Breaking: Hillary Offered Plea Bargain Deal By DOJ

"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Who was the Clinton attorney who said this?

I would assume it's the same one they've always had, David Kendall.

Hillary Hires Criminal Attorney David Kendall... - Democratic Underground

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Readies for E-Mail War

Assume? What makes you think your assumptions have any traction here?

Sounds like an anonymous source to me.

Well, David Kendall was Bill Clinton's lawyer during his impeachment, and was put on as Hillary's lawyer after her email scandal.

Why wouldn't he be her lawyer? He's been their personal lawyer for over 20 years.
The source is no worse than some of the half baked sites I see the left on here use as a source that said I'm not taking this story any more serious than I do the stories the left post about on here using the same kind of a site as the source.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Who was the Clinton attorney who said this?

I would assume it's the same one they've always had, David Kendall.

Hillary Hires Criminal Attorney David Kendall... - Democratic Underground

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Readies for E-Mail War

Assume? What makes you think your assumptions have any traction here?

Sounds like an anonymous source to me.

Well, David Kendall was Bill Clinton's lawyer during his impeachment, and was put on as Hillary's lawyer after her email scandal.

Why wouldn't he be her lawyer?

lol, you're going to fight to the death in denial of the FACT that this is an anonymous source,

"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Who was the Clinton attorney who said this?

I would assume it's the same one they've always had, David Kendall.

Hillary Hires Criminal Attorney David Kendall... - Democratic Underground

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Readies for E-Mail War

Assume? What makes you think your assumptions have any traction here?

Sounds like an anonymous source to me.

Well, David Kendall was Bill Clinton's lawyer during his impeachment, and was put on as Hillary's lawyer after her email scandal.

Why wouldn't he be her lawyer?

lol, you're going to fight to the death in denial of the FACT that this is an anonymous source,


Oh forgive me, Mr. Liberal. I forgot, you people are the only ones who can use an "anonymous source", especially when denigrating Donald Trump.
The article? The one that admits real news organizations wouldn't print their bs?
why would the fake news stations of the MSM print this, goes against their standards.

Because it would be real news. This is only being carried by the rw bottom feeders.

doj offers clinton a plea deal - Google Search
you think CNN and MSNBC is real news? really? make me laugh.

Do you honestly believe this story?
I need other sources. but I don't count on MSM I'd look at The Hill. Right now they aren't reporting this. I will wait until tomorrow.
Or never.
Do you honestly believe that this story would go an entire day without others reporting it if it could be confirmed?
Come on man.
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottom feeders chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!
Puhleeze. You have no idea what Mewler is pursuing. FLynn has not committed treason. At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

It's amazing how you snowflakes confuse your masturbatory fantasies with reality.
At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

Under penalty of law.
Just like every other member of the Trump crew.
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

You have no problem with that though.

Maybe that's why you don't write scripts. :laugh:
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

You have no problem with that though.

Maybe that's why you don't write scripts. :laugh:

I don't care much for Hollywood movies and can't remember the last time I even saw one. Real life is so much more interesting.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And the Comrade.....won't get away with it. Nothing, NOTHING happened durimg the campaign that the Comrade didn't know about, including the first Russian meeting. There were others, as we will all find out soon.

"The first Russian thing?" What the hell is that?

Although it's absurd to believe Trump knew every single thing that happened during the campaign, nothing illegal occurred, so what difference does it make whether Trump knew or not?

Can you say....
Probable cause....
Pre-dawn raid?

why would the fake news stations of the MSM print this, goes against their standards.

Because it would be real news. This is only being carried by the rw bottom feeders.

doj offers clinton a plea deal - Google Search
you think CNN and MSNBC is real news? really? make me laugh.

Do you honestly believe this story?
I need other sources. but I don't count on MSM I'd look at The Hill. Right now they aren't reporting this. I will wait until tomorrow.
It's starting to be reported by other media now including this one.......
Watch LIVE: Hillary To Be Offered Plea Deal By Sessions – BREAKING News

Are you freaking serious?

Infowars is not " other media". Are you really this confused? Seriously?

No wonder you're so easily fooled.:laugh2:
Because it would be real news. This is only being carried by the rw bottom feeders.

doj offers clinton a plea deal - Google Search
you think CNN and MSNBC is real news? really? make me laugh.

Do you honestly believe this story?
I need other sources. but I don't count on MSM I'd look at The Hill. Right now they aren't reporting this. I will wait until tomorrow.
It's starting to be reported by other media now including this one.......
Watch LIVE: Hillary To Be Offered Plea Deal By Sessions – BREAKING News
INFOWARS is " other media?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The king of the nut jobs: Alex Jones..

