Breaking: Israeli warplanes hit "another" refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing dozens

So when did USMB become Anti USA Message Board ??
Whatever happened to these advertisers we were required to please??
Not just anti-USA. Downright supportive of HAMAS terrorists and the elimination of Israel.

Something happened.
For about a week or so, one moderator was conspicuous by their absence and the moderation here was just fine. I even almost posted about the new ability to discuss this issue without it being controlled.

It has only been since this moderator returned that the forum has shifted to be so one-sided and ugly.
Yeah, it really seems that this has become a Stormfront with its vile attacks against Jews.
Hey genius how does Israel not kill thousands of women and children when they carpet bomb Gaza?

Are they all savages in your mind worthy of killing?

As in every war the state demonizes and dehumanizes the enemy, and dumb fuck dupes like you believe the war propaganda.
Where are you getting this "carpet bombing" from? I guess you don't know the difference in carpet bombing and use of guided munitions. Isn't that right, you cowardly moron?
Where are you getting this "carpet bombing" from? I guess you don't know the difference in carpet bombing and use of guided munitions. Isn't that right, you cowardly moron?

Well, he doesn’t know the difference between a man and a woman either…….

So there’s that.
No. They are on Israel and you. Stop supporting genocide.
You are suck a morn! If it were genocide, why is there any of Gaza still standing? Why hasn't Israel rounded up the PLO supporters in The West Bank and executed them? Why have they not attacked the refugee camps in Jordan? The answer is because they are fighting Hamas and not genocide, which the Hamas supporters are engaged in as in their charter.

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