Breaking: Dallas Police Dept under attack by gunman in armored vehicle, several bombs; Ongoing

Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
And completely not justified. Everyone is lucky to live here.
So liberals.....

Possibly 4 gunmen in a heavily armored vehicle with gun ports. Bombs placed throughout the area. Full attack on police.

How would your Andy Griffith demilitarized policIing method handle this??? Just wait it out? Call the Texas National Guard...and wait 24-48 hours for them ? (God Bless em...but they are part time and must be called from their homes). Or call the Army?

Meanwhile....Dallas SWAT in their own armored vehicle shot the terrorists vehicle with a big evil scary .50 cal and stopped it. Oh...thats the ammunition that Obama just banned DOD from sending cops. He and Bill Ayers must be so disappointed that Dallas had their own.

**** off, Barney.
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Im sure somehow...someway....Dallas cops will be smeared by lefties.

By the way....the lead terrorist here is white. The Dallas police black. Shouldnt matter...but of course it does.

Oh but it is a big teabaggers. One incident in Dallas doesn't justify an all out military style police force. The only other place to witness the glee that you are exuding talking about this might be from a 5 year old on Christmas morning.

This is FAR from the first time heavy weaponry has been used against cops. AK47s and other rifles are common. Armored vehicles like this incident. An actual tank...a real tank with turret and big ass artillery California. Bombs. Sniper rifles. All used against cops in the past. Gang members enlisting in the military to learn skills then come back to teach their gang.

Problem is...these incidents locations cant be predicted. So every police department wants to be prepared for it...even if its unlikely to happen. Same reason your home has smoke alarms. Fire unlikely. But could happen.

Today in Dallas....could've been any city in America. Should other cops not prepare for this scenario....or just stick their head in the sand?
So liberals.....

Possibly 4 gunmen in a heavily armored vehicle with gun ports. Bombs placed throughout the area. Full attack on police.

How would your Andy Griffith demilitarized policIing method handle this??? Just wait it out? Call the Texas National Guard...and wait 24-48 hours for them ? (God Bless em...but they are part time and must be called from their homes). Or call the Army?

Meanwhile....Dallas SWAT in their own armored vehicle shot the terrorists vehicle with a big evil scary .50 cal and stopped it. Oh...thats the ammunition that Obama just banned DOD from sending cops. He and Bill Ayers must be so disappointed that Dallas had their own.

Fuck off, Barney.

Wow. Thats an insightful response to the question. And proof of why liberals should NEVER be in charge of a police department. Ever.
What is it with the cops, one minute they are are like busting heads of unarmed citizens and the next minute whining and running from someone with equal fire power, they would never make very good soldiers...
They have struck the suspect in the parking lot in Hutchins and believe he is deceased. They are sending in bomb squads, as he claimed the vehicle was rigged. They are also investigating a call into wfaa regarding a bomb as well. Bomb squads are also investigating his last known residence in Mesquite.
Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
Most of these folks have personal demons that drive them to these acts. They may offer some left or right wing justification, but that has little to do with their acts.
Just turned on Fox to watch...Some live thing instead. Top of the hour, figured they'd cover it, but no, some ISIS bullshit.

CNN and MSNBC for the win.
Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
What would these "on the edge" types have done during the Depression when they couldn`t pick up an assault rifle and go on a shooting spree? Better that they shoot themselves if they`re so miserable.
Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
What would these "on the edge" types have done during the Depression when they couldn`t pick up an assault rifle and go on a shooting spree? Better that they shoot themselves if they`re so miserable.

Moron...they had even more access to guns in the depression........and they were less violent....except, again...for inner city gangs and bootleggers....
Im sure somehow...someway....Dallas cops will be smeared by lefties.

By the way....the lead terrorist here is white. The Dallas police black. Shouldnt matter...but of course it does.

Oh but it is a big teabaggers. One incident in Dallas doesn't justify an all out military style police force. The only other place to witness the glee that you are exuding talking about this might be from a 5 year old on Christmas morning.

This is FAR from the first time heavy weaponry has been used against cops. AK47s and other rifles are common.

An AK47 is not "heavy weaponry!" It's a rifle...not a howitzer, not a flamethrower, not a Gatling is a rifle. It's less powerful than a common deer rifle. (Hell, I have fired a PISTOL that puts more steam on a shot than a 7.62x39.)
Liberal wet dreams are being fulfilled.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
What would these "on the edge" types have done during the Depression when they couldn`t pick up an assault rifle and go on a shooting spree? Better that they shoot themselves if they`re so miserable.

Moron...they had even more access to guns in the depression........and they were less violent....except, again...for inner city gangs and bootleggers....

You're correct. Back then...the mobs commonly out gunned cops with the fully automatic .45 cal Tommy Gun. It was one of many reason the cops didnt engage the mob. Revolver vs Tommy Guns.
Im sure somehow...someway....Dallas cops will be smeared by lefties.

By the way....the lead terrorist here is white. The Dallas police black. Shouldnt matter...but of course it does.

Oh but it is a big teabaggers. One incident in Dallas doesn't justify an all out military style police force. The only other place to witness the glee that you are exuding talking about this might be from a 5 year old on Christmas morning.

This is FAR from the first time heavy weaponry has been used against cops. AK47s and other rifles are common.

An AK47 is not "heavy weaponry!" It's a rifle...not a howitzer, not a flamethrower, not a Gatling is a rifle. It's less powerful than a common deer rifle. (Hell, I have fired a PISTOL that puts more steam on a shot than a 7.62x39.)

On an American AK47 is heavy weaponry. In

As for the deer rather face 3 men with deer rifles than 3 with AKs. Both are a deadly bullet. But the AKs have 30-60 round mags with rapid fire. Deer rifles...dont. That would be like a Revolutionary War unit facing off vs a modern M16 toting unit. Its not close at all.

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