Breaking: machete attack in Germany

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When are we going to see how the western world are united in the same rhetoric and movement? The same group mind you that awarded the skinny lying socialist in the white house the "nobel peace prize."

I am wondering how much blackmail is going on. Just think about it. Let us assume for one moment that a large number of emails were intercepted by our country's enemies. Imagine what kind of information they got and how it could be used if they found out top secret information.

There were rumors already that Merkel was blackmailed earlier this year. My point is this is a world movement. How did ALL of these refugees ALL have the SAME IDEA to WALK TO EUROPE? How did they ALL have that at the SAME TIME?

Just how did that movement happen?

And why Germany?
Yeah. Then again, it was not just Germany, was it? Now doesn't Germany head up the EU or something?

All of the western EU countries have been infiltrated. Aaaand, watch where the attacks (including the massive rapes that the western press is under reporting) are happening.

Then, with the promise that the lying witch in a pants suit is promising. How many of these stink bombs is she promising to bring in? On top of what the skinny lying nobel peace recipient muslim in the white house has already brought in.

It is creepy what we are seeing. At least for those of us who have the eyes to see. May God have mercy on us all. Especially for a creep like me. Sorry to be so melodramatic about it, but it is just plain to see what is happening. Not to mention how powerless we are to stop this world movement.
We do have power. Just vote for Trump, current local and world politics are pushing us into a corner and unfortunately, he's the only way out.
I am just too cynical to believe that he is this great answer. Meaning, the world is united in this one world (new world order) movement. I mean to have ONE leader that is NOT a king to fight against that?

Keep in mind the new world order movement has an absolute monopoly on the mass media, the mass education and most of the entertainment industry.

I like Trump, but perhaps I just do not trust him all that much. He is saying a lot of the right things.

Just remember what the left did to the economy in 2008. Remember that was an election year and they deliberately ignored ALL of the warnings put out by the Bush (18 times that are archived) about the housing bubble. You can actually look that up.

Of course the world sheep buy into the notion that the bubble bursting was ALL Bush's fault. It was certainly reported like that, and it is still reported like that to this day.

I think many underestimate how diabolically committed the left is to gain power. The destruction of the country they hate is only a bonus for them.

Trump could be an answer, but I am just not that optimistic considering the enormity of the beast that he (we) are fighting.
Steaming pile! Of pretentiousness.

You're just a steaming pile!!

Your interest in germany is adorable.
Do you enjoy watching your countrymen die? Or do you like the rapes better? Maybe the acid in the face? How about dead children? Which part do you enjoy more about ignoring your country?
Contain yourself. You are emotarding all over yourself.

You are flatsplattering all over your keyboard!!

No, you.

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol

The BBC is once again being accused of acting as an apologist for Islamist terror after it reported on the suicide bombing near a music festival in Germany by a Syrian refugee by suggesting that the suicide bomber himself was a victim.

A 27-year-old Syrian migrant who had been refused asylum detonated a backpack bomb outside a bar in the south German town of Ansbach last night, killing himself and injuring 12 other people.

However, instead of reporting the incident as an act of terrorism committed by a Muslim, the BBC published the story under a bizarre headline that read, Syrian migrant dies in German blast, suggesting that the terrorist was the victim of a blast, not that he caused one.

Other leftist news outlets ran with similar headlines.

A meme quickly emerged on Twitter suggesting that the BBC would have reported the 9/11 attack under the headline 19 Muslim migrants murdered in plane crash at twin towers.

The BBC was also criticized for not reporting the Munich shooter’s full name after Friday’s deadly rampage.

Virtually every other media outlet reported that the culprit was Ali David Sonboly or David Ali Sonboly, but the BBC removed the name “Ali” from all of its reports.

During its coverage of the shooting, the BBC also obsessed about the incident’s link to Norwegian right-wing killer Anders Breivik, although the motivation for the shooting had nothing to do with Breivik and was in fact retaliation for Sonboly being bullied at school.

After the Nice truck attack, the corporation also focused on how some people in the city were being “cold” towards Muslims, implying that alleged examples of “Islamophobia” were on a par with Islamist terror.

As we reported last week, BBC Scotland also put out a tweet suggesting that calling terrorists “terrorists” or “Islamists” is politically incorrect and should be reconsidered.

Info Wars.
Your interest in germany is adorable.
Do you enjoy watching your countrymen die? Or do you like the rapes better? Maybe the acid in the face? How about dead children? Which part do you enjoy more about ignoring your country?
Contain yourself. You are emotarding all over yourself.

You are flatsplattering all over your keyboard!!

No, you.

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
Do you enjoy watching your countrymen die? Or do you like the rapes better? Maybe the acid in the face? How about dead children? Which part do you enjoy more about ignoring your country?
Contain yourself. You are emotarding all over yourself.

You are flatsplattering all over your keyboard!!

No, you.

