BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

. Last night she went on and on and on about foreign influence and whether Trump has foreign generated income on his tax return, and on and on and on.... all of which had nothing to do with the actual disclosures made in his return.

The founding fathers put in the constitution a desire to keep the head of the government from having foreign enganglements, or obligations. They already had one king who ruled over them, and did not want the president to be influenced by foreign rulers. They barred president from receiving foreign titles of nobility, and from receiving foreign emmoluments, that mighrt obligate him in any way. Similarly they did not want a president owinng any obligation or loyalty to a foreign country by birth.

If Trump is receiving substancial income from foreign sources, that would be a direct violation of the constitution, and his tax returns would be one source of finding that out.

But, and this is important, the IRS can not legally disclose criminal activity they discover on a tax return.
Maddow forced Trump into the open with her announcement.

Welp,. we now have one year with plenty more returns to follow.

Trump is the most divisive president in American history.
TRUMP is playing a Putin, trying to get rid of the journalist investigating him, with trumped up charges that he set up.....he learned well from his mentor....

Someone stealing the returns would have stolen the full return, with the information we have all been looking for, not simply the first two pages showing trump making a bundle and paying taxes
Who held a gun to her head to air it?
no one, she had the right to air the little info the 2 pages gave....the PUBLIC has wanted to know about his tax returns for years now, and Trump has said he will release them once his audit is done....

These two pages from a 2005 return, did nothing as far as information for all the investigations going on...

TRUMP PICKED this year, out of all of his tax years, that shows his earnings and taxes paid via the alternative minimum tax...

Do you really believe a thief would go through the trouble and jail time risk for stealing Trump's tax returns and this thief would pick 2005's return, without all of the supportive schedules and paperwork?

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your boy, did this and released them via courier...

JUST LIKE THE STATE RETURNS were allegedly stolen and given to a journalist through Courier.... and again,l only the top two pages....of them.

WITHOUT any of the pertinent information for these investigations on Russian connections, Oligarch connections, Foreign Bank connections.

I'm sorry but even an infant can see what's actually going on here...for the SECOND time, first with his State and now Federal, tax return leaks.

Please, for the love of God, use your brain, and not your heart, on this....
That is called conjecture, you dumb ass.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

That's why it's clear from a common sense perspective that this was engineered by Trump and his cohorts.

Once a con man, always a con man.
why did she air it then? D'OH
Just like the lawyers at CBS approved the Dan Rather Bush National Guard Memo?

Nothing is

He wants the headlines on this , just like it worked on Jeff Sessions and his lying wire tapping tweets..

I note your non-answer, you cheap, dime store hack.

Dude, go ahead and be led like a little puppy...eating up right out of Trumps hand that is feeding you..

It would be illegal if an IRS person leaked it..

Trump is the one would told everyone that he didn't pay taxes...

If there had been anything incriminating I would be agreeing with you...but Trump is lying his ass off right now..
Targeting taxpayers
Sure.....It is a good thing that you take her lightly. :D
No one, outside of looney feminists, and diehard leftists take her seriously. She is a caricature of everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.

Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.
She didn't research crap. She was given two pages that make the Trump narratives by leftists, (he is broke/doesn't pay taxes) look completely foolish.
yep, by ultimately, Trump.

YES HE DID THIS was all to Trump's advantage, th year of 2005, only the front two pages, and all to change the subject, to get his lemmings to go after Rachel Maddow, who is doing an incredible job investing and connecting the dots on the Russian Connection.

Simple as's been done before by him and I'm certain it will be done again by him... he's controlling the media...they are not controlling him. Same with you guys, his are his good little sheep! He has you so pegged, knows exactly what you will do, once he tweets..... :p
I'm sure Maddow is not done with this.....but I do like how it brings the so-called president's cowardice about releasing his tax returns back to the forefront.
You are only required to submit a financial disclosure which is 10 times more detailed than a tax return, and is available to THE PUBLIC..
Financial disclosure forms are notoriously brief and general. They are measured in pages, while Trumps tax returns are measured in reams. You may think you know what you're talking about, bt you obviously don't. Do us both a favor and stick to actual facts.
Tax returns don't tell you what financial disclosure forms do. You can have a bad year but still worth a bundle.
Seems to me you sue Maddow for what she profited from in regards to the disclosure.

