BREAKING: Is this part of the WikiLeaks October Surprise?

Hope this will be Uncovering will ensure and crush Hillary as should be, she should not even be there for the Présidential she is a criminal ... and stop all divert small slippages of Trump and do not forget it's Hillary's fault and only her fault.
Assange is a foreign commie interloper who is butt hurt his fellow traveler Bernie Sanders didn't win the nomination. It is amazing how wet between the legs Trump's Chumps are about foreigners interfering in our election process!

What Assange and Bernie's supporters don't get is that Bernie made it as far as he did BECAUSE of Clinton, not in spite of Clinton.

The only reason Bernie made it as far as he did is because Clinton is so unpopular in the Democratic party that people gave Sanders a second look they otherwise would not have.

If Clinton had not been in the race, and someone like Biden or Warren had run instead, Bernie would have scored far lower in the polls.

Assange and Sanders' whiny followers are too retarded to grok this fact.
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Wow! That's huuuuuuuuuuge! And it doesn't sound at all crazy. Not even a little bit.
If WikiLeaks has substantial evidence (emails) to back it up, will you be saying the same thing? Probably :lol:

They don't.

Please.....focus on Benghazi. You have more fear to stoke with towelhead terrorists. Believe me.
Your dodging (as usual) but it doesn't matter, lets wait to see what's actually leaked.

Dodging as usual? You jest.

I flat out told you that there will be no evidence released.

Of course....they coukd release a bubble gum wrapper....and you'd call it an open and close case.
WikiLeaks doesn't toss things out there without substantial evidence. They have been at this for a decade and have a stellar record. They don't do things half assed.

Problem with American obedient whores is they don't care if they are getting fucked in the ass as long as the people driving their dicks deep into their anus are telling them they love them. Don't be a whore.
Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.
Wow! That's huuuuuuuuuuge! And it doesn't sound at all crazy. Not even a little bit.
If WikiLeaks has substantial evidence (emails) to back it up, will you be saying the same thing? Probably :lol:

They don't.

Please.....focus on Benghazi. You have more fear to stoke with towelhead terrorists. Believe me.
Your dodging (as usual) but it doesn't matter, lets wait to see what's actually leaked.

Dodging as usual? You jest.

I flat out told you that there will be no evidence released.

Of course....they coukd release a bubble gum wrapper....and you'd call it an open and close case.
WikiLeaks doesn't toss things out there without substantial evidence. They have been at this for a decade and have a stellar record. They don't do things half assed.

Problem with American obedient whores is they don't care if they are getting fucked in the ass as long as the people driving their dicks deep into their anus are telling them they love them. Don't be a whore.

Oh boy! A Julian Assange lover! And all that sexy talk too! I'm really beginning to see it your way!

They have a stellar record!!! Never wrong and never over hyped!

You know it. Clinton is FINISHED!!!
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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued
They can prove that Hillary is the anti-Christ and Democrats will simply double their will to vote for her.
If WikiLeaks has substantial evidence (emails) to back it up, will you be saying the same thing? Probably :lol:

They don't.

Please.....focus on Benghazi. You have more fear to stoke with towelhead terrorists. Believe me.
Your dodging (as usual) but it doesn't matter, lets wait to see what's actually leaked.

Dodging as usual? You jest.

I flat out told you that there will be no evidence released.

Of course....they coukd release a bubble gum wrapper....and you'd call it an open and close case.
WikiLeaks doesn't toss things out there without substantial evidence. They have been at this for a decade and have a stellar record. They don't do things half assed.

Problem with American obedient whores is they don't care if they are getting fucked in the ass as long as the people driving their dicks deep into their anus are telling them they love them. Don't be a whore.
Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

His rubes like yourself are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.

Not to mention that this one involves every single POTUS since Reagan. It's gonna tank the entire Union!!! Tomorrow!!

I gotta go finish off my stash!!
The great thing about Assange's place in this is that Hannity has interviewed him multiple times, kissing his feet, complimenting him.

It would be off the rails funny if, after the election, Assange turns around and fucks the GOP somehow.

I wonder if Hannity's tone would change then.
That's it?

^^Example of obedient little American whore's ^^

Can fuck em and treat em like shit and they won't even bat an eyelash.

For me, corruption at any level perpetrated by whomever is inexcusable....but that's just me.

No, I mean "That's all the bizarre conspiracy theorists concocted?"

I was hoping the low-rent tin-foil crowd would have come up something better.
If true, none of this is funny.

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