BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

No the Koran allows for Infidels to be lied to and killed without any trial or process. There are "religious police" who can kill anyone on the spot.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

And that is the fate that awaits the world if the muslim filth ever reaches strong enough capabilities. Better to crush them now and bottle them up in their own countries then continue to allow that filth to infiltrate the West to act as a fifth column, especially when the civil uprisings begin. Death to islam, and all those who practice that death cult.
"...Arcan Cetin is a Turkish Muslim, contrary to original reports that the shooter was a Hispanic man."

Arcan Cetin Arrested: Burlington Police Capture Cascade Mall Shooting Suspect One Day After Attack That Left Five Dead


The media threw all hispanics under the bus.

To protect this scum!


Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

George Zimmer was Hispanic and the leftists called him white.

Technically the government classifies middle easterners as white. They probably should be listed as asians if anything. That's how the Brits lost them I believe.

The media threw out Hispanic because they knew the last thing they wanted to hear was Muslim. It's a shame they feel they have to insulate these animals.
Bullshit. Hispanic - Middle Eastern - they look similar.

So then asshole why would you leftists accept the media attributing the attack to a hispanic if they both look alike, you fucking moron?

The media could have said brown-skinned male of unknown descent, but they inserted ethnicity by stating what the obama admin and law enforcement leadership told them to do - and idiots like you who are incapable of seeing this media manipulation for what it is clap like a muppet at a young democratic
Oh my....just ANOTHER mass MUSLIM Terrorist murder as Trump for told, when is the regime going to act against muslims...ALL should be investigsted!!!!

Don't be a retard.

Just because someone who commits a crime is Muslim doesn't mean he's a terrorist.

You're right, it might have been:

a) a workplace accident
b) a mentally unstable person, which seems to primarily affect muslims, driving them to act violently
c) a misunderstood young muslim, who was just acting out
d) a muslim protesting the so-called Israeli "occupation", who felt oppressed and had no other way to address it
e) all of the above
OR nothing whatsoever to do with his religion.

You guys are so gleeful it's a Muslim you are celebrating a tragedy. Scumwaffle.

Celebrating? The only hope here is that maybe the people living in denial will finally wake up when it comes to these animals and block them from entering our country. Then we can start clamping down on the people who travel and communicate with Muslim countries.
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.
Yes! And they played a pivotal role in America's history.

Muslims ran the international slave trade out of the Port of Gibraltar and to secure their interests, they had representatives in Great Britain and the United States.

I'm so glad you're here to remind us of how much America owes to the timely contributions from our Muslim friends.

The Transatlantic slave trade was run by all kinds of people including many Christians. When the slave trade route was closed, Christians in America were forced to breed their own slaves, breeding humans like cattle. Now enough digression.

At any rate, Muslims have been a part of our nation and citizens in our nation from it's earliest years.
Yes. Just wanted to remind you of the how.

You think that was the only "how"? Shall we limit our countries Christian involvement with the breeding of humanity?
Give me a break! It wasn't MOOOSLIMS who were escaping persecution from the Church of England, it was Puritans, Quakers, Presbyterians, Mennonites, and Catholics. There was no significant Muslim presence at our founding.
Purportedly From his My Space page



Sad when young people feel that is the only solution to their problems.

No what's sad is you enable these fucking parasites.. WHAT'S TRULY SAD is 4 families have lost mothers.. and for what??? So you can slap around your appeasement of your own??? FUCK YOU

God, you guys are so happy it's a Muslim you don't give a fuck about the victims.

at least we know the root cause. .
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?
Muslim? She doesn't strike me as the type. You know, quiet. Obedient.
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?
Muslim? She doesn't strike me as the type. You know, quiet. Obedient.

Makes a lot of excuses for them. Muslim women are like DV victims .... they make excuse after excuse for the violence. All we can hope is that they wake up one day.
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?
Muslim? She doesn't strike me as the type. You know, quiet. Obedient.

Makes a lot of excuses for them. Muslim women are like DV victims .... they make excuse after excuse for the violence. All we can hope is that they wake up one day.
She's going to be next door neighbors with a friendly, peaceful Muslim who will validate her delusional, ignorant bliss. Then when the Muslim breaks into her house and slits her throat, she'll die with a surprised look on her face.

