BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.

What a load of horseshit.

It wasn't the right that got violent when Trump was elected.

It sure wasn't the right when Berkley was burning.

You are so full of shit I can smell you from here.

Good Lord what a moron you are.
It was the right who got violent at trump rallies before he was even elected.

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart...

Then recently we have Maxine Waters calling for Democrats to assault anyone who supports President Donald Trump.


An excuse for Trump? Really?
Let's hope Trump isn't stupid enough to publicly call the bomber "crazy".

He probably is that stupid, though.

"We the jury find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity."

You can't possibly be this stupid.
Your fellow pseudocons who declared the bomber had to be a Democrat are already backpedaling as fast as they can, and are now saying the guy is crazy. They can't admit they fucked up with their ASSumptions. Just like you can't.
I bet if these were pro left stickers on the van you ring wing fuckers would belive thr fact. But because it goes your Maga agenda, it's all lies.

You only accept the truth when it's in your favor.
No. If they all were suspiciously “brand new”, and looked very recently applied; it would look equally suspect. As it is, it looks like it was intended to give such an over the top impression, that the idiots who comprise the democrat voting block, will come to a near instant conclusion; saving the talking heads valuable time in disemmenating “the talking points”.

I agree. I have stickers on my truck and after a month they look like shit.

The stickers on that van look brand new. Hell you can read them with no problem

This guy was a member of the Green party in NY. Do you know if those folks are left, right or middle??
I can't believe you assholes are still pedaling the Limbaugh bullshit.

Not me pal. I have never watched Limbaugh.

Oh and the tree huggers can get violent.

So tree huggers can get violent & this makes it OK for Trump to spew hate & encourage violence?
Wow, this nut was really into Trump.


Again, one notes with amusement that the window stickers look as though they were applied yesterday.

OMG, are you really going to try to go there?
Check out his KillGeorge Soros Facebook page and Twitter account, idiot.
You think he started those yesterday too?

I said in a different thread that he probably attended Trump rallies.
And I was right.

Cesar Altieri@hardrock2016

Happy Birthday tge greatest President Ever Trump Trump Trump

12:14 AM - Jun 7, 2018

Cesar Altieri@hardrock2016

11:36 AM - Jul 7, 2018
Oh good! He's alive. Maybe now we can find out what the deal is.

Is that an Ice Cream truck?

Got pictures of Trump on it.

Dotard himself is supposed to speak soon, hope the media asks him about it.
Put it up when he does. I'm waiting on the press conference at 2:30

It's now being reported that he is a career Democratic staffer who was since cast out two years ago for being too extreme. He's been unemployed since. Papers found in his home indicate he multiple objectives: get revenge against what he considered to be hypocritical corporate/establishment Democrats he blamed for his plight, inspire sympathy for the Bernie Sanders/Occasio-Cortez branch of the party, and sabotage Republicans chances in the election.
I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.
Considering what his van looks like, I'm thinking he was active in the campaigns.

Yeah, I wanna watch @ 2:30.

Considering it's all stickered up, he's probably a nutbar, and another reason Mental Institutions should be reopened. (In this case, Chattahoochee.) Not sure how anyone saw Trump stickers in that blurry photo. I can't make out what they say.
Yeah, if he's a Trump supporter, he's clearly mentally ill.

However, if he is a Democrat, then he is a typical example of all Democrats.

Amiright? Amiright? Amiright? That's logic, folks!

Anyone that would do this is nuts. If they are guilty, give him the needle.

1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?

It seems to matter to many. Just like Scalise's shooting.

It is more important to be abke to identify the perpetrater as representative of one faction or another than to breath a sigh of relief that he is finally caught. Many of those now saying it doesnt matter were singing a diffetrent tune when Scalise was shot. And those now crowing about it being a rightwinger wete saying the opposite when Scalise was shot.

Kooks arent representative of a wing. But kooks can be triggered and influenced by the rhetoic of violence, intolerance and division we are seeing way too much of lately.

The difference between this man and the man that shot Scalise and others, is that this man did did no physical harm to anyone.

If anything, he fancied himself sending a warning. No detonator caps= pipes filled filled with gunpowder not meant to go off.

^That's just my theory.

I swear they should reopen Chattahoochee.
Got pictures of Trump on it.

Dotard himself is supposed to speak soon, hope the media asks him about it.
Put it up when he does. I'm waiting on the press conference at 2:30

I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.
Considering what his van looks like, I'm thinking he was active in the campaigns.

Yeah, I wanna watch @ 2:30.

Considering it's all stickered up, he's probably a nutbar, and another reason Mental Institutions should be reopened. (In this case, Chattahoochee.) Not sure how anyone saw Trump stickers in that blurry photo. I can't make out what they say.
Yeah, if he's a Trump supporter, he's clearly mentally ill.

However, if he is a Democrat, then he is a typical example of all Democrats.

Amiright? Amiright? Amiright? That's logic, folks!

Anyone that would do this is nuts. If they are guilty, give him the needle.

1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?

It seems to matter to many. Just like Scalise's shooting.

