BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

A New Yorker in Florida. LOL! Trust me as life long Floridian. It is the filthy New York transplants that move to Florida to join the Negroes, welfare queens, Illegals and queers to vote for Democrats.

I wonder who in the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department had the job of getting the Trump stickers to put on his vehicle?
Let's hope Trump isn't stupid enough to publicly call the bomber "crazy".

He probably is that stupid, though.

"We the jury find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity."
Is he an American? I ask because of the name.
Suspected MAGA bomber ID’d as ‘Native American Trump supporter’ Cesar Sayoc, 56,

Read more: Suspected MAGA bomber ID'd as 'Native American Trump supporter' Cesar Sayoc, 56, | Metro News

Twitter: Metro (@MetroUK) | Twitter | Facebook: Metro of suspect at link
/----/ Any relation to Pocahontas?
What we will find out is that this is a last minute Deep State Operation headed by someone like Clapper, or Brennan, and ordered by The Confederate White House "Obama Bin Spying" as a last ditch effort to disrupt the midterms. Apparently Obama was unable to get in touch with Putin these past two weeks to purchase more Russian Propaganda from him.

The person caught was either a Patsy, or simply a Copy Cat who will be railroaded for this. The Fake Bomb deliveries will stop immediately after The Midterm Elections.

Trumpybear and his useful idiots are a clear and present danger to the Republic.

But the leftists shooting republicans at ballgames aren't. Got it.

That horrible attack was not preceded by years of vitriolic demonization by the President of the United States.

Which President used the Bully Pulpit to demonized their political opponents? Which one called Fox News the Enemy of the People when they constantly criticized the Obama administration? Who called Scalise Evil? Which Republican did the Democrats routinely insight their crowds to chant "lock them up"?

TurdTrumpybear should resign for the good of the country.
People Left and Right justify their awful behavior and that of others because they imagine that anyone who disagrees with them is less human than they are.

But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.
When people call someone stupid or racist because they voted for Trump that is an attack (whether justified or not).
Assuming that the right is the sole source of violence or derision, is not accurate. Yelling obscenities at officials because you disagree with them is the first step toward more radical solutions. Remember the Pro-life protesters of the 1980’s screaming baby-killer at teenagers? Then do you recall the escalation? Do you remember the leftist protests of the 1960’s that led into groups like the Weather Underground sending out bombs?This is a human frailty and pretending that it’s the other guys problem, ignores th facts. It is our societies problem.

There is no equivalence.

Shouting at officials is not violence or calling for violence.

Telling your audience at a rally to punch someone in the head certainly is.

Shove your false equivalency BS.
only in a leftist world is shouting at someone not violence. yes sir. I bet if a teacher shouted at your child you'd think differently eh?
His van looks like it belongs to a Trump Supporter Right Wing Nut Job!!! White male in his 50's
He's not white a hole

lmfao already wrong.

Oh yeah, coward. Try distancing yourself from someone who buys into the same bullshit you do by saying he's not white.
I don't care what color he is, he's a Trumpanzee on steroids.
A product of Donald J. Trump.
Breaking: One Suspect Captured in Mail Bombing Attacks The suspect was arrested near Miami Florida

Just breaking on Fox News at 11:10 am

Published 23 mins ago
Last Update 6 mins ago
[11:27 am 10/26/18]
Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

Yep. A raging RW lunatic as suspected.

You better wait....... he is originally from New York....

He's got a Trump bedazzled van, fool.

You better accept it.
accept what? that he is a nutjob? yes he is.
Let's hope Trump isn't stupid enough to publicly call the bomber "crazy".

He probably is that stupid, though.

"We the jury find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity."

You can't possibly be this stupid.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Of course they are, and you guys knew it in your gut all along.

That's why every self-professed conservative and/or Republican have been 1. downplaying the bomb story and/or 2. claiming that it was some sort of Democratic setup. Which makes no sense actually.

The hatred and accompanying violence stems straight from the top. When you have a President that only goes around whipping up his mobs of fans into frenzied chants of "Lock her up! Lock her UP! LOCK! HER! UP!" for no damn reason at all other than unadulterated partisanship, and call your political opposite your enemy and the enemy of the country, it's only a matter of time before some unhinged member of said mob goes out and does these things.

Now what?

For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?

You want to lock her up for a secure private server but ignore Trump’s conversations on unsecured phones.
when he deletes 33k phone calls, let me know.
Let's have an investigation & make him turn them over then.

Oh wait, we canb't because he never recorded them?
Wow, this nut was really into Trump.


If you believe that your a moron..

It's a false flag

those stickers are brand new

it is a set up to make Trump supporters look bad

it is a lie and how DEMOCRATS work they want the house back beech you all ain't getting it back bahhahah

dumb fks.

IT's a DISTRACTION from the incomeing ILLEGALS MORON


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