BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
No response to me, huh? Telling.

#580. You really couldn't go back a page?
I have no idea where in this very lengthy thread you posted a question and I don't feel like searching.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.
Yes! And they played a pivotal role in America's history.

Muslims ran the international slave trade out of the Port of Gibraltar and to secure their interests, they had representatives in Great Britain and the United States.

I'm so glad you're here to remind us of how much America owes to the timely contributions from our Muslim friends.

The Transatlantic slave trade was run by all kinds of people including many Christians. When the slave trade route was closed, Christians in America were forced to breed their own slaves, breeding humans like cattle. Now enough digression.

At any rate, Muslims have been a part of our nation and citizens in our nation from it's earliest years.
It does in America. We provided a context for it's practice without all the baggage. Not that "our brand" of Muslims are gonna win at defanging Islam in general. But from an American prospective, it CAN BE just like Christianity or Judaism if the ties to the outside are severed
No, it cannot. I'm sure the Europeans thought Islam in their lands would never "morph" into the ISIS variety, but the problem is ISIS IS practising real Islam.

MudHamMud is not Jesus.

They preached polar opposites.

Jesus said, "an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit."

Islam has evil roots. That's why, 1400 years later they are still doing the things their prophet did ( my piss be upon him).

Oh good. Something I studied in school. Comparative religion.. :banana:

But first. Europeans didn't experience a "morphing". They experienced a poor integration into society. Coupled with the fact that they ignored a crime element and a parallel justice and a welfare system that ENCOURAGED isolation and ghettos of people ignoring the law. And then the morons in charge experienced an INVASION of more immigration infected directly with ISIS and other radical views.

Let's have a religious beat down. From the perspective of a Jew Sunday School teacher.

a) Muslims worship the same God that Jews and Christians do.
b) All 3 religions trace their roots back to Abraham.
c) Some Jewish prophets were warriors. No Christian prophets were warriors. The Muslim prophet was a warrior.
d) Having a somewhat hoodlum warrior as a Savior, reflects the culture of the Arab world. Christians chose a builder and a philosopher. Reflects nothing. Because he was Jewish and reflects MY culture at the time more than your idol worshipping Romans or VisiGoths :coffee: --- sorry 'bout that.
e) Pretty much the SAME Muslim religion is practiced WORLD WIDE by over 1.5 Bill people. When you say it's NOT a religion, you're in denial.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.
Yes! And they played a pivotal role in America's history.

Muslims ran the international slave trade out of the Port of Gibraltar and to secure their interests, they had representatives in Great Britain and the United States.

I'm so glad you're here to remind us of how much America owes to the timely contributions from our Muslim friends.

The Transatlantic slave trade was run by all kinds of people including many Christians. When the slave trade route was closed, Christians in America were forced to breed their own slaves, breeding humans like cattle. Now enough digression.

At any rate, Muslims have been a part of our nation and citizens in our nation from it's earliest years.
Yes. Just wanted to remind you of the how.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.
Yes! And they played a pivotal role in America's history.

Muslims ran the international slave trade out of the Port of Gibraltar and to secure their interests, they had representatives in Great Britain and the United States.

I'm so glad you're here to remind us of how much America owes to the timely contributions from our Muslim friends.

The Transatlantic slave trade was run by all kinds of people including many Christians. When the slave trade route was closed, Christians in America were forced to breed their own slaves, breeding humans like cattle. Now enough digression.

At any rate, Muslims have been a part of our nation and citizens in our nation from it's earliest years.
Yes. Just wanted to remind you of the how.

You think that was the only "how"? Shall we limit our countries Christian involvement with the breeding of humanity?
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Yeah. I understand how far it goes back. But the point is Islam --- without a kingdom or an army cannot do that.
Islam doesn't RELY on kings or armies or ambassadors --- once it is separated from Arab culture and political institutions. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw here.

