BREAKING: Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance

Z was wearing his Army camo BDU outfit as though he just left the battlefield to take time to fly to DC lol. Useful idiot leftists suck it all up.


Actual leftists are on the side of Russia. American liberals aren't really leftists, much less Marxists.
Where do you guys get this dumb stuff?
Every journalistic and news outlet in the world except for your POS fox and Internet nut jobs, and of course your pals in Russia and China who are putting out almost exactly the same crap, trying to disrespect our fine institutions and public servants with your paranoid garbage... Change the damn channel ignoramus...
WTF are you talking about? That was pure stupidity.
So what is the difference between socialism and communism, BFM? I mean outside of crap savage capitalist English speaking propaganda.... So you don't know about the sanctions against Cuba Nicaragua and Venezuela? Venezuela can't sell its oil, funny how their socialist country doesn't work very well lol...
Do please tell us what is right then! Just the top five biggies! :happy-1:
No election fraud, no vaccine fraud, no global warming conspiracy, the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you do, so we are the only country in the modern world without cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations daycare health care for all etcetera etcetera etcetera. Socialism as understood everywhere in the world but English speaking brainwashed parts, is nothing but fair capitalism with a good safety net.... And trump is an incredible business failure and dictator wannabe. Change the damn channel ignoramus
If Putin was ever serious about "peace" the sonofabitch would have never invaded Ukraine in the first place.
The only people for Russia are scumbags who are either bought off or with a gun to their head....

You have obviously never been to Russia or mixed with either their thinkers , successful professionals or just ordinary working people .
I have . Many times and all over the Federation .

So why do you dogmatise about matters on which you have no earthly understanding or experience?

If you want to be an ignorant loud mouth in private that's fine . But to to try and tell others who actually know what

they have seen and worked with is short sighted .

Now you are looking a complete ass and there is no way back for you, whatever stuttering mumbo jumbo you might next produce .
You have obviously never been to Russia or mixed with either their thinkers , successful professionals or just ordinary working people .
I have . Many times and all over the Federation .

So why do you dogmatise about matters on which you have no earthly understanding or experience?

If you want to be an ignorant loud mouth in private that's fine . But to to try and tell others who actually know what

they have seen and worked with is short sighted .

Now you are looking a complete ass and there is no way back for you, whatever stuttering mumbo jumbo you might next produce .
Sorry dude but the Russian people are not driving the. bus.

That’s Putin
The only people for Russia are scumbags who are either bought off or with a gun to their head....
The pathetic, ignorant scumbags, are those who support the American military-industrial complex i.e. MIC, in its effort to make a buck at the expense of all of humanity. NATO, a cold war dinosaur, should've been dismantled decades ago, but due to it being such a lucrative business, MIC and its cronies in the US congress, decided to have NATO stick around and expand into Eastern Europe, right up to Russia's border. They took advantage of Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, thinking that they could do whatever they wanted, including completely disregarding Russia's legitimate national security concerns. In 2000, Putin saved Russia from further collapse and abuse from both Russian and Western capitalists who were raping Russia financially and otherwise. He nationalized the major centers of economic power, resulting in massive economic and military development and growth (the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe in the 1990s and its actions in the Balkans, ensured that Russia would invest heavily in its military). Anyone can compare Russia's GDP in 1999 to what it is today.

The United States and its Western European vassals have no right to expand NATO, a cold war military alliance that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, strategically, and otherwise right up to Russia's border. Even during the cold war, NATO wasn't this close to Russia. The US wouldn't allow Russia or China to deploy its military in Mexico and I don't blame it. If the United States was fighting a war with Russia and China, because one or both of those countries decided to establish a military alliance with Mexico and other Latin American countries, I would be on the side of the United States. One or both of these countries deploying their militaries in Mexico would be perceived by the US as a serious national security threat and I would agree. Unfortunately, it's the US and Western Europe that are poking the bear with NATO, so I'm on the side of Russia. Unfortunately, it's the US and Western Europe that are the bad guys here, not the Ruskies.

