BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

Washington mall shooting suspect Arcan Cetin was 'zombie-like' during arrest

No evidence pointed to terrorism, Michael Knutson, assistant special agent in charge of the Seattle FBI, said at the news conference late Saturday night. Authorities believe he is the only shooter.

...The exact motive behind the shooting that killed four women and a man in a Macy's store remains unclear, but authorities say Cetin's ex-girlfriend used to work at the store. However, she has not worked there in several months and now lives in another county. KING 5 reported that Cetin was in possession of three guns Friday night; all of them were legally purchased, but Cetin stole them from a family member. The weapon used Friday night was a .22 Ruger, according to law enforcement, KING 5 reported.

The Seattle Times reports that Cetin's criminal record includes three assault charges related to domestic violence, the victim being Cetin's stepfather. Cetin also was arrested on a drunken driving charge, the Times reports.

A judge told Cetin Dec. 29 he could not possess a firearm, according to the Times. His stepfather convinced the judge not to impose a no-contact order. He said his stepson was "going through a hard time."

He sounds like a troubled violent young person. Not much different than a number of other mass shooters we've had. The police describe him as "zombie like" state when they arrested him.

This is on his Tumblr account


"My other dood Ali Come on me. Supreme burrito of Iran arcanmotherrussiavodkaandak47"

The crazy bastard you have championed is a terrorist sympathizing creep

I'm championing no one, I'm sticking to known facts. Is it possible for you to do the same?

You are IGNORING known facts - any that contradict your Islamist agenda.

I'm sticking to known facts.
You saw a brown man and just assumed the worst based on your own prejudice, no facts whatsoever. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

One might as well offer evidence that that the Earth is billions of years old to a raving fundamentalist who insists it is just 6000.

You true believers make for quite the interesting study. You are ignorant, you are incapable of logic, the notion of probability completely escapes you and your positions are completely hypocritical.

The victims do not matter a whit to you. The threat to western civilization due to Islam does not matter to you. All that matters is YOU, and your selfish need to feel smug and superior by calling people names if they don't join you in defending all the mayhem caused by Islam.

You are a boy and you will remain a boy until you man up.

Few on this thread give a damn about the victims once it got passed the first few posts - in case you haven't noticed. The victims get thrown in every now and then to justify an agenda.

The facts aren't completely known but don't let that stop anyone.

What is known?

What we know about Arcan Cetin, Washington state mall shooting suspect
Or maybe a constitutionalist.

I missed the part where the constitution protects death cults, as islam is not a religion. Why don't you show us that part, dimwit.

Death cults often INVOKE religions. There are obvious examples. Like the KKK. And the Constitution does not protect them. The problem in western countries is STRIPPING the culture (tyrannical Arab theocracies) from the religion. Which is hard. Because to do that -- western Muslims have to ISOLATE themselves from the vast majority of their tribe.

Vast majority of Muslims live in these stagnant, intolerant and violent societies. Does not mean we ACCOMODATE them here, or make provisions for them to BYPASS American values and law.
Then this, breaking today
Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan
By Kathianne Boniello

September 25, 2016 | 1:34am

Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan | New York Post

Poor innocent Muslim who screamed he and his family were targeted.. Time to take the fucking gloves off.. A new President will be sworn in shortly.. Gone will be the pacifist terror appeasing Obama and his gaggle of terror tied assholes..

So -- this is a failure of government. I agree with that. We're finding MOST of the last 6 or 8 incidents were ON the radar of the FBI and for reasons mostly politically correct, these suspects were DROPPED instead of continuing to surveill them.

It's dysfunctional priorities and too many "terrorist task forces" and not enough common sense. You can DROP an active investigation. But then you need to turn it from a "CRIMINAL CASE" into a surveillance case.

Instead of building a new palace in Utah for the NSA to spy on ALL OF US --- how about KEEPING those people under surveillance for 2 or 6 years? Nawww. Govt is not bright or competent.
Then this, breaking today
Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan
By Kathianne Boniello

September 25, 2016 | 1:34am

Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan | New York Post

Poor innocent Muslim who screamed he and his family were targeted.. Time to take the fucking gloves off.. A new President will be sworn in shortly.. Gone will be the pacifist terror appeasing Obama and his gaggle of terror tied assholes..

