BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy Considers Expunging Trump’s Impeachments

What history? That Trump was a Russian agent? That when he Tweeted "go out and let your voices be heard PEACEFULLY" that actually meant "kill them all"?

The truth means absolutely nothing in 2023. None of you motherfuckers give a shit about your own integrity. You just keep saying "Trump led an insurrection" but you never point to any evidence to support that claim.


SInce when do we convict people for NOT speaking? What fucking law is that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller, Bueller, Bueller...
In this nation it is innocent until proven guilty and regardless of what anyone thinks about another person, democrat or republican, everyone in this country has constitutional rights and none may be accused of a crime or punished for a crime unless first tried and convicted of a crime. Those are our laws and they are good laws.
1:34 p.m. D.C. Mayor Bowser asks Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy for additional Guard forces. The Secretary of the Army could not send them. Two days earlier Trump’s Acting Secretary of Defense had removed Ryan’s authority to deploy the D.C. National Guard, residing such authority in himself, personally, only.


Didn't happen. Your source lies.

This is exactly why leftards are brainwashed lemmings.

Because they BELIEVE the lies being spewed by the corrupt media.

The change in authority pertained to armed guardsmen ONLY.

Three days before in Jan 3, president trump specifically told Christopher Miller to PROVIDE whatever troops Bowser requested. Miller himself admitted to that, under oath.
He will always have two impeachments on his record, pretending it did not happen will not change that.

History will not be kind to Trump.

And it would give the GOP a huge black eye for all time. It would appear, in history books, as though Republicans are trying to hide the truth about Trump - the most vile president in American history.
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His failed covid response is responsible for more than 1 million Americans dying.

Trump engineered the crisis at the Southern Border to justify building his useless wall. When Trump took office, illegal immigration was at its lowest point in 50 years, and there was no need to build the Wall. Two years later, after Trump's "separation of families, and cutting off funding of anti-gang policies in Central America, Trump has his crisis.

You are nuts.

The chinese allowed their virus to escape from their bio weapon lab, not Trump.

As we now see, Trumps policies had the border under control while the democrats want to flood the country with illegal aliens.
Clinton was asked under oath, and he lied about it. That's against the law.
Exactly, and he was found guilty, and was let off w/ a big fine even though he should have served time.

I'm seeing talk now that the Republicans are not going to impeach Biden. imho that's correct. It's these previous impeachment attempts w/ Trump that need to be corrected. Removed. Erased.

He was impeached by the full house vote.

There is no constitutiinal means to change that....

It's silly to think there is...
No, it has to be as big and public as the impeachment trials, otherwise it isnt justice. Youre asking Trump to suck it up and take the loss. That isnt justice, its just you wanting to hurt someone you dont like. You arent being honest.

They happened. You cannot undo that no matter how hard you try. Pretending they did not will not change anything.

I am on record on this forum being against impeaching him, but they did it and they did not break any laws or do anything actually wrong. Impeachment is a political process.
It should be done. Trump was set up on baseless fabrications and is innocent. Traitor Vindman should be strung up like Ed Gein's victims.

Oh no no no. Let all the Moral Panic hopefully at least our grandchildren will gasp or sneer at us...and then fully wake up.

I'm trying to determine in all of this what the chastity belt with keys moment is...when the Moral Panic was so pronounced it began to bring people back to their senses.

Maybe people dying of vaccines, but it's hard to say, really.
Like I said, you weren't really paying attention. You can debate how "historical" some of these may or may not have been, but several are certainly very noteworthy.

I am honestly embarrassed that you have to copy and paste that crap. Every president has a list like that. Shit, the stock market hits a new record high under every single president....tis the nature of the market.

I am also shocked that you find the US Govt spending money to get people internet a good thing.

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