Another issue that has to be factored into the equation, is the 2014 Ukrainian, Maidan coup, orchestrated by the US and EU when they co-opted a legitimate civil protest, turning it into a violent coup, between ultra-nationalists and the democratically elected government. President Yanukovych, who was relatively friendly to Russia was replaced with Poroshenko, a man who hates everything Russian. The problem with that is that Eastern Ukraine is mostly comprised of Russo-Ukrainians. Citizens of Ukraine who are ethnically, culturally, and linguistically Russian. They lean towards Russia, in every way. Culturally, linguistically, historically, and politically. etc. Viktor Yanukovych, the president that was ousted by the American-EU staged coup d'etat, was in office mostly because of them, who were his supporters. The Maidan protests mostly reflected the sentiments, of Western Ukrainians, not the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas or Crimea.

The vast majority of Eastern Ukrainians refused to accept the legitimacy of the new Kyiv coup government i.e. regime. What did the West expect? Why should the Russo-Ukrainians accept the legitimacy of a government that was originally installed by foreign powers and hates them for being ethnically Russian?

Can you imagine if Russian politicians were giving speeches to American protestors in Washingtin DC? That would start a war between the US and Russia. The US loves to meddle and interfere politically and otherwise in the affairs of other countries.

He left her speechless.

Stephen F. Cohen: The Ukrainian Crisis - It's not All Putin's Fault (Recorded in 2015)

Remarks by Vice President Biden in Kiev, Ukraine
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Sorry dude but the Russian people are not driving the. bus.

That’s Putin
Yeah, it's called democracy. Putin was elected and he's now the legitimate Russian head of state. Leaders are supposed to "drive the bus", It's called governing, leading a nation that elected you into that position of authority.
Yeah, it's called democracy. Putin was elected and he's now the legitimate Russian head of state. Leaders are supposed to "drive the bus", It's called governing, leading a nation that elected you into that position of authority.
Putin has repeatedly jailed anyone who posed a threat to his electoral victory.
Putin has repeatedly jailed anyone who posed a threat to his electoral victory.
Evidence. You have none. There's no evidence that the Russian government arbitrarily arrested anyone. That's your mere opinion. A lot of baseless accusations that if they were true, could be held up in an international court. None of that has ever been presented to The Hague. Putin has one of the highest approval ratings of any world leader, currently at 80%. Anyways, don't ignore all of the points that I made at #91 as to why Russia is justified in fighting this war against Ukraine. I actually didn't even mention the Minsk agreements, which Ukraine agreed to implement and didn't, due to the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists refusing to cooperate. They continued shelling civilians in the Donbas, resulting in the death of thousands of innocent people.
Pardon Al. He’s a Kremlin stooge
Little early to be so sloshed Lush. Not everyone who disagrees with your drunk ass is a Russian stooge. If you can get your eyes to focus, check out some history. Backing scum has never worked out for the US. We backed Stalin, led to a 60 year Cold War, the Korean War, Vietnam, and countless covert actions that cost American lives. We backed Saddam Hussain over Iran, that cost us 2 Iraq wars and thousands of American lives. We backed Osama Bin Laden over the Soviets. Seeing a pattern yet? Or just seeing double? Either way, backing that corrupt monkey in Kiev isn't in our interests. So kindly fuck off and have a Merry Christmas.
Little early to be so sloshed Lush. Not everyone who disagrees with your drunk ass is a Russian stooge. If you can get your eyes to focus, check out some history. Backing scum has never worked out for the US. We backed Stalin, led to a 60 year Cold War, the Korean War, Vietnam, and countless covert actions that cost American lives. We backed Saddam Hussain over Iran, that cost us 2 Iraq wars and thousands of American lives. We backed Osama Bin Laden over the Soviets. Seeing a pattern yet? Or just seeing double? Either way, backing that corrupt monkey in Kiev isn't in our interests. So kindly fuck off and have a Merry Christmas.
I don’t think our interests are served by allowing Russian belligerence.
I don’t think our interests are served by allowing Russian belligerence.
Doesn't mean we should support scum. Find a way to meet our interests and maintain our own values or don't get involved at all. This isn't difficult. We now represent all the things the Ukrainians are doing to include shelling innocent civilians in the Donbas, torturing and murdering POWs, assassinating the children of Ukraine’s critics, supporting neo-nazi elements in their military, and so on. Those are not things that represent American values.
Little early to be so sloshed Lush. Not everyone who disagrees with your drunk ass is a Russian stooge. If you can get your eyes to focus, check out some history. Backing scum has never worked out for the US. We backed Stalin, led to a 60 year Cold War, the Korean War, Vietnam, and countless covert actions that cost American lives. We backed Saddam Hussain over Iran, that cost us 2 Iraq wars and thousands of American lives. We backed Osama Bin Laden over the Soviets. Seeing a pattern yet? Or just seeing double? Either way, backing that corrupt monkey in Kiev isn't in our interests. So kindly fuck off and have a Merry Christmas.
We backed Stalin because we had to. Seven out of ten Germans were fighting on the Eastern Front, and the Soviets were willing to sacrifice nine million soldiers and bore the brunt of most civilian casualties, at approximately 17 million civilian deaths. We'd probably all be speaking German now here in the US and saluting a Nazi flag, if not for Soviet Russia. However, I agree with everything else you said, about Vietnam and Iraq..etc.
Yeah, it's called democracy. Putin was elected and he's now the legitimate Russian head of state. Leaders are supposed to "drive the bus", It's called governing, leading a nation that elected you into that position of authority.
Wow. Are you ignorant or an actual Russian bot?