So -- this is a failure of government. I agree with that. We're finding MOST of the last 6 or 8 incidents were ON the radar of the FBI and for reasons mostly politically correct, these suspects were DROPPED instead of continuing to surveill them.

It's dysfunctional priorities and too many "terrorist task forces" and not enough common sense. You can DROP an active investigation. But then you need to turn it from a "CRIMINAL CASE" into a surveillance case.

Instead of building a new palace in Utah for the NSA to spy on ALL OF US --- how about KEEPING those people under surveillance for 2 or 6 years? Nawww. Govt is not bright or competent.

I think it's a tough call - there is a fine line between appropriate surveillance and crossing into an abuse of people's rights and freedoms. It's an easy call to make in a police state or a restricted society like Egypt for example - but how do you balance it in a society that values freedom and openness? Freedom vs. security.

That said, it does seem as if travel to certain areas should be a red flag for closer monitoring particularly involving young men.
I've been here a year and "they" have been right about once. I really know I am on the right side now.

They say.......Cops murder innocents (wrong), muslims don't do terror (wrong) on and on and on and a bunch of demented circus monkeys. I begin to hate!

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and you know what? The next time this happens, the exact same discussion filled with name calling against those who do not support Islam will ensue. When proven wrong, they will once again double down on their name calling and wait for the next opportunity, whereupon the pattern will repeat.

Some people are simply incapable of learning, and especially so when they are ultra-conformist.
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"

Lots of violence 1500 years ago. Even more in the Old Testament. Where God is instructing the Israelites on how to smite their enemies. So what? Is THAT an important concept in Christian/Jewish life today?
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"

Lots of violence 1500 years ago. Even more in the Old Testament. Where God is instructing the Israelites on how to smite their enemies. So what? Is THAT an important concept in Christian/Jewish life today?

There was no concept of rights, freedoms, or even the individual as worthy of having rights in those days. Rape was accepted, vengeance, war, and to the victor go the spoils which usually included women and slaves. Reading those ancient texts without keeping that in mind leads to the wrong ideas about a faith - whether it's literalists trying to use it to force thier religious doctrine on others or literalists using it to justify attacking an entire faith. What matters is what is being done now by the many different groups that follow a faith.
politically correct

common sense. .

If this thread is any indication, those with common sense will continue to be called names by those who are politically correct.

Those who TRULY fear Islam are the ones who call people names dare they oppose anything about it, and that is the true problem here. Islamists have made MASSIVE inroads into western civilization, as the western left makes Islam inviolate in the exact ways the Islamists have trained them.

In the U.K., this phenomenon is so advanced within the culture that the rape of British children is abetted rather than running the risk of the name calling people are sure to receive by those who have been conditioned to act in this way.
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"

Lots of violence 1500 years ago. Even more in the Old Testament. Where God is instructing the Israelites on how to smite their enemies. So what? Is THAT an important concept in Christian/Jewish life today?

Yes it is... on message boards.
Washington mall shooting suspect Arcan Cetin was 'zombie-like' during arrest

No evidence pointed to terrorism, Michael Knutson, assistant special agent in charge of the Seattle FBI, said at the news conference late Saturday night. Authorities believe he is the only shooter.

...The exact motive behind the shooting that killed four women and a man in a Macy's store remains unclear, but authorities say Cetin's ex-girlfriend used to work at the store. However, she has not worked there in several months and now lives in another county. KING 5 reported that Cetin was in possession of three guns Friday night; all of them were legally purchased, but Cetin stole them from a family member. The weapon used Friday night was a .22 Ruger, according to law enforcement, KING 5 reported.

The Seattle Times reports that Cetin's criminal record includes three assault charges related to domestic violence, the victim being Cetin's stepfather. Cetin also was arrested on a drunken driving charge, the Times reports.

A judge told Cetin Dec. 29 he could not possess a firearm, according to the Times. His stepfather convinced the judge not to impose a no-contact order. He said his stepson was "going through a hard time."

