Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

provide the documents please,,,
You want me to prove a negative? That Trump didn't call out the National Guard. Why? Don't you have proof he did on January 6?

4:00 p.m.​

  • 4:03 p.m.: Trump goes outside to the Rose Garden so his staff can make a video of him calling for an end to the violence. He refuses the script they give him.[138]
  • 4:05 p.m.: President-elect Biden holds a press conference calling on President Trump to "demand an end to this siege".[128]
  • 4:08 p.m.: From a secure location, Vice President Pence phoned Christopher Miller, the acting defense secretary, to confirm the Capitol was not secure and ask military leaders for a deadline for securing the building while demanding that the Capitol be cleared.[204]
  • 4:10 p.m.: Army Secretary McCarthy arrives at D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters.[139]

Trump speaks (4:17 p.m.)[edit]​

  • 4:17 p.m.: Trump uploads an unscripted video to his Twitter denouncing the riot but maintaining the false claim that the election was stolen.[128] This was one of three takes, with the "most palatable option" chosen by White House aides for distribution.[241] In the video he says:[242]
I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt. It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.

Riot continues[edit]​

  • 4:18 p.m.: Secretary Miller, Gen. Milley, Army Secretary McCarthy, and Gen. Hokanson discuss availability of National Guard forces located outside of the immediate D.C. Metro area. Secretary Miller verbally authorizes mustering and deployment of out-of-State National Guard forces to D.C.[139]

Only two people can mobilize the National Guard from out of state to come to DC: The President and the Defense Secretary.

Trump never called them out. Pence had to take the initiative and contact the Defense Secretary to get the Guard out.

How do you not know this???
You want me to prove a negative? That Trump didn't call out the National Guard. Why? Don't you have proof he did on January 6?

4:00 p.m.​

  • 4:03 p.m.: Trump goes outside to the Rose Garden so his staff can make a video of him calling for an end to the violence. He refuses the script they give him.[138]
  • 4:05 p.m.: President-elect Biden holds a press conference calling on President Trump to "demand an end to this siege".[128]
  • 4:08 p.m.: From a secure location, Vice President Pence phoned Christopher Miller, the acting defense secretary, to confirm the Capitol was not secure and ask military leaders for a deadline for securing the building while demanding that the Capitol be cleared.[204]
  • 4:10 p.m.: Army Secretary McCarthy arrives at D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters.[139]

Trump speaks (4:17 p.m.)[edit]​

  • 4:17 p.m.: Trump uploads an unscripted video to his Twitter denouncing the riot but maintaining the false claim that the election was stolen.[128] This was one of three takes, with the "most palatable option" chosen by White House aides for distribution.[241] In the video he says:[242]

Riot continues[edit]​

  • 4:18 p.m.: Secretary Miller, Gen. Milley, Army Secretary McCarthy, and Gen. Hokanson discuss availability of National Guard forces located outside of the immediate D.C. Metro area. Secretary Miller verbally authorizes mustering and deployment of out-of-State National Guard forces to D.C.[139]

Only two people can activate the National Guard: The President and the Defense Secretary.

Trump never called them out. Pence had to take the initiative and contact the Defense Secretary to get the Guard out.

How do you not know this???
wiki isnt even a good source let alone for documentation,,,
Your GASLIGHTING is NOT "education", it's just you demonstrating that you're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist asshole!!!!
I'm trying to figure out how "avenger" fits in with the rest of the words.

This is a movie reference?
Genuine question.

Carlson said it was a lie that Hawley was running away. It’s not. He ran away. The fact that Dems were also running doesn’t change that. In fact, it’s exactly what you’d expect because the Dems were indeed afraid for their lives and never denied being so.

So how is it a lie?
Watch the tape. He didn’t run away.
I'm sure they're terrified......

Actually, Yeah, certain factions obviously ARE.
  • Otherwise, they wouldn't have put up suck a fight to suppress this material for the past two years!
  • Especially as it proves that everyone on the J6 Committee went out of their way to present a very /slanted/ version of the video evidence, essentially invalidating all of their claims.
  • Then they used that prejudiced, deliberate fabrication as the basis to sway public attention against Trump, a far worse crime than Pelosi and Schiff used as the basis for their first impeachment.
  • Then they used that as the criminal basis against many people, violating their rights while withholding that information even from their own attorneys!
  • Now you can bet your sweet ass that all those attorneys and more will be looking to sue the pants off every last person connected to the J6 Committee.
And they have proven all of this in the very reaction and response all of them have had since Day One being absolutely panic stricken in both releasing the available
data then Tucker getting it to release!
why is it with a single event from the right we get hundreds of charges filed against non violent and when the left does it violently and constantly non stop for 3 yrs we only get a handful of charges and most of them dropped before they get to court??

Because the idiot conservatives attacked the seat of our government and they don't take that lightly.
Because the idiot conservatives attacked the seat of our government and they don't take that lightly.
are you talking about when BLM attacked the whitehouse and tried to unseat trump and ended up hurting dozens of cops and almost burning down a church along with millions of other damages??


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