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BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

Obama's time in office has been fraught with turmoil. One terrorist attack after another, one mass shooting after another, massive rioting, looting, burning and anarchy in the streets. This has been a most unpleasant eight years. I will be glad when he's gone.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.

That was a surprise attack and then Bush took action.

Obama does not have that excuse and his actions have been to make the problem(s) worse.
They were told it was going to happen and ignored the warning.

No, they were not. Try to be less of a liar.
I am not a liar, you are just ignorant of the facts.

Nope. YOu are lying.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.

That was a surprise attack and then Bush took action.

Obama does not have that excuse and his actions have been to make the problem(s) worse.
They were told it was going to happen and ignored the warning.

No, they were not. Try to be less of a liar.
I am not a liar, you are just ignorant of the facts.

Nope. YOu are lying.

As usual. the Liberal dunces simply spew the talking points they have been fed.

He didn't get any warnings.

"There was . . . an awareness by the government, including the president, of Osama bin Laden and the threat he posed in the United States and around the world," Fleischer said. "That included long-standing speculation about hijacking in the traditional sense, but not involving suicide bombers using airplanes as missiles."

A CIA spokesman said the agency routinely passed on intelligence citing the possibility that al Qaeda might be planning to hijack an airliner as part of a terrorist action against the United States. But a suicide attack involving an aircraft was never envisioned, the spokesman said."
Bush Was Told of Hijacking Dangers (washingtonpost.com)

Pretty specific warning, huh?

And...do you know who asked for intelligence briefings?

"The White House said the presidential daily briefing, or PDB, was requested by Bush, who sought information about the possibility of an al Qaeda attack in the United States."
CNN.com - White House releases*bin Laden memo - Apr 12, 2004

"...information prompted administration officials to issue a private warning to transportation officials and national security agencies. ... In a press briefing, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said the threats were very general and did not mention a specific time, place or mode of terrorist attack." http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=August_6,_2001,_President's_Daily_Briefing_Memo_(External_Links)

Seems like Bush was far more responsible than the oaf in the White House now.....the one who took a nap while Benghazi was under attack, and who routinely refuses intelligence briefings.

The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:
“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers. http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/09/ob...igence-briefer-than-my-intelligence-briefers/

And this...

"BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.
he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles."
Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Sooooo....who is more on an imbecile....Obama or NoNeurons
Waiting for a liberal to come in here and explain there are a much higher percentage of shootings in Chicago that are not Muslim related....
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.

Many of their leaders condone it. They have had over twenty years to root out the extremists.

I'm not going to repost this, but if you search you'll find many who do not condone it, who speak out against it. Twenty years is nothing. You aren't looking at a single country, culture or cause. The problem of failed states, failing states, international meddling and support for parties in conflicts and civil wars all part of what is leading to this - it's easy to say "root it out"...but how?
You kinda scare me when you suggest that Mohammed was demanding submission "to him" and not Allah. .

Mohammadism and Islam are interchangeable terms. The warlord created this new quasi-religion placing himself as the sole authority in order to prop up his power by investing his actions with Godly sanctioning.

It is hardly a stretch to say he was demanding submission to him when that is exactly what he was doing.

You seem to be caught up on the word "religion", the assumption being that Islam operates just like Christianity or Judaism. It doesn't and it never did.

It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed.
If you read a good biography of Mohammed, you can learn a great deal about what shaped the religion, the upheavals and conflicts of the time. What Mohammed saw, in the Arab culture, his own culture was an excess of extravagance, pride and honor motivated violence that was moving people away from God. Widows and orphans suffered impoverishment, the poor were ignored and wealth was concentrated and wasted in the hands of a few. That's an oversimplification, but it was what led him to try to change his culture and bring his people closer to God within the context of values of the times.

The Quran is full of verses about war and conflict, but those verses are often stripped of their context, much like some will do with the Bible. Unlike the OT however it is also full of rules as to when it's permissible to conduct war, how to treat those captured etc.

It is also full of verses on peace, justness and compassion. That often gets ignored, both by its detractors and its extremists.

What I don't understand is this attitude that insists Islam cannot ever work within a culture of western ideals, freedoms and rights. Followers of the Bible, a book full of bloody vengeful intolerant actions and commands have done so. They place an emphasis on the peaceful and compassionate aspects, and view the violence in a metsphorical fashion rather than literal. The Quran contains the same potential. So have many Muslims in western countries, including many in Europe. It isn't the rarity people think it is, it's often that you only ever here of Muslims behaving badly and Europe is under intense pressure with the migrant and refugee situation.

It isn't that Islam cannot coexist with western values, it does, every day.

No the Koran allows for Infidels to be lied to and killed without any trial or process. There are "religious police" who can kill anyone on the spot.

So does the bible, but we've moved past that.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.

Yes, as it has been pointed out we had to form the Marines because of them.

Yes, and they have fought for us, as American citizens, and laid down their lives for our country.
Waiting for a liberal to come in here and explain there are a much higher percentage of shootings in Chicago that are not Muslim related....

