BREAKING: Johns Hopkins & American College of Pediatricians Formerly Denounce Sex-Change Procedures

OK, this really is simple: biologically, an XY "female" is a MALE and an XX "male" is a FEMALE. An individual can pretend to be anything they wish, but the fact remains, they are biologically one of the other. While there are other genetic anomalies (Kleinfelter's Syndrome or XYY syndrome), they are not common and are commonly classified as anomalies when they do occur. Chemical and surgical engineering of an individual's external appearance in order to accommodate their "perceived" choice of gender fails to alter the biological FACT of their natural identity. No amount of wishing, hoping, chemical & surgical mutilation, or legislation and coercion will ever change the fact that a genetically normal XX or XY person will be anything but Female or Male.

And this official announcement has taken that reality one step further. Anyone drugging or cutting up a minor person who is normal XX or XY girl or boy is guilty now of child abuse.

No one is cutting up any minors.

However, minors are prescribed drugs, with their parents consent all the time.

And as usual- your interpretation of everything is false, and as usual- this entire thread starts out with a lie.
Let me ask this...while they may like to look like the opposite sex, what are their sexual interests. Do they "feel" like an XY "female" but still have an interest in girls as sexual partners (or vise-versa)?
Any attempt to physically alter the boy's natural body or puberty is child abuse.
People should always and rightfully fear something abnormal.

Which explains why we had the Salem witch trials so very well.....fear.......of anything 'abnormal'- and the abuse of those who those fearful people deem abnormal.
I don't need a link to "refute" your inane logic, Sil. Your argument doesn't make any sense.

The American College of Pediatrician's opinion has exactly zero legal weight. They have no "authority" over anything.

This shit is going to end up in court. We all know it will.

Why would this end up in court?

The opinion of you- and a few dozen doctors, versus the opinions of the parents- and the child's own doctors- and the opinion of the 60,000 strong American Academy of Pediatrics- why would that go to court?
This is a front group of conservative homophobes.,,,Not legitimate doctors.,,Not legitimate findings or study...Sick twisted version of Christianity shitting itself on our society...Go spew your vile somewhere else.

And your opinion of Johns Hopkins?

John Hopkins is a fine institution.

And has nothing to do with this announcement.

Just you lying again.
An adult is free to hire someone to mutilate his/her body if they have enough money. Mutilating children to conform to some current social trend or to illustrate "tolerance" for an obscure faction of society is abhorrent. Using chemical therapy to change the bodies of effeminate boys or tomboy girls to conform to a modern trend is abhorrent. It's about time the medical profession caught on to the despicable trend in child abuse.
Syriusly BOTH your links come from "healthy children dot org". And how is this group more prestigious than Johns Hopkins? ..

Oh Silly.

Both of my links come from " which if you opened the links would show you this:



Now- where is the official position paper of John Hopkins on this?

Oh- sorry- I forgot- you are just lying again about John Hopkins.
A cheek swab would determine the sex of the person in the photo. If it is "Jazz", the sex is xy or male.

Not according to the leading authority on children- the largest pediatrician professional organization in the United States

Some children have a gender identity that is different from their sex assigned at birth, and many have interests and hobbies that may align with the other gender. Some children, however, do not identify with either gender. They may feel like they are somewhere in between or have no gender. It is natural for parents to ask if it is "just a phase." But, there is no easy answer.

Do you have a reaction from them to the formal announcement backed by Johns Hopkins in the OP? Post a link, OK? The news was announced March 21, 2016. They're probably scrambling right now trying to figure out a spin for continuing to promote and advocate mutilating childrens' bodies (child abuse).
An adult is free to hire someone to mutilate his/her body if they have enough money. Mutilating children to conform to some current social trend or to illustrate "tolerance" for an obscure faction of society is abhorrent. Using chemical therapy to change the bodies of effeminate boys or tomboy girls to conform to a modern trend is abhorrent. It's about time the medical profession caught on to the despicable trend in child abuse.
Tell us, when we operate on intersexed children, and we do often, to make them look more "normal", is that child abuse?

ISNA's Recommendations for Treatment | Intersex Society of North America
Do you have a date for those publications in your last two posts.

Again- if you bothered to actually open the link you would know the answer:

Your little band of contrarian pediatricians is responding to the position papers of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Last Updated
2/26/2016 12:00 AM
A cheek swab would determine the sex of the person in the photo. If it is "Jazz", the sex is xy or male.

Not according to the leading authority on children- the largest pediatrician professional organization in the United States

Some children have a gender identity that is different from their sex assigned at birth, and many have interests and hobbies that may align with the other gender. Some children, however, do not identify with either gender. They may feel like they are somewhere in between or have no gender. It is natural for parents to ask if it is "just a phase." But, there is no easy answer.

Do you have a reaction from them to the formal announcement backed by Johns Hopkins in the OP? Post a link, OK?
It is not backed by Johns Hopkins. Don't lie, it doesn't help you.
A cheek swab would determine the sex of the person in the photo. If it is "Jazz", the sex is xy or male.

Not according to the leading authority on children- the largest pediatrician professional organization in the United States

Some children have a gender identity that is different from their sex assigned at birth, and many have interests and hobbies that may align with the other gender. Some children, however, do not identify with either gender. They may feel like they are somewhere in between or have no gender. It is natural for parents to ask if it is "just a phase." But, there is no easy answer.

o the formal announcement backed by Johns Hopkins in the OP? Post a link, OK?

