BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

Well. Let us not call names then. Don't think I have. I'm not selling out America by observing that the FBI HAD the last 3 or 6 terrorists and simply hung up on them. If we were SMARTER about that -- we could ALL be more tolerant and fair.

To me -- this outbreak of possibly MEast inspired violence in America is a failure of leadership and govt.competence. And these discussions end up blaming each other and a religion, rather than acknowledging that crisis.

I didn't say you HAD indulged in name calling. It shouldn't be too difficult for you to find the official representatives of this site who do, however.

This isn't just a failure of leadership, but an ingrained system of Islamic defense arising from within an entire segment of the Western population who put pressure on everybody else to submit. They are quick to throw Hispanics under the bus, here, but dare to suggest that the odds are strongly in favor of this being Muslim and they go ballistic.

Again, the "bed wetters" of the world are not those willing to name the problem -- it is those who are so frightened by the thought of being culled from the herd that they call people names if they do.
Well. Let us not call names then. Don't think I have. I'm not selling out America by observing that the FBI HAD the last 3 or 6 terrorists and simply hung up on them. If we were SMARTER about that -- we could ALL be more tolerant and fair.

To me -- this outbreak of possibly MEast inspired violence in America is a failure of leadership and govt.competence. And these discussions end up blaming each other and a religion, rather than acknowledging that crisis.

I didn't say you HAD indulged in name calling. It shouldn't be too difficult for you to find the official representatives of this site who do, however.

This isn't just a failure of leadership, but an ingrained system of Islamic defense arising from within an entire segment of the Western population who put pressure on everybody else to submit. They are quick to throw Hispanics under the bus, here, but dare to suggest that the odds are strongly in favor of this being Muslim and they go ballistic.

Again, the "bed wetters" of the world are not those willing to name the problem -- it is those who are so frightened by the thought of being culled from the herd that they call people names if they do.

There ARE problems being ignored. But they are POLICY problems. Not a religious war. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

I give this thread about 4 stars for honest poster on poster brutality. :eusa_clap: The confrontational parts are very interesting and topical for the most part. Revealed a lot true feelings, fears, and impatience with how things are.
. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.
. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.
They bring their 'stink' with them wherever they go, it's inevitable. They brought their 'stink' to Europe and they get to practice it there, unbelievably. I hope America does not go the same way.
. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.

Seems like huge numbers. Really a figment of media emphasis. You got 50 state governments that won't get pushed into suicide pact like policies. And HOPEFULLY changes of administration from folks who have banned any words connecting Islam to radicals or terrorists. Note tho --- that's simply because they speak to the public on an 8th grade level and words are chosen carefully. And "radical Islamic terrorists" may NOT be the most accurate ones.

I would vote for "radicalized terrorists who insist on importing MEast violence and culture" but that's too long for prime time. Maybe "Terrorists with Radicalized Views of Islam" ??? There's alway room for clarification and improvement.

If the public didn't have the attention of squirrels, you could use MORE words and actually explain what the structure of the threat REALLY is.
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Obama's time in office has been fraught with turmoil. One terrorist attack after another, one mass shooting after another, massive rioting, looting, burning and anarchy in the streets. This has been a most unpleasant eight years. I will be glad when he's gone.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.

That was a surprise attack and then Bush took action.

Obama does not have that excuse and his actions have been to make the problem(s) worse.
They were told it was going to happen and ignored the warning.

No, they were not. Try to be less of a liar.
Obama's time in office has been fraught with turmoil. One terrorist attack after another, one mass shooting after another, massive rioting, looting, burning and anarchy in the streets. This has been a most unpleasant eight years. I will be glad when he's gone.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.
It was, as a result of Clinton's inaction over many previous attacks. Yep! And it just points out how stringent we must be in vetting those we allow into this country and how much we really need that wall. Did you know that the Obama administration mistakenly granted citizenship to 100,000 asswipe who were supposed to be deported? WTF? I said mistakenly, I am not so sure now in light of the new information that they are rushing to give as many citizenship before the election. Face it? This is the most corrupt administration in the history of the USA.
Bush ignored the warnings.

. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.