Christianity has had some ugly incidences when theocracies lent their power to Divine acts of aggression and persecution. Still possible for that in 85% of the Arab world. And that's sick. Without those ties back to "old world culture" -- Islam itself -- is benign.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Not much has changed since 1786

Let's prove that:

"....consider this statement from an Iranian 11th-grade schoolbook, quoting the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: “I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world devourers wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all of them! Either we all become free or we will go to the greater freedom, which is martyrdom.
Either we shake one another’s hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours." The Worst Foreign-Policy Blunder in American History

And how does affect 2nd/8th generation AMERICAN Muslims? Or French Muslims -- assuming the French ever got their shit together and paid attention to immigration issues?
Seems people who knew the shooter described him as weird, inappropriate, kind of scary, obsessive about a girl. He liked military sites, participated in the ROTC program. Multiple arrests and a record of violent disputes. He was also court ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling.

No one seems to think he was your nomal kid next door.
So you tar an entire religion with the actions of extremists.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
You made me a victim.

Now stand up and be a real woman of your word or continue to run and hide.

Oh give it a rest dude. No one made you a victim but yourself.
Same old Coyote....I have never castigated anyone for their religious beliefs when exercised in a peaceful, respectable manner.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Yeah. I understand how far it goes back. But the point is Islam --- without a kingdom or an army cannot do that.
Islam doesn't RELY on kings or armies or ambassadors --- once it is separated from Arab culture and political institutions. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw here.

Christianity has had some ugly incidences when theocracies lent their power to Divine acts of aggression and persecution. Still possible for that in 85% of the Arab world. And that's sick. Without those ties back to "old world culture" -- Islam itself -- is benign.
A kingdom or army is in the hearts and minds of those who support the violent means by which terrorism is practiced on society. Neither a border or a throne is needed to establish the group which claims responsibility. All these peoplem want to to kill those who do not think as they do or pray to the same God they do.
I have never done that, you are the one that has a very, very broad brush which you use liberally, especially on me for a large variety of issues and failings of others not just the instant issue.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
You made me a victim.

Now stand up and be a real woman of your word or continue to run and hide.

Oh give it a rest dude. No one made you a victim but yourself.
Same old Coyote....I have never castigated anyone for their religious beliefs when exercised in a peaceful, respectable manner.

When you make comments like these, you are broadbrushing an entire religion:

I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do

There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Yeah. I understand how far it goes back. But the point is Islam --- without a kingdom or an army cannot do that.
Islam doesn't RELY on kings or armies or ambassadors --- once it is separated from Arab culture and political institutions. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw here.

Christianity has had some ugly incidences when theocracies lent their power to Divine acts of aggression and persecution. Still possible for that in 85% of the Arab world. And that's sick. Without those ties back to "old world culture" -- Islam itself -- is benign.
A kingdom or army is in the hearts and minds of those who support the violent means by which terrorism is practiced on society. Neither a border or a throne is needed to establish the group which claims responsibility. All these peoplem want to to kill those who do not think as they do or pray to the same God they do.

Majority of terrorist organizations are proxies of UN nation states. Fighting internal wars within Islam and working on common goals like the destruction of Israel and punishing the US for MEast interference. ISIS considers itself a Caliphate. Having borrowed US weapons and equipment and now owning the gold reserves and oil fields that once belonged to stable govts that we helped to destroy.

Matter of fact -- the truly malignant versions of Islam are FUNDED by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And those countries are FULL AWARE of the situation and just smirk about it. There are now several "versions" of the Koran thanks to organized sponsorship in the lands of some of our Arab friends. It's not that simple.

We SUPPORTED the muhjahadin in Afghanistan. One of the stupidest moves this country has ever made. Which led to the power of the Taliban and the creation of Al Queada.

You're right. It's a stateless war. But the strings are all pulled from the Arab powers and our idiotic and "unintentional" help..
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Yeah. I understand how far it goes back. But the point is Islam --- without a kingdom or an army cannot do that.
Islam doesn't RELY on kings or armies or ambassadors --- once it is separated from Arab culture and political institutions. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw here.

