BREAKING: Is this part of the WikiLeaks October Surprise?

Seems to me that Assange has good reason to change the location.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for four years and won't leave because he will be charged for rape charges and extradited to Sweden.

So it doesn't matter where the location is.

"Julian Assange canceled a dramatic London balcony address on Tuesday in favor of a video presentation in Berlin after WikiLeaks developed "specific information" regarding Assange's safety, the leaked emails clearinghouse tweeted on Monday afternoon.

Though no recent public revelations directly tie to Assange's security fears, various U.S. officials and pundits have made threatening statements directed at him in the past. WikiLeaks on Monday tweeted an alleged quote from a 2010 State Department meeting at which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked if Assange could be killed in a drone strike. That same year, former Democrat strategist Bob Beckel said on Fox News Channel that "a dead man can't leak stuff."

Assange also has hinted that deceased DNC staffer Seth Rich may have been a source for WikiLeaks. Rich, 27, was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the back at a Washington, D.C., intersection in July. He died soon thereafter. Authorities believe Rich was the target of a botched robbery, but his death has inspired conspiracy theories."

'Specific Info' Forces Wikileaks To Move Anticipated Announcement To Berlin

Assange may get a bullet for exposing Hillary, he gets his choice of forum.
Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for four years and won't leave because he will be charged for rape charges and extradited to Sweden.

So it doesn't matter where the location is.
so who has the longer rape victim list? Assange or Bubba Clinton? Inquiring minds would like to know
Seems to me that Assange has good reason to change the location.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for four years and won't leave because he will be charged for rape charges and extradited to Sweden.

So it doesn't matter where the location is.

"Julian Assange canceled a dramatic London balcony address on Tuesday in favor of a video presentation in Berlin after WikiLeaks developed "specific information" regarding Assange's safety, the leaked emails clearinghouse tweeted on Monday afternoon.

Though no recent public revelations directly tie to Assange's security fears, various U.S. officials and pundits have made threatening statements directed at him in the past. WikiLeaks on Monday tweeted an alleged quote from a 2010 State Department meeting at which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked if Assange could be killed in a drone strike. That same year, former Democrat strategist Bob Beckel said on Fox News Channel that "a dead man can't leak stuff."

Assange also has hinted that deceased DNC staffer Seth Rich may have been a source for WikiLeaks. Rich, 27, was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the back at a Washington, D.C., intersection in July. He died soon thereafter. Authorities believe Rich was the target of a botched robbery, but his death has inspired conspiracy theories."

'Specific Info' Forces Wikileaks To Move Anticipated Announcement To Berlin

Assange may get a bullet for exposing Hillary, he gets his choice of forum.


And you believe it.
No one can tell me that Hillary is not out flying the drone herself and hunting for Assange.

Seems to me that Assange has good reason to change the location.

Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for four years and won't leave because he will be charged for rape charges and extradited to Sweden.

So it doesn't matter where the location is.

"Julian Assange canceled a dramatic London balcony address on Tuesday in favor of a video presentation in Berlin after WikiLeaks developed "specific information" regarding Assange's safety, the leaked emails clearinghouse tweeted on Monday afternoon.

Though no recent public revelations directly tie to Assange's security fears, various U.S. officials and pundits have made threatening statements directed at him in the past. WikiLeaks on Monday tweeted an alleged quote from a 2010 State Department meeting at which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked if Assange could be killed in a drone strike. That same year, former Democrat strategist Bob Beckel said on Fox News Channel that "a dead man can't leak stuff."

Assange also has hinted that deceased DNC staffer Seth Rich may have been a source for WikiLeaks. Rich, 27, was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the back at a Washington, D.C., intersection in July. He died soon thereafter. Authorities believe Rich was the target of a botched robbery, but his death has inspired conspiracy theories."

'Specific Info' Forces Wikileaks To Move Anticipated Announcement To Berlin

Assange may get a bullet for exposing Hillary, he gets his choice of forum.


And you believe it.
I believe he gets his opportunity to make his case wherever he chooses.
The unstable Trump is imploding, and his foreign accomplices and American apologists are doing everything they can to desperately right the ship.

The unstable Trump is imploding, and his foreign accomplices and American apologists are doing everything they can to desperately right the ship.

What does this off the wall and unfounded assessment have to do with the OP?
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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued

The ramifications will be negligible.
Here is what we’re being asked to believe in the graphic…
Wikileaks has e-mails proving that some Swiss non-profit has been sending pay-offs to the highest members of the government at the behest of the Clintons.

And the theory is that the former Secretary of State would put such requests in writing knowing that the person who is receiving the e-mail could print it out, forward it, save it etc…


I love good fiction. Please come back when you have some.
The unstable Trump is imploding, and his foreign accomplices and American apologists are doing everything they can to desperately right the ship.

What does this off the wall and unfounded assessment have to do with the OP?

Are you kidding?

It has everything to do with the OP.
WikiLeaks released this a month ago;

On September 13, WikiLeaks lived up to its promise of releasing more Democratic National Committee (DNC) documents. This time they were from hacker Guccifer 2.0, serving as a teaser for larger and likely more embarrassing leaks from the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign.

Both the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign have attempted to insulate themselves from the content of the releases by alleging the hacks were organized by the Russian government. The claims are a mix of paranoia and PR/damage control, and will have enduring consequences. It may lead to what former Secretary of Defense William Perry referred to as a drift back into Cold War mentalities.

