BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

The stumbling and bumbling redneck conservative defenders of Trump, who they now realize is the most divisive president in our history, are butt hurt that Maddow forced Trump to release one year's returns. More sure to follow.

ILMAO how Madcow could force Trump to do anything but celebrate. Divisive? That's called projection you big dope. Same with snowflake..........Look at yourself.
The stumbling and bumbling redneck conservative defenders of Trump, who they now realize is the most divisive president in our history, are butt hurt that Maddow forced Trump to release one year's returns. More sure to follow.
sure jakey, stay in pretendland politics a bit longer.
Your snowflakes are so hurt that you are in a complete state of thumb-sucking denial as Trump, our most divisive president ever, fucked up yet again.
Sounds like he wasn't following the law. People try that here, registering in Oregon, NOT legal.

People are free to register their boat, where they anchor it.

Flag of convenience - Wikipedia

Flag of convenience (FOC) is a business practice whereby a merchant ship is registered in a country other than that of the ship's owners, and the ship flies that country's civil ensign. Owners of a ship may register the ship under a flag of convenience to reduce operating costs or avoid the regulations of the owner's country

As of 2009[update], more than half of the world’s merchant ships were registered with open registries, and the Panama, Liberia, and Marshall Islands flags accounted for almost 40% of the entire world fleet
The stumbling and bumbling redneck conservative defenders of Trump, who they now realize is the most divisive president in our history, are butt hurt that Maddow forced Trump to release one year's returns. More sure to follow.
sure jakey, stay in pretendland politics a bit longer.
Your snowflakes are so hurt that you are in a complete state of thumb-sucking denial as Trump, our most divisive president, ever fucked up yet again.
dude, your post alone shows the size of your snowflake brain. calling me a snowflake is like really out there since I have not stated much of anything related to snowflake like like you and yours. projection much? I'll just sit here and laugh at you.
That was for that time period, losses are spread out. You lied and said he doesn't pay federal taxes.

What? He is the one who started the not paying taxes not the democrats..
Anyone with a business does the same thing. It might have been news to Democrats though.
The stumbling and bumbling redneck conservative defenders of Trump, who they now realize is the most divisive president in our history, are butt hurt that Maddow forced Trump to release one year's returns. More sure to follow.
sure jakey, stay in pretendland politics a bit longer.
Your snowflakes are so hurt that you are in a complete state of thumb-sucking denial as Trump, our most divisive president ever, fucked up yet again.

Say Starkey, perhaps you can explain to us all how Trump fucked up? Looks like projection to me. Prove me wrong.

Poor Starkey. His dream about Trump not paying taxes has grown into night tremors.
Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

You on the left made it a big deal....all through the election and since. TRUMP PAID NO TAXES! you screeched.

Well he did, you look foolish and once again you've been played.

Well Houston has got a problem because Trump is now stating it's a fake return.

President Donald Trump cast doubt on the release Tuesday night of parts of his 2005 tax return, tweeting Wednesday: “Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, ‘went to his mailbox’ and found my tax returns? @NBCNews FAKE NEWS!” The pages, unveiled by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow after being mailed to journalist David Cay Johnston, show that Trump paid $38 million on reported income of $150 million, a tax rate of 25 percent — torpedoing insinuations from the left that Trump was evading taxes.

Again the PURPOSE of Presidential Candidates releasing their returns is NOT because everyone needs to know how much they make and what tax rate they paid, but it's to check for any FOREIGN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. That could very well affect their decisions on National Security.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will
run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."

The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This is a reason for impeachment. If Republicans won't do it, be assured Democrats will in 2018. Democrats will obtain Trump's recent income tax returns (the full returns) when they take over the Ways & Means committee.


Speaking of Turkey, General Flynn just disclosed he's a paid lobbyist for them.
Questions abound over Flynn lobbying for Turkey

It just never stops does it?


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

The problem with what you said is two fold.
1) some of his "former returns" are public record and the media had access to them=they lied.
The newer tax forms were being held till the IRS was done their audit. The IRS would have notified the proper intelligence agencies =failed argument.
2)if what you say was truly a concern then you have to explain why these same inquisitive minds never bothered to ask what the Clintons were doing for all that money the Saudis gave them in the pay for play exposed scandal.
Because Clinton mysteriously let Bin Laden slip away in 1998 and the result was 911, Afghan war, Iraq, Isis, and oerhaps Syrian conflict can be attributed to that one act, then the seriousness of what the Clintons did for Saudis becomes the most important investigation on planet earth never to
happen, because the great illusionist has you looking at the wrong hand (distract you with false charges deflected on opponents) rather then see where he has his other hand (grabbing money to massage the foreign countries........).

Your argument hits your own party smack in the face and you and the media for helping the master illusionist make fools of everyone like some Carbonaro skit.
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She simply reported it. She didn't imply anything was wrong with the return.
Slate, usually a political ally of hers, strongly disagrees: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

She blew it. It would best to admit it.

I watched it. I don't need someone else's opinion to know what to think about it.
Okay. Run with that then.

So will the GOP, understandably.

Whatever, dude.

Please highlight what she reported that was misleading or otherwise incorrect.
She simply reported it.

Maddow goes on these LOOOOONNNNGGGGG monologues spitting out cynical nothingness. Last night she went on and on and on about foreign influence and whether Trump has foreign generated income on his tax return, and on and on and on.... all of which had nothing to do with the actual disclosures made in his return.

But it did not matter. The facts do not matter. She just plants that seed and keeps watering it, over and over and over hoping something grows.

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So you don't like facts when they are long? Smh...I can see how that is a valid argument.
That was for that time period, losses are spread out. You lied and said he doesn't pay federal taxes.