He sounds like a troubled violent young person. Not much different than a number of other mass shooters we've had. The police describe him as "zombie like" state when they arrested him.

This is on his Tumblr account


"My other dood Ali Come on me. Supreme burrito of Iran arcanmotherrussiavodkaandak47"

The crazy bastard you have championed is a terrorist sympathizing creep

I'm championing no one, I'm sticking to known facts. Is it possible for you to do the same?

You are IGNORING known facts - any that contradict your Islamist agenda.

I'm sticking to known facts.

If only our Muslim-American citizen had known it was a gun-free zone....all of this could have been avoided!!!!!!!

So many Liberal memes might not have been shattered!
Washington mall shooting suspect Arcan Cetin was 'zombie-like' during arrest

No evidence pointed to terrorism, Michael Knutson, assistant special agent in charge of the Seattle FBI, said at the news conference late Saturday night. Authorities believe he is the only shooter.

...The exact motive behind the shooting that killed four women and a man in a Macy's store remains unclear, but authorities say Cetin's ex-girlfriend used to work at the store. However, she has not worked there in several months and now lives in another county. KING 5 reported that Cetin was in possession of three guns Friday night; all of them were legally purchased, but Cetin stole them from a family member. The weapon used Friday night was a .22 Ruger, according to law enforcement, KING 5 reported.

The Seattle Times reports that Cetin's criminal record includes three assault charges related to domestic violence, the victim being Cetin's stepfather. Cetin also was arrested on a drunken driving charge, the Times reports.

A judge told Cetin Dec. 29 he could not possess a firearm, according to the Times. His stepfather convinced the judge not to impose a no-contact order. He said his stepson was "going through a hard time."

He sounds like a troubled violent young person. Not much different than a number of other mass shooters we've had. The police describe him as "zombie like" state when they arrested him.

This is on his Tumblr account


"My other dood Ali Come on me. Supreme burrito of Iran arcanmotherrussiavodkaandak47"

The crazy bastard you have championed is a terrorist sympathizing creep

I'm championing no one, I'm sticking to known facts. Is it possible for you to do the same?

You are IGNORING known facts - any that contradict your Islamist agenda.

I'm sticking to known facts.

If only our Muslim-American citizen had known it was a gun-free zone....all of this could have been avoided!!!!!!!

So many Liberal memes might not have been shattered!

Trevor Noah? Is that you?
politically correct

common sense. .

If this thread is any indication, those with common sense will continue to be called names by those who are politically correct.

Those who TRULY fear Islam are the ones who call people names dare they oppose anything about it, and that is the true problem here. Islamists have made MASSIVE inroads into western civilization, as the western left makes Islam inviolate in the exact ways the Islamists have trained them.

In the U.K., this phenomenon is so advanced within the culture that the rape of British children is abetted rather than running the risk of the name calling people are sure to receive by those who have been conditioned to act in this way.

Well. Let us not call names then. Don't think I have. I'm not selling out America by observing that the FBI HAD the last 3 or 6 terrorists and simply hung up on them. If we were SMARTER about that -- we could ALL be more tolerant and fair.

To me -- this outbreak of possibly MEast inspired violence in America is a failure of leadership and govt.competence. And these discussions end up blaming each other and a religion, rather than acknowledging that crisis.
politically correct

common sense. .

If this thread is any indication, those with common sense will continue to be called names by those who are politically correct.

Those who TRULY fear Islam are the ones who call people names dare they oppose anything about it, and that is the true problem here. Islamists have made MASSIVE inroads into western civilization, as the western left makes Islam inviolate in the exact ways the Islamists have trained them.

In the U.K., this phenomenon is so advanced within the culture that the rape of British children is abetted rather than running the risk of the name calling people are sure to receive by those who have been conditioned to act in this way.

"In the U.K., this phenomenon is so advanced within the culture that the rape of British children is abetted rather than running the risk of the name calling...."

Please educate the American Liberals....they make certain not to know about these facts.

"Widespread organised child sexual abuse took place in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, between 1997 and 2013. Local investigations into the abuse began in 1999, although some reports were never finalised or made public by the authorities.[1] In 2010, five men of Pakistani heritage were found guilty of a series of sexual offences against girls as young as twelve.[2] A subsequent investigation by The Timesreported that the child sex exploitation was much more widespread,....

