Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entrap everything they did.

According to what Rogers said, once they get a FISA warrant it pretty much never expires....carte blanche to listen in on anything and everything....that needs to stop.
Drudge Report

We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."

"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”

Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.
Snowflakes like Mud and Billy_Boob continue to fling nonesne, but it is clear that the FBI and intel agencies are on the trail of Comrade Trump.

Nunes has now joined the administration conspiracy to thwart the pursuit of justice.
I see you have your holy scripture "rule for radicals' and you are following it to a T
Drudge Report

We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."

"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”

Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.

Sessions should never have recused himself because the deputy AG is an Obamabot who Comey has no fear of. it's time for him to step back in and tell the Director to shit or get off the pot.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entrap everything they did.

According to what Rogers said, once they get a FISA warrant it pretty much never expires....carte blanche to listen in on anything and everything....that needs to stop.
Drudge Report

We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."

"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”

Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.

The FBI director also dealt the president's credibility a blow when he said he "has no information that supports" Trump's allegation from two weeks ago that President Obama ordered surveillance of his communications in Trump Tower during the campaign.

Only courts grant permission for electronic surveillance, Comey told lawmakers, and "no individual in the United States can direct electronic surveillance of anyone."

Comey did not say, however, that no Trump associate was ever picked up by American surveillance. He declined to comment on anything related to surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the FBI to eavesdrop, with a court order, on people they suspect are agents of a foreign power. [NBC News, 3/20/17]
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Just more deflection away from the Comrade and the Russian connection.

The Republican Party has gone TOTALLY a Pro Russian stance.

I guess they endorce Putin and Assad's barrel bombs...
You retards just cant get over that for nearly a year now NO EVIDENCE HAS BEEN FOUND to corroborate your conjecture.

The Comrade will start sweating orange bullets soon...
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entrap everything they did.

According to what Rogers said, once they get a FISA warrant it pretty much never expires....carte blanche to listen in on anything and everything....that needs to stop.
Drudge Report

We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."

"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”

Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.

This tells me Comey was complicit in the retasking of agents and Obama is who ordered it through his AG Lynch. If he is caught up in this illegal activity he and all of his conspirators could all go to jail. I look for him to stone wall if he is part of the problem.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entrap everything they did.

According to what Rogers said, once they get a FISA warrant it pretty much never expires....carte blanche to listen in on anything and everything....that needs to stop.
Drudge Report

We don’t actually know yet officially what happened to General Flynn," Nunes said of how communications from Gen. Flynn's calls were leaked to the press. "We just know that his name leaked out but we don't know how it was picked up yet. That was one of the things that we asked for in the March 15th letter, was for the NSA, CIA, and FBI to get us all the unmasking that was done."

"And I'll tell you, NSA is being cooperative," Nunes continued, "but so far the FBI has not told us whether or not they’re going to respond to our March 15th letter, which is now a couple of weeks old.”

Nunes also reported that as of now, he "cannot rule out" President Obama ordering the surveillance.

The FBI director also dealt the president's credibility a blow when he said he "has no information that supports" Trump's allegation from two weeks ago that President Obama ordered surveillance of his communications in Trump Tower during the campaign.

Only courts grant permission for electronic surveillance, Comey told lawmakers, and "no individual in the United States can direct electronic surveillance of anyone."

Comey did not say, however, that no Trump associate was ever picked up by American surveillance. He declined to comment on anything related to surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the FBI to eavesdrop, with a court order, on people they suspect are agents of a foreign power. [NBC News, 3/20/17]
The FBI isn’t cooperating in the investigation, so unless that changes whatever they say has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Oh and quit spamming.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Just more deflection away from the Comrade and the Russian connection.

The Republican Party has gone TOTALLY a Pro Russian stance.

I guess they endorce Putin and Assad's barrel bombs...
What part of absolutely zero evidence don't you understand, you fucking putz???
Proof of republicans fawning over Russia? Up until Trump's collusion was unmasked, the proof was here at USMB and on every media outlet with a pro-GOP host or guest.[/QUOTE

That is because Russian and Manafort Trolls are everywhere.
I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
That's fruit of the poison TREE, a 4th amendment protective principle from the USSC. But what you called the retasking is nothing more than looking at the same data in a different way.