A suit at common law would require more than not liking what she did. Trump would have to show some legal bar to Maddows disclosure. And because no law was broken by Maddow, there are no grounds to sue. Trump could start a frivilous lawsuit, but that would be a very bad position to be in having the deep pocket exposure in a counter suit.
Can we sue her for being a gross dyke?
Oh dear......intimidate you, does she?
Nothing is

He wants the headlines on this , just like it worked on Jeff Sessions and his lying wire tapping tweets..

I note your non-answer, you cheap, dime store hack.

Dude, go ahead and be led like a little puppy...eating up right out of Trumps hand that is feeding you..

It would be illegal if an IRS person leaked it..

Trump is the one would told everyone that he didn't pay taxes...

If there had been anything incriminating I would be agreeing with you...but Trump is lying his ass off right now..
Targeting taxpayers
No one, outside of looney feminists, and diehard leftists take her seriously. She is a caricature of everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.

Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.
She didn't research crap. She was given two pages that make the Trump narratives by leftists, (he is broke/doesn't pay taxes) look completely foolish.
yep, by ultimately, Trump.

YES HE DID THIS was all to Trump's advantage, th year of 2005, only the front two pages, and all to change the subject, to get his lemmings to go after Rachel Maddow, who is doing an incredible job investing and connecting the dots on the Russian Connection.

Simple as's been done before by him and I'm certain it will be done again by him... he's controlling the media...they are not controlling him. Same with you guys, his are his good little sheep! He has you so pegged, knows exactly what you will do, once he tweets..... :p
I'm sure Maddow is not done with this.....but I do like how it brings the so-called president's cowardice about releasing his tax returns back to the forefront.
Do you like how she committed a felony?
No. You are arguing against a law. Do you understand that? Have you taken the time to look up the law the entire time you have been arguing with me? Journalists do not have to follow the same rules that you and I do. They did not solicit the information in the same way Gawker pays for information and therefor are protected differently than the situation Gawker was. What they did was not illegal.

The New York Times reported on Trump's 1995 tax returns a long time ago... this is nothing new.

Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.

They still have to follow basic rules, and if the law explicitly protects private citizen's tax returns, (as Trump was back in 2005) any shield they are claiming isn't exactly made of adamantium.


You do realize that your sides's obsession with Trumps tax return is far more exemplified by your meme response, right?

If by side you mean "Anti-Trump" people... I want to see his latest couple year's tax returns to see where his conflicts of interests lie. It's pretty simple, and if he had to apply for a security clearance it would have been reviewed. Though he doesn't have to get a security clearance as an elected POTUS, I'd still like to see it for myself, and a great deal of the population would like to see it as well. His tax returns would also prove once and for all how big of a liar he is when it comes to how charitable he is, which could absolutely ruin him with the public. No one likes a braggart that talks about how much they give in donations only to find out they don't give shit.
You don't need to see anybody's tax returns, motherfucker. You would not understand them anyway. It is not like there is going to be a 1099 from Russia attached to it, dumbass!
Of course we do....just like the so-called president promised on several occasions. But you don't mind the lies, do you?
I note your non-answer, you cheap, dime store hack.

Dude, go ahead and be led like a little puppy...eating up right out of Trumps hand that is feeding you..

It would be illegal if an IRS person leaked it..

Trump is the one would told everyone that he didn't pay taxes...

If there had been anything incriminating I would be agreeing with you...but Trump is lying his ass off right now..
Targeting taxpayers
Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.
She didn't research crap. She was given two pages that make the Trump narratives by leftists, (he is broke/doesn't pay taxes) look completely foolish.
yep, by ultimately, Trump.

YES HE DID THIS was all to Trump's advantage, th year of 2005, only the front two pages, and all to change the subject, to get his lemmings to go after Rachel Maddow, who is doing an incredible job investing and connecting the dots on the Russian Connection.

Simple as's been done before by him and I'm certain it will be done again by him... he's controlling the media...they are not controlling him. Same with you guys, his are his good little sheep! He has you so pegged, knows exactly what you will do, once he tweets..... :p
I'm sure Maddow is not done with this.....but I do like how it brings the so-called president's cowardice about releasing his tax returns back to the forefront.
Do you like how she committed a felony?
State the felony.
Just like the lawyers at CBS approved the Dan Rather Bush National Guard Memo?

Nothing is

He wants the headlines on this , just like it worked on Jeff Sessions and his lying wire tapping tweets..

I note your non-answer, you cheap, dime store hack.

Dude, go ahead and be led like a little puppy...eating up right out of Trumps hand that is feeding you..

It would be illegal if an IRS person leaked it..

Trump is the one would told everyone that he didn't pay taxes...

