Breaking: Hillary Offered Plea Bargain Deal By DOJ

"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!
I fail to understand why a Republican justice department is so timid about going after her. Are the afraid she's going to have them killed?

Because we don't want to be seen as being "sexist", "misogynistic", or "racist".

Her husband Bill was after all, the self-proclaimed "First Black President".
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

But if you do something over and over and over again while expecting the same result, it's called "perseverance". Or call it "practice" if you want. Sooner or later, you're going to achieve that result you're hoping for.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

We obliterated Hillary last November, locking her up would just be piling on at this point.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And still he insists they've "gotten away" with stuff.

If Republicans could have found an unpaid parking ticket, they would have put Hillary in an orange jump suit and had her picking up trash on the freeway.

Hillary does not drive.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!
I fail to understand why a Republican justice department is so timid about going after her. Are the afraid she's going to have them killed?

The Clintons have DIRT on that entire town, you have to remember how corrupt DC is if they go down they will drag many of the DC establishment down with them. If you wonder why these politicians get away with shit no citizen would, that's why.

I wouldn't have an issue with even some Republicans being taken down along with her, given that she spilled her guts and started ratting out people.

The Clinton's shenanigans have gone on way too long for me.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

We obliterated Hillary last November, locking her up would just be piling on at this point.
Hillary should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. Putting her and all her cronies behind bars is the best thing the Republican party can do to destroy the Democrat party.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!
I fail to understand why a Republican justice department is so timid about going after her. Are the afraid she's going to have them killed?

The Clintons have DIRT on that entire town, you have to remember how corrupt DC is if they go down they will drag many of the DC establishment down with them. If you wonder why these politicians get away with shit no citizen would, that's why.

I wouldn't have an issue with even some Republicans being taken down. given that she spilled her guts and started ratting out people.

The Clinton's shenanigans have gone on way too long for me.

The corrupt Republicans will not allow Hillary to be charged let alone convicted. She knows it, that's why she's so smug.
Because it would be real news. This is only being carried by the rw bottom feeders.

doj offers clinton a plea deal - Google Search
you think CNN and MSNBC is real news? really? make me laugh.

Do you honestly believe this story?
I need other sources. but I don't count on MSM I'd look at The Hill. Right now they aren't reporting this. I will wait until tomorrow.
It's starting to be reported by other media now including this one.......
Watch LIVE: Hillary To Be Offered Plea Deal By Sessions – BREAKING News

Yeah, on InfoWars. Conspiracy theory central.

Try again assholes.
Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And still he insists they've "gotten away" with stuff.

If Republicans could have found an unpaid parking ticket, they would have put Hillary in an orange jump suit and had her picking up trash on the freeway.

During a time when the Justice Department was packed full of Obama-loyalists? Even now, they haven't rooted all of them out.

They'd already had nearly 20 years of investigations before Obama was elected. And a Special Prosecutor who looked at law firm records from before Bill was elected, Whitewater, FileGate, Travelgate, Vince Foster's death, Paula Jone's lawsuit, and all they got was a lie about a blow job so they charged him with perjury and Obstruction for it because they couldn't find anything else.

Republicans even falsely accused the Clintons of trying to steal personal gifts received while in the WhiteHouse. The Clintons paid $200,000 for everything they took.

When the Reagan's left the White House, Nancy tried to take the new $125,000 state china. The donor said it was a gift to the White House, not the First Family. I don't recall Democrats saying Nancy Reagan tried to steal the china.
The FBI JUST released NEW e-mails from Hillary's server - over 400, all official that should have been / that were required by law to be turned in but documents she did NOT turn in.

Each document tepresents a violation of the FOIA AND the Federal Records Act - 2 laws broken per document. That is over 800 potential criminal counts / charges against her in just the last 2 weeks alone...not counting all the others discovered...not counting obstruction, illegal destruction, illegal storage....ESPIONAGE...

'DELUSIONAL' soes not even begin to describe anyone who attempts to claim these aren't crimes and thete is nothing to this. The FBI has a 'dumptruck' load if evidence agaiinst her.

...and the FBI isn't even done going through her server yet...there will be more to come.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

We obliterated Hillary last November, locking her up would just be piling on at this point.
Hillary should be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law. Putting her and all her cronies behind bars is the best thing the Republican party can do to destroy the Democrat party.

Do that and she will rat on the corrupt Republicans, I'm for it but it will never happen.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Well, if it says so on the Daily Wire, it MUST be true!
The Clintons have DIRT on that entire town, you have to remember how corrupt DC is if they go down they will drag many of the DC establishment down with them. If you wonder why these politicians get away with shit no citizen would, that's why.

