Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President


If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
wait, you said he asked? hmmmm did you lie earlier?

Well then trump says we don't want your money unless you do us a favor right? so I'm still looking for what Zelensky gets out of this, he pays to buy Javelins and he does a favor. hmmmmm Javelins weren't free. Now, had trump said, I'll give you the Javelins, then you got something. but until you find that transcript, you're in the wrong ballpark in the wrong city.

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
and you still have no quid for a quid pro quo.
Repeating your and Tramp's lie does not make it true, it only makes you a STUPID serial liar.
He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
where did trump threaten him? omg, you really are displaying how ignorant you are. wow.

Wow? The threat was implied.

You have nener seen any movies about the mob or such? " We need you to do us a favor. You have such a nice family"
There is no mention of getting dirt on Biden - just an honest effort to want to know how Ukraine was involved in what led to the Mueller Fracas and how the prosecutor was fired.
?What do you call this?

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution, and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me," Mr. Trump told Zelensky, in reference to Joe Biden.

He asked a simple question. No quid pro quo. No bribery. No high crimes, which per our constitution are necessary to impeach.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

You realize there is absolutely nothing illegal or even ethically wrong with this - right?
You realize that the former Ukraine prosecutor, that we know as a fact was fired immediately after BIDEN pressured the then Ukranian President to do so AND WITHHELD FUNDS till he did - you know this right?
You know which one is illegal and which one isn't right?
Ethically, Trump was angling for dirt on Biden, his election opponent. Once again, encouraging foreign governments' involvement in our election by providing opposition fodder. That is a campaign no-no. It is just another example of Trump's complete disregard for what is REAL respect for the American system.

The allegations you mentioned about Biden have been disproven, I think. If he did something so illegal, why hasn't he been arrested? Pretty convenient that this all comes up now that he's running for President, isn't it?

Oh fer fuks sake.....
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Listen, asshole, if you're going to mock everything I say, I'm not talking to you anymore. Funnies are for jokes, not opinions.

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
and you still have no quid for a quid pro quo.
Repeating your and Tramp's lie does not make it true, it only makes you a STUPID serial liar.
i'm giving you what the transcript says, so far you're in the wrong ball park wrong city, wrong transcript.
got a link??
Donald Trump admits he delayed Ukraine aid but claims it was unrelated to Biden - CNNPolitics
But my complaint has always been, and I'd withhold again and I'll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine because they're not doing it
-Donald Jackass Tramp

CNN saying it happened is not proof it happened,,

you said trump admitted it,,, now provide that proof
It is right in the video. First he denies holding the money, like you do, then he admits he will do it AGAIN! That's right, he exposes his and your lie in the same sentence!!!!

Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with Ukraine's president

his reasoning is not what you claimed it to be,,,
All I claimed is he withheld the funds and would do it again.

so youre just complaining because he was making sure our money wasnt wasted

I think you have the wrong thread for that

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
wait, you said he asked? hmmmm did you lie earlier?

Well then trump says we don't want your money unless you do us a favor right? so I'm still looking for what Zelensky gets out of this, he pays to buy Javelins and he does a favor. hmmmmm Javelins weren't free. Now, had trump said, I'll give you the Javelins, then you got something. but until you find that transcript, you're in the wrong ballpark in the wrong city.
Whether the Javelins are free or paid for means nothing, they are the Quid either way and a favor is the Quo. But splitting such hairs shows just how desperate you are!
Thank you!

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
and you still have no quid for a quid pro quo.
Repeating your and Tramp's lie does not make it true, it only makes you a STUPID serial liar.
i'm giving you what the transcript says, so far you're in the wrong ball park wrong city, wrong transcript.
The "not verbatim" transcript.

Oh well, looks like congress will have to sieze it and release the entire report.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
oh and no Zelensky didn't ask for Javelins, he state they would be buying them, so again, you didn't quote the text from the document and again demonstrate your ineptness.
LIAR! it says "buy" right in the quote I posted.
Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
What was the favor? The favor the President asked for was for the Ukrainian government to look into Crowdstrike, a US cybersecurity company that has operated in Ukraine and was the company the DNC hired to claim the Russians had hacked the DNC server. The discussion of possible crimes by the Bidens comes later in the discussion.
So you admit that Crowdstrike was the QUO in Quid Pro Quo.
Thank you!
There was no quid pro quo. Whenever any US president talks to the leader of a foreign country that receives US aid, that leader understands that that aid is dependent on good relations with the US. A good example of quid pro quo is when Biden made US aid to Ukraine contingent on the Ukrainian government firing the prosecutor who was investigating the company Biden's druggie son was working for. By contrast, President Trump merely asked Zelensky to cooperate with an ongoing US Justice Department investigation of corrupt practices of the Obama administration and the DNC.

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
wait, you said he asked? hmmmm did you lie earlier?