Seems like huge numbers. Really a figment of media emphasis. You got 50 state governments that won't get pushed into suicide pact like policies. And HOPEFULLY changes of administration from folks who have banned any words connecting Islam to radicals or terrorists. Note tho --- that's simply because they speak to the public on an 8th grade level and words are chosen carefully. And "radical Islamic terrorists" may NOT be the most accurate ones.

I would vote for "radicalized terrorists who insist on importing MEast violence and culture" but that's too long for prime time. Maybe "Terrorists with Radicalized Views of Islam" ??? There's alway room for clarification and improvement.

If the public didn't have the attention of squirrels, you could use MORE words and actually explain what the structure of the threat REALLY is.

When discussing Islam, these adjectives you use take the conversation further away from understanding rather than closer. It isn't just "terrorist" acts that are the problem. It isn't just "Radicalized" Muslims who are the problem. The problems are endemic to the nature of Islam, itself.

Mainstream Islam considers Mohammad the most perfect being. This "perfect" being just so happened to be a rapist, a murderer and had sex with children. He instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, he took women as sex slaves and he waged perpetual war against all who would not join him The very doctrine he created is a call to war and a call to submit to him.

Mainstream Islam does not believe in the separation of religion and politics. Mainstream Islam views women as second class citizens. Mainstream Islam does not believe in tolerance of other cultures. Mainstream Islam does not believe in freedom of speech. When you refer to "radicalized" Muslims, only, you are ignoring the fact that Islam, itself, is radical by any sort of liberal, western standard, and in doing so, you only trivialize the difference between this ideology and western liberalism.

Islam divides the world into Dar al Harb (house of war) and Dar al Islam (land where only Islam prevails). We are living in Dar al Harb, and the goal of Islam is to turn this into dar al Islam. So-called "moderate" Muslims believe this just as strongly as do the most radical terrorists, and the only real difference between them have to do with the methods they use to bring it about. Terrorists do the dirty work and act as the bad cops. CAIR and other organizations denounce violence when speaking to Kaffirs but are only acting the role of good cop.

Islam is a totalitarian belief system, and although elements of religion have been grafted on to it to provide it with some cachet, it is essentially a manifesto for world domination. Those in the west ignore that at our own risk.
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"

Lots of violence 1500 years ago. Even more in the Old Testament. Where God is instructing the Israelites on how to smite their enemies. So what? Is THAT an important concept in Christian/Jewish life today?

There was no concept of rights, freedoms, or even the individual as worthy of having rights in those days. Rape was accepted, vengeance, war, and to the victor go the spoils which usually included women and slaves. Reading those ancient texts without keeping that in mind leads to the wrong ideas about a faith - whether it's literalists trying to use it to force thier religious doctrine on others or literalists using it to justify attacking an entire faith. What matters is what is being done now by the many different groups that follow a faith.

"Rape was accepted,..."

Still is.

See post # 534

Another unanticipated, uncountered failure of naive govts that don't encourage assimilation and cultural compliance. Like a Muslim mayor of London griping about bikini ads on the subway, it's caused by way too much accommodation to "old country ways"...

"....govts that don't encourage assimilation...."

You've just inspired an OP.....

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

Thanks for the idea, Mr. Muse....
The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic leadership rally.
Did someone mention "Muppet ?

. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.

Seems like huge numbers. Really a figment of media emphasis. You got 50 state governments that won't get pushed into suicide pact like policies. And HOPEFULLY changes of administration from folks who have banned any words connecting Islam to radicals or terrorists. Note tho --- that's simply because they speak to the public on an 8th grade level and words are chosen carefully. And "radical Islamic terrorists" may NOT be the most accurate ones.

I would vote for "radicalized terrorists who insist on importing MEast violence and culture" but that's too long for prime time. Maybe "Terrorists with Radicalized Views of Islam" ??? There's alway room for clarification and improvement.

If the public didn't have the attention of squirrels, you could use MORE words and actually explain what the structure of the threat REALLY is.

When discussing Islam, these adjectives you use take the conversation further away from understanding rather than closer. It isn't just "terrorist" acts that are the problem. It isn't just "Radicalized" Muslims who are the problem. The problems are endemic to the nature of Islam, itself.