The leaks include more evidence of overt corruption within the DNC. One email dated May 18, 2016, from Jacquelyn Lopez, an attorney with the law firm Perkins Coie, asked DNC staff if they could set up a brief call “to go over our process for handling donations from donors who have given us pay to play letters.”

Included in the leak was a list of high-profile donors from 2008 and the ambassadorship they received in exchange for their large donation to the DNC and Barack Obama’s Organizing For Action (OFA). Essentially, Obama was auctioning off foreign ambassador positions and other office positions while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state. The largest donor listed at contributions totaling over $3.5 million, Matthew Barzun, served as U.S. Ambassador to Sweden from 2009 to 2011, served as President Obama’s National Finance Chair during his 2012 reelection campaign, and now serves as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.}

WikiLeaks’ Guccifer 2.0: Obama Sold Off Public Offices to Donors

Now clearly Barack Obama should have been dragged off in handcuffs, along with Debbie Schultz and Crooked Hillary.

What happened? Not a damned thing.

Yes, our corrupt press buried it, but the facts were and are still there. America just doesn't give a shit that our government is entirely corrupt.

Guno and Toro will at best make snide remarks to distract - they don't give a fuck that the president it taking bribes, he has a "D" after his name and that's all that matters.

This is the sad state we are in. How in the FUCK is Hillary still in the race after the above was revealed? That is Idi Amin level corruption, but we get a yawn from the anesthetized public and smoke from the corrupt leftist MSM.

I'd love to think that the new information would knock the Mafia boss out, but what could be worse than the confirmed corruption above? Video of her murdering someone? G5000 would STILL hack for her even if it did.
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Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London for four years and won't leave because he will be charged for rape charges and extradited to Sweden.

So it doesn't matter where the location is.

Yeah, those are some credible charges.

And had they succeeded when they tried to nab him, his accidental death on the way to Sweden would have been just as credible.

Hillary already tried to have him murdered.

Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange
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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued

Are you really stupid enough to believe this----is the question?

Come a little closer so no one hears

**whispers in oreo's ear**
You see that question mark in the title? See that denotes a question and it also sets the tone of uncertainty. Also notice the first word in the first sentence in which the author uses the word "supposedly". That can be used to identify that whatever comes next isn't factual.

Now when and if this becomes available on WikiLeaks and its corroborated with substantial evidence (emails etc) I will review it and make a decision.
Ahh did not rape any wimmens...dey was beggin for it
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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued

Are you really stupid enough to believe this----is the question?

Come a little closer so no one hears

**whispers in oreo's ear**
You see that question mark in the title? See that denotes a question and it also sets the tone of uncertainty. Also notice the first word in the first sentence in which the author uses the word "supposedly". That can be used to identify that whatever comes next isn't factual.

Now when and if this becomes available on WikiLeaks and its corroborated with substantial evidence (emails etc) I will review it and make a decision.

You have done what many USMB members do with wild and crazy stories like this. You have posted it....suggesting that you believe that it is possibly true...vouched for the "source" AND hedged your bet with the "but I said "if"!! BS.

At best lame.

At worst, irresponsible.
One, two, three, four, five
Everybody in the limo
C'mon let's ride
To the liquor store around the corner
The wife's outta town, so i think I really wanna...

Call some names from my little black book
Guaranteed to make this party cook
We'll call Angela and Pamela and Buffy and Vicki
And 'fore you know it -- everything will be freaky

We're gonna throw it down
Then we're gonna pick it up
These girls are cute as a little speckled pup
I know I said I'd learned my lesson
But i just can't keep from messin'...

A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita, if you please
A little bit of Tina, she's a sleaze
A little bit of Sandra, she's so funky
A little bit of Mary, she's kinda chucky
A little bit of Jessica's what I see
A great big break from Hillary

Jump up and down
Move it all around
Throw your hands in the air
Throw your clothes on the ground
Climb on board -- we'll have fun
Gonna take a ride on Air Force One
We'll climb so high we'll touch the sky
And if we get caught, we'll lie

A little bit of Sandy on my lap
A little bit of Tiffany, she likes rap
A little bit of Rita, if you please
A little bit of Tina, she's a sleaze
A little bit of Sandra on the fly
A little bit of Mary on the sly
A little bit of Jessica, raisin' cain
A little break from that ol' ball & chain

A little bit of Monica in the house
A litte bit of somethin' on her blouse
A little bit of Rita, she's a go
A little bit of Tina, she's a ho
A little bit of Sandra on the desk
A little bit of Mary, she's the best
A little bit of Jessica in my life
A great big secret from my wife

Hey girls -- me and you
I can get y'all a job at Revlon too
You know me -- I love to freak
See you babes same time next week?
Julian better spend the night with an Uzi and a box of No-Doz....Clintons don't play and Obama is desperate to have her succeed him. If I were the folks at Wiki I'd ask the Ivans to protect him....their Spetnaz ain't bad....not as good at us but then Obama has turned the CIA into a cluster-fuck and might drone the house across the street. Rigged elections are nothing new...the Rats can't win without them. But with Trump braying about the fix being in, they at least have to be clever with the Diebolds. On election day, make sure the button you push ends up being the vote you cast.

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