Well then trump says we don't want your money unless you do us a favor right? so I'm still looking for what Zelensky gets out of this, he pays to buy Javelins and he does a favor. hmmmmm Javelins weren't free. Now, had trump said, I'll give you the Javelins, then you got something. but until you find that transcript, you're in the wrong ballpark in the wrong city.
Whether the Javelins are free or paid for means nothing, they are the Quid either way and a favor is the Quo. But splitting such hairs shows just how desperate you are!
Thank you!

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
wait, you said he asked? hmmmm did you lie earlier?

Well then trump says we don't want your money unless you do us a favor right? so I'm still looking for what Zelensky gets out of this, he pays to buy Javelins and he does a favor. hmmmmm Javelins weren't free. Now, had trump said, I'll give you the Javelins, then you got something. but until you find that transcript, you're in the wrong ballpark in the wrong city.
Whether the Javelins are free or paid for means nothing, they are the Quid either way and a favor is the Quo. But splitting such hairs shows just how desperate you are!
Thank you!

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
wait, you said he asked? hmmmm did you lie earlier?

Well then trump says we don't want your money unless you do us a favor right? so I'm still looking for what Zelensky gets out of this, he pays to buy Javelins and he does a favor. hmmmmm Javelins weren't free. Now, had trump said, I'll give you the Javelins, then you got something. but until you find that transcript, you're in the wrong ballpark in the wrong city.
Whether the Javelins are free or paid for means nothing, they are the Quid either way and a favor is the Quo. But splitting such hairs shows just how desperate you are!
Thank you!
how? Trump didn't ask him to buy them. again, wrong transcript.

So if trump had said, I have some Javelins if you would like to buy them, but I need a favor first? there is nothing in it for Zelensky? dude, again, you'll never get it. It's obvious. you don't know that someone pays for their ask. Not the other way around, then it would be zelensky with the quid pro quo,. got it?
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
where did trump threaten him? omg, you really are displaying how ignorant you are. wow.

Wow? The threat was implied.

You have nener seen any movies about the mob or such? " We need you to do us a favor. You have such a nice family"
He asked a simple question. No quid pro quo. No bribery. No high crimes, which per our constitution are necessary to impeach.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

You realize there is absolutely nothing illegal or even ethically wrong with this - right?
You realize that the former Ukraine prosecutor, that we know as a fact was fired immediately after BIDEN pressured the then Ukranian President to do so AND WITHHELD FUNDS till he did - you know this right?
You know which one is illegal and which one isn't right?
Ethically, Trump was angling for dirt on Biden, his election opponent. Once again, encouraging foreign governments' involvement in our election by providing opposition fodder. That is a campaign no-no. It is just another example of Trump's complete disregard for what is REAL respect for the American system.

The allegations you mentioned about Biden have been disproven, I think. If he did something so illegal, why hasn't he been arrested? Pretty convenient that this all comes up now that he's running for President, isn't it?

Oh fer fuks sake.....
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Listen, asshole, if you're going to mock everything I say, I'm not talking to you anymore. Funnies are for jokes, not opinions.

Was your post directed at me?
It was hard to tell from the content.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

You realize there is absolutely nothing illegal or even ethically wrong with this - right?
You realize that the former Ukraine prosecutor, that we know as a fact was fired immediately after BIDEN pressured the then Ukranian President to do so AND WITHHELD FUNDS till he did - you know this right?
You know which one is illegal and which one isn't right?
Ethically, Trump was angling for dirt on Biden, his election opponent. Once again, encouraging foreign governments' involvement in our election by providing opposition fodder. That is a campaign no-no. It is just another example of Trump's complete disregard for what is REAL respect for the American system.

The allegations you mentioned about Biden have been disproven, I think. If he did something so illegal, why hasn't he been arrested? Pretty convenient that this all comes up now that he's running for President, isn't it?

Oh fer fuks sake.....
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
No one says he didn't push to get that guy fired. I was referring to the REASON he was pressuring Ukraine to fire him. It wasn't to stop an investigation into his son's company.

It did stop the investigation. But now there's a new prosecutor working on it, and you're not going to like what he reveals.
Why won't I like it? I'm not voting for Biden, and I'm not a Dem.
Donald Trump admits he delayed Ukraine aid but claims it was unrelated to Biden - CNNPolitics
But my complaint has always been, and I'd withhold again and I'll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine because they're not doing it
-Donald Jackass Tramp

CNN saying it happened is not proof it happened,,

you said trump admitted it,,, now provide that proof
It is right in the video. First he denies holding the money, like you do, then he admits he will do it AGAIN! That's right, he exposes his and your lie in the same sentence!!!!

Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with Ukraine's president

his reasoning is not what you claimed it to be,,,
All I claimed is he withheld the funds and would do it again.

so youre just complaining because he was making sure our money wasnt wasted

I think you have the wrong thread for that
I made no such complaint, I merely put the LIE to the claim that Tramp never withheld the funds.
Notice how the Right when they KNOW they are WRONG always create a Straw Man!!!!!

