Breaking: Melania blasts Trump policy: I "hate" to see immigrant children separated from parents

Another boo hoo amounting to trying to absolve parents of their responsibilities
The parents are in fact the heartless ones and voters will remember come November which party supports them and tries to discredit law enforcement and law abiders
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but....but....but...that wasn’t Trump.(sounds of thumb sucking)
I'm not pro illegal immigration but I'm against separating kids from parents. Nice to see the first lady has some kindness in her.
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.
No it isn't.

How did you feel about the obama photos that your liars in the media presented as Trump's photos?

We already know you pathetic hypocrites could not possibly care less about ILLEGALS if you tried.

We know that.

Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?

Try not giving us the predicable double talk, and try not pulling out your laminated race card.


The one thing I've realized about Trumpists is they are utterly incapable of taking responsibility for their policies. As soon as it goes south they blame everyone else. It's utterly cowardly.

1. When leftists started circulating pictures from the Obama era when we had that flood of unacommpanied minors and claimed it was under Trump, I felt the same as I do when you guys circulate decietful pictures. Now what does that have to do with the policy in question? Nothing. Just leftists being dishonest (I won't hold my breath and expect you to criticize your own).

2. "Now, why the hell didn't your media report the detaining under obama, why did they present the photos as Trump's, and how do you feel about that?" They did. Where do you think those pictures came from? On the other hand - there is a difference that your team persistently refuses to recognize. For the most part those were not kids TAKEN from their families (there was no 100% policy in place under Obama - that is YOUR policy). Those kids were from the unprecedented flood of UNACCOMPANIED MINORS - that means they did not come with parents.

Let's see if you have the integrity and honesty to OWN your shit on this policy with out the predictable blame Dems/Obama/Hillary/the Parents -- ANYONE but you own policies.

You're making the mistake of assuming we give a shit if the children are separated from their parents due to the actions of the parents.
We have absolutely no responsibility,it's all on the parents.

It was projection from the beginning anyway.
Am I supposed to feel bad about illegal aliens coming into our country and getting separated from their children? Because if I am, I must be a bad person. Good parents wouldn’t put their children in that situation

Period. Donald Trump isn’t to blame, their parents are.
Some of them are removing their children from far worse situations. That makes them bad parents?
Unsubstantiated media propaganda.

Liar! You think they traveled thousands of miles cause they wanted to see the sites?

This man named trump is being shown as just another dictator wannabe....other civilized countries are making note of trumps cruelty....
Am I supposed to feel bad about illegal aliens coming into our country and getting separated from their children? Because if I am, I must be a bad person. Good parents wouldn’t put their children in that situation

Period. Donald Trump isn’t to blame, their parents are.
Some of them are removing their children from far worse situations. That makes them bad parents?
Unsubstantiated media propaganda.

Liar! You think they traveled thousands of miles cause they wanted to see the sites?

This man named trump is being shown as just another dictator wannabe....other civilized countries are making note of trumps cruelty....

Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households
An Analysis of Medicaid, Cash, Food, and Housing Programs
Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households


trump is heartless....and voters will tell him that in November....

And perhaps that's the crux Jim

Are we as a nation supposed to uphold and impart compassion , along with a leader for sh*thole countries ?

Maybe the biblical boneheads here could quote scripture, because i sure don't get why they should come before our own

Am I supposed to feel bad about illegal aliens coming into our country and getting separated from their children? Because if I am, I must be a bad person. Good parents wouldn’t put their children in that situation

Period. Donald Trump isn’t to blame, their parents are.
Some of them are removing their children from far worse situations. That makes them bad parents?
Unsubstantiated media propaganda.

Liar! You think they traveled thousands of miles cause they wanted to see the sites?

This man named trump is being shown as just another dictator wannabe....other civilized countries are making note of trumps cruelty....

Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households
An Analysis of Medicaid, Cash, Food, and Housing Programs
Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households



Legal immigrants don't get their children taken away. Only the Illegal ones that commit the crime.
Sooo does this mean that the Moon Bats love Melania now? They use to hate her.
hi GOP,

We will always remember your silence, your complicity, your willful ignorance, your normalization of filth and corruption, as millions of us fight for the very soul and decency of America. You are disgusting. You are un-American. You are repugnant. You are traitors.
i see a divorce coming! Melania should shut up and cook!

Spokeswoman: Melania Trump 'hates to see' families separated at border
Where exactly does she 'blast' the policy?

She disagrees with it and that is fine as it is her right. She proves she not just a mouthpiece for her husband (unlike the past first ladies, notably the last one).

While immigration advocates and Democrats disagree with the policy, I find I don't really care what they think.

This is nothing more than a strategy to ensure that our borders become wide open.

Melanie is in it for the buck...why else would she mate with the orange clown
Sure she is. Your crystal ball tells you that? Maybe you should just continue snorting your poison.
Snort this darkwind
Just a reminder, Republicans and any American who supports this disgusting, inhumane behavior of ripping babies out of their mothers' arms in a strange, foreign land. It's not Obama. It's not Hillary. It's not GW Bush and it's not Bill Clinton's doing. The blame for this lies directly on Donald Trump's executive order and is being happily enforced and carried out by Stephen Miller. Trump's little Nazi piece of shit sidekick. These people are a nasty shit stain on the fabric of America and any American who supports them and this horrific crime against human nature is a piece of shit too.
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.

Then how were the pictures of the detainees taken under Obama? Are you saying fake news faked them?
Are you still squawking this nonsense?

This is a new.policy. a new method. The administration -- sans its orange douche -- has proudly admitted it. Why are you defending them from something they proudly admit? You Trumpkins are freakish!!
It isn't a Trump policy.
Yes. It is.

Then how were the pictures of the detainees taken under Obama? Are you saying fake news faked them?
Are you still squawking this nonsense?

This is a new.policy. a new method. The administration -- sans its orange douche -- has proudly admitted it. Why are you defending them from something they proudly admit? You Trumpkins are freakish!!
As well as cowards No one who won't be leaving has the nads to speak up about this orange anus repubs gave us A congress full of thieves and cowards

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