A leftist would do that, but a liberal wouldn't.

An actual liberal realizes that Islam stands squarely opposed to just about every liberal value imaginable.
I'm not going to repost this, but if you search you'll find many who do not condone it, who speak out against it. Twenty years is nothing. You aren't looking at a single country, culture or cause. The problem of failed states, failing states, international meddling and support for parties in conflicts and civil wars all part of what is leading to this - it's easy to say "root it out"...but how?

Try honesty. Every time one of these guys is found out the family denies it. Then you find out the wife radicalized him, wife was sent to the ME just before the attack, father denies it, then you fins out the son visited the ME and "seemed different upon return and so an and so on.

They lie to us because their religion says that is okay. That is why I suggest honesty, because you need some.
Some really paranoid and fearful people on this thread.

True dat, bro.

Take all these morons who are so afraid of Islam, that they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the nature of the shooter, even after it has been revealed, and are simply doubling down on their usual crap.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.

Many of their leaders condone it. They have had over twenty years to root out the extremists.

I'm not going to repost this, but if you search you'll find many who do not condone it, who speak out against it. Twenty years is nothing. You aren't looking at a single country, culture or cause. The problem of failed states, failing states, international meddling and support for parties in conflicts and civil wars all part of what is leading to this - it's easy to say "root it out"...but how?
See signature.
I'm not going to repost this, but if you search you'll find many who do not condone it, who speak out against it. Twenty years is nothing. You aren't looking at a single country, culture or cause. The problem of failed states, failing states, international meddling and support for parties in conflicts and civil wars all part of what is leading to this - it's easy to say "root it out"...but how?

Try honesty. Every time one of these guys is found out the family denies it. Then you find out the wife radicalized him, wife was sent to the ME just before the attack, father denies it, then you fins out the son visited the ME and "seemed different upon return and so an and so on.

They lie to us because their religion says that is okay. That is why I suggest honesty, because you need some.

Yes. Honesty.

The Myth of the Lying Muslim: 'Taqiyya' and the Racialization of Muslim Identity – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Consider the concept of taqiyya - or "action of covering, dissimulation" - which can be traced back to internal Muslim sectarian conflict and "denotes dispensing with the ordinances of religion in cases of constraint and when there is a possibility of harm." Defined by The Oxford Dictionary of Islam as the "precautionary denial of religious belief in the face of potential persecution," in academic scholarship it is most commonly described as a Shi'a justification for false denials of faith told as a means of surviving Sunni persecution.

Allegations of taqiyya still feature in intra-Muslim disputes, particularly those across the Sunni/Shi'a divide but also between secular and Islamist political parties. Such allegations have arisen in Turkish political discourse, where Kemalist politicians and commentators have accused religious movements and political parties of engaging in taqiyya (or "takiyye"), concealing their Islamist agenda beneath a democratic facade.

However, in post 9/11 anti-Muslim discourse, taqiyya has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims not simply for survival, but in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community. According to the taqiyya-focused strand of the anti-Muslim moral panic, Muslims stand condemned for their participation in this hidden agenda even when no criminal or anti-social behaviour is apparent.

Taqiyya scare-mongering has a strong online presence and is beginning to enter mainstream media as a counterpoint to reassurances from "moderate" Muslims that their religious community poses no threat to non-Muslims. This paranoia reaches its logical conclusion with the "secret Muslim" rumours surrounding U.S. President Barack Obama. Obama's visible otherness as the first black President is not considered a legitimate target in mainstream political discourse. Instead, he is under fire for his alleged invisible, clandestine identity as a Muslim. The fact that Obama's father and stepfather were at least nominally Muslim and that he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia is cited as evidence for such claims. Despite his public identity as a churchgoing Christian, his family links with Islam have generated allegations that he is really a secret Muslim and his presidency is part of a sinister Islamic plot.
Yes, and they have fought for us, as American citizens, and laid down their lives for our country.

Soldier who killed fellow U.S. troops in Iraq gets life sentence

...and some of those guys killed their fellow soldiers.

Ya, like 2. Let me guess...non-Muslim soldiers have never done this? Or...it's only Muslim soldiers that get damned?

Don't switch the narrative YOU started Coyote. You singled out Muslims as being so heroic, I retorted with a valid rebuttal. There are more than two. Another one I can think of killed far more than five.
I'm not going to repost this, but if you search you'll find many who do not condone it, who speak out against it. Twenty years is nothing. You aren't looking at a single country, culture or cause. The problem of failed states, failing states, international meddling and support for parties in conflicts and civil wars all part of what is leading to this - it's easy to say "root it out"...but how?

Try honesty. Every time one of these guys is found out the family denies it. Then you find out the wife radicalized him, wife was sent to the ME just before the attack, father denies it, then you fins out the son visited the ME and "seemed different upon return and so an and so on.

They lie to us because their religion says that is okay. That is why I suggest honesty, because you need some.

Yes. Honesty.