Mainstream Islam considers Mohammad the most perfect being. This "perfect" being just so happened to be a rapist, a murderer and had sex with children. He instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, he took women as sex slaves and he waged perpetual war against all who would not join him The very doctrine he created is a call to war and a call to submit to him.

Mainstream Islam does not believe in the separation of religion and politics. Mainstream Islam views women as second class citizens. Mainstream Islam does not believe in tolerance of other cultures. Mainstream Islam does not believe in freedom of speech. When you refer to "radicalized" Muslims, only, you are ignoring the fact that Islam, itself, is radical by any sort of liberal, western standard, and in doing so, you only trivialize the difference between this ideology and western liberalism.

Islam divides the world into Dar al Harb (house of war) and Dar al Islam (land where only Islam prevails). We are living in Dar al Harb, and the goal of Islam is to turn this into dar al Islam. So-called "moderate" Muslims believe this just as strongly as do the most radical terrorists, and the only real difference between them have to do with the methods they use to bring it about. Terrorists do the dirty work and act as the bad cops. CAIR and other organizations denounce violence when speaking to Kaffirs but are only acting the role of good cop.

Islam is a totalitarian belief system, and although elements of religion have been grafted on to it to provide it with some cachet, it is essentially a manifesto for world domination. Those in the west ignore that at our own risk.

Don't know how many American Muslims that you've discussed religion with --- but what is written in the Koran is a product of the politics and conflicts HE was embroiled in. You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. 1500 yr old rules of conflict and sexual norms seem brutal now in both the O.Testament and the Koran.

America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values.. So America is a living testament to the fact that Islam CAN be practiced as a peaceful religion in a properly integrated society.

Now you and I both know -- that's the RARITY and not the rule. Not even common. So the conflict in the world now is isolating the adherents of Islam from the comfort of having governments that protect them from offense, and are still fighting INTERNAL religious conflicts within the sects of Islam. And willing to kill each other in amazing numbers.

Yes it IS dangerous to insert ourselves into any of that. I think all the posters here who you're beating up on, simply want to adhere to OUR principles of freedom of religion, tolerance and liberty. And get YOU to acknowledge that this is a policy issue about importing culture and expectations of continuing that sordid culture, and NOT a proof that Islam itself is inherently evil when practiced within the bounds of western culture.

I don't give a flip about Arab conflicts and culture. And I don't want any of that here. But THAT is a policy problem. I BELIEVE we have the ability to determine a real desire for living in free, open society. And if we weren't so politically inept and polarized -- we could figure out how to triage the immigration issue.
Quran contains a lot of peaceful phrases as well, but it's neither here nor there. What does this have to do with the motivation of the killer? Is he quoting this stuff on FB or such? Police haven't said anything except he's "zombie like".
As far as I'm concerned, its about conflicting cultures. Even if he's not a devout Muslim, the Muslim culture molded him to hate the Christian West. If forced to choose, like Obama, he would choose to live in a Muslim culture and not our limited Constitutional Republic.

In the end, these dead AMERICANS would be alive today if not for this push by our leaders to import these Turd World rejects.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.

Seems like huge numbers. Really a figment of media emphasis. You got 50 state governments that won't get pushed into suicide pact like policies. And HOPEFULLY changes of administration from folks who have banned any words connecting Islam to radicals or terrorists. Note tho --- that's simply because they speak to the public on an 8th grade level and words are chosen carefully. And "radical Islamic terrorists" may NOT be the most accurate ones.

I would vote for "radicalized terrorists who insist on importing MEast violence and culture" but that's too long for prime time. Maybe "Terrorists with Radicalized Views of Islam" ??? There's alway room for clarification and improvement.

If the public didn't have the attention of squirrels, you could use MORE words and actually explain what the structure of the threat REALLY is.

When discussing Islam, these adjectives you use take the conversation further away from understanding rather than closer. It isn't just "terrorist" acts that are the problem. It isn't just "Radicalized" Muslims who are the problem. The problems are endemic to the nature of Islam, itself.

Mainstream Islam considers Mohammad the most perfect being. This "perfect" being just so happened to be a rapist, a murderer and had sex with children. He instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, he took women as sex slaves and he waged perpetual war against all who would not join him The very doctrine he created is a call to war and a call to submit to him.