Christianity has had some ugly incidences when theocracies lent their power to Divine acts of aggression and persecution. Still possible for that in 85% of the Arab world. And that's sick. Without those ties back to "old world culture" -- Islam itself -- is benign.
A kingdom or army is in the hearts and minds of those who support the violent means by which terrorism is practiced on society. Neither a border or a throne is needed to establish the group which claims responsibility. All these peoplem want to to kill those who do not think as they do or pray to the same God they do.

Majority of terrorist organizations are proxies of UN nation states. Fighting internal wars within Islam and working on common goals like the destruction of Israel and punishing the US for MEast interference. ISIS considers itself a Caliphate. Having borrowed US weapons and equipment and now owning the gold reserves and oil fields that once belonged to stable govts that we helped to destroy.

Matter of fact -- the truly malignant versions of Islam are FUNDED by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And those countries are FULL AWARE of the situation and just smirk about it. There are now several "versions" of the Koran thanks to organized sponsorship in the lands of some of our Arab friends. It's not that simple.

We SUPPORTED the muhjahadin in Afghanistan. One of the stupidest moves this country has ever made. Which led to the power of the Taliban and the creation of Al Queada.

You're right. It's a stateless war. But the strings are all pulled from the Arab powers and our idiotic and "unintentional" help..
"Not that simple"

Something of this magnitude is never that simple. The Koran much like any other tool, religious or not, is used by those who wish to destroy, kill or victimize and contour its meaning to their own ends. It is up to the good people, the positive members of that society to instill a sense of rule, to enforce the good message, to simply stop those who are using their words to destroy others.

That has not happened since this type of terrorist conduct began. The rest of the world needs to answer the call to stop this type of violence.

You think it is funny?

This thread is still open anytime you want to get close and personal. Bull Ring - Coyote's Claims against Alex. All it takes a degree of honesty and courage.

To attack my skin color and then question my tolerance and acceptance within the stricture of law and society for those who peaceably worship a God different than my own is beyond the pale.

I didn't attack your skin color, stop trying to make yourself a victim. I said you didn't look hispanic to me.

Your broadbrushing is evident in your prior post, as well as others you have made involving Muslims.

That is all I'm going to say about it.
You made me a victim.

Now stand up and be a real woman of your word or continue to run and hide.

Oh give it a rest dude. No one made you a victim but yourself.
Same old Coyote....I have never castigated anyone for their religious beliefs when exercised in a peaceful, respectable manner.

When you make comments like these, you are broadbrushing an entire religion:

I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do

There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

I broad brushed nothing.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Yeah. I understand how far it goes back. But the point is Islam --- without a kingdom or an army cannot do that.
Islam doesn't RELY on kings or armies or ambassadors --- once it is separated from Arab culture and political institutions. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw here.

Christianity has had some ugly incidences when theocracies lent their power to Divine acts of aggression and persecution. Still possible for that in 85% of the Arab world. And that's sick. Without those ties back to "old world culture" -- Islam itself -- is benign.
A kingdom or army is in the hearts and minds of those who support the violent means by which terrorism is practiced on society. Neither a border or a throne is needed to establish the group which claims responsibility. All these peoplem want to to kill those who do not think as they do or pray to the same God they do.

Majority of terrorist organizations are proxies of UN nation states. Fighting internal wars within Islam and working on common goals like the destruction of Israel and punishing the US for MEast interference. ISIS considers itself a Caliphate. Having borrowed US weapons and equipment and now owning the gold reserves and oil fields that once belonged to stable govts that we helped to destroy.

Matter of fact -- the truly malignant versions of Islam are FUNDED by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And those countries are FULL AWARE of the situation and just smirk about it. There are now several "versions" of the Koran thanks to organized sponsorship in the lands of some of our Arab friends. It's not that simple.