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
and you still have no quid for a quid pro quo.
Repeating your and Tramp's lie does not make it true, it only makes you a STUPID serial liar.
i'm giving you what the transcript says, so far you're in the wrong ball park wrong city, wrong transcript.
The "not verbatim" transcript.

Oh well, looks like congress will have to sieze it and release the entire report.

theres nothing to seize dumbass,,,
He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
where did trump threaten him? omg, you really are displaying how ignorant you are. wow.

Wow? The threat was implied.

You have nener seen any movies about the mob or such? " We need you to do us a favor. You have such a nice family"
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

You realize there is absolutely nothing illegal or even ethically wrong with this - right?
You realize that the former Ukraine prosecutor, that we know as a fact was fired immediately after BIDEN pressured the then Ukranian President to do so AND WITHHELD FUNDS till he did - you know this right?
You know which one is illegal and which one isn't right?
Ethically, Trump was angling for dirt on Biden, his election opponent. Once again, encouraging foreign governments' involvement in our election by providing opposition fodder. That is a campaign no-no. It is just another example of Trump's complete disregard for what is REAL respect for the American system.

The allegations you mentioned about Biden have been disproven, I think. If he did something so illegal, why hasn't he been arrested? Pretty convenient that this all comes up now that he's running for President, isn't it?

Oh fer fuks sake.....
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Listen, asshole, if you're going to mock everything I say, I'm not talking to you anymore. Funnies are for jokes, not opinions.

Was your post directed at me?
It was hard to tell from the content.
The ddegrere of the bullshit from Trumpettes trying to twist things is just pathetic.

Trump asked a foreign leader for political help under a threat of withholding funds.

To investigate a story that had already been widely debunked. So why ask if he did not want the UIkraine to put out a false report?

No. That's what Joe Biden did. But if you think that's something, just wait until all the details about Biden and his son's dealings with China comes out. Very soon.

Joe Biden joined other countries in requesting the removal of a prosecutor that was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Hunter Biden in it worse that Ivanka in China? Ibvanka & Trump receiving all kinds of copyrights that they could not get before Trump's election.

The investment company in question in China was not owned by Hunter Biden. He wasn't even an equity partner when Joe was VP>
Not true.

In 2013, Biden, Archer, and Chinese businessman Jonathan Li founded BHR Partners, a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies based outside of China.[3] According to reporting in The Intercept, among the companies BHR invested in was Megvii, a Chinese company that supplied the Chinese government with technology that was used to surveil Chinese Muslims.[9][10]

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia
CNN saying it happened is not proof it happened,,

you said trump admitted it,,, now provide that proof
It is right in the video. First he denies holding the money, like you do, then he admits he will do it AGAIN! That's right, he exposes his and your lie in the same sentence!!!!

Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with Ukraine's president

his reasoning is not what you claimed it to be,,,
All I claimed is he withheld the funds and would do it again.

so youre just complaining because he was making sure our money wasnt wasted

I think you have the wrong thread for that
I made no such complaint, I merely put the LIE to the claim that Tramp never withheld the funds.
Notice how the Right when they KNOW they are WRONG always create a Straw Man!!!!!

the claim is that he with held it for a quid pro quo,,,which you proved isnt the case,,,,
soo trump thanks you for that

If you take the transcript and re-arrange the words.... Trump literally says "Do what I want or I will destroy you, you miserable crook!!""..... he said that to Ukraine!!!

It's right there... I bet if you keep rearranging the words..he probably threatened to kill him to!!

--- edthecynic
LIAR! I rearranged NO words, and YOU know it, you worthless lying scum POS!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
and you still have no quid for a quid pro quo.
Repeating your and Tramp's lie does not make it true, it only makes you a STUPID serial liar.
i'm giving you what the transcript says, so far you're in the wrong ball park wrong city, wrong transcript.
The "not verbatim" transcript.

Oh well, looks like congress will have to sieze it and release the entire report.
it can't be verbatim, didn't you read why? there was a disclaimer in the report. you should read why.
It is right in the video. First he denies holding the money, like you do, then he admits he will do it AGAIN! That's right, he exposes his and your lie in the same sentence!!!!

Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with Ukraine's president

his reasoning is not what you claimed it to be,,,
All I claimed is he withheld the funds and would do it again.

so youre just complaining because he was making sure our money wasnt wasted

I think you have the wrong thread for that
I made no such complaint, I merely put the LIE to the claim that Tramp never withheld the funds.
Notice how the Right when they KNOW they are WRONG always create a Straw Man!!!!!

the claim is that he with held it for a quid pro quo,,,which you proved isnt the case,,,,
soo trump thanks you for that
Just another Straw Man, The Right wing claim was Tramp never withheld the funds.

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