Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.

Then where will all the left wingers go to post if they are kicked off here?

It's not a joke. They are now reporting on broadcast news that this guys hate filled racist manifesto is most likely real. What, 18 or so people lost their life for right wing ideology and you're going to pretend it's something else? What a coward you are. Go hide behind your long posts of pseudo biased stats, you won't feel threatened with reality there.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
Wow, says a person who is making judgements towards Trump supporters as being white supremacists... Good grief. Yeah mods take notes please.
Interesting how that seems to keep coming true, isn't it?
If violent video games are at play in this, then the nation must turn all eyes upon that area, and do something about that situation big time.
Anti-gunners are already on the job......


Likely no citizens were armed at the time of the they had to wait for police to arrive....

We will see what information comes out....

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Pure cancer is what you are
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
People are crazy since Maxine Waters, D. California, started this getting even with people by getting in their faces.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.

Then where will all the left wingers go to post if they are kicked off here?

It's not a joke. They are now reporting on broadcast news that this guys hate filled racist manifesto is most likely real. What, 18 or so people lost their life for right wing ideology and you're going to pretend it's something else? What a coward you are. Go hide behind your long posts of pseudo biased stats, you won't feel threatened with reality there.

And the Bernie Sanders supporting democrat who attacked the Republican Baseball team? The Black lives matter sympathizer who murdered 6 police officers in the Dallas mass shooting?
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
Wow, says a person who is making judgements towards Trump supporters as being white supremacists... Good grief. Yeah mods take notes please.

The shooter was both a white supremacist and Trump supporter and sounds a lot like some posters here. That's just the way it is.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.
Wow, says a person who is making judgements towards Trump supporters as being white supremacists... Good grief. Yeah mods take notes please.
Interesting how that seems to keep coming true, isn't it?
You too ? Yeah funny how your partisan bullcrap is showing big time.
Anti-gunners are already on the job......


Likely no citizens were armed at the time of the they had to wait for police to arrive....

We will see what information comes out....

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Pure cancer is what you are

The truth scalds you like the cross burns a vampire...........
Good to see he had shooting glasses and hearing protection...
The NRA approves.

The NRA likely trained the majority of those police officers responding to the attack, you dipshit.
Oh? I thought the police department does the NRA blood cult has infiltrated police departments now?

The NRA trains law enforcement all over the country......huge numbers of the police are not only NRA members but are NRA trained firearms instrutctors.......
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.

Then where will all the left wingers go to post if they are kicked off here?

It's not a joke. They are now reporting on broadcast news that this guys hate filled racist manifesto is most likely real. What, 18 or so people lost their life for right wing ideology and you're going to pretend it's something else? What a coward you are. Go hide behind your long posts of pseudo biased stats, you won't feel threatened with reality there.

And the Bernie Sanders supporting democrat who attacked the Republican Baseball team? The Black lives matter sympathizer who murdered 6 police officers in the Dallas mass shooting?

Sanders and his supporters on this board never threatenend to kill. So, take it elsewhere.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.

Then where will all the left wingers go to post if they are kicked off here?

It's not a joke. They are now reporting on broadcast news that this guys hate filled racist manifesto is most likely real. What, 18 or so people lost their life for right wing ideology and you're going to pretend it's something else? What a coward you are. Go hide behind your long posts of pseudo biased stats, you won't feel threatened with reality there.
You are talking to a box of hammers. Doesn’t matter how many are slaughtered in cold blood, these imbeciles will never see an alternative viewpoint other than their own. So sick
Mother fucker....


A law enforcement official in El Paso said the Walmart shooter is
in custody. Patrick Crusius of Dallas. Just turned 21 years old this week
View attachment 272607
Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.

I don't think his motives are absolutely confirmed yet but it does appear that he is a white supremacist Trump supporter.

El Paso Shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

A little off topic but cautionary for USMB mods. You have a lot of extremist hate on this site. We've all seen it. Members of this board have been threatened as well as certain demographic groups with violence. I ask that you please take it seriously and that those who are promoting violence online, stop.

Then where will all the left wingers go to post if they are kicked off here?

It's not a joke. They are now reporting on broadcast news that this guys hate filled racist manifesto is most likely real. What, 18 or so people lost their life for right wing ideology and you're going to pretend it's something else? What a coward you are. Go hide behind your long posts of pseudo biased stats, you won't feel threatened with reality there.

And the Bernie Sanders supporting democrat who attacked the Republican Baseball team? The Black lives matter sympathizer who murdered 6 police officers in the Dallas mass shooting?

Sanders and his supporters on this board never threatenend to kill. So, take it elsewhere.

Well....considering that the Bernie Bro tried to kill Republicans at baseball practice........I think he took it elsewhere....
If violent video games are at play in this, then the nation must turn all eyes upon that area, and do something about that situation big time.

But ignore that whole Trump/white supremacy link? Sure, glad you're keeping it real.
The problem is, yes, in this case everything you say. But what about the next...and the next?

I don’t oppose the death penalty out of any supposed sanctity for human life but because it’s application is inherently unjust and erratic, and innocent people do get killed. I agree there are those that absolutely deserve it. I would support life without parole as long as it was exactly that.

I am VERY cautious about the death penalty but they nabbed this guy on the scene and have videotape of him. So here again is what I'm saying: make an example of him as preventative if you are also going to grab guns. You can't think about the next right now; you must take every case as it comes.
You have a valid point, except that each case creates precedent. And we aren’t talking about gun grabbing are we? We are talking about resrptricting very specific types of guns, just as machine guns were restricted.

Interestingly, any gun you restrict by law could in fact violate the second amendment. I'm not happy about it, you aren't happy about it. It's the law.
Interestingly, the term gun is not in the 2nd Amendment.
Interestingly, that is an asinine and half hearted argument.

Do better.

The word "arms" in that amendment implies "weapon" and by "weapon" we can construe that to mean any type of gun, knife, sword, club or other implement that can be reasonably used in self defense by one individual or group of individuals.

Moreover, while stated clearly, the word Militia does not restrict arms to the militia, given the clause "the right of the people".
Doesn't change the FACT that the word "gun" isn't in the 2nd Amendment.
View attachment 272607
Patrick Crusius

Another pissed off white guy who hasn’t gotten his share of the MAGA.
So you are saying he's a leftist that feels Trump's policies haven't reached his level yet ???? I tell ya what, when we finally understand the impact of these violent video games, and what they do to these characters who get their ace up and out from in front of their war simulator's, uh I mean their violent video games that they are then turning into live VR by making the Walmart and mall their virtual game boards, and then making the people their points when score, then we might begin to realize what is going on. We know now, but turn a blind eye to it.

Let's not forget, this one and the one last week have lived their entire lives with the fact that murdering babies before they are born is not only allowed but heavily supported and protected.

So if you can kill and unborn baby, killing an adult is no big deal.

The devaluation of human life is a cornerstone for this behavior.
If violent video games are at play in this, then the nation must turn all eyes upon that area, and do something about that situation big time.

But ignore that whole Trump/white supremacy link? Sure, glad you're keeping it real.

Trump isn't a white supremacist no matter how many times you lie about it.....but obama is a racist, and his buddies, louis farakhan, jeremiah wright, and al sharpton are definitely racists...
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