BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy Considers Expunging Trump’s Impeachments

They happened. You cannot undo that no matter how hard you try. Pretending they did not will not change anything.

I am on record on this forum being against impeaching him, but they did it and they did not break any laws or do anything actually wrong. Impeachment is a political process.
Impeachments should NEVER be political.
Impeachments should NEVER be political.

Come on, I know it is early but you cannot be this stupid.

They are a 100% political process.

They are political by design.

There is no "legal" connotation to them at all.

Now if you said it should never be partisan, then I would have agreed with you.
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I am honestly embarrassed that you have to copy and paste that crap. Every president has a list like that. Shit, the stock market hits a new record high under every single president....tis the nature of the market.

I am also shocked that you find the US Govt spending money to get people internet a good thing.
There are plenty...Every president did not raise middle class income at the same rate, for example.
There are plenty...Every president did not raise middle class income at the same rate, for example.

Actually no president raised middle class income.

The things you give credit to the Fed Govt for doing are just endless.

Do you remember to thank the Govt every day for your job?
Twice impeached, twice failed to win the popular vote, overwhelmingly voted out of office, disgraced, the worst president in US history.
1. Twice impeached, and twice exonerated. So what?
2. The popular vote doesn't elect presidents, duh.
3. Voted out of office in 2020 by about 43,000 votes in WI, AZ, and PA, duh.
4. Disgraced? He didn't notice.
5. Worst president in US history? Got a link for that? Biden is in the running for that title.
It should be done. Trump was set up on baseless fabrications and is innocent. Traitor Vindman should be strung up like Ed Gein's victims.

It takes a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate to expunge an impeachment. This means that at least 67 of the 100 Senators must vote in favor of expungement for it to occur
He should expunge the impeachments, not because Trump didn’t commit impeachable offenses (he clearly didn’t), but because of the violations of the Constitution and the House policies and procedures
Who is is this one person who you think has the power to expunge?
Impeachments are not a criminal proceeding. They are 100% political, by design.
Impeachments are 100% criminal proceedings as they are laid out by the Constitution to be done only in cases of treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, none of which Trump did and for which there was not even any possibly circumstantial evidence.

Even the Democrats admit they did not use due process in either impeachment nor in the J6 Commission and that in itself should be criminal:
Oh boy, Biden's going down in flames, Mac wants to expunge the impeachment.....LOL

There will be seismic activity from the left.

Can't wait.
Good post, Delldude. :thup:

Even so, I believe that retribution belongs to God, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if the Congress merely used Amendment 25 as kindly as possible. Dementia is a terrible fate for anyone and his immediate as well as extended family and friends. If it is done in a respectful way, the Democrats will either accept it or lose their base of people who are not acquainted with their crimes the MSM has wrongfully minimized, as shown by their fallen ratings. The American people who aren't in the Deep State know they are being lied to, which is why the Walk Away movement earned more than a million walkers and put a dent in the "woke" insanity ploy by deep staters.
There is no constitutional mechanism to expunge an Impeachment.

Further evidence the Neo-GOP is opposed to the Constitution.

The Neo-GOP led House can pass a non-binding Resolution poo-pooing the Impeachment, but that's about it.
I usually like your posts, BB. Unfortunately for your theory, there are still some decent Democrats who do not depend on Nancy Pelosi, who should be dismissed from her chair due to her push, push, pushing President Trump's demise at the behest of her fellow deep staters whose hatred for and disrespect for the Founders' basis for the Constitution taken directly from the Good Book's Old and New Testaments is displeasing to their flock of atheists who hate Christianity and the Kingdom of God to the max. Some Democrats are quite frankly, attached to brotherly caring for their fellows on both sides of the aisles, and regularly attend services of their family church. Pelosi's errors point to a final year to continue her destruction of President Trump who is innocent of the charges she and her fellow deep staters made the omerta decision to get rid of Trump by hook or by crook. They didn't get rid of Democrats who may be proud of being descendants of courageous freedom fighters of 1776 and on until the British, many who were weary of killing their kin in America, packed their duffels and shipped out. I hope that Democrats in Congress will rethink their goals and go for the brotherly friendships their forbears encouraged and cancel hatred of people whose states have a lot of mouths to feed and therefore support the existing stock market that helps investors win hard workers who for a lump of money to start a business depend on stocks to help them purchase inventory at the right time to fill a need that the American people want.

Many of us saw Trump taking the bull demons by the horns and working for an ultimate peace on earth through strength and prosperity for all. Some Democrats were misled by the perpetrators of the Steele Dossier that put the final onus on a foreign spyman, and the thought that no one would ever figure in their untruthful propaganda, but that fizzled as time went by, the Mueller Report turned out to be a waste of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds, as it found president Trump unlikely to have done what Hillary's Hatchet job pals said he did, when in fact, Hillary was not aware another copy of her phone info became availed to her adversaries and disclosed her involvement in getting a foreign country, Russia, to agree with America's deep staters to poison President Trump's well for good and all. The information about bad Trump was dismantled by leaps and bounds, but he was already a repeat target of every lie in the book to make it appear he was a worthless person. Well, we had a leader who all but brought a lasting peace to the Middle East, and his detractors did all they could to keep the good things he did for America and the planet for that matter on cleaning the plastics out of ocean waters and peace on earth starting with economic partners in the Middle East on a lasting basis of brotherly retrieval and economic positives. What a wonderful use of his skills in human caring that President Trump proved to be, in spite of the errors of his youth being turned into wrongful sins and endless scathing by jealous Democrats who never achieved a lasting peace due to one corruption after another covered up cleverly and timed by Nancy Pelosi's sinister clock that ticked off wealth to her personal fortune and expenses plastered onto unknown taxpayers in the middle class.

I pray for unification of our states' most demanding needs, and right now, that's a need for the end of the depression President Biden pushed to make American citizens his
personal piggy-piggy bank, his grovelling at the treasury has become the national undoing. I hope and pray that Congress has the best of luck getting rid of the lies and dismissing their enablers.

May our present Congress set aside differences and start healing the nation with truth and caring. I pray for the new Speaker's ambition to be directed at Brotherly Love as was intended by the Founders of this nation who paid a terrible price in the Revolutionary War, so that some of the brightest men who ever lived could bring prosperity through a Constitution that acknowledged rights to working class people and everyone on either end of their center to have human rights respected according to a Constitution that they decided was the key to national success from people across the pond who disdained their country ways. Good night, all. Love, beautress.
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Good post, Delldude. :thup:

Even so, I believe that retribution belongs to God, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if the Congress merely used Amendment 25 as kindly as possible. Dementia is a terrible fate for anyone and his immediate as well as extended family and friends. If it is done in a respectful way, the Democrats will either accept it or lose their base of people who are not acquainted with their crimes the MSM has wrongfully minimized, as shown by their fallen ratings. The American people who aren't in the Deep State know they are being lied to, which is why the Walk Away movement earned more than a million walkers and put a dent in the "woke" insanity ploy by deep staters.
I doubt it will go 25A......just an embarrassingly incompetent president and his staff.
Okay now I understand why Trump was backing him for house speaker. Good to see politics as usual. Quid quo pro is alive and well. Oh yeah Trump may be looking for a VP. McCarthy better choose wisely as this could go south real fast.

Still will it really make a difference. It is in the history books. and everyone knows about it. He was found not guilty. Sounds like a deal being made. Unfortunately there still the matter of the Capitol Riots.
There are plenty...Every president did not raise middle class income at the same rate, for example.

GDP Growth was less than 3% for Trump's entire regime and he was the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

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