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BREAKING**Fed appeals court panel says most Obamacare subsidies illegal

Only a real jerk (nicest term I could think of) would laugh at those 4.7 million citizens who will lose coverage if the full court sustains this decision. Any bets that the two judges whose votes impacted so many were nominated to the bench by a Republican President?

Someone is angry.

Only an idiot would ignore the millions of people who lost their insurance because of this law.
May be someone should have read the bill before passing the bill...

But as written, the law states that subsidies should be paid to those who purchase insurance through an "exchange established by the state." That would seem to leave out the 36 states in which the exchanges are operated by the federal government.

D.C. court ruling deals new blow to Affordable Care Act - LA Times

Only a real jerk (nicest term I could think of) would laugh at those 4.7 million citizens who will lose coverage if the full court sustains this decision. Any bets that the two judges whose votes impacted so many were nominated to the bench by a Republican President?


Only a tool would whine about this crap when those nominally covered by the ObumblerCare crap law will continue to receive medical care just the same -- as before that shitty law was ever crammed through a well bribed Congress.


-- ObumblerCare will be going down in flames. The "landing" oughta be entertaining.

Please see earlier post by this 'tool' posted to bripat. Who or what made you into the callous asshole you have become?
If you do not offer a comprehensive alternate plan, at the very least it means you don't give a shit about those who are struggling.

No, it just means I don't want the government fucking up my healthcare. When did you ever lift a finger to provide healthcare to "those who are struggling?"

A post ^^^ by a true 21st Century conservative. Translated, "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".

I do wonder who or what made bripat into the callous asshole he became.

Might be the same imbeciles who've helped you escape natural selection after all these years.

They have to put "Not for human consumption" on jars of fishbait because of tards like you.

It's not fucking caviar.

It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to extend the employer mandate deadline.

It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to allow users of the federal health care exchange to be eligible for insurance subsidies.

So why aren't they?


Any Republican who voted for such a bill would be dead meat. Saving Obamacare isn't why they were elected.
I am reminded of the dog that is always barking and chasing cars, without regard to what he is going to do if he catches one.

I think that the GOP just caught a car.
Obamacare never addressed health care costs. Time to start over and tackle the real money issues.
It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to extend the employer mandate deadline.

It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to allow users of the federal health care exchange to be eligible for insurance subsidies.

So why aren't they?


Any Republican who voted for such a bill would be dead meat. Saving Obamacare isn't why they were elected.

Intransigence coupled with sheer cowardice. Whine and complain about the other guy's plan, but never offer up one of your own because you are too afraid of having to defend it.

The GOP has become a gutless bag of dicks.

The end result of this will be single payer health care. Watch and see.
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It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to extend the employer mandate deadline.

It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to allow users of the federal health care exchange to be eligible for insurance subsidies.

So why aren't they?


Any Republican who voted for such a bill would be dead meat. Saving Obamacare isn't why they were elected.

Intransigence coupled with sheer cowardice. Whine and complain about the other guy's plan, but never offer up one of your own because you are too afraid of having to defend it.

The GOP has become a gutless bag of dicks.

The end result of this will be single payer health care. Watch and see.

hah...who's going to vote for an Obamacare plan on steroids....? :cuckoo:

The face of a cowardly manager. He pulls his ugly turtle face back into his turtle body every time there is a need for some leadership.

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Any Republican who voted for such a bill would be dead meat. Saving Obamacare isn't why they were elected.

Intransigence coupled with sheer cowardice. Whine and complain about the other guy's plan, but never offer up one of your own because you are too afraid of having to defend it.

The GOP has become a gutless bag of dicks.

The end result of this will be single payer health care. Watch and see.

hah...who's going to vote for an Obamacare plan on steroids....? :cuckoo:

Plenty of countries have. Long ago. We're next.

Watch and see.

The GOP is greasing the skids toward single payer.
Any Republican who voted for such a bill would be dead meat. Saving Obamacare isn't why they were elected.

Intransigence coupled with sheer cowardice. Whine and complain about the other guy's plan, but never offer up one of your own because you are too afraid of having to defend it.

The GOP has become a gutless bag of dicks.

The end result of this will be single payer health care. Watch and see.

hah...who's going to vote for an Obamacare plan on steroids....? :cuckoo:

I think you are falling victim to the temptation of thinking "most people think like I do."
It happens when you rarely venture out of an echo chamber.

And they are truly amazed and shocked at what happens.
Maybe the GOP should appoint a committee, chaired by Sarah Palin, to draft their own health plan.

...excuse me for a few minutes while I visualize the result....
Before 2016, you will hear a Republican say, "I think single payer would be better than this mess."

He/she will immediately be labeled a RINO.

Based on the GOP's coordinated behavior, I am starting to think this is deliberate. They are deliberately helping the Democrats achieve single payer.

Either that, or they really are retarded. The genuine article. Mental defectives.

Regardless, the trajectory is obvious.
I'll debate you. If you oppose the government helping making something like healthcare affordable to someone who cannot otherwise afford it,

then yes, you do want those people to go without healthcare unless you have an alternative means of making healthcare affordable to those people.

