Breaking: Dallas Police Dept under attack by gunman in armored vehicle, several bombs; Ongoing

Shots fired from armored van at Dallas police headquarters Dallas Morning News

A man with firearms has launched an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters. He is in an armored vehicle. Several packages with confirmes pipe bombs have been located in the area. He has reportedly been wounded somehow....but news says hes still in the armored vehicle and police are trying to negotiate him.

Wow. Gunman with weapons and an armored vehicle. Bombs in area. Wonder why SWAT teams would ever want an MRAP!!!!???

FOLKS....we dont live in Mayberry.

Another conservative lie is shot down! (pun intended)

The conservatives say that the answer to a bad guy with a gun is for good guys to have guns. This shows that conservative statement for the lie it is.

This is Texas and everyone has a gun. It looks like a good guy with a gun isn't the answer.

Are you this fucking stupid.......this guy was stopped by good guys with guns...called cops.......he attacked them....and showed why you don't attack people who can shoot back.....use your brain once in a while.....if you attack people with guns they will shoot back...this time the police were right there and did the shooting......and killed the gun you ever engage your brains......?
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?

They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....

The norm? You exaggerate greatly. They have very little gun crime at all. And we have very little crime with automatic weapons thanks to our laws.

When European criminals decide to use guns it is apparently the norm that they use fully automatic we saw in France at the cartoon shooting, the shooting in know where there is so much gang fighting they want to put in the military.....and the shooting in Belgium and Denmark and Sweden......the countries with stricter gun control than we have is for criminals to use fully automatic rifles...

What gun did the shooter in Norway use?
All I want to know is who the perpetrator was and WHY this twit committed this act of stupidity in the first place.
More info....

Witnesses report that possibly 4 suspects involved in the attack.

Vehicle the attackers used is a publicly sold armored vehicle described as a "zombie apocalypse and troop transport" vehicle.

The armored vehicle has gun ports and was ramming and shooting at cops (video below).

Dallas PD eventually used a .50 CALIBER rifle to disable the van (Hey libs....remember when you bitched about cops having military weapons!!? Obama just banned .50 cal surplus from police departments. A .50 just stopped this terror attack.)
There were just as many right wingers complaining about police with military surplus weapons.
And I was and still am one of them. This isn't a right left issue, it's an issue of the police militarizing itself against the people. This is Dallas we're talking about. There were plenty of federal assets if needed....even the National Guard. To pretend that if Dallas PD didn't have a .50 cal, nobody could stop this vehicle is ridiculous.
His parents said that he was delusional, and clearly suffering from a mental disorder, but that did not stop him from owning a large assortment of heavy weapons. In fact, the father said that "You can't judge a man's life on just one action"
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?

They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....

The norm? You exaggerate greatly. They have very little gun crime at all. And we have very little crime with automatic weapons thanks to our laws.

When European criminals decide to use guns it is apparently the norm that they use fully automatic we saw in France at the cartoon shooting, the shooting in know where there is so much gang fighting they want to put in the military.....and the shooting in Belgium and Denmark and Sweden......the countries with stricter gun control than we have is for criminals to use fully automatic rifles...

What gun did the shooter in Norway use?

You are basing that on practically nothing. Show some statistics if you want to make that claim.
All I want to know is who the perpetrator was and WHY this twit committed this act of stupidity in the first place.
I'm just glad he's dead and the cops he tried to kill are not.
And the fact blacks murder each other in outrageous numbers, targeting cops is a weak and pathetic deception. Focus on the REAL problem. Poor black's lack of self esteem and self hatred and need for violence. Let's do that FIRST.
So, let me get this straight, a mad man attacked a police station with an illegal automatic weapon and illegal explosives. Did the most stringent background checks, and outright bans keep automatic weapons and explosives out of this criminals hands? Explain?

They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....

The norm? You exaggerate greatly. They have very little gun crime at all. And we have very little crime with automatic weapons thanks to our laws.

When European criminals decide to use guns it is apparently the norm that they use fully automatic we saw in France at the cartoon shooting, the shooting in know where there is so much gang fighting they want to put in the military.....and the shooting in Belgium and Denmark and Sweden......the countries with stricter gun control than we have is for criminals to use fully automatic rifles...

What gun did the shooter in Norway use?

You are basing that on practically nothing. Show some statistics if you want to make that claim.

The Copenhagen shooter.....used an M49 automatic rifle.....easily acquired....

Copenhagen shootings Weapon used in the caf attack identified - Telegraph

“When you raid gang hang-outs you find that there is a large illegal market where it is easy to get weapons. And we know that after the war in Yugoslavia a lot of weapons were smuggled into the country, so it was easy to get weapons from there,” Mr Bonnichsen added.

