BREAKING: Johns Hopkins & American College of Pediatricians Formerly Denounce Sex-Change Procedures

Cheek swab. XY DNA with normal body parts for male or XX DNA with normal body parts for female, any drugging or surgery or coercion to either is flatly child abuse.
Answer the questions. If the baby is XX, should we remove the penis? If XY, should we add one?

It doesn't matter if that isn't the case of these transgender children.
To say these children are wrong, you have to say why they are wrong. Tell us how you decide the gender of another person?

They can't be wrong if you can't do that...

Unless you can show that is the case with the children in question your argument is pointless.
Tell us how you decide the gender of another person?

>>Cheek swab showing XY with NORMAL male body parts or XX with NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse. <<

(Paint, in your obvious mania defending the indefensible on this thread, you are having trouble reading..)
NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse...)

So if Conservative doctors coerce a child into accepting a gender that he or she does not believe is correct- you think that is criminal child abuse?

Again, putting wrong words into my mouth. Read the large print above.
Cheek swab showing XY with NORMAL male body parts or XX with NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse.

(Paint, in your obvious mania defending the indefensible on this thread, you are having trouble reading..)
What gender is an XY with a vagina but no penis?

And what gender is an XX with a penis but no vagina?

Your options are: male, female, other? Go...

Doesn't matter if that isn't the case with these transgender children.
Name that gender?

Warning - graphic (but shouldn't be if we were adults here):

And tell us, is it child abuse to operate on these babies?

Gender is a complex issue and many people confuse it with sexuality. Parents alone can't make the decision. It is really up too the child.

Gender reassignment on infants in just wrong. Probably it is best to wait into adolescence. By then the child will know.

It used to be that if a child was born with ambiguous genitalia surgery was done immediately. That was a mistake.

God can be on cruel son of a bitch. 1 in 100 people have some sort of gender anomaly. The upside is this. AIS and trans women are superior to cis women.
TB is very knowledgeable.

These guys would like you, but not these other morons: What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

I consulted that site to find the frequency of gender anomalies. I knew it was about 1 in 100 but a checked to be sure. I wrote a term paper on medical ethics titled First Do No Harm. It was about surgery on inter-sexed infants and why it was wrong.

Things like AIS, CAIS, and hermaphroditism really throw a monkey wrench into the right wing argument about the GLBT issues.

I am convinced that most Republicans are either gay or bisexual because they all seem to think it's a "lifestyle choice". The fact is, there are a lot of pink elephants in the GOP closet.
Cheek swab. XY DNA with normal body parts for male or XX DNA with normal body parts for female, any drugging or surgery or coercion to either is flatly child abuse.
Answer the questions. If the baby is XX, should we remove the penis? If XY, should we add one?

It doesn't matter if that isn't the case of these transgender children.
To say these children are wrong, you have to say why they are wrong. Tell us how you decide the gender of another person?

They can't be wrong if you can't do that...

Unless you can show that is the case with the children in question your argument is pointless.
No, and we've been though this before. If you cannot define gender then these children are not wrong.
Cheek swab showing XY with NORMAL male body parts or XX with NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse.

(Paint, in your obvious mania defending the indefensible on this thread, you are having trouble reading..)
What gender is an XY with a vagina but no penis?

And what gender is an XX with a penis but no vagina?

Your options are: male, female, other? Go...

Doesn't matter if that isn't the case with these transgender children.
So, let's say that it is, now what?
And what do they do with all those dicks and balls they cut off?

Cheek swab. XY DNA with normal body parts for male or XX DNA with normal body parts for female, any drugging or surgery or coercion to either is flatly child abuse.
Answer the questions. If the baby is XX, should we remove the penis? If XY, should we add one?

It doesn't matter if that isn't the case of these transgender children.
To say these children are wrong, you have to say why they are wrong. Tell us how you decide the gender of another person?

They can't be wrong if you can't do that...

Beyond that- they want to tell the parents of that child- and the doctors treating that child- that their opinion as parents and personal physicians is irrelevant.
So if Conservative doctors coerce a child into accepting a gender that he or she does not believe is correct- you think that is criminal child abuse?
So if purple elephants fly South on Thursday, you believe pizza will taste better if eaten upside down under a chalkboard.

That's what you just said.


>>Cheek swab showing XY with NORMAL male body parts or XX with NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse. <<
Hey, J, answer this?

Alright, let's say that it is the case. It's a genetic XX, with a penis, raised male so far but wants to look and live as a female. Is it okay to cut that little dick off now?
Hey, J, answer this?

Alright, let's say that it is the case. It's a genetic XX, with a penis, raised male so far but wants to look and live as a female. Is it okay to cut that little dick off now?
AGAIN: (If I could make the word NORMAL be in 36 sized font I would, if it would help you understand the concept of #1 in the OP)

Gender HAS been defined as a mental state. SEX is not. And to try to change sex that is normal with normal presentation in a minor HAS BEEN DEFINED THIS MONTH BY EXPERTS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS AS CHILD ABUSE:

>>Cheek swab showing XY with NORMAL male body parts or XX with NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse. <<
Hey, J, answer this?

Alright, let's say that it is the case. It's a genetic XX, with a penis, raised male so far but wants to look and live as a female. Is it okay to cut that little dick off now?
AGAIN: (If I could make the word NORMAL be in 36 sized font I would, if it would help you understand the concept of #1 in the OP)

Gender HAS been defined as a mental state. SEX is not. And to try to change sex that is normal with normal presentation in a minor HAS BEEN DEFINED THIS MONTH BY EXPERTS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS AS CHILD ABUSE:

>>Cheek swab showing XY with NORMAL male body parts or XX with NORMAL female body parts, any drugging or surgery or coercion to same is child abuse. <<
That's not the question. In this case it is XX with a penis. Can we cut that little dick off, yes or no?
Transgender kiddos cannot be wrong if you cannot define gender, kiddos...

They think they are wrong. That is what the operation and drugs are for, that is not natural. Kids should be taught to be happy with themselves, not that they need dangerous surgery.
Come on kiddos, start dealing with the real world instead of ideology...

What gender is an XY with a vagina but no penis?

And what gender is an XX with a penis but no vagina?

Your options are: male, female, other? Go...
Transgender kiddos cannot be wrong if you cannot define gender, kiddos...

They think they are wrong. That is what the operation and drugs are for, that is not natural. Kids should be taught to be happy with themselves, not that they need dangerous surgery.
You think they're wrong but if you can define gender then they can't be wrong. Can you define gender, prove the gender of another, yes or no? And if yes, how?

Man up, and answer...
Come on kiddos, start dealing with the real world instead of ideology...

What gender is an XY with a vagina but no penis?

And what gender is an XX with a penis but no vagina?

Your options are: male, female, other? Go...

What transgender child does that match? Seems you are the one in fantasy scenarios.

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