Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President


bit he never stopped the payment,,
Yes he did, Tramp admitted it and said he would do it again.
Stop lying!

got a link??
Donald Trump admits he delayed Ukraine aid but claims it was unrelated to Biden - CNNPolitics
But my complaint has always been, and I'd withhold again and I'll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine because they're not doing it
-Donald Jackass Tramp

CNN saying it happened is not proof it happened,,

you said trump admitted it,,, now provide that proof
It is right in the video. First he denies holding the money, like you do, then he admits he will do it AGAIN! That's right, he exposes his and your lie in the same sentence!!!!

Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with Ukraine's president
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.

That is not what happened. He said “buy”.
And Tramp wants a favor for the "buy."
You see what you want to see. Find me the quid pro quo.
he can't, he's adding language that isn't there while he reads it.
LIAR! I only quoted the exact words!
then where was the quid pro quo at, got to have I will not do this unless you do that. It ain't there big guy unless you made it up in your head. liar.

Here's how it is done and sleepy Joe nailed it

"I said, 'You're not getting the billion.' I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,'" Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Already shown to all, you can only pretend to not see it and make a fool of yourself in the process.

No you did not
Keep pretending.
It say right on it that it is NOT a full transcript, read the "CAUTION" at the bottom of page 1, lying :asshole:
no it doesn't, are you truly that inept? it states the following,
"CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty "Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear."
so identify to me where it says it's not the "full transcript. "
so you can't post not full transcript can you? nope. you said it was right there. Nope. you lied., liar liar pants on fire dude.
There is only the FAKE transcript put out by the White House, and that is damning enough!
so if you weren't going to accept it, why did you ask for it? again, you have no quid pro, I shot you down bubba, you lost, you got fking nothing. you're just a liar, and now one that doesn't even accept the transcript from the intelligence agency. They ran the transcript, not the WH, so you're wrong on that account as well. you're a whopping zip for ten today.
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.

Wrong. You see what you want to see.
And you refuse to see what in plain sight!
you didn't provide me with the quote of the threat. I'm waiting. i haven't read it since you didn't post it. The version off the link doesn't have any quid pro quo in it. I'm waiting for where you found it.
Quid Pro Quo does NOT require a THREAT, all it requires is "THIS FOR THAT," and I gave you it already.
I haven't got a magnifying glass on me.

Go to the Twitter link and click. It will enlarge.

Did you also notice that page 5 is missing from that Twitter post?

And additionally, if Trump would take a Sharpie to a NWS weather map of Dorian and then coerce a NOAA official to cover his fat ass, what makes you think a document can't be altered. You're not holding a piece of paper in your hand, stupid dipshit, you're looking at an internet image.

Yeah....I'll take a Double Nothing Burger, with an order of fries and a Diet dumb ass....
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
oh and no Zelensky didn't ask for Javelins, he state they would be buying them, so again, you didn't quote the text from the document and again demonstrate your ineptness.
LIAR! it says "buy" right in the quote I posted.
Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
so trump doesn't want his money, dude, you're all fked up, it's the other way around. Zelensky is offering the president money, what does the favor gain Zelensky? you're confused parrot brain.
I haven't got a magnifying glass on me.

Go to the Twitter link and click. It will enlarge.

Did you also notice that page 5 is missing from that Twitter post?

And additionally, if Trump would take a Sharpie to a NWS weather map of Dorian and then coerce a NOAA official to cover his fat ass, what makes you think a document can't be altered. You're not holding a piece of paper in your hand, stupid dipshit, you're looking at an internet image.

And if you take every seventh letter, add 2 to it, put that number into the Cyrillic Alphabet......

It spells out...."You asshat left wingers just never freaking learn...."
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
oh and no Zelensky didn't ask for Javelins, he state they would be buying them, so again, you didn't quote the text from the document and again demonstrate your ineptness.
So he DID ask for Javelins to buy.

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.

Wrong. You see what you want to see.
And you refuse to see what in plain sight!
you didn't provide me with the quote of the threat. I'm waiting. i haven't read it since you didn't post it. The version off the link doesn't have any quid pro quo in it. I'm waiting for where you found it.
Quid Pro Quo does NOT require a THREAT, all it requires is "THIS FOR THAT," and I gave you it already.
ok, but it requires a favor for a favor, and you haven't stated what the favor from the US is. buying Javelins is Zelensky, so, we're getting the money, the favor is trump's ask, but he isn't asking for anything other than a favor, nothing in return. So in your world, trump is turning down getting money unless he gets a favor? dude, dude, go back to school, the lights are out on you.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
oh and no Zelensky didn't ask for Javelins, he state they would be buying them, so again, you didn't quote the text from the document and again demonstrate your ineptness.
LIAR! it says "buy" right in the quote I posted.
Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
so trump doesn't want his money, dude, you're all fked up, it's the other way around. Zelensky is offering the president money, what does the favor gain Zelensky? you're confused parrot brain.
Keep spinning!
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.

It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life as consolation for your lack of a real one.
Pure projection.
Thank you.
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
oh and no Zelensky didn't ask for Javelins, he state they would be buying them, so again, you didn't quote the text from the document and again demonstrate your ineptness.
So he DID ask for Javelins to buy.

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
which means money for the US right? so what does the favor do to enrich that statement?
bit he never stopped the payment,,
Yes he did, Tramp admitted it and said he would do it again.
Stop lying!

got a link??
Donald Trump admits he delayed Ukraine aid but claims it was unrelated to Biden - CNNPolitics
But my complaint has always been, and I'd withhold again and I'll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine because they're not doing it
-Donald Jackass Tramp

CNN saying it happened is not proof it happened,,

you said trump admitted it,,, now provide that proof
It is right in the video. First he denies holding the money, like you do, then he admits he will do it AGAIN! That's right, he exposes his and your lie in the same sentence!!!!

Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with Ukraine's president

I never said he denied it or claimed it
And BTW - What you see here is exactly what I said would happen...the Dems will piece out and dissect every word, make claims about "this means that" and "that means this".
And that is what is happening.

edthecynic is heading up the cause :D
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
oh and no Zelensky didn't ask for Javelins, he state they would be buying them, so again, you didn't quote the text from the document and again demonstrate your ineptness.
LIAR! it says "buy" right in the quote I posted.
Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
so trump doesn't want his money, dude, you're all fked up, it's the other way around. Zelensky is offering the president money, what does the favor gain Zelensky? you're confused parrot brain.
Keep spinning!
I can't even call what you're doing spinning, your lost in a maze. Halloween isn't here yet. zelensky will give us money if he does trump a favor. That's your quid pro, hahahaahahahahaha dude, no form of spinning can stop that stupid. I'm still waiting for what trump owes him?
It’s out, it's nothing, but emotionally governed liberals won’t see that so more fantasy of feelings against Trump.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.

Wrong. You see what you want to see.
And you refuse to see what in plain sight!
you didn't provide me with the quote of the threat. I'm waiting. i haven't read it since you didn't post it. The version off the link doesn't have any quid pro quo in it. I'm waiting for where you found it.
Quid Pro Quo does NOT require a THREAT, all it requires is "THIS FOR THAT," and I gave you it already.
ok, but it requires a favor for a favor, and you haven't stated what the favor from the US is. buying Javelins is Zelensky, so, we're getting the money, the favor is trump's ask, but he isn't asking for anything other than a favor, nothing in return. So in your world, trump is turning down getting money unless he gets a favor? dude, dude, go back to school, the lights are out on you.
The favor is in return for selling the Javelins, QUID PRO QUO, take your own advice.

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