The Myth of the Lying Muslim: 'Taqiyya' and the Racialization of Muslim Identity – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Consider the concept of taqiyya - or "action of covering, dissimulation" - which can be traced back to internal Muslim sectarian conflict and "denotes dispensing with the ordinances of religion in cases of constraint and when there is a possibility of harm." Defined by The Oxford Dictionary of Islam as the "precautionary denial of religious belief in the face of potential persecution," in academic scholarship it is most commonly described as a Shi'a justification for false denials of faith told as a means of surviving Sunni persecution.

Allegations of taqiyya still feature in intra-Muslim disputes, particularly those across the Sunni/Shi'a divide but also between secular and Islamist political parties. Such allegations have arisen in Turkish political discourse, where Kemalist politicians and commentators have accused religious movements and political parties of engaging in taqiyya (or "takiyye"), concealing their Islamist agenda beneath a democratic facade.

However, in post 9/11 anti-Muslim discourse, taqiyya has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims not simply for survival, but in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community. According to the taqiyya-focused strand of the anti-Muslim moral panic, Muslims stand condemned for their participation in this hidden agenda even when no criminal or anti-social behaviour is apparent.

Taqiyya scare-mongering has a strong online presence and is beginning to enter mainstream media as a counterpoint to reassurances from "moderate" Muslims that their religious community poses no threat to non-Muslims. This paranoia reaches its logical conclusion with the "secret Muslim" rumours surrounding U.S. President Barack Obama. Obama's visible otherness as the first black President is not considered a legitimate target in mainstream political discourse. Instead, he is under fire for his alleged invisible, clandestine identity as a Muslim. The fact that Obama's father and stepfather were at least nominally Muslim and that he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia is cited as evidence for such claims. Despite his public identity as a churchgoing Christian, his family links with Islam have generated allegations that he is really a secret Muslim and his presidency is part of a sinister Islamic plot.

Nice spin, but then I expect Muslims to lie, so.
Yes, and they have fought for us, as American citizens, and laid down their lives for our country.

Soldier who killed fellow U.S. troops in Iraq gets life sentence

...and some of those guys killed their fellow soldiers.

Ya, like 2. Let me guess...non-Muslim soldiers have never done this? Or...it's only Muslim soldiers that get damned?

Don't switch the narrative YOU started Coyote. You singled out Muslims as being so heroic, I retorted with a valid rebuttal. There are more than two. Another one I can think of killed far more than five.

A valid rebuttal? I don't think so.

Muslims are no more or less heroic then any other American demographic group. You are the one trying to use 1 instance as the rule and a means of smearing the group.
I'm not going to repost this, but if you search you'll find many who do not condone it, who speak out against it. Twenty years is nothing. You aren't looking at a single country, culture or cause. The problem of failed states, failing states, international meddling and support for parties in conflicts and civil wars all part of what is leading to this - it's easy to say "root it out"...but how?

Try honesty. Every time one of these guys is found out the family denies it. Then you find out the wife radicalized him, wife was sent to the ME just before the attack, father denies it, then you fins out the son visited the ME and "seemed different upon return and so an and so on.

They lie to us because their religion says that is okay. That is why I suggest honesty, because you need some.

Yes. Honesty.

The Myth of the Lying Muslim: 'Taqiyya' and the Racialization of Muslim Identity – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Consider the concept of taqiyya - or "action of covering, dissimulation" - which can be traced back to internal Muslim sectarian conflict and "denotes dispensing with the ordinances of religion in cases of constraint and when there is a possibility of harm." Defined by The Oxford Dictionary of Islam as the "precautionary denial of religious belief in the face of potential persecution," in academic scholarship it is most commonly described as a Shi'a justification for false denials of faith told as a means of surviving Sunni persecution.

Allegations of taqiyya still feature in intra-Muslim disputes, particularly those across the Sunni/Shi'a divide but also between secular and Islamist political parties. Such allegations have arisen in Turkish political discourse, where Kemalist politicians and commentators have accused religious movements and political parties of engaging in taqiyya (or "takiyye"), concealing their Islamist agenda beneath a democratic facade.

However, in post 9/11 anti-Muslim discourse, taqiyya has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims not simply for survival, but in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community. According to the taqiyya-focused strand of the anti-Muslim moral panic, Muslims stand condemned for their participation in this hidden agenda even when no criminal or anti-social behaviour is apparent.

Taqiyya scare-mongering has a strong online presence and is beginning to enter mainstream media as a counterpoint to reassurances from "moderate" Muslims that their religious community poses no threat to non-Muslims. This paranoia reaches its logical conclusion with the "secret Muslim" rumours surrounding U.S. President Barack Obama. Obama's visible otherness as the first black President is not considered a legitimate target in mainstream political discourse. Instead, he is under fire for his alleged invisible, clandestine identity as a Muslim. The fact that Obama's father and stepfather were at least nominally Muslim and that he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia is cited as evidence for such claims. Despite his public identity as a churchgoing Christian, his family links with Islam have generated allegations that he is really a secret Muslim and his presidency is part of a sinister Islamic plot.

Nice spin, but then I expect Muslims to lie, so.

It's your choice if you prefer to believe propoganda.

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