Putin is a murdering dictator
No election fraud,
Really, Bobo? You wanna run with that even as we have the proof in front of us now in B&W? Frank is 0-1.

no vaccine fraud,
Really, Ace? Not sure exactly what you mean by that, but the vaccine is clearly not a vaccine and Joe Biden just passed the mark as the president with the most Covid cases! See my article in Health how with Biden in office, we just passed 100 MILLION Covid cases! So again, we were lied to about Trump, lied to in 2020, lied about the vaccine, Fauci lied, and we never erradicated Covid by the 4th in 2021 as Biden promised. Frank is now 0-2.

no global warming conspiracy,
Speaks for itself:

If the climate were REALLY warming, ice would have melted showing significant rise in sea-level in 90 years! Franko now 0-3.

the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you do, so we are the only country in the modern world without cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations daycare health care for all etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Incoherent blabbering. Is this really all you got? This is it? Whatever taxes the rich pay is due to the TAX CODE afforded them by Congress, Asshat. But you are right, we pay far too much for college, the most, and the infrastructure is falling apart, job benefits suck. But who promised BUILD BACK BETTER? Who writes the tax code? Who keeps sending BILLIONS AND BILLIONS to fight a war that doesn't involve us that could be used to pay down schools and fix bridges? DEMOCRATS. They run everything. Poor Frank, you are now 0-4.

Socialism ~ ~ ~ is nothing but fair capitalism with a good safety net....
What a unique take on political systems and history by a fool who obviously understands neither! What an incredibly wrong statement. Socialism is just capitalism that works? Meantime, EVERYWHERE socialism has been tried throughout history, it has FAILED, moron. Europe has tried it and Europe is falling apart and going bankrupt now because of it. Frank is zooming to an 0-5.

And trump is an incredible business failure and dictator wannabe. Change the damn channel ignoramus
Yes, change the damn channel. Biden and the democrats have proven far more successful and determined dictators just in the spying, attacks and even oppression of human rights, while Trump's business structure is not even a concern nor factor for Americans nor our economy! Asked to list America's top 500 problems or concerns, how Trump runs his private companies wouldn't even make the list! Another amazing total fail by the history moron! Congrats, Frank, you went a perfect 0-6.

And this was the best you got. :auiqs.jpg:
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