What formal announcement backed by Johns Hopkins?

Here is what a formal announcement backed by someone looks like- it has their logo or letterhead on it

Show us that formal announcement by Johns Hopkins?

Oh wait- that is just you lying again.
What sex is this person, J?

Really? Wonderful, I always wanted to shower with girls as well as boys and in your world, I'd get to. Tighty whities and pretty panties together? The boys are going to be loving this, I'm not so sure about her? Also, when you're standing at the urinal and she's waiting for a stall (she XY but has always had a vagina), don't wet yourself.

I do appreciate the answer...
What sex is this person, J?

Really? Wonderful, I always wanted to shower with girls as well as boys and in your world, I'd get to. Tighty whities and pretty panties together? The boys are going to be loving this, I'm not so sure about her? Also, when you're standing at the urinal and she's waiting for a stall (she XY but has always had a vagina), don't wet yourself.

I do appreciate the answer...

If "she's" XY, it's a male.

I can take some spices and all sort of condiments and make chicken shit look and smell like chicken salad. Would you eat it?
It is not backed by Johns Hopkins. Don't lie, it doesn't help you.

June 2, 2015
" Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a ‘satisfied’ but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs,” said Dr. McHugh. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;' Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’

Give me a link to show Johns Hopkins has changed its stance as indicated in the quote since June 2, 2015.
What sex is this person, J?

Really? Wonderful, I always wanted to shower with girls as well as boys and in your world, I'd get to. Tighty whities and pretty panties together? The boys are going to be loving this, I'm not so sure about her? Also, when you're standing at the urinal and she's waiting for a stall (she XY but has always had a vagina), don't wet yourself.

I do appreciate the answer...

If "she's" XY, it's a male.

I can take some spices and all sort of condiments and make chicken shit look and smell like chicken salad. Would you eat it?
She is XY, she just doesn't respond to male hormones and therefore never made the female to male conversion in the womb. She was born the human default, female. Has always looked female and will always be female. And you want her in the boy's locker room and our bathroom? Cool story, bro...

"Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome occurs when the body cannot use androgens at all. People with this form of the condition have the external sex characteristics of females, but do not have a uterus and therefore do not menstruate and are unable to conceive a child (infertile). They are typically raised as females and have a female gender identity."
Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Genetics Home Reference

Want to see the next interesting variation, XX males. We have them as well. The girls will get a kick out them in their bathroom, leaving the seat up.
What sex is this person, J?

Really? Wonderful, I always wanted to shower with girls as well as boys and in your world, I'd get to. Tighty whities and pretty panties together? The boys are going to be loving this, I'm not so sure about her? Also, when you're standing at the urinal and she's waiting for a stall (she XY but has always had a vagina), don't wet yourself.

I do appreciate the answer...

If "she's" XY, it's a male.

I can take some spices and all sort of condiments and make chicken shit look and smell like chicken salad. Would you eat it?
She is XY, she just doesn't respond to male hormones and therefore never made the female to male conversion in the womb. She was born the human default, female. Has always looked female and will always be female. And you want her in the boy's locker room and our bathroom? Cool story, bro...

"Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome occurs when the body cannot use androgens at all. People with this form of the condition have the external sex characteristics of females, but do not have a uterus and therefore do not menstruate and are unable to conceive a child (infertile). They are typically raised as females and have a female gender identity."
Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Genetics Home Reference

If there are XY, that's male.

Would you eat the chicken "salad" I made?
She is XY, she just doesn't respond to male hormones and therefore never made the female to male conversion in the womb. She was born the human default, female. Has always looked female and will always be female. And you want her in the boy's locker room and our bathroom? Cool story, bro...

Do you have the medical records to prove that? We'd need a name and actual signed medical records. Even still, the OP says there are exceedingly rare genetic problems but when its an XY male with all the normal equipment or an XX girl with all the normal equipment, then drugging or cutting up their bodies, or suggesting that to them, from a mental confusion or delusion is child abuse.
American College of Pediatricians is a tiny, conservative breakaway group from the much-larger and more respected American Academy of Pediatrics, and the views of one Johns Hopkins professor are not representative of the school as a whole.

They have around 200 professional and respected members. And, the American Academy of Pediatrics has not stepped up to denounce this announcement. Nor has Johns Hopkins top staff. Even your group's threats won't work now. Children are involved. Your LGBT cult crossed the line when it began drugging children to coerce them to "decide better" (under the influence of powerful hormones, making that impossible as a "choice") to have their healthy organs amputated.

Rightfully and finally this is called CHILD ABUSE by leading experts among pediatricians.

Here's Huffpo whining about the endorsements:

This would be nothing but an ineffectual fringe organization, if not for McHugh and the fact that the administration at John’s Hopkins refuses to disavow him and his positions.. Johns Hopkins Professor Endangers the Lives of Transgender Youth

Johns Hopkins is a large outfit. One of the most respected medical institutions in the country and the world.

So you think John Hopkins failure to drop the hammer on this guy somehow validates his opinions?

If they did come down on him you'd be screaming free speech! and political correctness!

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