Mainstream Islam does not believe in the separation of religion and politics. Mainstream Islam views women as second class citizens. Mainstream Islam does not believe in tolerance of other cultures. Mainstream Islam does not believe in freedom of speech. When you refer to "radicalized" Muslims, only, you are ignoring the fact that Islam, itself, is radical by any sort of liberal, western standard, and in doing so, you only trivialize the difference between this ideology and western liberalism.

Islam divides the world into Dar al Harb (house of war) and Dar al Islam (land where only Islam prevails). We are living in Dar al Harb, and the goal of Islam is to turn this into dar al Islam. So-called "moderate" Muslims believe this just as strongly as do the most radical terrorists, and the only real difference between them have to do with the methods they use to bring it about. Terrorists do the dirty work and act as the bad cops. CAIR and other organizations denounce violence when speaking to Kaffirs but are only acting the role of good cop.

Islam is a totalitarian belief system, and although elements of religion have been grafted on to it to provide it with some cachet, it is essentially a manifesto for world domination. Those in the west ignore that at our own risk.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.
You saw a brown man and just assumed the worst based on your own prejudice, no facts whatsoever.
Based on HISTORY.

I guess every time we see a white person waving around a confederate flag we can assume they are going to go in and shoot up a church full of black people.

Based on HISTORY
. We can't fix the stagnant stink that pervades MEast culture, but we should guarantee it doesn't get practiced here.

You are missing the entire point here. With such huge numbers of people running interference for the agenda involved, it WILL get practiced here. It's downright Orwellian, the way such a large part of the left is trying to eliminate the very language that opposes it.

You gotta be able to see what is there right in front of your face, man, yet you fail to see how some of your fellow moderators are working towards that end.

Seems like huge numbers. Really a figment of media emphasis. You got 50 state governments that won't get pushed into suicide pact like policies. And HOPEFULLY changes of administration from folks who have banned any words connecting Islam to radicals or terrorists. Note tho --- that's simply because they speak to the public on an 8th grade level and words are chosen carefully. And "radical Islamic terrorists" may NOT be the most accurate ones.

I would vote for "radicalized terrorists who insist on importing MEast violence and culture" but that's too long for prime time. Maybe "Terrorists with Radicalized Views of Islam" ??? There's alway room for clarification and improvement.

If the public didn't have the attention of squirrels, you could use MORE words and actually explain what the structure of the threat REALLY is.

When discussing Islam, these adjectives you use take the conversation further away from understanding rather than closer. It isn't just "terrorist" acts that are the problem. It isn't just "Radicalized" Muslims who are the problem. The problems are endemic to the nature of Islam, itself.

Mainstream Islam considers Mohammad the most perfect being. This "perfect" being just so happened to be a rapist, a murderer and had sex with children. He instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, he took women as sex slaves and he waged perpetual war against all who would not join him The very doctrine he created is a call to war and a call to submit to him.

Mainstream Islam does not believe in the separation of religion and politics. Mainstream Islam views women as second class citizens. Mainstream Islam does not believe in tolerance of other cultures. Mainstream Islam does not believe in freedom of speech. When you refer to "radicalized" Muslims, only, you are ignoring the fact that Islam, itself, is radical by any sort of liberal, western standard, and in doing so, you only trivialize the difference between this ideology and western liberalism.

Islam divides the world into Dar al Harb (house of war) and Dar al Islam (land where only Islam prevails). We are living in Dar al Harb, and the goal of Islam is to turn this into dar al Islam. So-called "moderate" Muslims believe this just as strongly as do the most radical terrorists, and the only real difference between them have to do with the methods they use to bring it about. Terrorists do the dirty work and act as the bad cops. CAIR and other organizations denounce violence when speaking to Kaffirs but are only acting the role of good cop.

Islam is a totalitarian belief system, and although elements of religion have been grafted on to it to provide it with some cachet, it is essentially a manifesto for world domination. Those in the west ignore that at our own risk.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.

No it doesn't, despite your babbling nonsense.

Mainstream Islam is comparable to extreme fundamentalist Christianity, and mainstream Christianity is comparable to the most liberal forms of Islam.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.

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