Breaking: Manafort locked up!

Nah, no political bias at all in the FBI. The FBI's reputation is tarnished forever. They will never be trusted again.

Never is an awful long time... I to have reservations regarding the trustworthiness, but I believe the scoundrels are a very limited number... Seems to me that the upper level management was bedazzled by the Obama/Clinton cabal... Lot of very Special Agents left in the FBI who do their job on a daily basis...

That's irrelevant.

What do people remember about a company? The behavior or performance of the upper mgmt/ CEO.

When a CEO is locked up for criminal behavior does anyone say "but the rank and file people there were good?" No. If upper mgmt can't be trusted, the entire operation is compromised. Because when you have agents answering to these people and are accountable to them, the corruption goes much much deeper than what you see.

I guess that is where I am different... Last airline I flew was UAL... Not the greatest safety record in the world... But they got my fat ass where I wanted to go... I have flown DL a whole shitload as I had flight Benefits with them some time ago... Again Safety records... :dunno:… I chose airlines because you might be able to relate...

Kellogs has an issue right now with Honey Smacks... Some guy by the name salmonella... You think when you stroll down the cereal isle a year from now that Honey Smacks will be gone?

Prosecute the guilty, not the innocent...
I know you Libs are really excited about Manafort but I wouldn't send out party invitations quite yet.
Sweet - Hope that Crooked Paul brought his toothbrush and soap on a rope :D

BREAKING: Judge Sends Manafort To Jail After Revoking His Bail
And this has something to do with Trump in what way?


Manafort was his campaign manager.
And Hillary was Obama's Secretary of State.

Manfort is in jail. Hillary is raking in cash on the speaker's circuit. Hillary wins again.
You celebrate a criminal because she got away with it and she's a Democrat.
If she was a Repug you'd be calling for her arrest.

Think about it.
If it weren't for Hillary and Obama being the criminals that they are, Donald Trump wouldn't be president and Russian Collusion wouldn't exist in the lexicon of political debate.
Fact is....the only folks that colluded with Russia are the communists/Progressives in Congress and the Obama White House.
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And this has something to do with Trump in what way?


Manafort was his campaign manager.
For how long?

Long enough to have meetings with Russians in Trump tower. This was after the other campaign manager was charged with assault
Charged....and not convicted.
And Manafort was a plant.
He didn't stay there long enough to do much of anything but get fired.

Wow...not wasting any time chunking poor paul under the bus are you? I think they should strip his kids from him; it will intimidate the next guy who tries to tamper with witnesses.
Excuse me.....but has he even gone to trial for this?
No he hasn't.
The Special Council still has to find a judge that will allow this witch hunt to continue.
I'm sure they've cherry picked one already.
It's the only way they'll get a conviction.
Okay. I wonder here?

Manafort will be a target of Russian mob for death if he spews.
If Manafort stays quiet he still ends up in jail. Pardoned or not on other state crimes.
And will be a target for a hit in jail. Why leave him alive? This is the Russain mob.
The DrumpF Family kids (not Barron) can end up as targets if Manafort spews.
By the Russians.

Who in RussiaGate will die first?

I'd tend to agree that Crooked Paul could end up in Putin's crosshairs.
But if anyone can give him cover and perhaps a new identity, it's Mueller.
Even if he doesn't spew, his trial (whether federal or state if Trump pardons him) will bring out the truth ...
putting him in the crosshairs anyway.
Sweet - Hope that Crooked Paul brought his toothbrush and soap on a rope :D

BREAKING: Judge Sends Manafort To Jail After Revoking His Bail
And this has something to do with Trump in what way?


Manafort was his campaign manager.
And Hillary was Obama's Secretary of State.

Manfort is in jail. Hillary is raking in cash on the speaker's circuit. Hillary wins again.
You celebrate a criminal because she got away with it and she's a Democrat.
If she was a Repug you'd be calling for her arrest.

Think about it.
If it weren't for Hillary and Obama being the criminals that they are, Donald Trump wouldn't be president and Russian Collusion wouldn't exist in the lexicon of political debate.
Fact is....the only folks that colluded with Russia are the communists/Progressives in Congress and the Obama White House.

Surely you don’t believe your own bullshit.
The IG report said there was NO political bias in the Comey email fiasco that handed the so called presidency to a lunatic....Manafort was slime when trump hired him.

Between Manafort and Cohen... The trump crime family will be exposed.

No, the IG report said that Comey's DECISION wasn't based on political bias. That's up for interpretation, but there was TONS of bias in the investigation.

Lisa Page: Trump won't be president right? RIGHT??

Peter S: No, he won't be. We'll stop him.

Yea that's VERY biased. The report is plastered full of nothing but hatred and bias for Trump. To say otherwise is absolutely insane and would show stupidity on the part of the claimant.