So if I don't want to pay your rent, that means I want you to go without housing?


If you do not offer a comprehensive alternate plan, at the very least it means you don't give a shit about those who are struggling.

So it's our job to come up with a plan for the Federal Government to provide comprehensive health care, so if we're not doing it, we are shirking our responsibility. I don't agree with your assertion.

Also, you need to stop listening to the liberal media that the Republicans didn't present a plan. What's funny is that even while Democrats were attacking Republicans for having no plan, the DNC website linked to the Republican plan. They didn't like it, but they betrayed their lie there was no plan for what it is.

Some of the proposals were good, I remember.

Make individual plans tax deductible.

Allow out of state Insurers to offer plans (clearly Constitutional by the Full Faith and Credit clause).

Allow people to buy portable plans through their employer.

Implement tort reform

Those would have positive effects on medical care unlike the Socialist Obamacare plan which is designed to wreck the industry and give us single payer.

But hey, if Democrats think it, you say it, I'd hate to mess with a system you have so finely honed.
Intransigence coupled with sheer cowardice. Whine and complain about the other guy's plan, but never offer up one of your own because you are too afraid of having to defend it.

The GOP has become a gutless bag of dicks.

The end result of this will be single payer health care. Watch and see.

hah...who's going to vote for an Obamacare plan on steroids....? :cuckoo:

Plenty of countries have. Long ago. We're next.

Watch and see.

The GOP is greasing the skids toward single payer.

we'd be fools to vote for single payer.....just look at the unmitigated failure that is Britain's single payer....

Health Care: A new report on Britain's National Health Service notes that as many as 13,000 needless deaths have occurred in 14 NHS hospital trusts since 2005. This is no fluke. It's the result of socialized medicine, done by experts.

Britain's much vaunted public medical system, accountable for 82% of all health care spending, according to the OECD, is in shambles.

A warning shot was fired a few months ago when one hospital, Mid-Staffordshire, was found to be a veritable death trap of neglect, misspent funds and starved investment. Now a new report on 14 NHS trusts, released by government-appointed Prof. Sir Bruce Keogh this week, finds that neglect and "needless" deaths are pretty much a characteristic of the entire system.

"We hear of A&E departments 'in meltdown', GP services 'on the verge of failure,' the Welsh HNHS being 'on its knees,'" wrote Simon Jenkins in the left-leaning Guardian. "The 111 non-emergency telephone service is reportedly useless. On one evening, Cornwall was said to have just one agency GP to cover the entire county. Last week's Cavendish report on frontline nursing told of wards left in the hands of untrained assistants for hours, indeed whole weekends," Jenkins wrote.

Then there was the "Liverpool Care Pathway" — an Orwellian death panel operation, where nurses shouted to visitors to not give their dying relatives sips of water for fear it would interfere with the hospital's death target. "No one was doing anything 'wrong' since everything was done by the book," wrote Jenkins.

Keogh found that as many as 13,000 "needless" deaths were the result, about 3 per day in each hospital district.

The U.K. has seen reform after reform of its health care system, but none has made much difference.

The problem is it's a socialized system.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Britain's NHS Socialized Medicine Proves Again To Be An Unmitigated Failure - Investors.com
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So it's our job to come up with a plan for the Federal Government to provide comprehensive health care, so if we're not doing it, we are shirking our responsibility. I don't agree with your assertion.

Not what he said.
He said if you don't - then you are going to pegged as people who just don't give enough of a crap about those without healthcare to actually do anything about it.

Not gonna be too popular.

If that's your position - fine. Say it boldly and proudly.

Just don't be surprised when you get waxed at the ballot box.
It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to extend the employer mandate deadline.

It would take just a few days for Congress to pass a bill to allow users of the federal health care exchange to be eligible for insurance subsidies.

So why aren't they?


Hummmm.....It would also take just a few days to open across state line purchasing of HC policies bring prices way down and would remove the gov't involvement in personal health care...
So why don't they???

I have outlined many times what we should do to reform health care. But the GOP has not ever put a comprehensive plan on the table.

In all those repeals, did they ever attach an alternate health reform plan?


When they controlled the House and the Senate and the White House and the Supreme Court, did they ever try to enact comprehensive health reform?


Were the Democrats telegraphing what they would do if given a chance?


We were sold down the river by the GOP into the hands of the Democrats. Don't let all this theater for the rubes you are seeing now fool you.

Anything the house has passed is STILL sitting on Harry Reids desk. Obama cut out the GOP from the beginning..The bill Wasn't even written in the senate. The Bill was written by the Center for American Progress ~ a progressive think tank.
You seriously think the senate wrote, debated and read 2500 pages of obamacare :cuckoo::cuckoo: They had to pass it on Christmas Ever with a nuclear option.
We had to Pass the bill to find out what's in the bill...well we don't like what we've seen...

Center For American Progress President Shares Part In Obamacare: "I Helped Write The Bill" | RealClearPolitics
I just may have to come out of retirement and go back to being a health underwriter. I have not declined anyone applying for health insurance for several years now. I'm getting kind of nostalgic for when I had life and death power over people.

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