Consider all the photographic and video evidence they had on the Boston marathon bombers, which was collected from private video cameras, yet was useable against an american without violating hijs 4th amendment rights. Primarialy because they were caught as secondaries, and were not the targets of the photographic surveillance, both public and private.,
Nice generalization.. But a good judge would tear you argument apart.

Calling the retasking a simple looking at it differently is a fools errand. But then I guess rights of the people don't matter to big government socialists and Stalinist's.

And both analogies are taught. Vine or Tree indicates that the root will entwine all that comes after and without it the plant will die. SO all of your so called evidence collected illegally will for ever kill any chance of ever bringing legal proceedings. Now that the poisonous root is exposed your pipe dreams are now a raging flood of water.
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Personally, I would very much love to do a spinning roundhouse kick to this stupid assholes lying face.
You have not been a green beanie for a very long time. Franken would fry you like toast, Snowflake.
And both analogies are taught. Vine or Tree indicates that the root will entwine all that comes after and without it the plant will die. SO all of your so called evidence collected illegally will for ever kill any chance of ever bringing legal proceedings. Now that the poisonous root is exposed your pipe dreams are now a raging flood of water.

I beg to differ, as a matter of law you are again wrong. But I will excuse your ignorance of federal law, and just educate you on the matter,.

The Exclusionary Rule and the "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" Doctrine - New Jersey Criminal Defense Law Blog

The Exclusionary Rule and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Doctrine

The “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine” is a famous evidentiary legal doctrine that has been publicized on television and in the movies. This doctrine is based upon “The Exclusionary Rule”, an important evidence doctrine that requires that the victim of an illegal search or a coerced confession can have the product of the illegality excluded from criminal prosecution. This exclusionary rule has certain limitations: 1) Impeachment: The evidence can be used for impeachment purposes even if obtained in violation of the Constitution.
SO all of your so called evidence collected illegally will for ever kill any chance of ever bringing legal proceedings. Now that the poisonous root is exposed your pipe dreams are now a raging flood of water.

The Exclusionary Rule and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Doctrine

The evidence can be used for impeachment purposes even if obtained in violation of the Constitution.

Please repeat after me. I will not talk in class without raising my hand.
SO all of your so called evidence collected illegally will for ever kill any chance of ever bringing legal proceedings. Now that the poisonous root is exposed your pipe dreams are now a raging flood of water.

The Exclusionary Rule and the “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree” Doctrine

The evidence can be used for impeachment purposes even if obtained in violation of the Constitution.

Please repeat after me. I will not talk in class without raising my hand.
I dare you to try it.. It wont end well for you.
Personally, I would very much love to do a spinning roundhouse kick to this stupid assholes lying face.
You have not been a green beanie for a very long time. Franken would fry you like toast, Snowflake.

I finished SF school in 1990 and got my Green Beret in the August class that same year.

He's a lightweight.
I'm a heavyweight.

I'd make him my bitch.
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Just watched an interview on this....devastating.
Documents soon to be released shows "widespread dissemination of intelligence gathered on US Citizens who were all involved in the Trump campaign". The intelligence community were using their access to gain knowledge and look for mud on President Trump and his campaign members.
If this is all true. This is bigger than Watergate by a loooooooooooooooong shot. Watergate was a single event. This was a concerted and ongoing collaborative program by many in Obama's administration.

Now watch the left deny, deflect and do everything in their power to take attention from this.
There was a reason for Watergate--trying to see what the DNC was up to during the campaign. What would be the point in wiretapping the Trump staff AFTER he had been elected? Isn't that a little late to be listening in? Unless it was related to the Russian investigation which Comey told us Monday has been ongoing. Just because the communications Nunes heard about didn't seem to him to be about Russia, he is not privvy to all the details of the investigation and since these statements he heard about were all cherry picked by the people who showed them to him, they could have been taken out of context and did indeed have something to do with the Russian investigation.
I think Nunes was stirring up mud so the Republicans wouldn't have to be quite so embarrassed over their Chief. I'm still patiently waiting, though, to hear what he was actually talking about.

