BREAKING: Manhattan DA Office Purges Executive "Meet Our Team" Section From Website, We Have The Receipts!

Ashlii was being aggressive as they called the cops the N word, chanted hang Mike Pence and where is Nancy. I'd have shot more than one of them. In our capitol?

Republicans need to stop rioting when they lose elections. This one wasn't the first you know

Who was involved in the 2000 riot? Roger Stone. Who's Trump's buddy? Roger Stone. Who did Trump pardon for other crimes he committed that have nothing to do with his 2000 riot? Roger Stone. Who communicates with QAnon and Proud Boys for Trump? Roger Stone.

He should be hung.
All you have to do now is convict him in a court of law for something that deserves that penalty. Apparently you're not doing a great job at that.
People shouldn't threaten people and their families, but here we are
I don't remember you saying that when people were protesting in front of Supreme Court justices houses. One even tried to kill Kavanaugh.
Because they don’t want something seen
Most likely along the lines of how good they are at “getting deplorables”
These cowardly anti-American commies think they can hide but it's too late. They've opened up a pandora's box MAGA patriots know who they are.

Trump taken to jail !!!!

:yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12:

All you have to do now is convict him in a court of law for something that deserves that penalty. Apparently you're not doing a great job at that.
Stealing our elections. Not voter fraud. That's nothing. I'm talking election fraud. What should the penalty be for that? Trying to pull off a coup. Isn't that treason?

I'm sure if Gore or Hillary tired it you'd see it clearer.
They shouldn't burned down buildings, take over police stations, attack and beat people either. But there you are, antifa and blm'rs.
That's true...and people shouldn't pretend that rioters weren't arrested, charged, and con-victed for those crimes
Your little cult of Trump has made you a complete moron.
There is no Soros shit.

Why has George Soros purchased news outlets throughout America? Living in Hungary during WWII, he learned controlling the media controls the people. Over 6 million people thinking they were traveling to work camps, rode trains to their deaths. Today, we have many absorbing MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY Times and Washington Post that would "jump on the train to destroy this country!"
The left knows all about violence. But suddenly become sheepish when it's even mentioned towards them.

What's up with that? I thought you lefties were rough and tough.

Pay attention.
Those fucks don't even know which bathroom to use.
That has to do with trump criming?
This is what Republicans do. When they can't defend their sides position on any given subject, they blurt out what's really bugging them. Trannies, BLM, CRT, WOKE, abortion.


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