It is more important to be abke to identify the perpetrater as representative of one faction or another than to breath a sigh of relief that he is finally caught. Many of those now saying it doesnt matter were singing a diffetrent tune when Scalise was shot. And those now crowing about it being a rightwinger wete saying the opposite when Scalise was shot.

Kooks arent representative of a wing. But kooks can be triggered and influenced by the rhetoic of violence, intolerance and division we are seeing way too much of lately.

The difference between this man and the man that shot Scalise and others, is that this man did did no physical harm to anyone.

If anything, he fancied himself sending a warning. No detonator caps= 1 pipe filled filled with gunpowder not meant to go off.

^That's just my theory.
One would think you people would stop spewing theories, considering the hilarious track record you have built up.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Of course they are, and you guys knew it in your gut all along.

That's why every self-professed conservative and/or Republican have been 1. downplaying the bomb story and/or 2. claiming that it was some sort of Democratic setup. Which makes no sense actually.

The hatred and accompanying violence stems straight from the top. When you have a President that only goes around whipping up his mobs of fans into frenzied chants of "Lock her up! Lock her UP! LOCK! HER! UP!" for no damn reason at all other than unadulterated partisanship, and call your political opposite your enemy and the enemy of the country, it's only a matter of time before some unhinged member of said mob goes out and does these things.

Now what?

For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?

You want to lock her up for a secure private server but ignore Trump’s conversations on unsecured phones.

No. I want her locked up for disseminating classified information using her illegal server and her pay for play activities.

I have the opinion that you shouldn’t be allowed to sell influence of your office to foreign and hostile powers
Let's hope Trump isn't stupid enough to publicly call the bomber "crazy".

He probably is that stupid, though.

"We the jury find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity."

You can't possibly be this stupid.
Your fellow pseudocons who declared the bomber had to be a Democrat are already backpedaling as fast as they can, and are now saying the guy is crazy. They can't admit they fucked up with their ASSumptions. Just like you can't.

When all else fails change the subject, right?

You were implying that if Trump calls the fake bomber insane that that somehow can be used as the fake bomber's defense, which is beyond stupid.
I hope he or she is not a conservative. That would not look good on us.
Of course they are, and you guys knew it in your gut all along.

That's why every self-professed conservative and/or Republican have been 1. downplaying the bomb story and/or 2. claiming that it was some sort of Democratic setup. Which makes no sense actually.

The hatred and accompanying violence stems straight from the top. When you have a President that only goes around whipping up his mobs of fans into frenzied chants of "Lock her up! Lock her UP! LOCK! HER! UP!" for no damn reason at all other than unadulterated partisanship, and call your political opposite your enemy and the enemy of the country, it's only a matter of time before some unhinged member of said mob goes out and does these things.

Now what?

For no reason at all? So her breaking the law isn’t a legitimate reason to you? Why?

You want to lock her up for a secure private server but ignore Trump’s conversations on unsecured phones.

No. I want her locked up for disseminating classified information using her illegal server and her pay for play activities.

I have the opinion that you shouldn’t be allowed to sell influence of your office to foreign and hostile powers

What classified information? There were no properly marked classified e0mails on her server, The server was not illegal.

What influence was sold?

Trump got Russian help you you didn't care? He hired Manafort & Flynn, both unregistered foreign agents.,
Some of the things we know:

1. He has been investigated / arrested before
-- DNA was on file

2. Never seen 'CSI'
-- No clue about forensics / evidence or how to hide any of it

3. Stupid AND Lazy
-- Didn't know how to spell some of his target's names & too lazy to look them up

4. Sucked at being a terrorist...thankfully
-- Sent a NON-biological white powder through the mail
-- ZERO 'bombs' detonated - could not follow on-line instructions to build one - incompetent
** Will be MOCKED in prison by the other, smarter, competent terrorists

5. No Creativity
-- Reportedly drove the stereotypical 'white panel van' preferred by TV-show villains and pedophiles

Wow. That could be you!
Trump - Pence Supporter Minion!!! Lives with his Mother & in Van!!! MAGA Bomber!!!


Not an inexpensive van. In good condition too... Additionally it isnt very economical when it comes to gas mileage. The stickers are custom as well, and would have cost a fair chunk to have printed. Where? The printer will remember... So the obvious question would be. How did he finance himself? Where did he get the van, and stickers, and money to support himself?
It's a government van.
I'm surprised that so many people are surprised by how quickly they caught him. He used the US Postal Service. It's 2018. There are cameras around every corner. This dummy was probably pegged by authorities hours before he was actually arrested.
Let's hope Trump isn't stupid enough to publicly call the bomber "crazy".

He probably is that stupid, though.

"We the jury find the defendant not guilty by reason of insanity."

You can't possibly be this stupid.
Your fellow pseudocons who declared the bomber had to be a Democrat are already backpedaling as fast as they can, and are now saying the guy is crazy. They can't admit they fucked up with their ASSumptions. Just like you can't.

When all else fails change the subject, right?

You were implying that if Trump calls the fake bomber insane that that somehow can be used as the fake bomber's defense, which is beyond stupid.
Trump's tweets have been used against him in court before, retard.

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