BREAKING: Embattled FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Has Resigned

That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.
What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position
Guilty of what?
Mishandling classified documents.
When the IG releases his report there will be at least a dozen FBI employees charged with a long list of federal crimes.
You are delusional
IG is stirring the pot. LOL
Its called getting out with your pension intact... IF they are under suspicion and pending disciplinary action when they leave by force they can loose it all.. Getting out now allows them to keep it..
Not so. If she is charged with committing a crime while she was employed by the FBI she could loose her pension.
If she ends up in prison at a later time......does she get to keep
She was not only texting crap about Trump, but screwing the guy that did the investigation interview with Hil-Liar.

Both are NOT ILLEGAL dummy.

Oh, I dunno, both are married, aren't they? Why hell, I just looked them both up, and they are! Sooooooooo, are you SURE that intra agency fraternization within the FBI is legal?

:rolleyes: yes I’m sure.

Then, I will take your word for it. Do they have to sign a disclosure that they are dating an inter agency person? And if so, how do you do that if you are both married?

For fucks sakes use your head - if they did anything illegal they would be fired long ago.

Unless they co operated and were given immunity-) It was a deal, use your head, lol. Remember, remember, remember, all the texts between the coosome twosome were LOST for 6 months prior to the special counsel. Why? Because the coosome-twosome started using their personal phones to communicate once Trump was the President elect.

Now, did you see a search warrant for either of them in the press? No! Me either. Sooooooooooo, how could the government come into possession of those texts without a warrant? LIGHTBULB, LIGHTBULB, LIGHTBULB!

So, nothing to see there? Hehehehehehehehe. Now you know why they had absolute confidence to fire Mcabe, and if nothing was really there, Paige would still be at the FBI. It is obvious to anyone who thinks, she started talking because she has a kid, and part of the deal was she voluntarily leave the FBI.

Think I am setting a smoke screen do ya? Then lets just see what comes out with the IG, and it won't be long, that is why her escape was now, before the poop hit the fan.

And if you start to use that noggin, you should now really be worried. Why? Because Strozk has not resigned. That means, he is cooperating, and he can NOT take the 5th as long as employed by the FBI, or lose his pension too, that is the law.

The house of cards is coming down, and two of the perps have flipped, and have already sung.

Now then, I am sure you are going to come back with something like, "you are crazy!" Lets see when the IG report comes out what it says, figure out how they found out, and decide who is closer to the truth, me and mine, or you and CNN-)
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and he comrades?
Why did Hillary and he comrades what?
Plead the fifth, and couldn't recall over 3 dozen times.
Who pled the 5th?
Lisa Page will plead the fifth.
Then we'll see what all the LIBs say.
Remember: "No one who is innocent pleads the fifth"?
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.
What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
We could go back and forth on what about who for hours
Try and stay on topic
"Why flee if guilty" is the topic.

Try to keep up.
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.
What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and he comrades?
Why did Hillary and he comrades what?
Plead the fifth, and couldn't recall over 3 dozen times.
Who pled the 5th?
Okay her IT aide pleaded the fifth 125 consecutive times. That's just one.
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.
What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered her resignation.

What is going to keep her out of prison is that fact that writing nasty e-mails about Trump is not a crime. Terrorists like you are the ones who need to be thrown in prison. She has served this country faithfully unlike Trump who is a draft dodger.

So, when and where did you serve in the military?
Del I know it has been a bad day for you... And with the most recent news of Lisa Page and James Baker resigning from the FBI will make it tough for you to sleep...I guess it will be all right for you to pretend that Jared was involved, when he really wasn't... Maybe you will sleep better...

del is from the phrase 'mental DELinquent'.

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and he comrades?
Why did Hillary and he comrades what?
Plead the fifth, and couldn't recall over 3 dozen times.
Who pled the 5th?
Lisa Page will plead the fifth.
Then we'll see what all the LIBs say.
Remember: "No one who is innocent pleads the fifth"?