So France...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

Belgium...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

Denmark...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

And they all have strict gun control...more than we do....and they get the fully automatic versions....with grenades and rocket propelled grenades......
Sweden cafe shooting.....

Sweden shooting puts focus on life in ghettoes without hope World news The Guardian

The killings broke a nine-month period of relative calm in Gothenburg. After a double murder in early 2013, police poured resources into Biskopsgården, the deprived borough where Wednesday’s killings took place, which has high levels of recent immigration and overcrowding. Entitled operation Safe Gothenburg, the police targeted nine gangs across the city involved in turf wars over drugs, weapons and contraband.


They confiscated 200 firearms, including 50 machine-guns, and 30kg of plastic explosives. After 57 shooting incidents and eight fatalities in 2013, there were four deaths last year, while arrests led to the jailing of key gang leaders. The trend seemed to be clear.

In December, a dozen members of the Bergsjö gang were jailed and only last month, the leader of Bulls motorcycle gang started a 10-year sentence for violence. He had an earlier conviction for “crucifying” a man by strapping his wrists to a plank and leaving him hanging.

So....Sweden....fully automatic rifles easily acquired......

And the common element....immigrants........who have different values than the Europeans....and are more violent ....

So the Europeans are catching up.....
France Marseilles shooting...and these gang wars in Marseilles are getting some French to want the military put in there....

France shooting Two gunmen with Kalashnikovs fire on Marseille police

The Cité de la Castellane neighbourhood of the southern port city was under lockdown after local residents reported witnessing two men in balaclavas and bulletproof vests firing Kalashnikovs.

According to Le Figaro, the shooting was not terrorism-related but part of a turf war between two local drug gangs.

Police came under fire as they responded to a first shooting incident involving two groups of five to 10 mobsters, the newspaper reported.

Bourniquel and a police captain were said to be inside the vehicle that was then shot at.

France...the second incident in a week where automatic rifles...with 30 round magazines...were easily acquired in extreme gun controlled France......
Shots fired from armored van at Dallas police headquarters Dallas Morning News

A man with firearms has launched an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters. He is in an armored vehicle. Several packages with confirmes pipe bombs have been located in the area. He has reportedly been wounded somehow....but news says hes still in the armored vehicle and police are trying to negotiate him.

Wow. Gunman with weapons and an armored vehicle. Bombs in area. Wonder why SWAT teams would ever want an MRAP!!!!???

FOLKS....we dont live in Mayberry.
White boys chimping out again. I bet somehow someone mentioned the Black on Black murder rate.
Shots fired from armored van at Dallas police headquarters Dallas Morning News

A man with firearms has launched an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters. He is in an armored vehicle. Several packages with confirmes pipe bombs have been located in the area. He has reportedly been wounded somehow....but news says hes still in the armored vehicle and police are trying to negotiate him.

Wow. Gunman with weapons and an armored vehicle. Bombs in area. Wonder why SWAT teams would ever want an MRAP!!!!???

FOLKS....we dont live in Mayberry.
White boys chimping out again. I bet somehow someone mentioned the Black on Black murder rate.

I'll do on black murder...still ignored by the long as they show up on election day.....they don't care.....
All I want to know is who the perpetrator was and WHY this twit committed this act of stupidity in the first place.
I'm just glad he's dead and the cops he tried to kill are not.
And the fact blacks murder each other in outrageous numbers, targeting cops is a weak and pathetic deception. Focus on the REAL problem. Poor black's lack of self esteem and self hatred and need for violence. Let's do that FIRST.
I knew I wouldnt have to go far to see Black people dragged into this in an attempt to deflect. :laugh:
They make this a rare event. Not often you hear of one with automatic weapons. There have been many crazies would have liked one. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....

The norm? You exaggerate greatly. They have very little gun crime at all. And we have very little crime with automatic weapons thanks to our laws.

When European criminals decide to use guns it is apparently the norm that they use fully automatic we saw in France at the cartoon shooting, the shooting in know where there is so much gang fighting they want to put in the military.....and the shooting in Belgium and Denmark and Sweden......the countries with stricter gun control than we have is for criminals to use fully automatic rifles...

What gun did the shooter in Norway use?

You are basing that on practically nothing. Show some statistics if you want to make that claim.

The Copenhagen shooter.....used an M49 automatic rifle.....easily acquired....

Copenhagen shootings Weapon used in the caf attack identified - Telegraph

“When you raid gang hang-outs you find that there is a large illegal market where it is easy to get weapons. And we know that after the war in Yugoslavia a lot of weapons were smuggled into the country, so it was easy to get weapons from there,” Mr Bonnichsen added.

