Breaking: Melania blasts Trump policy: I "hate" to see immigrant children separated from parents

Nobody wants to see children separated from their parents.
Unfortunately illegals dont seem to mind it.
No. You don’t mind. You voted in the people who created this NEW policy, you supported it, and when it started to backfire the people who put it in p,ace blame everyone but themselves.

It's not new.
The policy that decided how it was going to be implemented is new and is based on a rather narrow court ruling. If you support it at least have the cajoles to own it instead of blaming prior admistrations.

WTF are cajoles?

Were you cajoled into making that screw up?
Am I supposed to feel bad about illegal aliens coming into our country and getting separated from their children? Because if I am, I must be a bad person. Good parents wouldn’t put their children in that situation

Period. Donald Trump isn’t to blame, their parents are.
Some of them are removing their children from far worse situations. That makes them bad parents?

By breaking our laws, yes!

Have a nice day! I am glad you learned something.
Nice to see Trump's wife having a little humanity in her heart. Not so sure about Trump though. Here's a link below to his knowingly hiring of illegals and then trying to stiff them on wages. Remember, this is a guy who was born rich, didn't need to screw over people on wages, illegals or otherwise, to get ahead, but it's obviously in his nature, just like his lying all the time. Remember when he said a zillion times that mexico would pay for the wall.?

President Trump hired undocumented immigrants for $4 an hour for demolition project: court docs

Yeah, I am sure he interviewed and personally verified their immigration status. Right!
If a president doesn't follow the law, it makes him a dictator
So defining seeking asylum as entering illegally is the act of a dictator?

What civil war is going on in this hemisphere?

I'm not aware of roaming death squads. Please, enlighten the forum.

What are they requesting asylum from?

You have no idea the atrocities that are taking place in central American countries...and like all good don't care...

No, really, I do care.

Tell me. What's going on, right now.
"As thousands of immigrant families are separated as part of the despicable Trump effort to whiten America, some parents are being deported before they are able to recover their children" - George Takei

ILMAO @ quoting Takei. What would expect from a far left homo who approves of gay pedophilia?

I don't care what you think of him, the fact that some parents get deported before they are able to recover their children is alarming.

Why is that a problem? Then we can just deport the children. The parents can wait of the other side of the border. I seriously doubt this happens except in rare cases, despite what leftists are claiming.
The truth about separating children from parents at the border...

FACT CHECK: Are Democrats Responsible For DHS Separating Children From Their Parents?

Melania needs to talk to the orange clown that....supposedly....fathered Barron.

Just how many times will the orange clown lie about this? POTUS =POS

From your own link..

Under U.S. law, entering the country illegally is a crime. The Trump administration has decreed that such attempts will be prosecuted, meaning the adults are detained, and any children who accompany them are separated.

Yup....trump decision...not a law...POS....

It's a law, you can't pick and choose , change the laws.

It is NOT a law requiring kids to be separated from their parents. It is a policy decision by trump and his stooge....Magooo


"It’s the last that is operative here. The past practice had been to give a free pass to an adult who is part of a family unit. The new Trump policy is to prosecute all adults. The idea is to send a signal that we are serious about our laws and to create a deterrent against re-entry. (Illegal entry is a misdemeanor, illegal re-entry a felony.)

When a migrant is prosecuted for illegal entry, he or she is taken into custody by the U.S. Marshals. In no circumstance anywhere in the U.S. do the marshals care for the children of people they take into custody. The child is taken into the custody of HHS, who cares for them at temporary shelters."
Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review

It is the LAW that violators be prosecuted. The prosecuting authorities have no facilities to care for minors. If, however, the violators have no priors, and wish to plead guilty and return to their point of origin, they will not be separated from their children. This is THEIR choice, not the administration's.
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.
No it isn't.

How did you feel about the obama photos that your liars in the media presented as Trump's photos?

We already know you pathetic hypocrites could not possibly care less about ILLEGALS if you tried.

We know that.

Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?

Try not giving us the predicable double talk, and try not pulling out your laminated race card.


The one thing I've realized about Trumpists is they are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their policies. As soon as it goes south they blame everyone else. It's utterly cowardly.

1. When leftists started circulating pictures from the Obama era when we had that flood of unacommpanied minors and claimed it was under Trump, I felt the same as I do when you guys circulate decietful pictures. Now what does that have to do with the policy in question? Nothing. Just leftists being dishonest (I won't hold my breath and expect you to criticize your own).

