BREAKING**Fed appeals court panel says most Obamacare subsidies illegal

So the tea parties plan is to go back to making the hospitals pay for the care as most of the patients don't need to pay. The tea party is a short sighted bunch of slow thinkers!

The hospitals didn't pay.

The tax payer did.

And we were OK with that.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Losertrians are nothing more than sheep for the Robber Borans that brainwash them. Do you really think they can think at a high enough level to stop?
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.


It subjected me to a mandate. Did not change my life, but I am subjected to a federal government mandate.

My health insurance is monitored by the IRS. I don't like to deal with the IRS. Now I have to on a new item.

I can not negotiate my policy. Each year or so, I would determine what Io NO LONGER need, and have it eliminated, lowering my increase in premium.

Now there are 10 things I need.....3 of which I will never need.

So wrong lone....wrong agaion.
So the tea parties plan is to go back to making the hospitals pay for the care as most of the patients don't need to pay. The tea party is a short sighted bunch of slow thinkers!

The hospitals didn't pay.

The tax payer did.

And we were OK with that.

You are? Holy shit! When did you get your RINO card in the mail? That is absolutely wonderful.
Look, some portion of unisurds' ER bills, that are negotiated down to actual below cost to the ER for the treatment, are passed on to other consumers via inflated bills to insurance companies. That's not a debatable point. However, it's also true the feds do pay some to the states for uninsured visits, as you said. It's also true, however, that the feds decreased this amount with the ACA, reasoning there are less uninsurds. That's a problem for hospitals in my state, where the governor chose not to expand Medicaid.

NEVERTHELESS, it's also not debatable that insurance companies also negotiate the price downwards.

I'm sorry its personal.

But the entire sorry subthread does illustrate a pre-ACA problem that the ACA did nothing about. There's no way to find out what something's gonna cost before you buy it. That's a crazy market there. Unless you fix that, you aren't gonna fix it at all.

You are correct. When I said consumers (and insurance companies on consumers' behalf) wind up footing the bill, I should have said "most of the bill." Taxpayers do pick up some of it.

My bad.
If Obamacare was a success, you wouldn't have to extend deadlines, delay penalties or have ads on tv to draw in young people. Clearly it is an irrational system. How about this? Scrap Obamacare and try a Republican plan. See how that works. Not some modification of Obamacare.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

I already did on this thread. Four points, all of which have increased my costs.
I think you must be confusing me with an idiot.

The government did not sign any contracts, they wrote a law dictating what insurance companies have to do. If that law is flawed, which it is, the government has to deal with the consequences of making a stupid law.

I doubt she is confused.
Bull crap. ( Not you Lakhota!) but Windbag

Yes they did sign contracts for each and every person on the exchange buying insurance that was getting subsidies....the Insurance companies got the gvt contract of what amount of the individual's premium the government would pay and be responsible for, and what amount the policy holder would be responsible for....without it, the Insurance companies would not proceed forward with covering a health care policy with the individuals on the exchange.

signed sealed and delivered, baby!
It's why Obama care had SO MANY PROBLEMS in it's start up,

those contracts and amounts per individuals were not being transmitted corrected to the insurers and the insurers would not go forward without having the money agreed settled.
If Obamacare was a success, you wouldn't have to extend deadlines, delay penalties or have ads on tv to draw in young people. Clearly it is an irrational system. How about this? Scrap Obamacare and try a Republican plan. See how that works. Not some modification of Obamacare.

I love you. The ACA is the closest thing to a Republican plan for health care that we have. The is no other Republican plan.

Deadline extensions, penalty delays and promo ads are par for the course for any "big fucking deal" that comes out of Washington. Your failure to grasp that is so cute I could give you a bear hug.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

I already did on this thread. Four points, all of which have increased my costs.

Oh? Do me a favor and link me to the post. Thanks.
Yeah, the winds they are uh changin'

I always had faith this country wouldn't put up with this socialist bullshit. It just took a little longer because of the incompetent, corrupt fucking members of the press, some of whom should be hauled in front of Congress when Republicans take the whole thing back in November, because they acted as nothing more than the arm of the DNC.

Once facts start slipping through the press's slimy fingers to the masses, their game of suppression is over.
Yeah, the winds they are uh changin'

I always had faith this country wouldn't put up with this socialist bullshit. It just took a little longer because of the incompetent, corrupt fucking members of the press, some of whom should be hauled in front of Congress when Republicans take the whole thing back in November, because they acted as nothing more than the arm of the DNC.

Once facts start slipping through the press's slimy fingers to the masses, their game of suppression is over.

Who is more evil.....Obama or the media?

A mandate.

Sonny, we have mandates in our lives every day, from when we were born to the day we die.

That's life.

The American people as a whole, the Congress, and SCOTUS have all said the ACA is fine.

You don't like it.

Who cares?
That court did not rule against the constitutionality of the subsidies. They ruled against the wording in the bill.

Doesn't change the fact that they ruled that the federal government cannot pay subsidies to people who bought insurance through the federal exchange, does it?

In two rulings, 4 judges have ruled for it, 2 against it. Would you like to try to change that fact?
No we are not, you are the one defending stupidity, the rest of us want to get things working the way they should, AKA get the government out of the economy.

Why didn't any Republicans participate to help make the Affordable Care Act better - instead of obstructing?

How, exactly, did the Republicans obstruct Obamacare? I mean, it is actually the law, so any claim they obstructed it must be based on the delusion that Republicans could have actually stopped it. Yet the evidence proves it was not stopped, thus the Republicans did not obstruct it.

See what I mean about facts and why you will always lose when using lies to support your position? When are you going to learn that lies do not trump facts?

Libtards will never learn that.

They exist in a world of lies. They believe in fairy tales. They adhere to cults of personality.

These are some dangerously stupid people we're talking about here.

I doubt she is confused.
Bull crap. ( Not you Lakhota!) but Windbag

Yes they did sign contracts for each and every person on the exchange buying insurance that was getting subsidies....the Insurance companies got the gvt contract of what amount of the individual's premium the government would pay and be responsible for, and what amount the policy holder would be responsible for....without it, the Insurance companies would not proceed forward with covering a health care policy with the individuals on the exchange.

signed sealed and delivered, baby!
It's why Obama care had SO MANY PROBLEMS in it's start up,

those contracts and amounts per individuals were not being transmitted corrected to the insurers and the insurers would not go forward without having the money agreed settled.

Those contracts and amounts were not being transmitted properly because the Obama Administration forgot to build the back end system...and the HSH delayed guidelines until after the election.

IOW, ObamaCare is yet another Manmade Crisis courtesy of Obama.

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