BREAKING**Fed appeals court panel says most Obamacare subsidies illegal

How, exactly, did the Republicans obstruct Obamacare?

Hmmmm.... Just spit balling here ......
ummm .... by filing lawsuits to block it?????

Are you seriously unaware of that?
and you are going to try to insult people who actually know about that?

Look, I'm not a big fan of Obamacare - but let's keep this real.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Another mathematically challenged liberal that couldn't do a basic cost-benefit analysis if their lives depended on it. Imagine that.

How anyone can not see how this actually COSTS more for everyone and results in worse quality care boggles my mind. And by cost to everyone, I'm talking about those that have been paying for "others" all along.

Everyone could get healthcare before this dumbass Socialist push for government control of it. They went to clinics and the ER if they were indigent. Or private charities. If someone REALLY needed it, they got it.

Was it more expensive for the ER, yes, but there are other ways to mitigate weaknesses in the system without upending the whole thing.

But people need to stop the flat out lie that poor people can't get care unless it's a Socialist program.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Another mathematically challenged liberal that couldn't do a basic cost-benefit analysis if their lives depended on it. Imagine that.

How anyone can not see how this actually COSTS more for everyone and results in worse quality care boggles my mind. And by cost to everyone, I'm talking about those that have been paying for "others" all along.

Everyone could get healthcare before this dumbass Socialist push for government control of it. They went to clinics and the ER if they were indigent. Or private charities. If someone REALLY needed it, they got it.

Was it more expensive for the ER, yes, but there are other ways to mitigate weaknesses in the system without upending the whole thing.

But people need to stop the flat out lie that poor people can't get care unless it's a Socialist program.

You seem really smart. Do people tell you that often? Let's you and me become pals. Whaddya say?
Yeah, the winds they are uh changin'

I always had faith this country wouldn't put up with this socialist bullshit. It just took a little longer because of the incompetent, corrupt fucking members of the press, some of whom should be hauled in front of Congress when Republicans take the whole thing back in November, because they acted as nothing more than the arm of the DNC.

Once facts start slipping through the press's slimy fingers to the masses, their game of suppression is over.

Who is more evil.....Obama or the media?

You'll like this answer, LL. The media. Politicians of every stripe have a right to see if the public buys their bull but it's the job of the media to act as a balance to government, not a cheerleader.

The problem with the press is they're too fucking dumb to grasp economic issues. I know as an expert in the field.
People are behaving as if the ACA is the first law in America that ever needed amendments and patches after it was passed!

No we are not, you are the one defending stupidity, the rest of us want to get things working the way they should, AKA get the government out of the economy.

never happen since the dawn of government this has never happened.
what an ignorant thing for you to say.
If the right wing succeeds in killing the ACA, do you believe Americans will be happy to return to things the way they were PRIOR to the act's passage? I.e., no coverage of prior conditions, no coverage of adult children living at home, no full coverage of preventative medicine, etc? As I understand it, most people are in favor of most of ACA's policies . . . they just don't like "Obamacare."

(A majority of polled Americans support the ACA, but oppose Obamacare . . . oh, the power of the Corporate Mainstream Media . . .)
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Another mathematically challenged liberal that couldn't do a basic cost-benefit analysis if their lives depended on it. Imagine that.

How anyone can not see how this actually COSTS more for everyone and results in worse quality care boggles my mind. And by cost to everyone, I'm talking about those that have been paying for "others" all along.

Everyone could get healthcare before this dumbass Socialist push for government control of it. They went to clinics and the ER if they were indigent. Or private charities. If someone REALLY needed it, they got it.

Was it more expensive for the ER, yes, but there are other ways to mitigate weaknesses in the system without upending the whole thing.

But people need to stop the flat out lie that poor people can't get care unless it's a Socialist program.

You seem really smart. Do people tell you that often? Let's you and me become pals. Whaddya say?

Hey, I told ya you would like my reply to your next post. :)
In the long term, I would expect a massive backlash against Republicans if they succeed in getting rid of ACA. Your thoughts?
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Another mathematically challenged liberal that couldn't do a basic cost-benefit analysis if their lives depended on it. Imagine that.

How anyone can not see how this actually COSTS more for everyone and results in worse quality care boggles my mind. And by cost to everyone, I'm talking about those that have been paying for "others" all along.

Everyone could get healthcare before this dumbass Socialist push for government control of it. They went to clinics and the ER if they were indigent. Or private charities. If someone REALLY needed it, they got it.

Was it more expensive for the ER, yes, but there are other ways to mitigate weaknesses in the system without upending the whole thing.

But people need to stop the flat out lie that poor people can't get care unless it's a Socialist program.

well the whole idea is that you have more people in the pool so they dont have to go to the er, thus driving down costs because now the Hospitals dont have to cover the cost of helping those people basically for freem til they get paid off by other means.

The issue is a tad more larger than " poor people get sick and need help"

But hey why be honest.
hard to imagine so many people want so many people to go without health insurance just because they don't like the POTUS ... the SC has already ruled for Healthcare, I can't see them taking it away from 4 million people.

You do know there are more than 300 million people in this country, right?
Yeah, the winds they are uh changin'

I always had faith this country wouldn't put up with this socialist bullshit. It just took a little longer because of the incompetent, corrupt fucking members of the press, some of whom should be hauled in front of Congress when Republicans take the whole thing back in November, because they acted as nothing more than the arm of the DNC.