First we heard about the leaks.
Then we heard that the Obama Administration filed for FISA warrents to investigate Trump.
Then Trump says his offices were spied on.
Then we heard it never happened.
Then you on the left demanded he apologize.
Then Democrats start calling for Impeachment.
Now we find out Trump was spied on.
Now you start accusing the whistle-blower of lying.
Next you'll be demanding an investigation.
After that you're going to demand his impeachment.
Bullshit. Nunes has provided no information whatsoever to us. If he said something of value to the President, fine, but since they are investigating the President's possible connection with the Russians, was it a good idea to go running to one of the targets of the investigation with information before it was given to the committee? And who did provide this information and why can't he even give copies to the President? He got to look at it but not touch it? Does that sound at all legit to you? I want a lot more facts. To me, what Nunes, CNN and all the posters here are just talking bullshit by trying to decide either way.
Actually we now have solid proof that Trump was spied on and it had nothing to do with spying on Russians, which is more than you can say about this fake collusion with Russian claim.
What did I miss Mudwhistle? Where is the solid proof? I'm not saying I buy the collusion claims either, without more evidence, but I have not heard of any additional solid proof other than the innuendo and vague reports Nunes was talking about yesterday. Has more come forward? If so, you got a link?
Just watched an interview on this....devastating.
Documents soon to be released shows "widespread dissemination of intelligence gathered on US Citizens who were all involved in the Trump campaign". The intelligence community were using their access to gain knowledge and look for mud on President Trump and his campaign members.
If this is all true. This is bigger than Watergate by a loooooooooooooooong shot. Watergate was a single event. This was a concerted and ongoing collaborative program by many in Obama's administration.

Now watch the left deny, deflect and do everything in their power to take attention from this.
There was a reason for Watergate--trying to see what the DNC was up to during the campaign. What would be the point in wiretapping the Trump staff AFTER he had been elected? Isn't that a little late to be listening in? Unless it was related to the Russian investigation which Comey told us Monday has been ongoing. Just because the communications Nunes heard about didn't seem to him to be about Russia, he is not privvy to all the details of the investigation and since these statements he heard about were all cherry picked by the people who showed them to him, they could have been taken out of context and did indeed have something to do with the Russian investigation.
I think Nunes was stirring up mud so the Republicans wouldn't have to be quite so embarrassed over their Chief. I'm still patiently waiting, though, to hear what he was actually talking about.

First we heard about the leaks.
Then we heard that the Obama Administration filed for FISA warrents to investigate Trump.
Then Trump says his offices were spied on.
Then we heard it never happened.
Then you on the left demanded he apologize.
Then Democrats start calling for Impeachment.
Now we find out Trump was spied on.
Now you start accusing the whistle-blower of lying.
Next you'll be demanding an investigation.
After that you're going to demand his impeachment.
Bullshit. Nunes has provided no information whatsoever to us. If he said something of value to the President, fine, but since they are investigating the President's possible connection with the Russians, was it a good idea to go running to one of the targets of the investigation with information before it was given to the committee? And who did provide this information and why can't he even give copies to the President? He got to look at it but not touch it? Does that sound at all legit to you? I want a lot more facts. To me, what Nunes, CNN and all the posters here are just talking bullshit by trying to decide either way.
Actually we now have solid proof that Trump was spied on and it had nothing to do with spying on Russians, which is more than you can say about this fake collusion with Russian claim.
What did I miss Mudwhistle? Where is the solid proof? I'm not saying I buy the collusion claims either, without more evidence, but I have not heard of any additional solid proof other than the innuendo and vague reports Nunes was talking about yesterday. Has more come forward? If so, you got a link?
Sorry if he didn’t produce a Top Secret document for everyone to read. If you're waiting on that I suggest you shit in one hand and let him put TS information in the other and see which one fills first.

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