What? He is the one who started the not paying taxes not the democrats..
Anyone with a business does the same thing. It might have been news to Democrats though.

Ah no... My husband owns a business...and has always paid taxes or we would go to jail...
'Will any Progressives admit that Maddow blew it?'

They don't have to - everyone knows it. :p
Ok, so what was the proper 'thing' to do, as far as MSNBC and Maddow are concerned?

Maybe perhaps read the 2 page tax form to see if there's actually anything incriminating before announcing on twitter and MSNBC posting a countdown clock on their channel.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?
I don't know anything about Rachael Maddow other than she is a very annoying TV personality and as I understand it she doesn't blow anything.

I think Trump set her up BIGLY and dropped her like a ton of Kelly Ann, though
Could be. But if Trump set her up, she fell for it.

= She ain't that smart.
Rachael Maddow is a Libtard Moon Bat homosexual. No wonder she is a confused hate filled dumbass.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?
I don't know anything about Rachael Maddow other than she is a very annoying TV personality and as I understand it she doesn't blow anything.

I think Trump set her up BIGLY and dropped her like a ton of Kelly Ann, though
Could be. But if Trump set her up, she fell for it.

= She ain't that smart.
The healthcare bill is in turmoil, Trumps lie about Obama "wire tapping" is getting exposed... is this glorious looking headline that Trump paid 38 million in taxes the new shiney object?


Liberals like describing opponents in terms like chaos and turmoil and you regurgitate them as if they are true, means they brainwashed you and cpntrol how you view things like puppets on a string (which they admitted already).
Fact is all bills go through these processes of first draft, arguing over the bill, everyone politicizing their 2 cents for 15 minutes of fame(see Rand Pauls manipulation of media time to understand this).
Eventually cpmpromises get made and it helps create a bill that more people are comfortable with or have no choice, because the alternative is keeping the failed former plan.
By calling the bill in turmoil is to blame Obama for leaving us the mess to clean up, a concept that should not have been implimented in the first place-BRILLIANT!
If you claim Trump is lying about being wire tapped before investigations reveal what you are not privy to know is then a lie by you as how would you know? Also he has reasons to believe this so how is it a lie withput admitting the Dems lied about everything they suspected but were false charges?
Lying to coverup lies and displacing blame for your failures is exactly why your party lost the elections. The party's activists rioting in Isis gear, attacking flags and old men, just helps the next election keep you guys out.
Funny how different we each see the situation. To me that healthcare plan is God aweful and the GOO party is rightfully divided on it. Yeah it's a lot of business as usual, Washington style, but it's definitely turmoil, that's the joke our congress has become... and anybody with two eyes and brain know Trump was talking out of his ass with that tweet and his ego won't let him admit he was wrong. It was an obvious distraction attempt to turn heads from the Sessions recusal. If he had evidence he would call a press conference and throw it in his critics faces. He would do that so fast. But he has nothing, he is searching and spinning and throwing more shiney objects around to distract in hope that the media will move on. Very transperant.

You have to consider to view it this way:
ANYONE complaining about any policy, better have a better solution to put forth because it's easy to tear down everything, but you damn better have something better to replace what you tear down.
Both parties still govern, if Dems left the mess because they pushed it through without this debate process to shape
it better, they better be offring solutions and helping to solve not make things worse.
I find it irritating that people even Republicans saying they will own this bill, when in reality the Bill should never have existed and is still the result of the failed original source and still is both parties responsibility to shape it by suggesting viable improvements.
I agree with part of your statement. Both party's do have a responsibility to work together. But you have to recognize the irony after 8 years of Republican obstruction. Many on the Left are enjoying giving the GOP a taste of there own medicine. I hope they can be better than that at some point and act like grown ups that have a tremendous responsibility to serve the people. I'm not holding my breath though.
. Last night she went on and on and on about foreign influence and whether Trump has foreign generated income on his tax return, and on and on and on.... all of which had nothing to do with the actual disclosures made in his return.

The founding fathers put in the constitution a desire to keep the head of the government from having foreign enganglements, or obligations. They already had one king who ruled over them, and did not want the president to be influenced by foreign rulers. They barred president from receiving foreign titles of nobility, and from receiving foreign emmoluments, that mighrt obligate him in any way. Similarly they did not want a president owinng any obligation or loyalty to a foreign country by birth.

If Trump is receiving substancial income from foreign sources, that would be a direct violation of the constitution, and his tax returns would be one source of finding that out.

But, and this is important, the IRS can not legally disclose criminal activity they discover on a tax return.

Agreed--you'll note that Donald Trump is already stating this is a FAKE return, but it's only 2 pages of the common 1040 form, and it does not include the K-1 form that is normally attached to show investment income or loss, and a list of the income he is receiving from foriegn countries that he has heavily invested into. What Rachael Maddow released is totally WORTHLESS--and it's 12 years old.
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And this is why he has refused to release any income tax returns. It's not because of income and taxes he paid or did not pay. He is definitely in violation of Article 1 Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution--the Emolument clause.

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This country has elected a President that could easily be held hostage by a Foreign Country. Putting these assets in his kids names does NOT release him from responsibility of this clause, as he will still protect those assets under any circumstance, as being part of the Trump empire.

Again when Democrats take over in 2018 their first order of business will be to access recents returns (the full returns) via the Ways & Means committee. Republicans on the Ways & Means committee refused to do it recently.
Republicans (ways & means committee) refuse to release Trump's tax returns over Russia investigation

Being in violation of the Emoluments clause is reason for impeachment. I am certain that if Republicans refuse to do it, Democrats will-- when they take over in 2018.


General Flynn just recently disclosed that he is and has been a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
Mike Flynn attended intelligence briefings while a lobbyist for Turkey Sweet Baby Jesus

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