2. "Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?" They did. Where do you think those pictures came from? On the other hand - there is a difference that your team persistently refuses to recognize. For the most part those were not kids TAKEN from their families (there was no 100% policy in place under Obama - that is YOUR policy). Those kids were from the unprecedented flood of UNACCOMPANIED MINORS - that means they did not come with parents.

Let's see if you have the integrity and honesty to OWN your shit on this policy with out the predictable blame Dems/Obama/Hillary/the Parents -- ANYONE but you own policies.

You're making the mistake of assuming we give a shit if the children are separated from their parents due to the actions of the parents.
We have absolutely no responsibility,it's all on the parents.

Yup. Like I said. You Trumpists are incapable of taking responsibility for your own policies.

Why are you lying and saying it is Trump's policy? We have photos showing the same thing happened during the Obungles years. Your libtard media just claimed it was present day, when it was during the last administration,.
Yes. It is.
No it isn't.

How did you feel about the obama photos that your liars in the media presented as Trump's photos?

We already know you pathetic hypocrites could not possibly care less about ILLEGALS if you tried.

We know that.

Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?

Try not giving us the predicable double talk, and try not pulling out your laminated race card.


The one thing I've realized about Trumpists is they are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their policies. As soon as it goes south they blame everyone else. It's utterly cowardly.

1. When leftists started circulating pictures from the Obama era when we had that flood of unacommpanied minors and claimed it was under Trump, I felt the same as I do when you guys circulate decietful pictures. Now what does that have to do with the policy in question? Nothing. Just leftists being dishonest (I won't hold my breath and expect you to criticize your own).

2. "Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?" They did. Where do you think those pictures came from? On the other hand - there is a difference that your team persistently refuses to recognize. For the most part those were not kids TAKEN from their families (there was no 100% policy in place under Obama - that is YOUR policy). Those kids were from the unprecedented flood of UNACCOMPANIED MINORS - that means they did not come with parents.

Let's see if you have the integrity and honesty to OWN your shit on this policy with out the predictable blame Dems/Obama/Hillary/the Parents -- ANYONE but you own policies.

You're making the mistake of assuming we give a shit if the children are separated from their parents due to the actions of the parents.
We have absolutely no responsibility,it's all on the parents.

Yup. Like I said. You Trumpists are incapable of taking responsibility for your own policies.

Why are you lying and saying it is Trump's policy? We have photos showing the same thing happened during the Obungles years. Your libtard media just claimed it was present day, when it was during the last administration,.

One can only imagine what would have happened if Hillary had been elected. . . .

Where are the bills to fix immigration policy from the left.................Dreamers..........DACA............chain migration .............

Where is the funding for new detention centers.......only a small portion approved.........more judges..........more agents.......

They have no position to complain when they did nothing but create an environment to get more to come......under Catch and Release.......And they don't try to improve facilities..............

Not to mention they ran with 2 LIE campaigns about children in cages............and the missing children who were released to relatives under Obama.....They have no ethical leg to stand on.
Please, The first lady didn't blast anyone, she, like the rest of us, has an opinion. Now WHO wants to hurt children? Not most rightminded people. Illegal aliens are a reckless and callous bunch of jerks that don't seem to care whom lives they wreck. Like a tsunami or an invading army. They don't care enough about their children to drag them into this, it isn't the law that is the problem, it's the human condition of exploitation, abuse and manipulation.
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A century ago impovershed people placed their kids in the bowels of huge ships, and said their goodbyes. 6-8 weeks across the pond

It would be akin to sending your kids to the moon these days

My Gfather made it with two brothers, one died enroute and is buried in a mass grave @ Ellis island

So you see, caged kids with 3 squares and medicine are quite the improvement in my eyes

I too hate to see parents causing separation from their children on a repeated basis
If the illegal assholes didn't want their children taken away then they should not bring them to the scene of a crime.
"Fuck you, Melanie. You know damn well your husband can end this feckless complicit piece of shit." - Unhinged Kathy Griffin
You find it easy to make shit up and lie don't you.

she did say that on her twitter. you're just gonna have to deal with it, snowflake
Well, good for her if it is true. Let's hope more people will stand up for the kidnapped kids being slowly tortured by Trump and his criminal administration.
Give the kids to planned parenthood. They can be given a post birth abortion and parted out for experiments. Then democrats won't worry about torture.

It might be a good idea to spread the story of tortured children. Then maybe these parents won't bring children here. But no, adults will bring children because they aren't parents but traffickers selling child flesh by the pound. Sort of like planned parenthood.

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