Wrong. If this were the case, someone would have leaked SOMETHING. Someone would have come forward, someone would have found God, developed a conscience, taken a deal and come forward.

It happened with Nixon, Reagan, Bush. Somebody has a "cancer on the Presidency" moment and turns.

Especially in Washington. Have the leaks of the past 6 month taught you NOTHING?

There's an old expression: three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. Washington lives on gossip. If the Clintons were dirty, somebody would have ratted them out.
Four years now. Not an exaggeration. Four years!

Four years, the tards have been drinking the piss that Hillary's arrest and indictment is just moments away.

Four years.

I can't even begin to fathom the depth of gullibility and willing stupidity it requires to keep falling for the same hoax over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Last edited:
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

But if you do something over and over and over again while expecting the same result, it's called "perseverance". Or call it "practice" if you want. Sooner or later, you're going to achieve that result you're hoping for.

Sooner or later a blind squirrel finds a nut too but the odds are not with you.

The problem has always been that Republicans invent non-existent crimes and go looking for evidence that there is a crime and the Clintons did it.

"She lies" is at the top of Republican lies. The reality is that she's not always correct in her assertions. Being wrong doesn't make you a liar. But she's one of the most honest politicians out there.

Certainly more honest than your orange-faced clown. The Liar In Chief.
The Clintons have DIRT on that entire town, you have to remember how corrupt DC is if they go down they will drag many of the DC establishment down with them. If you wonder why these politicians get away with shit no citizen would, that's why.

Wrong. If this were the case, someone would have leaked SOMETHING. Someone would have come forward, someone would have found God, developed a conscience, taken a deal and come forward.

It happened with Nixon, Reagan, Bush. Somebody has a "cancer on the Presidency" moment and turns.

Especially in Washington. Have the leaks of the past 6 month taught you NOTHING?

There's an old expression: three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. Washington lives on gossip. If the Clintons were dirty, somebody would have ratted them out.

Sorry to burst your liberal bubble world.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal
Screw a Plea Bargain - they have her dead-to-rights!

Comey testified she broke the law before lying by giving that fake legal defense about her veing too stupid to know she was breaking the law.

The US govt has a stack of documents signed by her acknowledging she had initial and re-occurring training and that she was completely aware of the laws she broke.

She is an arrogant elitist criminal who believes she is above the law, still thinks she is above the law.

There are literally, easily over 1,000 criminal counts of mishandling classified, not including obstruction, she could be charged with.

Any plea deal given to her MUST include jail time!

Look at easy. Desperately wanting to try on another useless hat. Thinking that the next one will be the winner.

Let's go after Hillary. We can get her this time boys. She's wounded, we can bring the Hildebeast down. Who's with me men?

18th times the charm eh laddie!!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

But if you do something over and over and over again while expecting the same result, it's called "perseverance". Or call it "practice" if you want. Sooner or later, you're going to achieve that result you're hoping for.

Sooner or later a blind squirrel finds a nut too but the odds are not with you.

The problem has always been that Republicans invent non-existent crimes and go looking for evidence that there is a crime and the Clintons did it.

"She lies" is at the top of Republican lies. The reality is that she's not always correct in her assertions. Being wrong doesn't make you a liar. But she's one of the most honest politicians out there.

Certainly more honest than your orange-faced clown. The Liar In Chief.

Isn't that the same thing happening on the other side? Just change a couple words:

"The problem has always been that Democrats invent non-existent crimes and go looking for evidence that there is a crime and Trump did it."

You're willing to overlook the monumental amount of evidence of the crimes Hillary committed, while focused on some imaginary "crime" Donald Trump supposedly committed, for which no evidence has of yet been produced.

How is that even fair?
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Who was the Clinton attorney who said this?
Sooner or later a blind squirrel finds a nut too but the odds are not with you.
Tucked inside your declaration that the DOJ / GOP has now 'gotten lucky' in catching Hillary with an avalanche of evidence is an admission that she is a criminal, that you have known that. :p
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Who was the Clinton attorney who said this?

I would assume it's the same one they've always had, David Kendall.

Hillary Hires Criminal Attorney David Kendall... - Democratic Underground

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Readies for E-Mail War
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified material on her private email system while she was Secretary of State, and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"

REPORT: Justice Department Has Offered Hillary A Plea Deal

Who was the Clinton attorney who said this?

I would assume it's the same one they've always had, David Kendall.

Hillary Hires Criminal Attorney David Kendall... - Democratic Underground

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Readies for E-Mail War

Assume? What makes you think your assumptions have any traction here?

Sounds like an anonymous source to me.

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