Breaking! Donald J. Trump Was On The Lolita Express


Why do you fixate on it?

Got a link to this 'analysis'?

Of course you don't
It's clear as day. There are pics of the diary.

Democrats like this guy are sheep.

Democrats like this trust msm and believe what the TV tells them.

78% of democrats believe and trust the TV
You’re a hack.

And you fixate on things related to race.

You’re not just lost now. You’re forever lost.
You're just another bitter white racist bigot partisan loser who lies non-stop and has no principles whatsoever.

You're just another bitter white racist bigot partisan loser who lies non-stop and has no principles whatsoever.
Except for the fact that you’re a lying scumbag racist (and I’m not) you almost manage to post something of marginal value.

But, of course, you fail again.

The only connection a twat like you has to truth is when you hear it from others.

You immediately reject it. Sucks to be you, you racist twerp. 👍

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