BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.

You talking about Barbary Pirates? Of course -- that's a foreign affair. I agree. Our 1st MEast intervention as a nation was the Marines landing in Tripoli to go after Muslim pirates. When they fuck with us -- we need to respond. We CANNOT change their culture or political systems however. And we SUCK at building nations for them.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.

It's like dealing with trained parrots some times.

They have learned to repeat certain words when presented with certain stimuli. They have absolutely no comprehension of the words they present, however, nor any understanding of why they are even saying them other than the fact that their little peeps all approve.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.
The only difference is that Cruz and Huckabee did not put on a suicide vest. Otherwise, they are EXACTLY EQUAL. Not worthy of refutation? Translation: You can't refute it.
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.
The only difference is that Cruz and Huckabee did not put on a suicide vest. Otherwise, they are EXACTLY EQUAL. Not worthy of refutation? Translation: You can't refute it.

MIght go deeper than just not bombing anyone. Comparing Mike Huckabee to a radicalized anything is pretty damn funny.. He plays a mean bass. And I've personally heard him play the Devil's music and smile..
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.
The only difference is that Cruz and Huckabee did not put on a suicide vest. Otherwise, they are EXACTLY EQUAL. Not worthy of refutation? Translation: You can't refute it.

You are stupid and uneducated.

There's just no way around it.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.
The only difference is that Cruz and Huckabee did not put on a suicide vest. Otherwise, they are EXACTLY EQUAL. Not worthy of refutation? Translation: You can't refute it.

Government school grad, huh?

There is no comparison, outside of comparing your education with asphalt.

Not a chance in the world you've any familiarity, much less read, Tocqueville.


Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America.

Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam:
“Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

Sadly, there are enough fools like you to finally destroy this once great nation.
It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed
No, it cannot. I'm sure the Europeans thought Islam in their lands would never "morph" into the ISIS variety, but the problem is ISIS IS practising real Islam.

MudHamMud is not Jesus.

They preached polar opposites.

Jesus said, "an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit."

Islam has evil roots. That's why, 1400 years later they are still doing the things their prophet did ( my piss be upon him).
It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed
No, it cannot. I'm sure the Europeans thought Islam in their lands would never "morph" into the ISIS variety, but the problem is ISIS IS practising real Islam.

MudHamMud is not Jesus.

They preached polar opposites.

Jesus said, "an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit."

Islam has evil roots. That's why, 1400 years later they are still doing the things their prophet did ( my piss be upon him).

You would think it would be a simple matter, indeed, to compare the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of big Mo, but that sure does escape some people. Somehow, I can't recall Jesus teaching His disciples to rape women in front of their husbands before killing the men and taking them as sex slaves. I sure did miss the part where Jesus instructed His followers on the proper method for decapitating bound captives, and if He ever told them to kill a certain ethnicity "until they hide behind rocks and trees', I'd sure appreciate it if somebody could clue me in.
Let's see here, I can't stand ted Cuz, but has he ever said that apostates to Christianity should be killed, or at least jailed? That is MAINSTREAM Islam, folks. Has he ever indicated that a woman's testimony in court should be a fraction of a man's? That is mainsteam Islam. Did he ever say that those who insult Jesus should at least be jailed, if not put to death? Again, mainstream Islam.

Some numb nuts only know one thing -- they are required to defend Islam and attack Christianity (for that which is magnitudes less severe or widespread).
Quran contains a lot of peaceful phrases as well, but it's neither here nor there. What does this have to do with the motivation of the killer? Is he quoting this stuff on FB or such? Police haven't said anything except he's "zombie like".
As far as I'm concerned, its about conflicting cultures. Even if he's not a devout Muslim, the Muslim culture molded him to hate the Christian West. If forced to choose, like Obama, he would choose to live in a Muslim culture and not our limited Constitutional Republic.

In the end, these dead AMERICANS would be alive today if not for this push by our leaders to import these Turd World rejects.

America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.

What total Obamunist nonsense.

A reprise:
Not a chance in the world you've any familiarity with, much less read, Tocqueville.


Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies,Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America.

Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam:
“Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

Sadly, there are enough fools like you to finally destroy this once great nation.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Not much has changed since 1786
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Not much has changed since 1786

Let's prove that:

"....consider this statement from an Iranian 11th-grade schoolbook, quoting the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: “I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world devourers wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them! Either we all become free or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom.
Either we shake one another’s hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours." The Worst Foreign-Policy Blunder in American History
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various buildings killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
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America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.
Yes! And they played a pivotal role in America's history.

Muslims ran the international slave trade out of the Port of Gibraltar and to secure their interests, they had representatives in Great Britain and the United States.

I'm so glad you're here to remind us of how much America owes to the timely contributions from our Muslim friends.

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