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
I have issues with the Elderberry comparison. Elderberries are beneficial for your health and well being. L.K.Eder, on the other hand, supports terrorists and only the gods know what would he do to us if he had free rein to do it but it is safe to assume, it wouldn't be beneficial for out health.
The BBC is once again being accused of acting as an apologist for Islamist terror after it reported on the suicide bombing near a music festival in Germany by a Syrian refugee by suggesting that the suicide bomber himself was a victim.

A 27-year-old Syrian migrant who had been refused asylum detonated a backpack bomb outside a bar in the south German town of Ansbach last night, killing himself and injuring 12 other people.

However, instead of reporting the incident as an act of terrorism committed by a Muslim, the BBC published the story under a bizarre headline that read, Syrian migrant dies in German blast, suggesting that the terrorist was the victim of a blast, not that he caused one.

Other leftist news outlets ran with similar headlines.

A meme quickly emerged on Twitter suggesting that the BBC would have reported the 9/11 attack under the headline 19 Muslim migrants murdered in plane crash at twin towers.

The BBC was also criticized for not reporting the Munich shooter’s full name after Friday’s deadly rampage.

Virtually every other media outlet reported that the culprit was Ali David Sonboly or David Ali Sonboly, but the BBC removed the name “Ali” from all of its reports.

During its coverage of the shooting, the BBC also obsessed about the incident’s link to Norwegian right-wing killer Anders Breivik, although the motivation for the shooting had nothing to do with Breivik and was in fact retaliation for Sonboly being bullied at school.

After the Nice truck attack, the corporation also focused on how some people in the city were being “cold” towards Muslims, implying that alleged examples of “Islamophobia” were on a par with Islamist terror.

As we reported last week, BBC Scotland also put out a tweet suggesting that calling terrorists “terrorists” or “Islamists” is politically incorrect and should be reconsidered.

Info Wars.
Just to reiterate my post.

Breaking: machete attack in Germany

Just proves my point.


Way to go world socialists!! Bravo!!! Now, reap the whirlwind.



Contain yourself. You are emotarding all over yourself.

You are flatsplattering all over your keyboard!!

No, you.

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
I have issues with the Elderberry comparison. Elderberries are beneficial for your health and well being. L.K.Eder, on the other hand, supports terrorists and only the gods know what would he do to us if he had free rein to do it but it is safe to assume, it wouldn't be beneficial for out health.
^That's a new level of malicious stupidity, even for you.
You are flatsplattering all over your keyboard!!

No, you.

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
I have issues with the Elderberry comparison. Elderberries are beneficial for your health and well being. L.K.Eder, on the other hand, supports terrorists and only the gods know what would he do to us if he had free rein to do it but it is safe to assume, it wouldn't be beneficial for out health.
^That's a new level of malicious stupidity, even for you.
Malice comes from you, enabler. You hate Western civilization and want to destroy it by supporting terrorists.
BTW, how is your hangover from last night? You passed out not even saying good night....

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
I have issues with the Elderberry comparison. Elderberries are beneficial for your health and well being. L.K.Eder, on the other hand, supports terrorists and only the gods know what would he do to us if he had free rein to do it but it is safe to assume, it wouldn't be beneficial for out health.
^That's a new level of malicious stupidity, even for you.
Malice comes from you, enabler. You hate Western civilization and want to destroy it by supporting terrorists.
BTW, how is your hangover from last night? You passed out not even saying good night....
Another no you, topped off with further lies. You are a great american.
You are flatsplattering all over your keyboard!!

No, you.

Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
I have issues with the Elderberry comparison. Elderberries are beneficial for your health and well being. L.K.Eder, on the other hand, supports terrorists and only the gods know what would he do to us if he had free rein to do it but it is safe to assume, it wouldn't be beneficial for out health.
^That's a new level of malicious stupidity, even for you.

Do you know what they are?
Yes you; Elderberry put the flatusplatter over his keyboard!! lol


Elderberry. lol.
I have issues with the Elderberry comparison. Elderberries are beneficial for your health and well being. L.K.Eder, on the other hand, supports terrorists and only the gods know what would he do to us if he had free rein to do it but it is safe to assume, it wouldn't be beneficial for out health.
^That's a new level of malicious stupidity, even for you.
Malice comes from you, enabler. You hate Western civilization and want to destroy it by supporting terrorists.
BTW, how is your hangover from last night? You passed out not even saying good night....
Another no you, topped off with further lies. You are a great american.

You forgot the capital A.





One must bear in mind that Iran and Afghanistsn had secular societies once; pretty girls walking around in mini skirts, and not wearing the veil.
If one percent of the mass refugees are committed muslims and determined to enforce sharia law and that one percent of 100,000, how many is that?

These are attacks committed by one here or two there or 19.....

As a result of that reality, how is it that the western world leaders are so willing to open their borders to that influx?

You think China would put up with that? Yet, not only do the world socialists welcome it, they cast blame on anyone like me who vehemently oppose it.

As though we are the evil ones. I say reap the whirlwind to those motherfuckers. They are getting exactly what they all deserve. The blood is as much on their hands as anyone else's.
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And Trump gets another fifty K votes.
Thanks terrorists and you supporters of terrorism on this forum.
You're doing a great job getting Trump elected!
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