If there had been anything incriminating I would be agreeing with you...but Trump is lying his ass off right now..
Targeting taxpayers
Sure.....It is a good thing that you take her lightly. :D
No one, outside of looney feminists, and diehard leftists take her seriously. She is a caricature of everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.

Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.
She didn't research crap. She was given two pages that make the Trump narratives by leftists, (he is broke/doesn't pay taxes) look completely foolish.
yep, by ultimately, Trump.

YES HE DID THIS was all to Trump's advantage, th year of 2005, only the front two pages, and all to change the subject, to get his lemmings to go after Rachel Maddow, who is doing an incredible job investing and connecting the dots on the Russian Connection.

Simple as's been done before by him and I'm certain it will be done again by him... he's controlling the media...they are not controlling him. Same with you guys, his are his good little sheep! He has you so pegged, knows exactly what you will do, once he tweets..... :p
Care4all, you have no idea how foolish you sound, do you?
The probable fact is, since the returns are marked 'customer copy', that Trump was flushed into the open by Maddow, so he released them to forestall the impact of the show. If that was Trump's intent, he failed.

Trump is the most divisive president in American history.
now you all can't even get that straight, is it customer copy or client copy, come on now, which is it that's stamped on that there document? hahahahaahahaha, the loser Maddow should have burned it, but instead thought there was something there without reading it I guess. And ignored client, customer copy. No fking way dumbster dave.
Wrong again. He pays no more than required by law. He went on to explain exactly what that means.

it is every Americans right to pay the minimum tax that can be assessed to them, and to take advantage of every deduction and loophole in the tax code. But those actions do have political consequences,. When John Kerry registered his boat in Connecticut in order to save the taxes Massachusettes would have charged, he didn't face legal hurdles, but political one's instead.

Knowing a politician would 'game' the system, even if legal, may not sit well with the people he wants to vote for him, Many of which don't think it's fair that someone else gets to get away with loopholes they can't.
What consequences did Kerry suffer? Never even heard that once in his presidential run.
The probable fact is, since the returns are marked 'customer copy', that Trump was flushed into the open by Maddow, so he released them to forestall the impact of the show. If that was Trump's intent, he failed.

Trump is the most divisive president in American history.
wow all in 50 days you have come to that conclusion. too funny. so still curious you seem to take his shit personally. why?
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?
I find it fascinating....all the so-called president's defenders posting thread after thread today in an attempt to discredit Maddow. She's sure onto something.
By loophole, you mean tax law. Those laws apply to all of us. Still not sure what your point is. People voted for him, and Kerry, and all the others. Few care. .

Enough cared that John Kerry paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to register his boat, or better discribed as a yacht, to the state of Massachusettes. As for Trump, it is only speculation how people felt about his tax deductions, because Trump promised, and then reversed him self on the release of his tax returns. So nobody knows how people would have felt, had they known.
Only an idiot would think someone would vote based on releasing tax forms.
Seems to me you sue Maddow for what she profited from in regards to the disclosure.

A suit at common law would require more than not liking what she did. Trump would have to show some legal bar to Maddows disclosure. And because no law was broken by Maddow, there are no grounds to sue. Trump could start a frivilous lawsuit, but that would be a very bad position to be in having the deep pocket exposure in a counter suit.
Can we sue her for being a gross dyke?
Oh dear......intimidate you, does she?
They still have to follow basic rules, and if the law explicitly protects private citizen's tax returns, (as Trump was back in 2005) any shield they are claiming isn't exactly made of adamantium.


You do realize that your sides's obsession with Trumps tax return is far more exemplified by your meme response, right?

If by side you mean "Anti-Trump" people... I want to see his latest couple year's tax returns to see where his conflicts of interests lie. It's pretty simple, and if he had to apply for a security clearance it would have been reviewed. Though he doesn't have to get a security clearance as an elected POTUS, I'd still like to see it for myself, and a great deal of the population would like to see it as well. His tax returns would also prove once and for all how big of a liar he is when it comes to how charitable he is, which could absolutely ruin him with the public. No one likes a braggart that talks about how much they give in donations only to find out they don't give shit.
You don't need to see anybody's tax returns, motherfucker. You would not understand them anyway. It is not like there is going to be a 1099 from Russia attached to it, dumbass!
Of course we do....just like the so-called president promised on several occasions. But you don't mind the lies, do you?
I don't care about his returns. Besides, he did not "lie" to me, you ass-hurt dimwit!

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