care. You think that you might be able to get away with deceiving a small number of people, so you post your absurd lies.

He wrote that he wanted to kill as many Hispanics as possible, he claimed they were culturally replacing native-born Americans and taking away job opportunities.

That is the basis of his act.

Yes he did, and he explained WHY, because they would impact the environment.

You must have skipped over the multiple references to cultural preservation here and in Europe, and how immigrants must be stopped.
Because the left wants to kill Democrats to prevent Texas from becoming a Democrat-led state?

Do you have any idea how insane you sound? Or are you too crazy to get that?

the shooter in El Paso was an environmental extremist who hated immigrants for the environmental damage migration created.....he also stated Trump had nothing to do with his views or actions, having held them when Trump was best friends with Oprah, the rappers, David Letterman, NBC television, Saturday Night Live, Jesse Jackson, Rosa Parks, Al Sharpton.....
And he is also a rightwingnut who wants to kill Texas Democrats and potential Texas Democrats in order to keep Texas Republican.; and he's a trump supporter....

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

His violent attack was due to his environmental extremism.........12 years of left wing indoctrination on the environment.... He wasn't a Trump supporter as he made clear.......
He made no such thing clear. All he said was he held these views before trump. That's not saying he didn't support trump. Meanwhile, his twitter account showed several times where he expressed support for trump. Your lying exposes the gaping head wound of your position.

And again, he clearly expressed his interest in killing immigrants was to cull the group because he feared them becoming Democrats and wrestling control of Texas from Republicans.

Fucking liar.

Seriously psycho troll, if you had the ability to feel shame, you would.

{The automation threat, Crusius continued, means the U.S. "will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs." (Crusius shared an interest in universal basic income, or UBI, and a pessimism about job retraining, with Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang.) Crusius' idea was that fewer "invaders" meant more resources for government programs. "Achieving ambitious social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed," he wrote.}

You KNOW you're going to be exposed as the fucking liar that you are, but you don't care. You think that you might be able to get away with deceiving a small number of people, so you post your absurd lies.
Poor, insane poster ...

"The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election." ~ Patrick Crusius
Why is it that just because a psychopath lays claim to a named "political power holder, " and for what ever reason theirs or in this case his twisted mind conjures up such a thing, and then doing so ?? Does the left jump to the opportunity to attack their political opponents out of crisis ????? The guy is seriously ill as evidenced all due to some kind of weird idolization of Trump, (who obviously and absolutely knows no one like this insane individual)...

So why is it that these situations present some kind of weird opportunity for an opposition party, otherwise in this case the (Democrats for example), to exploit for pure political purposes (i.e. lowering themselves to the ideals of the shooter), as is seen in the situation ???

Think about it (the shooter is doing the same thing in the case, except in a far more sinister way, and in a far more deadly way)....

The shooter is doing this in order to somehow destroy America and/or to destroy American innocent citizens in the process, so do you think this is something unusual in this country now ??

This is the real tragedy going on in this country now, and it needs to stop. It's time to dig deep in order to reach the core of this created problem in America folks. Dig deep folks because the answers are there along with the solutions.

Where there is a will, there is a way folks. Time to stop lowering ourselves to the tactics of the shooters in this country, so when piling on against each other afterwards, then that is exactly what is happening.

We have enough crazy people here. We don't need the leader of the country riling them up.
Oh you mean the leader that's been trying to defuse the situation America had gotten itself into since day one ?? That leader ??? You mean Donald Trump ??? Yes you do.

Go Trump... MAGA.


Cesar Sayoc, Who Mailed Pipe Bombs to Trump Critics, Is Sentenced to 20 Years

Police: El Paso shooting suspect said he targeted Mexicans

Black Protester Is Sucker-Punched by White Donald Trump Supporter at Rally

If he has been trying to defuse these situations, then he's doing a really shitty job of it.

Setting the man up has been the evilness of the left since day one. The only way you will understand anything is to get out of the fog, and begin to assess the situation better, and quit being led by those with a political and cultural agenda.

Job's insurance prices, taxes, the border, freedom, soverignty, history, and all things that lead individuals to their independence is what matters, and not these political agenda's that fuel hate, stupidity, race baiting, theft, social engineering for these groups wanting to drag everyone else into the fire with them.

Reporting what he says isn't setting him up.
Lying again, psycho troll?

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."}

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?

No one takes you seriously. Just like shitflinger, you are a troll with no connection to reality.

The Trump supporter liked lots of Trump's tweets and doesn't want people to blame Trump for his actions.

But he's still a Trump supporter.

The Bernie Bro named his Manifesto after Al Gore's book, but doesn't want people to blame Gore - actually he want's to spark you leftists to do the same as him in hopes of reducing the population.

But he's still a Bernie Bro

Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection? Because he clearly supports Trump.

