Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

Nope. Paste the quotes.
The quotes are right there, how blind are you?

You see what you want to see. Find me the quid pro quo.
he can't, he's adding language that isn't there while he reads it.
LIAR! I only quoted the exact words!
then where was the quid pro quo at, got to have I will not do this unless you do that. It ain't there big guy unless you made it up in your head. liar.

Here's how it is done and sleepy Joe nailed it

"I said, 'You're not getting the billion.' I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,'" Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Already shown to all, you can only pretend to not see it and make a fool of yourself in the process.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.

B'loney. Biden threatened Ukraine in order to cover up his corruption and he did it with Obama's approval. That's one of the reasons why the Dems are desperate to destroy Trump.
Republicans are frauds.

View attachment 280981

The idiocy of what you just posted actually topped all of your previous idiocy. Do you have any idea how a book gets on the NYT bestseller's list?


How does a book qualify for the "New York Times Bestseller" list?
Not my point, idiot.

Why don't you tell me instead how a mention of the NYTimes gets into the Twitter bios of Ben Shapiro and Corey Lewandowski?
Still waiting . . .
pray tell us how this makes him guilty??
After stopping the payment, Tramp tells Zelenski how good he has been and would he do Tramp a favor that would help his campaign.

bit he never stopped the payment,,
Yes he did, Tramp admitted it and said he would do it again.
Stop lying!

got a link??
still making up shit in his own head. They call that a sign of mental illness.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.
and you like to leave how how biden, with little to no knowledge of energy and that field of business, made $3.1 million from them and why, when under investigation, biden got the prosecutor fired.
He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.

B'loney. Biden threatened Ukraine in order to cover up his corruption and he did it with Obama's approval. That's one of the reasons why the Dems are desperate to destroy Trump.
where's your evidence?
pray tell us how this makes him guilty??
After stopping the payment, Tramp tells Zelenski how good he has been and would he do Tramp a favor that would help his campaign.

bit he never stopped the payment,,
Yes he did, Tramp admitted it and said he would do it again.
Stop lying!

got a link??
Donald Trump admits he delayed Ukraine aid but claims it was unrelated to Biden - CNNPolitics
But my complaint has always been, and I'd withhold again and I'll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine because they're not doing it
-Donald Jackass Tramp
He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.
and you like to leave how how biden, with little to no knowledge of energy and that field of business, made $3.1 million from them and why, when under investigation, biden got the prosecutor fired.
Again, for the terminally stupid:

The quotes are right there, how blind are you?

You see what you want to see. Find me the quid pro quo.
he can't, he's adding language that isn't there while he reads it.
LIAR! I only quoted the exact words!
then where was the quid pro quo at, got to have I will not do this unless you do that. It ain't there big guy unless you made it up in your head. liar.

Here's how it is done and sleepy Joe nailed it

"I said, 'You're not getting the billion.' I'm going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money,'" Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
Already shown to all, you can only pretend to not see it and make a fool of yourself in the process.

No you did not
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.

B'loney. Biden threatened Ukraine in order to cover up his corruption and he did it with Obama's approval. That's one of the reasons why the Dems are desperate to destroy Trump.
where's your evidence?

@ 1:20 Biden begins his confession.

No quid pro quo.
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.

Wrong. You see what you want to see.
And you refuse to see what in plain sight!
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
Biden was expressing the will of the U.S., the European Union, and other allies in wanting this corrupt prosecutor fired. That's the part that wingnuts like boedicca leave out.
and you like to leave how how biden, with little to no knowledge of energy and that field of business, made $3.1 million from them and why, when under investigation, biden got the prosecutor fired.
Again, for the terminally stupid:


IDC was that pussy says. I am smarter than Kurt.
Has Trump made any statement as to why he stopped the military aid to Ukriane?
he did, twice, he's waiting on the rest of the allies to pony up. look it up, it's out there. you all act like you know so much and you still can't use the internet. wow.
Well, this certainly is going to blow up in the Dems' Collective Face.

Key points of the discussion:

- Trump congratulates Zelensk on his victory.
- Zelensky says he was inspired by Trump's example adn is gong to clean the swamp in Ukraine.
- Some back and forth about how the U.S. helps Ukraine far more than the EU; and that the EU should do more.
- Trump asks him to look into Ukraine/Crowdstrike, the possible origin of entire Mueller inquiry (the Mueller testimony was the day before).
- Zelensky notes he has replaced his U.S. ambassador, and is going to hire competent, friendly people.
- Zelensky welcomes a visit by Giulinani.
- Trump says he is glad and that he heard that Ukraine had had a very good prosecutor who was shut down by some bad people, and that Biden had something to do with getting him fired - that a lot of people are talking about that (which is true given Biden bragging publicly about it).
- Zelensky says he wanted to discuss the prosecutor issue with Trump and that his new prosecutor would be looking into the corruption - that it is important to restore honesty to his government.
- Zelensky then asks Trump if he has any additional information about this mattter and the former ambassador Ivanovich, whom he describes as bad and aligned with the former president (gee, sounds familiar).
- Trump says he will discuss with Barr and Giuliani, and that he had heard that the prosecutor was treated unfairly. He wishes Zelensky good luck with everything.

The rest is mostly pleasantries about friends, the economy, etc., with Trump mentioning he would have Barr and Giuliani call Ukraine.

There is no mention of getting dirt on Biden - just an honest effort to want to know how Ukraine was involved in what led to the Mueller Fracas and how the prosecutor was fired.
There is no mention of getting dirt on Biden - just an honest effort to want to know how Ukraine was involved in what led to the Mueller Fracas and how the prosecutor was fired.
?What do you call this?

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution, and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me," Mr. Trump told Zelensky, in reference to Joe Biden.

He asked a simple question. No quid pro quo. No bribery. No high crimes, which per our constitution are necessary to impeach.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

You realize there is absolutely nothing illegal or even ethically wrong with this - right?
You realize that the former Ukraine prosecutor, that we know as a fact was fired immediately after BIDEN pressured the then Ukranian President to do so AND WITHHELD FUNDS till he did - you know this right?
You know which one is illegal and which one isn't right?
Ethically, Trump was angling for dirt on Biden, his election opponent. Once again, encouraging foreign governments' involvement in our election by providing opposition fodder. That is a campaign no-no. It is just another example of Trump's complete disregard for what is REAL respect for the American system.

The allegations you mentioned about Biden have been disproven, I think. If he did something so illegal, why hasn't he been arrested? Pretty convenient that this all comes up now that he's running for President, isn't it?

Ethically, no he wasn't. He was letting zelensky know that the USA would no longer interfere in their internal affairs.
No quid pro quo.
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
No quid pro quo.
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.

Wrong. You see what you want to see.
And you refuse to see what in plain sight!
you didn't provide me with the quote of the threat. I'm waiting. i haven't read it since you didn't post it. The version off the link doesn't have any quid pro quo in it. I'm waiting for where you found it.
No quid pro quo.
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though
crowdstrike, not biden, you are as inept as the other twit.
It is STILL a Quid Pro Quo no matter what Tramp wanted, but you knew that already.
nope, not at all, he didn't hold anything for hostage. no mention if you don't do this I will hold the javelins. nope, not there, dude you can melt the print off the pages, it ain't there.
Zelensky asks for Javelins and Tramp asks for a favor. QUID PRO QUO, no hostage necessary.
but where's the threat, you know the line that then says you won't get the javelins unless you do this. you have to have the language, otherwise it's just a favor.

edit, I was wrong here, Zelensky is saying he'll be buying the Javelins, trump doesn't say I'll give them to you for nothing. Now that would be something to consider. but buying them, nope.
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