Breaking: Melania blasts Trump policy: I "hate" to see immigrant children separated from parents

i see a divorce coming! Melania should shut up and cook!

Spokeswoman: Melania Trump 'hates to see' families separated at border

The OP is fake news. Just because she hates seeing them separated doesn't mean they shouldn't. No where does she say she disapproves of the policy. But libs. are short-sighted as fuck, so what else is new.

Fucked-N-head liberals fail to recognize IT"S THE PARENT"S FAULT this is occurring. This is yet another demonstration of left sponsoring a dumbing down, where responsibility is projected from THOSE who are responsible (parents) to our government. In other terms, they expect humans to be too fucking dumb to take care of themselves, and they'll do their best fulfill their expectations for the lowest of standards.
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei

ILMAO @ quoting Takei. What would expect from a far left homo who approves of gay pedophilia?
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei
Nobody wants George Takei looking after the children. Maybe THAT'S why we need to "lock them up"
This story falls into the second category. It seems a fairly tepid statement was delivered by a 'spokesperson'. Blasting is pretty far from describing the manner of speech.
Melania is the most successful professional object of our time. It is impossible either to admire or criticize her.
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei

ILMAO @ quoting Takei. What would expect from a far left homo who approves of gay pedophilia?

I don't care what you think of him, the fact that some parents get deported before they are able to recover their children is alarming.
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.
No it isn't.

How did you feel about the obama photos that your liars in the media presented as Trump's photos?

We already know you pathetic hypocrites could not possibly care less about ILLEGALS if you tried.

We know that.

Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?

Try not giving us the predicable double talk, and try not pulling out your laminated race card.


The one thing I've realized about Trumpists is they are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their policies. As soon as it goes south they blame everyone else. It's utterly cowardly.

1. When leftists started circulating pictures from the Obama era when we had that flood of unacommpanied minors and claimed it was under Trump, I felt the same as I do when you guys circulate decietful pictures. Now what does that have to do with the policy in question? Nothing. Just leftists being dishonest (I won't hold my breath and expect you to criticize your own).

2. "Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?" They did. Where do you think those pictures came from? On the other hand - there is a difference that your team persistently refuses to recognize. For the most part those were not kids TAKEN from their families (there was no 100% policy in place under Obama - that is YOUR policy). Those kids were from the unprecedented flood of UNACCOMPANIED MINORS - that means they did not come with parents.

Let's see if you have the integrity and honesty to OWN your shit on this policy with out the predictable blame Dems/Obama/Hillary/the Parents -- ANYONE but you own policies.
Have I perhaps missed a detail in this child separation issue? How is it being established that a child is truly that of the person presenting him/herself as parent? Do they have those papers at least?

They have always seperated children when they've thought the parents weren't actually the parents. I think they are pretty well trained in this - through interviews etc. Much like when they interview for asylum cases.
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.
No it isn't.

How did you feel about the obama photos that your liars in the media presented as Trump's photos?

We already know you pathetic hypocrites could not possibly care less about ILLEGALS if you tried.

We know that.

Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?

Try not giving us the predicable double talk, and try not pulling out your laminated race card.


The one thing I've realized about Trumpists is they are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their policies. As soon as it goes south they blame everyone else. It's utterly cowardly.

1. When leftists started circulating pictures from the Obama era when we had that flood of unacommpanied minors and claimed it was under Trump, I felt the same as I do when you guys circulate decietful pictures. Now what does that have to do with the policy in question? Nothing. Just leftists being dishonest (I won't hold my breath and expect you to criticize your own).

2. "Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?" They did. Where do you think those pictures came from? On the other hand - there is a difference that your team persistently refuses to recognize. For the most part those were not kids TAKEN from their families (there was no 100% policy in place under Obama - that is YOUR policy). Those kids were from the unprecedented flood of UNACCOMPANIED MINORS - that means they did not come with parents.