I have friends who had Muslims move in next door. The husband immediately installed cameras, bought several guns, and designated a safe room. That's the proper response when living next to the enemy.
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?

Is this Coyote grocery shopping?


**Note** just having a laugh before anyone gets their burka ruffled.
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?
Muslim? She doesn't strike me as the type. You know, quiet. Obedient.

Makes a lot of excuses for them. Muslim women are like DV victims .... they make excuse after excuse for the violence. All we can hope is that they wake up one day.
She's going to be next door neighbors with a friendly, peaceful Muslim who will validate her delusional, ignorant bliss. Then when the Muslim breaks into her house and slits her throat, she'll die with a surprised look on her face.

I have friends who had Muslims move in next door. The husband immediately installed cameras, bought several guns, and designated a safe room. That's the proper response when living next to the enemy.

We have some Muslims in our neighborhood. They are at least the western adjusted version. We don't have any of that crazy dress code stuff. No veils, no burkas, just normal western dress.

The only thing crazy about them is when they did go to a mosque they went to that one the gay killer attended.
Coyote is an example of the silent Muslim in this country who refuses to call out the JIHAD that has come here to America.. We've all been waiting collectively since 9-11 for the so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and do the right thing and it still hasn't happened.. Just take a look at her and you will understand why.

Coyote is a Muslim? Dear lord where is she then to straighten out her buddies then?
Muslim? She doesn't strike me as the type. You know, quiet. Obedient.

Makes a lot of excuses for them. Muslim women are like DV victims .... they make excuse after excuse for the violence. All we can hope is that they wake up one day.
She's going to be next door neighbors with a friendly, peaceful Muslim who will validate her delusional, ignorant bliss. Then when the Muslim breaks into her house and slits her throat, she'll die with a surprised look on her face.

I have friends who had Muslims move in next door. The husband immediately installed cameras, bought several guns, and designated a safe room. That's the proper response when living next to the enemy.

We have some Muslims in our neighborhood. They are at least the western adjusted version. We don't have any of that crazy dress code stuff. No veils, no burkas, just normal western dress.

The only thing crazy about them is when they did go to a mosque they went to that one the gay killer attended.
Watch your back, my friend.

What a douche...
If you weren't blinded by partisan hatred of the Democratic party and blinded by love of the future fascist of America, you'd see the reality. No other presidential candidate has ever engendered violence at his/her rallies. Period. End of.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Not much has changed since 1786

Let's prove that:

"....consider this statement from an Iranian 11th-grade schoolbook, quoting the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: “I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world devourers wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them! Either we all become free or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom.
Either we shake one another’s hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours." The Worst Foreign-Policy Blunder in American History

And how does affect 2nd/8th generation AMERICAN Muslims? Or French Muslims -- assuming the French ever got their shit together and paid attention to immigration issues?



1. Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

2. But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
Roger Scruton, "The West and The Rest"

["Ultimate sleeper cell: U.S.-born kids of immigrants are fertile jihadist recruiting grounds"]


The dark Islamic world of Khalil Abu-Rayyan.
Federal authorities arrested a Michigan man believed to be an ISIS supporter who had planned to carry out an attack on a 6,000-member Detroit church. Khalil Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, was allegedly in possession of guns and a large knife, and told an undercover FBI agent that he "tried to shoot up a church one day." "I bought a bunch of bullets. I practiced reloading and unloading," he said in an online conversation. Investigators did not specify which church Abu-Rayyan was eyeing, but said it has a capacity of 6,000 members. In conversations with an undercover agent, he said, "If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here." He also had armed himself with a knife and told the undercover agent, "It is my dream to behead someone." 'It Is My Dream to Behead Someone' – American Muslim
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Obama's time in office has been fraught with turmoil. One terrorist attack after another, one mass shooting after another, massive rioting, looting, burning and anarchy in the streets. This has been a most unpleasant eight years. I will be glad when he's gone.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.

That was a surprise attack and then Bush took action.

Obama does not have that excuse and his actions have been to make the problem(s) worse.
They were told it was going to happen and ignored the warning.

No, they were not. Try to be less of a liar.
I am not a liar, you are just ignorant of the facts.

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