Former FBI official: IG report is wrong -- FBI officials were politically biased against Trump

The Mueller team is made up of nothing but Clinton donors. NAHHH no bias there!

IG Report: Political Bias Affected FBI's Conduct | National Review

The report does not purport to show that his bias contributed to the delay, but does not exclude the possibility either. We are left with the fact of the delay, a number of proffered explanations for it, and the fact of his hostility to Trump.

IG Report: Political Bias? Duh. | The Stream

Peter Strzok and team set up to interview Hillary Clinton. Lisa Page warns him to take it easy, limit the team. “She might be our next president,” Page wrote “The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?”

Translation: Don’t tick her off. She’s about to be President. We want to be on her good side.

Hillary gets white glove treatment from the FBI. Everyone is offered immunity to testify. With Trump it's subpoenas and breaking down doors at 5am.

Nah, no political bias at all in the FBI. The FBI's reputation is tarnished forever. They will never be trusted again.

So when did the IG report say that the FBI revealed to the voting public that the trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with the Russians. When did that happen...? Oh didn't....

So the very FBI agent who hated trump and wanted him stopped was also the FBI agent that advocated releasing the second batch of found emails just a few days before the vote. Those emails turned out not be duplicates if course. Yes...there was bias....bias for trump....then there was Putin
..trumps sponsor in Moscow.
How many times are bed wetters going to parrot this story?

Never mind the fact the Manafort case has absolutely nothing to do with Trump/russia, which is what Mueller is supposedly investigating.

I hope Trump purges the DOJ after the republicrats sweep the 2018 election.


Of course you seek a purge, most supporters of banana republics do. Why not leave our Republic, your lack of morality would be appreciated by authoritarian leaders in governments as uncivilized as you?
The IG report said there was NO political bias in the Comey email fiasco that handed the so called presidency to a lunatic....Manafort was slime when trump hired him.

Between Manafort and Cohen... The trump crime family will be exposed.

No, the IG report said that Comey's DECISION wasn't based on political bias. That's up for interpretation, but there was TONS of bias in the investigation.

Lisa Page: Trump won't be president right? RIGHT??

Peter S: No, he won't be. We'll stop him.

Yea that's VERY biased. The report is plastered full of nothing but hatred and bias for Trump. To say otherwise is absolutely insane and would show stupidity on the part of the claimant.

Former FBI official: IG report is wrong -- FBI officials were politically biased against Trump

The Mueller team is made up of nothing but Clinton donors. NAHHH no bias there!

IG Report: Political Bias Affected FBI's Conduct | National Review

The report does not purport to show that his bias contributed to the delay, but does not exclude the possibility either. We are left with the fact of the delay, a number of proffered explanations for it, and the fact of his hostility to Trump.

IG Report: Political Bias? Duh. | The Stream

Peter Strzok and team set up to interview Hillary Clinton. Lisa Page warns him to take it easy, limit the team. “She might be our next president,” Page wrote “The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?”

Translation: Don’t tick her off. She’s about to be President. We want to be on her good side.

Hillary gets white glove treatment from the FBI. Everyone is offered immunity to testify. With Trump it's subpoenas and breaking down doors at 5am.

Nah, no political bias at all in the FBI. The FBI's reputation is tarnished forever. They will never be trusted again.

So when did the IG report say that the FBI revealed to the voting public that the trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with the Russians. When did that happen...? Oh didn't....

So the very FBI agent who hated trump and wanted him stopped was also the FBI agent that advocated releasing the second batch of found emails just a few days before the vote. Those emails turned out not be duplicates if course. Yes...there was bias....bias for trump....then there was Putin
..trumps sponsor in Moscow.
Always get a kick out of people who claim at least limited intelligence when they say things about Trump and Putin as if there has already been a trial. As far as has been determined is that Democrats are upset over loosing an election.
How many times are bed wetters going to parrot this story?

Never mind the fact the Manafort case has absolutely nothing to do with Trump/russia, which is what Mueller is supposedly investigating.

I hope Trump purges the DOJ after the republicrats sweep the 2018 election.

Then why did Deripaska sue Manafort?
I hear there's another report coming out that'll go over the beginning of the Russia thing. I'm almost afraid (for the proper agents) of what it'll say about FBI bias...
Leo might do well in Ukraine or Russia.

Hannity is quite right: Manafort got the Trump in as deep with the crime fighters as anybody, including Flynn and Sessions and the Trump family members.
So when did the IG report say that the FBI revealed to the voting public that the trump campaign was under investigation for collusion with the Russians. When did that happen...? Oh didn't....

Maybe that's because he was accused of colluding with the Russians on effecting the vote of the 2016 election that had not happened yet. Why would they reveal to the voting public he was under investigation for colluding with Russians to change the vote that had not happened?

You liberals have repeated over and over there was no investigation prior to Mueller starting it in 2017, are you finally admitting that the FBI had it out for Trump long before he was ever elected?

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