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |
His violent attack was due to his environmental extremism.........12 years of left wing indoctrination on the environment.... He wasn't a Trump supporter as he made clear.......
He made no such thing clear. All he said was he held these views before trump. That's not saying he didn't support trump. Meanwhile, his twitter account showed several times where he expressed support for trump. Your lying exposes the gaping head wound of your position.

And again, he clearly expressed his interest in killing immigrants was to cull the group because he feared them becoming Democrats and wrestling control of Texas from Republicans.

Fucking liar.

Seriously psycho troll, if you had the ability to feel shame, you would.

{The automation threat, Crusius continued, means the U.S. "will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs." (Crusius shared an interest in universal basic income, or UBI, and a pessimism about job retraining, with Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang.) Crusius' idea was that fewer "invaders" meant more resources for government programs. "Achieving ambitious social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed," he wrote.}

You KNOW you're going to be exposed as the fucking liar that you are, but you don't care. You think that you might be able to get away with deceiving a small number of people, so you post your absurd lies.

He wrote that he wanted to kill as many Hispanics as possible, he claimed they were culturally replacing native-born Americans and taking away job opportunities.

That is the basis of his act.

Yes he did, and he explained WHY, because they would impact the environment.

You must have skipped over the multiple references to cultural preservation here and in Europe, and how immigrants must be stopped.

Nope, I saw that and that it fit in with the rest of his lunacy. You demagogues are so intent on slandering the president that you ignore anything that doesn't feed into your mindless hate. You don't care about the facts, you just want to justify your hate.
the shooter in El Paso was an environmental extremist who hated immigrants for the environmental damage migration created.....he also stated Trump had nothing to do with his views or actions, having held them when Trump was best friends with Oprah, the rappers, David Letterman, NBC television, Saturday Night Live, Jesse Jackson, Rosa Parks, Al Sharpton.....
And he is also a rightwingnut who wants to kill Texas Democrats and potential Texas Democrats in order to keep Texas Republican.; and he's a trump supporter....

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

His violent attack was due to his environmental extremism.........12 years of left wing indoctrination on the environment.... He wasn't a Trump supporter as he made clear.......
He made no such thing clear. All he said was he held these views before trump. That's not saying he didn't support trump. Meanwhile, his twitter account showed several times where he expressed support for trump. Your lying exposes the gaping head wound of your position.

And again, he clearly expressed his interest in killing immigrants was to cull the group because he feared them becoming Democrats and wrestling control of Texas from Republicans.

Fucking liar.

Seriously psycho troll, if you had the ability to feel shame, you would.

{The automation threat, Crusius continued, means the U.S. "will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs." (Crusius shared an interest in universal basic income, or UBI, and a pessimism about job retraining, with Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang.) Crusius' idea was that fewer "invaders" meant more resources for government programs. "Achieving ambitious social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed," he wrote.}

You KNOW you're going to be exposed as the fucking liar that you are, but you don't care. You think that you might be able to get away with deceiving a small number of people, so you post your absurd lies.
Poor, insane poster ...

"The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election." ~ Patrick Crusius

Yes psycho troll, I posted that to you at the beginning of the thread. The hate site feeding your psychosis failed to include the very next sentence

{Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Pro-corporation = pro-immigration. }

No one expects honesty, or sanity from you - you are pathological after all - but since I posted the entire quote earlier, you are quite bold with your fucking lies - if not for you being a sociopath lacking the development of a conscience or ethical core, you would be embarrassed.
Lying again, psycho troll?

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."}

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?

No one takes you seriously. Just like shitflinger, you are a troll with no connection to reality.

The Trump supporter liked lots of Trump's tweets and doesn't want people to blame Trump for his actions.

But he's still a Trump supporter.

The Bernie Bro named his Manifesto after Al Gore's book, but doesn't want people to blame Gore - actually he want's to spark you leftists to do the same as him in hopes of reducing the population.

But he's still a Bernie Bro

Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection? Because he clearly supports Trump.

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

Ohh, radical left Soros hate site How authoritative...

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."]
Why is it that just because a psychopath lays claim to a named "political power holder, " and for what ever reason theirs or in this case his twisted mind conjures up such a thing, and then doing so ?? Does the left jump to the opportunity to attack their political opponents out of crisis ????? The guy is seriously ill as evidenced all due to some kind of weird idolization of Trump, (who obviously and absolutely knows no one like this insane individual)...

So why is it that these situations present some kind of weird opportunity for an opposition party, otherwise in this case the (Democrats for example), to exploit for pure political purposes (i.e. lowering themselves to the ideals of the shooter), as is seen in the situation ???

Think about it (the shooter is doing the same thing in the case, except in a far more sinister way, and in a far more deadly way)....