We SUPPORTED the muhjahadin in Afghanistan. One of the stupidest moves this country has ever made. Which led to the power of the Taliban and the creation of Al Queada.

You're right. It's a stateless war. But the strings are all pulled from the Arab powers and our idiotic and "unintentional" help..
"Not that simple"

Something of this magnitude is never that simple. The Koran much like any other tool, religious or not, is used by those who wish to destroy, kill or victimize and contour its meaning to their own ends. It is up to the good people, the positive members of that society to instill a sense of rule, to enforce the good message, to simply stop those who are using their words to destroy others.

That has not happened since this type of terrorist conduct began. The rest of the world needs to answer the call to stop this type of violence.

I prefer the let them kill each other strategy. Learned it from the Israelis. Old Zionist trick.
I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do:

"In May 1786, Jefferson and Adams met in London with the resident Tripolitan ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, to try and negotiate a treaty to end the threat from the Barbary pirates. They asked the ambassador why the Muslim states were so hostile to the new American republic that had done nothing to provoke such animosity. Ambassador Adja answered, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

America’s First War against Muslim Terrorists | Providence Foundation

Yeah. I understand how far it goes back. But the point is Islam --- without a kingdom or an army cannot do that.
Islam doesn't RELY on kings or armies or ambassadors --- once it is separated from Arab culture and political institutions. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw here.

Christianity has had some ugly incidences when theocracies lent their power to Divine acts of aggression and persecution. Still possible for that in 85% of the Arab world. And that's sick. Without those ties back to "old world culture" -- Islam itself -- is benign.
A kingdom or army is in the hearts and minds of those who support the violent means by which terrorism is practiced on society. Neither a border or a throne is needed to establish the group which claims responsibility. All these peoplem want to to kill those who do not think as they do or pray to the same God they do.

Majority of terrorist organizations are proxies of UN nation states. Fighting internal wars within Islam and working on common goals like the destruction of Israel and punishing the US for MEast interference. ISIS considers itself a Caliphate. Having borrowed US weapons and equipment and now owning the gold reserves and oil fields that once belonged to stable govts that we helped to destroy.

Matter of fact -- the truly malignant versions of Islam are FUNDED by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And those countries are FULL AWARE of the situation and just smirk about it. There are now several "versions" of the Koran thanks to organized sponsorship in the lands of some of our Arab friends. It's not that simple.

We SUPPORTED the muhjahadin in Afghanistan. One of the stupidest moves this country has ever made. Which led to the power of the Taliban and the creation of Al Queada.

You're right. It's a stateless war. But the strings are all pulled from the Arab powers and our idiotic and "unintentional" help..
"Not that simple"

Something of this magnitude is never that simple. The Koran much like any other tool, religious or not, is used by those who wish to destroy, kill or victimize and contour its meaning to their own ends. It is up to the good people, the positive members of that society to instill a sense of rule, to enforce the good message, to simply stop those who are using their words to destroy others.

That has not happened since this type of terrorist conduct began. The rest of the world needs to answer the call to stop this type of violence.

I prefer the let them kill each other strategy. Learned it from the Israelis. Old Zionist trick.
I don't have a problem with that, they just keep coming over crapping on all they has been made available to them by western civilization.
When you make comments like these, you are broadbrushing an entire religion:

I just wanted to post this small reminder of just how long the US has had to tolerate the Religion of peace and how they wish to kill off everyone who does not believe as they do

There is only one religion who is trying to annihilate everyone who does not believe in their God or attempts to force their religious laws down the throats of the society they choose to enter.

That "religion" has been trying to kill us for over twenty years now.
America had no Muslim issue before we boinked several Arab countries and started to create a refugee stream from CULTURES that can't separate Islam from education, politics or values..
You need to read about the origins of the US Marines. Muslims have plagued this nation from the beginning.
Muslims have been part of our nation from the beginning.

Yes, as it has been pointed out we had to form the Marines because of them.

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