Let's see if you have the integrity and honesty to OWN your shit on this policy with out the predictable blame Dems/Obama/Hillary/the Parents -- ANYONE but you own policies.

You're making the mistake of assuming we give a shit if the children are separated from their parents due to the actions of the parents.
We have absolutely no responsibility,it's all on the parents.
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei

ILMAO @ quoting Takei. What would expect from a far left homo who approves of gay pedophilia?

I don't care what you think of him, the fact that some parents get deported before they are able to recover their children is alarming.
---------------------------------------- its the parents that are responsible for their widdle babies difficulties and the bigger the nightmare and difficulties the better as the parents might learn something for the future Coyote .
More of the second category story. One must dig to find answers to basic questions. At no point in that quick research is there a break from editorial attitude from one or the other side. It is as obfuscated as possible.
There are, anyway, some separations based upon lack of proof concerning relationship. The debate is about families staying together in detention facilities or just the adults, with the children going to care centers. Perhaps it is the cost of the former is considered too high. It all seems expensive.
America can do the right thing. It can give the good example. It can take serious, and cheaper, steps to make things better at the point of origin of these folks. A little goes a long way there.
"Fuck you, Melanie. You know damn well your husband can end this feckless complicit piece of shit." - Unhinged Kathy Griffin
In all fairness to that red headed kuuunt, I bet all I have that i hate her more than she hates a thousand Trumps.
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei
Takei? Really? LOL!!!!

Meanwhile...IF parents are being deported without their parents...maybe those aren't their REAL parents? Regardless....this should be investigated more. Not cool.
oh my , my widdle baby bambinos have nightmares since our last attempt to violate Americas border . Next trip we will claim that the kids have the nebulous but all purpose 'ptsd' . After that the widdle kids might get bitten by a Rattlesnake or eaten by a mountain lion or raped and impregnated by the 'coyote' showing us the way to America . Who knows ??
She probably hated children separated at the border during the Hussein administration but democrats preferred not to focus on it at that time but it certainly doesn't rise to the level of "blasting" the current administration's policy except in the minds of angry Media Matters educated radicals.

Tissue snowflake?
"Fuck you, Melanie. You know damn well your husband can end this feckless complicit piece of shit." - Unhinged Kathy Griffin
In all fairness to that red headed kuuunt, I bet all I have that i hate her more than she hates a thousand Trumps.
Notice how Griffin is trying to get "feckless" a "new word" and parroted Samantha Bee. Poor Griffin. Still doesn't count...even with her own. lol
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.
No it isn't.

How did you feel about the obama photos that your liars in the media presented as Trump's photos?

We already know you pathetic hypocrites could not possibly care less about ILLEGALS if you tried.

We know that.

Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?

Try not giving us the predicable double talk, and try not pulling out your laminated race card.


The one thing I've realized about Trumpists is they are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their policies. As soon as it goes south they blame everyone else. It's utterly cowardly.

1. When leftists started circulating pictures from the Obama era when we had that flood of unacommpanied minors and claimed it was under Trump, I felt the same as I do when you guys circulate decietful pictures. Now what does that have to do with the policy in question? Nothing. Just leftists being dishonest (I won't hold my breath and expect you to criticize your own).

2. "Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?" They did. Where do you think those pictures came from? On the other hand - there is a difference that your team persistently refuses to recognize. For the most part those were not kids TAKEN from their families (there was no 100% policy in place under Obama - that is YOUR policy). Those kids were from the unprecedented flood of UNACCOMPANIED MINORS - that means they did not come with parents.

Let's see if you have the integrity and honesty to OWN your shit on this policy with out the predictable blame Dems/Obama/Hillary/the Parents -- ANYONE but you own policies.

You're making the mistake of assuming we give a shit if the children are separated from their parents due to the actions of the parents.
We have absolutely no responsibility,it's all on the parents.

Yup. Like I said. You Trumpists are incapable of taking responsibility for your own policies.

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