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and he comrades?
Why did Hillary and he comrades what?
Plead the fifth, and couldn't recall over 3 dozen times.
Who pled the 5th?
Okay her IT aide pleaded the fifth 125 consecutive times. That's just one.
Okay, so in other words, you were just lying. Got it.
That won't keep you out of prison, bitch. The dominoes are falling, one by one. The entire Mewler witchunt is dissovling before our eyes.
Let's hope it doesn't keep her out of prison. Meantime, the investigation which started out as supposed to be to simply see if Russia colluded at all to sway our election has morphed by Heir Mueller into Investigate Anything and Everything and Everyone Under The Sun as Anyway You Can To Get Trump.
Bob Mewler-Torquemada: Give me the man, I'll find or create the crime!

The fact that FBI agents have already admitted that General Flynn did not tell a lie, which means he is simply pleading guilty because he can no longer afford the legal costs, and the media is ignoring this in order to push the whore-extortion sotry from the angle that her intended victim is guilty should tell everyone what a bunch of partisan ideological fiends run our media today.

My Gawd, I remember when CNN was called the Conservative Nut network! roflmao

This demonstrates how well leftists can connive and take over almost any organization from the inside.
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What will she going to prison for, or haven't you had someone decide that for you yet?
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
Trump isn’t a conservative
You only label as such to suit your purpose
Trump is not an ideological conservative but he is the most paleo-conservative President we have had since FDR in terms of the pragmatic effect of his policies.

But it is true that he is no William F Buckley Jr.
Treason is when, you tell Putin to wait till after the election. So you can work with him better. You supported that, so you're guilty too.

Thyat is not treason, that is 'just politics' as W Bush would say, but is very easy to confuse the two things.
Why did Hillary and he comrades?
Why did Hillary and he comrades what?
Plead the fifth, and couldn't recall over 3 dozen times.
Who pled the 5th?
Lisa Page will plead the fifth.
Then we'll see what all the LIBs say.
Remember: "No one who is innocent pleads the fifth"?
Why did Hillary and he comrades?
Why did Hillary and he comrades what?
Plead the fifth, and couldn't recall over 3 dozen times.
Who pled the 5th?
Okay her IT aide pleaded the fifth 125 consecutive times. That's just one.
Okay, so in other words, you were just lying. Got it.
Look it up, and several of her other aides pleaded the fifth, but I gave you the one who couldn't tell the truth. He would've committed suicide.
If she wasn’t guilty. Why would she resign from such a lofty position

If Cohen isn't guilty why is he pleading the fifth?
Why did Hillary and her comrades?
I asked you first.
You're the one claiming he is guilty for pleading the fifth. So Hillary is also, right?
First of all, Hillary didn't plead the fifth.

Secondly, show me where I said anything about Cohen being guilty for pleading the fifth.

Don't you just hate it when those damn little things called facts get in the way?
You said if Cohen isn't guilty, why is he pleading the fifth. My goodness, all you had to do is go back a few post.
Terrorists popping out of the woodwork.

There is no fake dossier. The FISA warrant was legally obtained.

the FISA warrant was obtained by fraud and perjury..

So you say LIAR!!

That the FISA warrant the FSB obtained based on the fake Fusion GPS Dossier obtained from the Kremlin in order to rig the presidential election was obtained on perjured information is established fact, Comrade.

You traitors lied to the FISA court to try and thwart the election, failing that you have engaged in this current coup d'etat.

Lisa Page needs some quality time with the needle for her treason, but will probably only spend the rest of her life in prison.

No one lied to the FISA court and it is not a established fact. Comey confirmed that parts of it was confirmed. There is nothing fake. The fact is that Russia attacked our troops in Syria. They are also working with Iran to dominate the middle east. Trump backed down on more sanctions against Russia and wants to leave Syria and give it to Russia. COMRADE Trump chickened out on more sanctions. You and Trump are the traitors.

You think you are going to lock up Americans on no charges. This is not Nazi Germany and Trump will be gone. We don't tolerate Nazis.
Treason is when, you tell Putin to wait till after the election. So you can work with him better. You supported that, so you're guilty too.

Treason is where you go to Iran and negotiate Iran's nuclear ambitions IF they help with overthrowing the current president.

Calling John Kerry

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

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