BREAKING: Johns Hopkins & American College of Pediatricians Formerly Denounce Sex-Change Procedures

Again, a cheek swab determines whether or not corrective treatment or surgery is warranted. "Extremely rare" (see OP #1) genetic anomalies are not part of the normal xx or xy child drugging/mutilation abuse allegations.

If a cheek swab renders an "xy" DNA register, then if any adult coerces that boy into believing he is a girl, especially if that adult drugs or help drugs that child with artificial hormones or pushes the child into amputating healthy body parts to "play at being a girl" that adult is guilty of child abuse. That is the new standard.
What bathroom (locker room) should this XY (and has always looked female) person use?
View attachment 68485


So you think John Hopkins failure to drop the hammer on this guy somehow validates his opinions?

If they did come down on him you'd be screaming free speech! and political correctness!

Yes, because Paul McHugh was the CHIEF psychiatrist for Johns Hopkins, not a broom closet lower rank staffer. And if your CHIEF psychiatrist comes out and makes such a bold and final statement, using your outfit's name in his report as his credibility, if you don't come out and denounce that statement, you are assenting to it.

See if you can spot my point here:

June 2, 2015
" Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
She is XY, she just doesn't respond to male hormones and therefore never made the female to male conversion in the womb. She was born the human default, female. Has always looked female and will always be female. And you want her in the boy's locker room and our bathroom? Cool story, bro...

Do you have the medical records to prove that? We'd need a name and actual signed medical records.
No, and you don't need records. You need to deal with the fact that even at the genetic level, we cannot define male and female. If we did use genetics then the junior high school locker rooms would get very interesting indeed...
Again, a cheek swab determines whether or not corrective treatment or surgery is warranted. "Extremely rare" (see OP #1) genetic anomalies are not part of the normal xx or xy child drugging/mutilation abuse allegations.

If a cheek swab renders an "xy" DNA register, then if any adult coerces that boy into believing he is a girl, especially if that adult drugs or help drugs that child with artificial hormones or pushes the child into amputating healthy body parts to "play at being a girl" that adult is guilty of child abuse. That is the new standard.
What bathroom (locker room) should this XY (and has always looked female) person use?
View attachment 68485


What sex is this person, J?

Really? Wonderful, I always wanted to shower with girls as well as boys and in your world, I'd get to. Tighty whities and pretty panties together? The boys are going to be loving this, I'm not so sure about her? Also, when you're standing at the urinal and she's waiting for a stall (she XY but has always had a vagina), don't wet yourself.

I do appreciate the answer...

If "she's" XY, it's a male.

I can take some spices and all sort of condiments and make chicken shit look and smell like chicken salad. Would you eat it?

Just out of curiosity, how long did the above project take you to accomplish? And what compelled you to do it in the first place?
No, and you don't need records. You need to deal with the fact that even at the genetic level, we cannot define male and female. If we did use genetics then the junior high school locker rooms would get very interesting indeed...

Read the OP Paint. You failed to read item #1. Go back and read it again.
No, and you don't need records. You need to deal with the fact that even at the genetic level, we cannot define male and female. If we did use genetics then the junior high school locker rooms would get very interesting indeed...

Read the OP Paint. You failed to read item #1. Go back and read it again.
Nope. You say the kids are wrong to choose a gender and I say, define gender, and it turns out, you can't...
So you think John Hopkins failure to drop the hammer on this guy somehow validates his opinions?

If they did come down on him you'd be screaming free speech! and political correctness!

, if you don't come out and denounce that statement, you are assenting to it.]

No- you aren't.

Face it Silhouette- this thread is just another in a series of your threads that is based upon a lie.

Johns Hopkins has nothing to do with this 'announcement'- they happen to be the place that one of the authors works.
So if it's a lie that John Hopkins formally denounced this whatever,

why is that lie still allowed to stand as a thread title?
Wow, confusion central. Pay attention:


McHugh spoke for Johns Hopkins in the report. Post a link if you can that shows that Johns Hopkins does not stand behind McHugh's article.