No doubt! :laugh2:
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottom feeders chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!
Puhleeze. You have no idea what Mewler is pursuing. FLynn has not committed treason. At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

It's amazing how you snowflakes confuse your masturbatory fantasies with reality.
At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

Under penalty of law.
Just like every other member of the Trump crew.
It's a minor offense.
I never heard of that story. Try again.
ROFL! Yeah, sure you didn't. Here's another:

On January 20, Time reporter Zeke Miller wrote that a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. had been removed from the White House. This caused a flurry of controversy on social media until Miller issued a correction. As Time put it, Miller had apparently not even asked anyone in the White House if the bust had been removed. He simply assumed it had been because “he had looked for it and had not seen it.”
Trump: 3-6 million illegals voted.
Obama wiretapped my phones.

The first is his opinion, not news.

The second is 100% factual.
1. He lied and you bought it.,
2. He lied again and you bought it.

No evidence of either one.
That's why he's the biggest laughing stock in the world and YOU on this forum.

OOOOO lookie, another one who needs to show everyone how big he thinks his dick is!!!!

You'll quote kos, and HuffPo all day and stick your chest out proclaiming how brilliant you are .
OOOOO lookie, another one who needs to show everyone how big he thinks his dick is!!!!

Easy there, ironic cowboy.


Keep yer hands whar I can see em!
Hillary has no defense for violating national security and dumping hundreds of classified documents not to mention sharing them with the likes of Carlos Danger's wife. The charges are off the table and maybe so is the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Hillary gets a slap on the paw if she signs a paper agreeing that she was negligent. It's typical of the sleazebag Comey operation. The sooner Trump gets rid of all the appointed Hussein holdovers the better off the DOJ will be.
Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And the Comrade.....won't get away with it. Nothing, NOTHING happened durimg the campaign that the Comrade didn't know about, including the first Russian meeting. There were others, as we will all find out soon.

"The first Russian thing?" What the hell is that?

Although it's absurd to believe Trump knew every single thing that happened during the campaign, nothing illegal occurred, so what difference does it make whether Trump knew or not?

Can you say....
Probable cause....
Pre-dawn raid?


This is a lot bigger than it apoears. Do you know that raids like this were not carried out, even in Watergate.

The crimes committed here will make Watergate look like a parking ticket.
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottom feeders chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!
Puhleeze. You have no idea what Mewler is pursuing. FLynn has not committed treason. At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

It's amazing how you snowflakes confuse your masturbatory fantasies with reality.
At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

Under penalty of law.
Just like every other member of the Trump crew.
It's a minor offense.

Punishable by up to five years in federal prison. Of course, that will just be one of many charges.
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottom feeders chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!
Puhleeze. You have no idea what Mewler is pursuing. FLynn has not committed treason. At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

It's amazing how you snowflakes confuse your masturbatory fantasies with reality.
At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

Under penalty of law.
Just like every other member of the Trump crew.
It's a minor offense.

Not a minor offense when he took $17 MILLION in cash from Ukraine without reporting it and paying taxes on it.
Hillary has no defense for violating national security and dumping hundreds of classified documents not to mention sharing them with the likes of Carlos Danger's wife. The charges are off the table and maybe so is the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Hillary gets a slap on the paw if she signs a paper agreeing that she was negligent. It's typical of the sleazebag Comey operation. The sooner Trump gets rid of all the appointed Hussein holdovers the better off the DOJ will be.

Hillary has no defense for violating national security and dumping hundreds of classified documents not to mention sharing them with the likes of Carlos Danger's wife. The charges are off the table and maybe so is the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Hillary gets a slap on the paw if she signs a paper agreeing that she was negligent. It's typical of the sleazebag Comey operation. The sooner Trump gets rid of all the appointed Hussein holdovers the better off the DOJ will be.

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary....leave the old lady alone.

One word scares the Comrade

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And the Comrade.....won't get away with it. Nothing, NOTHING happened durimg the campaign that the Comrade didn't know about, including the first Russian meeting. There were others, as we will all find out soon.

"The first Russian thing?" What the hell is that?

Although it's absurd to believe Trump knew every single thing that happened during the campaign, nothing illegal occurred, so what difference does it make whether Trump knew or not?

Can you say....
Probable cause....
Pre-dawn raid?


This is a lot bigger than it apoears. Do you know that raids like this were not carried out, even in Watergate.

The crimes committed here will make Watergate look like a parking ticket.
You're foaming at the mouth again, snowflake. Even if Manafort committed some financial improprieties, that doesn't implicate Trump in anyway. He was only on the Trump campaign for a few months.

Your yearning for something on Trump is so desperate it's comical.

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