BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

It's like dealing with trained parrots some times.

They have learned to repeat certain words when presented with certain stimuli. They have absolutely no comprehension of the words they present, however, nor any understanding of why they are even saying them other than the fact that their little peeps all approve.
They don't hate religion, they hate Christianity and the advanced civilization it produced. They live Islam. They live Atheism. They love any
It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day
No, they tolerate us to the degree they remain a minority.

As their percentage increases, so does violence against the infidel.
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.
Much of what you attribute to "mainstream Islam" can also apply to "mainstream" Christianity. Then you have radical Christianity that is identical to what you accuse Islam of. Ever hear of Christian Dominionism? Have you listened to the rhetoric spewed by some of the (former) Republican presidential candidate -mainly Cruz and Huckabee- and now we have Mike Pence.
THIS is an example of the insanity of the Left.

Ted Cruz equals a Devout Muslim!

Not even worthy of refutation. Just more proof you cannot reason with the leftists crazies.
The only difference is that Cruz and Huckabee did not put on a suicide vest. Otherwise, they are EXACTLY EQUAL. Not worthy of refutation? Translation: You can't refute it.

Government school grad, huh?

There is no comparison, outside of comparing your education with asphalt.

Not a chance in the world you've any familiarity, much less read, Tocqueville.


Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America.

Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam:
“Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

Sadly, there are enough fools like you to finally destroy this once great nation.
I will concede that Islam, and eastern cultures do no embrace and recognize the distinction between religion and secular government. However, you seem to be unable to acknowledge the fact that there are Muslims, particularly American Muslims, who do in fact value secular government over religious domination, and that there are Christians WHO DO NOT. You state that "Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America".
Perhaps not, but that does not stop these asshats from claiming that it does and they are a real and present danger to our way of life: David Barton Will Train Christians To Take Control Of Government And Transform America Into The 'Nation That God Wants It To Be'
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The indelibility of your indoctrination should astound those with an education....but the regularity of same removes any surprise.

1. "The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

a. The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews.
Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

b. “Our hatred for the Jews dates from God's condemnation of them for their persecution and rejection of Isa (Jesus) and their subsequent rejection of His chosen Prophet." He added "that for a Muslim to kill a Jew, or for him to be killed by a Jew ensures him an immediate entry into Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty."
November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia's King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson.
Official British document, Foreign Office File No. 371/20822 E 7201/22/31;
Elie Kedourie, Islam in the Modern World, (London: Mansell, 1980), pp. 69-72.
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.

Only those who honor the words of the Q'ran....

The following are direct quotes from the Quran and the Hadith:

Quran 4:89: "They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper."

Quran 8:12: "Instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers;"

Quran 2:191: "... kill the disbelievers wherever we find them

Quran 22:19-22: "… for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

Quran 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'"

Qur'an:8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle."

Quran 8:7: "Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: 'Wipe the infidels out to the last.'"

Quran 8:59: "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy."

Quran 8:60: "Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you."

Quran 9.29" "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."

Quran 47:4: "Strike off the heads of the disbelievers" and, after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives."

Hadith Sahih Muslim (41:6985): "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: 'The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.'"

Quran 9:5: "When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

Sura 3:151: "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers for that they joined companions with Allah for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the fire; and evil is the home of the wrong-doers!"

Sura 8:60: "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides whom ye may not know but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you and ye shall not be treated unjustly."

Tabari IX:113: "Allah permits you to shut them (women) in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Quran."

Tabari I:280: "Allah said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.' Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid."

Ishaq:327: "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'"

These quotations are not out of context. They are representative of dozens and dozens of other messages in the Islamic "holy" texts. Clearly, they have inspired the violent and hateful behavior of followers.

I think it would be irresponsible to ignore how the Q'ran instructs its followers.
Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.
With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
With the crap you've been spewing it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if you look like a drooling retard you probably are.

Look man I don't know what your problem is.

The reports are it's a Hispanic male, correct?

All's I'm saying that when you look around and see what is going on in the world today, and what's been happening here in the U.S., I'm simply wondering if this could actually have been someone with an Arab background and another Islamic attack.

What is so unreasonable about that?

I don't have a problem. You are the one who harbors so much bigotry and xenophobia. No wonder you support Trump

So he's not Hispanic after all.
Are you going to apologize to me now?

No. You happened to be right this time, but it doesn't change the fact that your suspicions were based on bigotry and xenophobia. In this instance, it just happened to pan out.

My "suspicions" were based on what has been going on in the world since 9/11!!
It's called "going with the odds".

You can kiss my feet now.
It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
No response to me, huh? Telling.
It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.
It's why I keep pictures offline. The last time I posted a picture of me, somebody said I looked like a Puerto Rican, not a Native American. I find it never proves anything and only feeds the trolls.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.
It's why I keep pictures offline. The last time I posted a picture of me, somebody said I looked like a Puerto Rican, not a Native American. I find it never proves anything and only feeds the trolls.

I think it's often extremely difficult to claim someone is of a certain ethnicity based on a few crappy photos (as in the police images). A lot of hispanics, middle easterners and native Americans don't look like the stereotypical image but that doesnt' mean they aren't.
The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
No response to me, huh? Telling.

So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
No response to me, huh? Telling.

#580. You really couldn't go back a page?
You saw a brown man and just assumed the worst based on your own prejudice, no facts whatsoever. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

One might as well offer evidence that that the Earth is billions of years old to a raving fundamentalist who insists it is just 6000.

You true believers make for quite the interesting study. You are ignorant, you are incapable of logic, the notion of probability completely escapes you and your positions are completely hypocritical.

The victims do not matter a whit to you. The threat to western civilization due to Islam does not matter to you. All that matters is YOU, and your selfish need to feel smug and superior by calling people names if they don't join you in defending all the mayhem caused by Islam.

You are a boy and you will remain a boy until you man up.

Is this guy a fake "Hispanic" Muslim too?

The customer was struck in the chest area and witnesses administered CPR. Since officers treated the incident as a hostage situation there was a delay to get medical treatment to the victim. The victim was transported to Spring Valley Hospital where he or she died.

Police said as people were evacuating the Starbucks it was unclear if the suspect exited or remained inside.

A suspect, described as a Hispanic man approximately 30 to 40 years-old, was later detained, police said.

Police: Deadly shooting at Las Vegas Starbucks result of declined card
The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.
It's why I keep pictures offline. The last time I posted a picture of me, somebody said I looked like a Puerto Rican, not a Native American. I find it never proves anything and only feeds the trolls.

I think it's often extremely difficult to claim someone is of a certain ethnicity based on a few crappy photos (as in the police images). A lot of hispanics, middle easterners and native Americans don't look like the stereotypical image but that doesnt' mean they aren't.
Which is why I don't even bother trying to "prove" to anyone my heritage. I'm a Blackfoot Indian. If somebody wants to disbelieve that, vaya con Dios.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
You made me a victim.

Now stand up and be a real woman of your word or continue to run and hide.
The most glaring antithesis to your flowery prose occurred the day these followers of Mohammed flew jets into various building killing innocents. That type of behavior has not ceased.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
You made me a victim.

Now stand up and be a real woman of your word or continue to run and hide.

Oh give it a rest dude. No one made you a victim but yourself.

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