Once facts start slipping through the press's slimy fingers to the masses, their game of suppression is over.

Who is more evil.....Obama or the media?

You'll like this answer, LL. The media. Politicians of every stripe have a right to see if the public buys their bull but it's the job of the media to act as a balance to government, not a cheerleader.

The problem with the press is they're too fucking dumb to grasp economic issues. I know as an expert in the field.

Great! An expert. We need as many experts as possible.
No we are not, you are the one defending stupidity, the rest of us want to get things working the way they should, AKA get the government out of the economy.

Why didn't any Republicans participate to help make the Affordable Care Act better - instead of obstructing?

How, exactly, did the Republicans obstruct Obamacare?

Lawsuit to prevent the mandate.

Lawsuit to allow states to opt out.

Refusal to implement state exchanges.

Refusal to accept Medicaid expansion.

Last fall's hissy fit government shutdown.

The subsidies lawsuit which is the subject of this thread.

40, and counting, repeal bills in the House.

Last edited:
Who is more evil.....Obama or the media?

You'll like this answer, LL. The media. Politicians of every stripe have a right to see if the public buys their bull but it's the job of the media to act as a balance to government, not a cheerleader.

The problem with the press is they're too fucking dumb to grasp economic issues. I know as an expert in the field.

Great! An expert. We need as many experts as possible.

Like dumb blondes, you can never have enough.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Another mathematically challenged liberal that couldn't do a basic cost-benefit analysis if their lives depended on it. Imagine that.

How anyone can not see how this actually COSTS more for everyone and results in worse quality care boggles my mind. And by cost to everyone, I'm talking about those that have been paying for "others" all along.

Everyone could get healthcare before this dumbass Socialist push for government control of it. They went to clinics and the ER if they were indigent. Or private charities. If someone REALLY needed it, they got it.

Was it more expensive for the ER, yes, but there are other ways to mitigate weaknesses in the system without upending the whole thing.

But people need to stop the flat out lie that poor people can't get care unless it's a Socialist program.

where's the benefit in premium increases Before ACA came along ? ... speaking of not being able to do c/b analysis, obviously you can't ... and you call people dumbasses, really ?
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Another mathematically challenged liberal that couldn't do a basic cost-benefit analysis if their lives depended on it. Imagine that.

How anyone can not see how this actually COSTS more for everyone and results in worse quality care boggles my mind. And by cost to everyone, I'm talking about those that have been paying for "others" all along.

Everyone could get healthcare before this dumbass Socialist push for government control of it. They went to clinics and the ER if they were indigent. Or private charities. If someone REALLY needed it, they got it.

Was it more expensive for the ER, yes, but there are other ways to mitigate weaknesses in the system without upending the whole thing.

But people need to stop the flat out lie that poor people can't get care unless it's a Socialist program.

where's the benefit in premium increases Before ACA came along ? ... speaking of not being able to do c/b analysis, obviously you can't ... and you call people dumbasses, really ?

Benefits now devour 30.2 percent of employers' compensation costs, with the remaining money going to wages, the Labor Department reported this month. That is up from 27.4 percent in 2000.

"The way health-care costs have soared is unbelievable," said Katherine Taylor, a vice president for Local 1199 of the Service Employees International Union. "There are people out here making decisions about whether to keep their lights on or buy a prescription."

Since 2001, premiums for family health coverage have increased 78 percent, according to a 2007 report by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Premiums averaged $12,106, of which workers paid $3,281, according to the report
Why didn't any Republicans participate to help make the Affordable Care Act better - instead of obstructing?

How, exactly, did the Republicans obstruct Obamacare?

Lawsuit to prevent the mandate.

Lawsuit to allow states to opt out.

Refusal to implement state exchanges.

Refusal to accept Medicaid expansion.

Last fall's hissy fit government shutdown.

The subsidies lawsuit which is the subject of this thread.

40, and counting, repeal bills in the House.

They are so bubblized it's beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined.

Freakishly deranged.
I think you must be confusing me with an idiot.

The government did not sign any contracts, they wrote a law dictating what insurance companies have to do. If that law is flawed, which it is, the government has to deal with the consequences of making a stupid law.

I doubt she is confused.
Bull crap. ( Not you Lakhota!) but Windbag

Yes they did sign contracts for each and every person on the exchange buying insurance that was getting subsidies....the Insurance companies got the gvt contract of what amount of the individual's premium the government would pay and be responsible for, and what amount the policy holder would be responsible for....without it, the Insurance companies would not proceed forward with covering a health care policy with the individuals on the exchange.

signed sealed and delivered, baby!

Except they didn't. What was to be offered on the exchange was unilaterally dictated by the government, and not a single insurance company was required to sign a contract in order to participate in said exchange. All they had to do was comply with the regulations.
This thread needs more personal anecdotes. I miss them. We used to have so many.

Four years after the passage of the insufficient ACA....and I have yet experience A SINGLE PROBLEM regarding my family's health insurance. In fact....I saved some dough on yearly physicals.

If you are gainfully employed in a job that pays a living wage.....and you are a bootstrap-pulling, personally responsible American....this law didn't fuck you over in any way.

You bitches whining about paying for someone else's health care are TOO STUPID to realize that this law saves you money.

Come on, USMB nutters......bring those horror stories back.

Why did Obama delay the employee mandate of the law isn't going to screw you over? Is it so he could keep lying to you, and you could pretend he isn't?

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