Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Thank you for the batshit crazy Q take on things
So you think an American intelligence agency which has been caught doing mind control experiments on Americans and ADMITTED to it isn't capable of orchestrating an event like this?? J6 type stuff is exactly the type of thing the CIA is SUPPOSED to do!....but to our foreign enemies not to us!

There's nothing batshit crazy about it at all. That IS one of the roles the CIA plays in our nations' defense: Messing up elections, causing riots, creating false flags and phony news stories. BUT THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO IT HERE! The FBI already played along with several ridiculous trials by media of Donald Trump. They didn't get jack shit on him. It's all a political game and it works, to a degree. It's a reality. So if the FBI is favoring the Dems, what is so batshit crazy about saying the CIA does too?

“Trump is a demonic force, a destroyer."


Oh [expletive deleted]!!! That got out? Please, Satan, help me get back into the demon club.
That pile of shit even got snivelling Lyin Ted to apologize on air for his remark about what happened on J6. He's good, real good & one evil son of a bitch.
That pile of shit even got snivelling Lyin Ted to apologize on air for his remark about what happened on J6. He's good, real good & one evil son of a bitch.
My mother wanted Ted Cruz for president in 2016. Sadly, she died a few months before the election.

I am so grateful she did not live to see Cruz turn into a sniveling Trump lickspittle of the worst sort.

What kind of dickless man allows someone to insult his wife's looks and accuse his dad of being involved in JFK's assassination and then is the first to rise in the Senate to try to overturn the election in Trump's favor?

Talk about a CUCK!!!
Tucker is feeding lies to his retard viewers because you are too ashamed to admit your people rioted and attacked and beat cops in a shameful display of disgrace at the Jan 6th Insurrection.

You need Tucker and Fox News to feed you lies because you are so ashamed of the actions of Trump and the MAGA trash.

Just like with the shameful Charlottesville riot
a few hrs of rioting from the right is wrong ... all rioting is wrong ... including the months of violent vicious rioting burning and looting carried out by the left and supported by leftist leaders in 2020.
a few hrs of rioting from the right is wrong ... all rioting is wrong ... including the months of violent vicious rioting burning and looting carried out by the left and supported by leftist leaders in 2020.
One thing does not excuse another.

You've been trying that lame excuse for two years and failing miserably
My mother wanted Ted Cruz for president in 2016. Sadly, she died a few months before the election.

I am so grateful she did not live to see Cruz turn into a sniveling Trump lickspittle of the worst sort.

What kind of dickless man allows someone to insult his wife's looks and accuse his dad of being involved in JFK's assassination and then is the first to rise in the Senate to try to overturn the election in Trump's favor?

Talk about a CUCK!!!
The same pile of shit who blamed his own Daughter's when he hauled ass to Cancun during a massive power outage when people were dying in the middle of a Texas winter.

Sorry about your Mom.
He should have called out the National Guard at the very least, idiot.

He should have tweeted to the mob to stand down instead of siccing them on Pence, moron.

Your willful blindness is beyond salvation at this point.
he offered 10 thousand Guard Troops days before jan 6 .... but Pelosi and the mayor of DC turned him down ... why did dem leaders turn down the offer of 10 thousand Guardsmen to secure the Capital ?
One thing does not excuse another.

You've been trying that lame excuse for two years and failing miserably
oh no it doesnt excuse it ! i knew as soon as Jan 6th happened the left would harp on it and use it as a political weapon and at the same time forgetting about the months of violence the left fomented ..
Nope. But I have to wonder why they didn’t try to stop them as soon as the first window broke or when the first guy came through. I also wonder why the cops were mingling with them and showing them around the place.

Maybe because there were a hundred people behind them, with thousands more behind those hundred, and the police heard on their radios how Trump's thugs were attacking police?
One thing does not excuse another.

You've been trying that lame excuse for two years and failing miserably
why is it with a single event from the right we get hundreds of charges filed against non violent and when the left does it violently and constantly non stop for 3 yrs we only get a handful of charges and most of them dropped before they get to court??
he offered 10 thousand Guard Troops days before jan 6 .... but Pelosi and the mayor of DC turned him down
A lie. There is ZERO evidence Pelosi turned down a request for the Guard. That's a fantasy. Manufactured bullshit.

... why did dem leaders turn down the offer of 10 thousand Guardsmen to secure the Capital ?
Trump made a passing remark several days before the insurrection. He did not formally request the NG be called out.

And again, he had over three hours to call for the Guard, and he just sat there jerking off. Worse, he sicced the mob on his Vice President.

He could have called out the Guard, gone on the air, and tweeted to the mob to stand down. He did NONE of those things.

All of the blood spilled that day is on Trump's hands.
A lie. There is ZERO evidence Pelosi turned down a request for the Guard. That's a fantasy. Manufactured bullshit.

Trump made a passing remark several days before the insurrection. He did not formally request the NG be called out.

And again, he had over three hours to call for the Guard, and he just sat there jerking off. Worse, he sicced the mob on his Vice President.

He could have called out the Guard, gone on the air, and tweeted to the mob to stand down. He did NONE of those things.

All of the blood spilled that day is on Trump's hands.

He did
It's documented
You should fuck right off.
As I understand it, the J6 committee vetted their videos with the security people. Tucker vetted only one of his.
Calson reportedly collaborated / worked with the DOJ & Capitol Police on all of it.

Again, instead of making false accusations and throwing out Conspiracy Theories Garland and the CapitolPilice should release all the video to prove Carlson altered the video.

They won't do that, though, because they know nothing was altered and instead of proving THAT Democrats and snowflakes would ratber continue whining, bitching, and keep throwing out Conspiracy Theories.
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