June 2, 2015
" Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’
So if it's a lie that John Hopkins formally denounced this whatever,

why is that lie still allowed to stand as a thread title?


Here is your claim

Johns Hopkins..... Formerly Denounce
Sex-Change Procedures

That is of course- a lie.

Another in a long series of your homophobic lies.
If there are XY, that's male.

Would you eat the chicken "salad" I made?
I'd pass on your salad, but I'd shower with her in a heartbeat. Being straight, I love to shower with young women.

And your full-on rejection of science and genetics is noted. Just remember, don't get all jumpy when she checks out your package. To you she's a male. without a package...
So you think John Hopkins failure to drop the hammer on this guy somehow validates his opinions?

If they did come down on him you'd be screaming free speech! and political correctness!

, if you don't come out and denounce that statement, you are assenting to it.]

No- you aren't.

Face it Silhouette- this thread is just another in a series of your threads that is based upon a lie.

Johns Hopkins has nothing to do with this 'announcement'- they happen to be the place that one of the authors works.
He doesn't even work there now...
I'd pass on your salad, but I'd shower with her in a heartbeat. Being straight, I love to shower with young women.

And your full-on rejection of science and genetics is noted. Just remember, don't get all jumpy when she checks out your package. To you she's a male. without a package...

Paint's issues trying to sexualize concerns over child abuse are screaming off the page with every post he makes. Yes, we get it, you are titillated by doing weird things with your pee pee with other people who have deformed pee pees. Maybe you should have a doctor amputate your ear lobes so that your mental issues will "get all better then"..?
So if it's a lie that John Hopkins formally denounced this whatever,

why is that lie still allowed to stand as a thread title?
Wow, confusion central. Pay attention:


McHugh spoke for Johns Hopkins in the report. Post a link if you can that shows that Johns Hopkins does not stand behind McHugh's article.

June 2, 2015
" Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

It's your accusation. Prove it.
I'd pass on your salad, but I'd shower with her in a heartbeat. Being straight, I love to shower with young women.

And your full-on rejection of science and genetics is noted. Just remember, don't get all jumpy when she checks out your package. To you she's a male. without a package...

Paint's issues trying to sexualize concerns over child abuse are screaming off the page with every post he makes. Yes, we get it, you are titillated by doing weird things with your pee pee with other people who have deformed pee pees. Maybe you should have a doctor amputate your ear lobes so that your mental issues will "get all better then"..?
I don't have a problem with the science, it can't define gender. That's not a problem for me but it sure is for you.
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OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.

And this official announcement has taken that reality one step further. Anyone drugging or cutting up a minor person who is normal XX or XY girl or boy is guilty now of child abuse.

No one is cutting up any minors.

However, minors are prescribed drugs, with their parents consent all the time.

And as usual- your interpretation of everything is false, and as usual- this entire thread starts out with a lie.

Gender anomalies are 1 in 100. I don't know what right wing moron source you got your lies from but here is the real data.

Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births
Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births
Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 130,000 births
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia one in 13,000 births
Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals
Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births
Ovotestes one in 83,000 births
Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause) one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother) no estimate
5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 2,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis) one in 770 births
Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female

As to Johns Hopkins; that butcher Ben Carson worked there and Johns Hopkins knew that he was a nightmare of a surgeon and so did the Maryland state medical board. It is interesting to note that Ben Carson in no longer licensed to be a doctor.

Maybe this is a good thing because the butchers and Johns Hopkins would probably botch the surgery.

In the case of hermaphrodites or trans the parents should wait until adolescence or early teens.

It's much more complicates than the Xy or XX chromosomes. People will XY and XX Chromosomes can still have biological traits of the opposite sex. Some of these traits can be physical such as differences in brain structure that effect behavior. It's more complex than simple biology.

An example of XY not determining gender are people with AIS. AIS is Androgen Insufficiency Syndrome. Women with AIS have the XY chromosome but never develop male genitalia but do develop a vagina which with surgery can be functional. They also have internal testicles.
So, simply cheek swab the children in question. If they have XX or XY DNA with all normal corresponding equipment, drugging or surgery or the coercion to said is simply and inarguably child abuse.

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