Breaking: Dallas Police Dept under attack by gunman in armored vehicle, several bombs; Ongoing

It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
What would these "on the edge" types have done during the Depression when they couldn`t pick up an assault rifle and go on a shooting spree? Better that they shoot themselves if they`re so miserable.

Moron...they had even more access to guns in the depression........and they were less violent....except, again...for inner city gangs and bootleggers....
You just post any nonsense that pops into your head. More access to guns? .22 caliber and shotguns but nothing remotely close to the firepower available today.

Winchester 1892, 1895, 1898, Springfield M1903, Colt M1911....
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?
Despite a 55mph speed limit a friend of mine got a ticket for going 65. We should get rid of speed limit signs? Get this straight, think a bit before posting silly talking points from the gun & criminal lobby.

Thompson tommy machine gun

Are you serious?? Machine guns and short barrel shotguns
were available to anyone before 1934, along with all other multiple type guns after that.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
What would these "on the edge" types have done during the Depression when they couldn`t pick up an assault rifle and go on a shooting spree? Better that they shoot themselves if they`re so miserable.

Moron...they had even more access to guns in the depression........and they were less violent....except, again...for inner city gangs and bootleggers....
You just post any nonsense that pops into your head. More access to guns? .22 caliber and shotguns but nothing remotely close to the firepower available today.
Silly?? Silly are the talking points put out by the anti gun crowd that gun laws could have prevented someone from attaining illegal weapons. Now that is just plain silly.
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?
Despite a 55mph speed limit a friend of mine got a ticket for going 65. We should get rid of speed limit signs? Get this straight, think a bit before posting silly talking points from the gun & criminal lobby.
Shots fired from armored van at Dallas police headquarters Dallas Morning News

A man with firearms has launched an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters. He is in an armored vehicle. Several packages with confirmes pipe bombs have been located in the area. He has reportedly been wounded somehow....but news says hes still in the armored vehicle and police are trying to negotiate him.

Wow. Gunman with weapons and an armored vehicle. Bombs in area. Wonder why SWAT teams would ever want an MRAP!!!!???

FOLKS....we dont live in Mayberry.

Another conservative lie is shot down! (pun intended)

The conservatives say that the answer to a bad guy with a gun is for good guys to have guns. This shows that conservative statement for the lie it is.

This is Texas and everyone has a gun. It looks like a good guy with a gun isn't the answer.
Really? The good guys incapacitated him with a gun.
Shots fired from armored van at Dallas police headquarters Dallas Morning News

A man with firearms has launched an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters. He is in an armored vehicle. Several packages with confirmes pipe bombs have been located in the area. He has reportedly been wounded somehow....but news says hes still in the armored vehicle and police are trying to negotiate him.

Wow. Gunman with weapons and an armored vehicle. Bombs in area. Wonder why SWAT teams would ever want an MRAP!!!!???

FOLKS....we dont live in Mayberry.

Another conservative lie is shot down! (pun intended)

The conservatives say that the answer to a bad guy with a gun is for good guys to have guns. This shows that conservative statement for the lie it is.

This is Texas and everyone has a gun. It looks like a good guy with a gun isn't the answer.
If vapid bitches had just given this guy his son back this would never have happened
The son would have been dead by now. That's what the nut cases do. They kill the children to get back at the mother. That's why they lose custody and sometimes visitation too.
Shots fired from armored van at Dallas police headquarters Dallas Morning News

A man with firearms has launched an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters. He is in an armored vehicle. Several packages with confirmes pipe bombs have been located in the area. He has reportedly been wounded somehow....but news says hes still in the armored vehicle and police are trying to negotiate him.

Wow. Gunman with weapons and an armored vehicle. Bombs in area. Wonder why SWAT teams would ever want an MRAP!!!!???

FOLKS....we dont live in Mayberry.

Another conservative lie is shot down! (pun intended)

The conservatives say that the answer to a bad guy with a gun is for good guys to have guns. This shows that conservative statement for the lie it is.

This is Texas and everyone has a gun. It looks like a good guy with a gun isn't the answer.
Yea it is, he was killed and inflicted no casualties.
Actually, neither parent had custody, as both were found to be unfit. And this gives a idea why for him-
He was a general lunatic and perceived that he had some sort of societal permission to attack the police.
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?

They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one.
It has absolutely nothing to do with Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, or any other label that you might think of. It has everything to do with people being frustrated, on edge, and ready to strike out at any authority.
I don`t know any of these people you describe. Why are they on edge?
The economy
Illegal immigration
Out-of-hand Law enforcement
Government corruption
Dependency on government assistance programs
The environment
Foreign trade
Foreign policy
Uncertainty about the future
Troubled pension funds
Cities going bankrupt
Less home ownership
The cost of living
The cost of health care
The cost of higher education
The cost of food, utilities, and rent
What would these "on the edge" types have done during the Depression when they couldn`t pick up an assault rifle and go on a shooting spree? Better that they shoot themselves if they`re so miserable.

Moron...they had even more access to guns in the depression........and they were less violent....except, again...for inner city gangs and bootleggers....

You're correct. Back then...the mobs commonly out gunned cops with the fully automatic .45 cal Tommy Gun. It was one of many reason the cops didnt engage the mob. Revolver vs Tommy Guns.

They didn't engage the mob because they were on the pay roll.....
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?

They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?

They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....

The norm? You exaggerate greatly. They have very little gun crime at all. And we have very little crime with automatic weapons thanks to our laws.
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?
Despite a 55mph speed limit a friend of mine got a ticket for going 65. We should get rid of speed limit signs? Get this straight, think a bit before posting silly talking points from the gun & criminal lobby.

Moron.....what is it with you gun grabbers...we already have laws that say you can't shoot people with guns and felons can't own or carry guns.....that means, moron, if they are caught doing those things you lock them up...just like with speeding...we don't make people prove they won't speed....we catch them when they speed....that is how fucking laws work.....when people break them you catch them and lock them up....and we already have those laws...

Background checks do nothing to stop criminals from getting guns......

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