The shooter is doing this in order to somehow destroy America and/or to destroy American innocent citizens in the process, so do you think this is something unusual in this country now ??

This is the real tragedy going on in this country now, and it needs to stop. It's time to dig deep in order to reach the core of this created problem in America folks. Dig deep folks because the answers are there along with the solutions.

Where there is a will, there is a way folks. Time to stop lowering ourselves to the tactics of the shooters in this country, so when piling on against each other afterwards, then that is exactly what is happening.

We have enough crazy people here. We don't need the leader of the country riling them up.
Oh you mean the leader that's been trying to defuse the situation America had gotten itself into since day one ?? That leader ??? You mean Donald Trump ??? Yes you do.

Go Trump... MAGA.


Cesar Sayoc, Who Mailed Pipe Bombs to Trump Critics, Is Sentenced to 20 Years

Police: El Paso shooting suspect said he targeted Mexicans

Black Protester Is Sucker-Punched by White Donald Trump Supporter at Rally

If he has been trying to defuse these situations, then he's doing a really shitty job of it.

Setting the man up has been the evilness of the left since day one. The only way you will understand anything is to get out of the fog, and begin to assess the situation better, and quit being led by those with a political and cultural agenda.

Job's insurance prices, taxes, the border, freedom, soverignty, history, and all things that lead individuals to their independence is what matters, and not these political agenda's that fuel hate, stupidity, race baiting, theft, social engineering for these groups wanting to drag everyone else into the fire with them.

Reporting what he says isn't setting him up.

Goes much deeper than that, so don't even try it.
Lying again, psycho troll?

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."}

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?

No one takes you seriously. Just like shitflinger, you are a troll with no connection to reality.

The Trump supporter liked lots of Trump's tweets and doesn't want people to blame Trump for his actions.

But he's still a Trump supporter.

The Bernie Bro named his Manifesto after Al Gore's book, but doesn't want people to blame Gore - actually he want's to spark you leftists to do the same as him in hopes of reducing the population.

But he's still a Bernie Bro

Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection? Because he clearly supports Trump.

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

Ohh, radical left Soros hate site How authoritative...

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."]

You didn't answer the question. Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection?
We have enough crazy people here. We don't need the leader of the country riling them up.
Oh you mean the leader that's been trying to defuse the situation America had gotten itself into since day one ?? That leader ??? You mean Donald Trump ??? Yes you do.

Go Trump... MAGA.


Cesar Sayoc, Who Mailed Pipe Bombs to Trump Critics, Is Sentenced to 20 Years

Police: El Paso shooting suspect said he targeted Mexicans

Black Protester Is Sucker-Punched by White Donald Trump Supporter at Rally

If he has been trying to defuse these situations, then he's doing a really shitty job of it.

Setting the man up has been the evilness of the left since day one. The only way you will understand anything is to get out of the fog, and begin to assess the situation better, and quit being led by those with a political and cultural agenda.

Job's insurance prices, taxes, the border, freedom, soverignty, history, and all things that lead individuals to their independence is what matters, and not these political agenda's that fuel hate, stupidity, race baiting, theft, social engineering for these groups wanting to drag everyone else into the fire with them.

Reporting what he says isn't setting him up.

Goes much deeper than that, so don't even try it.

Sorry, but he's doing a terrible job of defusing these situations. Blaming other people for reporting what he says is a terrible argument. And I think you know that.
Oh you mean the leader that's been trying to defuse the situation America had gotten itself into since day one ?? That leader ??? You mean Donald Trump ??? Yes you do.

Go Trump... MAGA.


Cesar Sayoc, Who Mailed Pipe Bombs to Trump Critics, Is Sentenced to 20 Years

Police: El Paso shooting suspect said he targeted Mexicans

Black Protester Is Sucker-Punched by White Donald Trump Supporter at Rally

If he has been trying to defuse these situations, then he's doing a really shitty job of it.

Setting the man up has been the evilness of the left since day one. The only way you will understand anything is to get out of the fog, and begin to assess the situation better, and quit being led by those with a political and cultural agenda.

Job's insurance prices, taxes, the border, freedom, soverignty, history, and all things that lead individuals to their independence is what matters, and not these political agenda's that fuel hate, stupidity, race baiting, theft, social engineering for these groups wanting to drag everyone else into the fire with them.

Reporting what he says isn't setting him up.

Goes much deeper than that, so don't even try it.

Sorry, but he's doing a terrible job of defusing these situations. Blaming other people for reporting what he says is a terrible argument. And I think you know that.

Deflection noted.

Setting the man up has been the evilness of the left since day one. The only way you will understand anything is to get out of the fog, and begin to assess the situation better, and quit being led by those with a political and cultural agenda.