So France...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

Belgium...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

Denmark...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

And they all have strict gun control...more than we do....and they get the fully automatic versions....with grenades and rocket propelled grenades......

One example doesn't make something the norm. How many shootings do they have? How many of those are with automatic weapons?
All I want to know is who the perpetrator was and WHY this twit committed this act of stupidity in the first place.
I'm just glad he's dead and the cops he tried to kill are not.
And the fact blacks murder each other in outrageous numbers, targeting cops is a weak and pathetic deception. Focus on the REAL problem. Poor black's lack of self esteem and self hatred and need for violence. Let's do that FIRST.
I knew I wouldnt have to go far to see Black people dragged into this in an attempt to deflect. :laugh:

No....just responding to your one else had done it yet and you seemed sad that no one had....I was just trying to cheer you seem to get happy when blacks killing blacks is brought up....that is sad in itself....but that is your issue....
Sweden cafe shooting.....

Sweden shooting puts focus on life in ghettoes without hope World news The Guardian

The killings broke a nine-month period of relative calm in Gothenburg. After a double murder in early 2013, police poured resources into Biskopsgården, the deprived borough where Wednesday’s killings took place, which has high levels of recent immigration and overcrowding. Entitled operation Safe Gothenburg, the police targeted nine gangs across the city involved in turf wars over drugs, weapons and contraband.


They confiscated 200 firearms, including 50 machine-guns, and 30kg of plastic explosives. After 57 shooting incidents and eight fatalities in 2013, there were four deaths last year, while arrests led to the jailing of key gang leaders. The trend seemed to be clear.

In December, a dozen members of the Bergsjö gang were jailed and only last month, the leader of Bulls motorcycle gang started a 10-year sentence for violence. He had an earlier conviction for “crucifying” a man by strapping his wrists to a plank and leaving him hanging.

So....Sweden....fully automatic rifles easily acquired......

And the common element....immigrants........who have different values than the Europeans....and are more violent ....

So the Europeans are catching up.....

So more non automatic than automatic. So not the norm. And that's one city. strict, extreme gun controlled Europe...the gun grabbers dream...fully automatic, miltiary rifles seem to be the norm for criminals and terrorists........and they are even more illegal over there.....

The norm? You exaggerate greatly. They have very little gun crime at all. And we have very little crime with automatic weapons thanks to our laws.

When European criminals decide to use guns it is apparently the norm that they use fully automatic we saw in France at the cartoon shooting, the shooting in know where there is so much gang fighting they want to put in the military.....and the shooting in Belgium and Denmark and Sweden......the countries with stricter gun control than we have is for criminals to use fully automatic rifles...

What gun did the shooter in Norway use?

You are basing that on practically nothing. Show some statistics if you want to make that claim.

The Copenhagen shooter.....used an M49 automatic rifle.....easily acquired....

Copenhagen shootings Weapon used in the caf attack identified - Telegraph

“When you raid gang hang-outs you find that there is a large illegal market where it is easy to get weapons. And we know that after the war in Yugoslavia a lot of weapons were smuggled into the country, so it was easy to get weapons from there,” Mr Bonnichsen added.

So France...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

Belgium...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

Denmark...easy to get fully automatic rifles....

And they all have strict gun control...more than we do....and they get the fully automatic versions....with grenades and rocket propelled grenades......

One example doesn't make something the norm. How many shootings do they have? How many of those are with automatic weapons?

Brain.....I have named the shootings in these very extreme gun controlled country and they all had illegal, fully automatic rifles and it seems they were easily acquired by the criminals, gangs, and terrorists in these extreme gun controlled countries......and obviously they are popular with their criminals.....

How many doesn't count......all that counts is that you gun grabbers claim your extreme gun control measures will
1) keep guns out of the hands of

2) will keep fully automatic rifles out of the hands of

3) will keep 30 round magazines out of the hands of

And all of this in countries whose gun control laws make ours look like amateur hour.....and they still get fully automatic rifles easily........and cross international borders to do it...and many of them are criminals with past arrests to boot......
All I want to know is who the perpetrator was and WHY this twit committed this act of stupidity in the first place.
I'm just glad he's dead and the cops he tried to kill are not.
And the fact blacks murder each other in outrageous numbers, targeting cops is a weak and pathetic deception. Focus on the REAL problem. Poor black's lack of self esteem and self hatred and need for violence. Let's do that FIRST.
I knew I wouldnt have to go far to see Black people dragged into this in an attempt to deflect. :laugh:

No....just responding to your one else had done it yet and you seemed sad that no one had....I was just trying to cheer you seem to get happy when blacks killing blacks is brought up....that is sad in itself....but that is your issue....
Youre a retard. The post I replied to mentions Black people you idiot. I saw it after I replied to the OP.

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