....estimated that 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men.[7] Abuses described included abduction, rape,torture and sex trafficking of children.[6]"
Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rapes were covered up by the establishment because LIBERALS INSISTED ON BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT.
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"

Lots of violence 1500 years ago. Even more in the Old Testament. Where God is instructing the Israelites on how to smite their enemies. So what? Is THAT an important concept in Christian/Jewish life today?

There was no concept of rights, freedoms, or even the individual as worthy of having rights in those days. Rape was accepted, vengeance, war, and to the victor go the spoils which usually included women and slaves. Reading those ancient texts without keeping that in mind leads to the wrong ideas about a faith - whether it's literalists trying to use it to force thier religious doctrine on others or literalists using it to justify attacking an entire faith. What matters is what is being done now by the many different groups that follow a faith.

"Rape was accepted,..."

Still is.

See post # 534
Then this, breaking today
Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan
By Kathianne Boniello

September 25, 2016 | 1:34am

Chelsea bombing suspect spent weeks at Islamist seminary in Pakistan | New York Post

Poor innocent Muslim who screamed he and his family were targeted.. Time to take the fucking gloves off.. A new President will be sworn in shortly.. Gone will be the pacifist terror appeasing Obama and his gaggle of terror tied assholes..

So -- this is a failure of government. I agree with that. We're finding MOST of the last 6 or 8 incidents were ON the radar of the FBI and for reasons mostly politically correct, these suspects were DROPPED instead of continuing to surveill them.

It's dysfunctional priorities and too many "terrorist task forces" and not enough common sense. You can DROP an active investigation. But then you need to turn it from a "CRIMINAL CASE" into a surveillance case.

Instead of building a new palace in Utah for the NSA to spy on ALL OF US --- how about KEEPING those people under surveillance for 2 or 6 years? Nawww. Govt is not bright or competent.

I think it's a tough call - there is a fine line between appropriate surveillance and crossing into an abuse of people's rights and freedoms. It's an easy call to make in a police state or a restricted society like Egypt for example - but how do you balance it in a society that values freedom and openness? Freedom vs. security.

That said, it does seem as if travel to certain areas should be a red flag for closer monitoring particularly involving young men.

And that's the sheer stupidity that America has displayed. I mentioned that American Muslims have to isolate themselves from the VAST MAJORITY of their brethren to avoid radicalization. Not an easy thing to do.

So when people are SUSPECTED of terrorism and there is no immediate LEGAL CASE -- under the circumstances you SHOULD be watching them (not ME) on the phone lines, the internet and thru human intelligence for a number of years. Rather have THAT -- than the funcking Patriot Act and the world's best spy agency turned on you and me.

If they TRAVEL to hot spots -- it's a clue. If their FATHER says they might terrorists -- might be a clue. Because I post on USMB and check sketchy links to hate groups every day -- NOT a clue. .

We are stuck with CLUELESS leadership.. And trying to kill each over the blame.
If they IMPORT a pre-radicalized bride from the Mid East --- it MIGHT BE A CLUE..

Where is Jeff Foxworthy when you need him? :badgrin:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah"

Lots of violence 1500 years ago. Even more in the Old Testament. Where God is instructing the Israelites on how to smite their enemies. So what? Is THAT an important concept in Christian/Jewish life today?

There was no concept of rights, freedoms, or even the individual as worthy of having rights in those days. Rape was accepted, vengeance, war, and to the victor go the spoils which usually included women and slaves. Reading those ancient texts without keeping that in mind leads to the wrong ideas about a faith - whether it's literalists trying to use it to force thier religious doctrine on others or literalists using it to justify attacking an entire faith. What matters is what is being done now by the many different groups that follow a faith.

"Rape was accepted,..."

Still is.

See post # 534

Another unanticipated, uncountered failure of naive govts that don't encourage assimilation and cultural compliance. Like a Muslim mayor of London griping about bikini ads on the subway, it's caused by way too much accommodation to "old country ways"...

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