Job's insurance prices, taxes, the border, freedom, soverignty, history, and all things that lead individuals to their independence is what matters, and not these political agenda's that fuel hate, stupidity, race baiting, theft, social engineering for these groups wanting to drag everyone else into the fire with them.

Reporting what he says isn't setting him up.

Goes much deeper than that, so don't even try it.

Sorry, but he's doing a terrible job of defusing these situations. Blaming other people for reporting what he says is a terrible argument. And I think you know that.

Deflection noted.

I agree, but not for the same reason.

You were saying that he has been trying to defuse the violence. I responded with several sources showing that he's doing a terrible job of defusing the violence. Then you tried to go off on a tangent about how the left is being mean to him.

Nice try though.
Lying again, psycho troll?

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."}

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?

No one takes you seriously. Just like shitflinger, you are a troll with no connection to reality.

The Trump supporter liked lots of Trump's tweets and doesn't want people to blame Trump for his actions.

But he's still a Trump supporter.

The Bernie Bro named his Manifesto after Al Gore's book, but doesn't want people to blame Gore - actually he want's to spark you leftists to do the same as him in hopes of reducing the population.

But he's still a Bernie Bro

Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection? Because he clearly supports Trump.

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

Ohh, radical left Soros hate site How authoritative...

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."]

You didn't answer the question. Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection?

Guaranteed income, free healthcare.. sounds pretty Bernie to me...

No doubt you want to forget about the Dayton guy too....
The Trump supporter liked lots of Trump's tweets and doesn't want people to blame Trump for his actions.

But he's still a Trump supporter.

The Bernie Bro named his Manifesto after Al Gore's book, but doesn't want people to blame Gore - actually he want's to spark you leftists to do the same as him in hopes of reducing the population.

But he's still a Bernie Bro

Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection? Because he clearly supports Trump.

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

Ohh, radical left Soros hate site How authoritative...

{"My ideology has not changed for several years," Crusius wrote. "My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump's rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that."]

You didn't answer the question. Where exactly are you getting the Bernie Sanders connection?

Guaranteed income, free healthcare.. sounds pretty Bernie to me...

No doubt you want to forget about the Dayton guy too....

That's quite the stretch there. From his manifesto:

"This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas."

"Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America will soon become a one party-state. The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election."

1) He doesn't want the Hispanics taking over Texas.
2) He directly ties Democrat victories to Hispanics taking over Texas.

And you think he's a Democrat?

Crusius also likes several Trump posts on his social media. You're seeing what you want to see, this guy was a Trump supporter. Crusius has nothing to do with Betts.
He wasn't a Trump supporter as he made clear.......


Comrade, are you claiming that the John Doe who posted that picture is Crusius?

No, look at the top.

Crusius liked that post by John Doe along with several other posts by Trump.

Do you not know how Twitter works, or are you just lying?

What part did you not understand? Those are the things he liked. You can access "likes" on Twitter.
And he is also a rightwingnut who wants to kill Texas Democrats and potential Texas Democrats in order to keep Texas Republican.; and he's a trump supporter....

Patrick Crusius: Suspect’s Twitter Page Shows Trump Support |

His violent attack was due to his environmental extremism.........12 years of left wing indoctrination on the environment.... He wasn't a Trump supporter as he made clear.......
He made no such thing clear. All he said was he held these views before trump. That's not saying he didn't support trump. Meanwhile, his twitter account showed several times where he expressed support for trump. Your lying exposes the gaping head wound of your position.

And again, he clearly expressed his interest in killing immigrants was to cull the group because he feared them becoming Democrats and wrestling control of Texas from Republicans.

Fucking liar.

Seriously psycho troll, if you had the ability to feel shame, you would.

{The automation threat, Crusius continued, means the U.S. "will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs." (Crusius shared an interest in universal basic income, or UBI, and a pessimism about job retraining, with Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang.) Crusius' idea was that fewer "invaders" meant more resources for government programs. "Achieving ambitious social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed," he wrote.}

You KNOW you're going to be exposed as the fucking liar that you are, but you don't care. You think that you might be able to get away with deceiving a small number of people, so you post your absurd lies.
Poor, insane poster ...

"The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election." ~ Patrick Crusius

Yes psycho troll, I posted that to you at the beginning of the thread. The hate site feeding your psychosis failed to include the very next sentence

{Although the Republican Party is also terrible. Many factions within the Republican Party are pro-corporation. Pro-corporation = pro-immigration. }

No one expects honesty, or sanity from you - you are pathological after all - but since I posted the entire quote earlier, you are quite bold with your fucking lies - if not for you being a sociopath lacking the development of a conscience or ethical core, you would be embarrassed.
Insane poster, that doesn't alter the reality, from which you're utterly divorced, that he adamantly indicated he wants Texas to remain in Republicans' control.
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