the surge worked in Iraq

No it didn't. The violence started abating when we started PAYING 70,000+ Sunnis not to shoot at us. The surge just gave the insurgents more targets to shoot at.

Afghanistan is also a completely different situation - geographically, culturally and politically. A tactic like what was used in Iraq would likely not work in Afghanistan.

You are definitely right about the first. Additionally, history is against maintaining large masses of troops in Afghanistan. The large footprint give the other side the opportunity to hit lightly protected vehicles operating in support of the mission in great numbers. It is somewhat telling that they aren't more effective at it. But, that's how the Soviets and the British were both pushed out.

The quandary we find ourselves in is that, unlike Vietnam, we don't have the option of just leaving. The Vietnamese were never going to come back to the US to pick up the fight. We know the Islamo-fascists will. So, the options are to do something or do something else, not do nothing.
Watch what the CINC decides. It will be geared to Kharzai's commitment and the response by the Afghani leadership to stablize the corruption that threatens the war effort. That makes sense.

We have been waiting since Jan.

Well wait some more. LISTEN to what experts say regarding the conundrum, paying particular attention to the words of Matthew Hoh--the former State Department imbed who up and quit his post because the situation in Afghanistan is UNWINNABLE.

Morning Meeting
Got any links, dear? (This should be good...)

Yea. I have links. However, I think it is better for people to do their own research on his speeches. That way you choose what speeches you listen to. I would just recommend that people look at the difference in tone between his 'community' speeches and his 'job' speeches. Interesting.

Translation: I only hear what I want to hear.

I think I'm pretty clear with my own words, thanks all the same. If I posted clips, you would complain that they were selectived in what they show. So I suggest you go and find your own. Just like I did. It's not hard. Or don't bother - I really don't give a shit what you do or don't do. Just don't fucking translate for me. No one on the board is that stupid that they need you to explain shit to them..... well, maybe a couple of total assholes are but most are pretty capable.
Obama to Couric.

Obama to Couric: 'We took our eye off the ball' - Politico Staff -

OBAMA: Well, I think-- I talked frequently during this campaign that we took our eye off the ball when we invaded Iraq. And now it's done. My job is to withdraw in a responsible way from Iraq and stabilize the situation there. But our real focus has to be on Afghanistan, the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we have to put as much pressure on them as possible.

I've already spoken to my National Security team about how we're going to do that.

And I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland. That's my number one priority as President of the United States.

Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
[B said:
Your foolish comments always amuse me. All anyone (you included) need to do is check Obama's daily schedule (backward and forward by month) by going here (it's off to the right of the page). You and your ilk must enjoy being dumbed down, I'm convinced:

POLITICO 44: The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute -

If there is any hope of a "point" in your churlish little rejoinder, it is not making an appearance.

Presidents, in modern times, get over-booked. They are called upon to deal with tons of ceremonial crap as well as with more significant matters of state.
No shit, Joe Palooka. Mine was in response to the moronic statement that he wastes too much time. Pay attention.

big fucking hairy deal.
Yeah, I suspect Neanderthals like you know all about hairy deals.

If President Obama is too over-worked, he should advise his appointments secretary and his Chief of Staff to simmer it down. "I want some nap-time! No fair! I need recess! Gimme basketball after lunch or else!"

In the interim, he has known for a long time that he was facing the prospect of having to make one of the larger decisions any President can make: the direction we will be going in time of war.

And his official decision appears to be that he needs yet more time and more advice in order to decide.

Yes sir, Mr. President. You have officially decided not to decide. Very indecisive in a decisive way -- or perhaps it's the other way around. Difficult to say.

The criticism is clearly valid, despite all the Obamaphiles and Messiah Addicts who would play the role of supplicant and apologist. This President is the DITHERER in Chief!

YES!!! And if you and your ilk don't *get* why, then you've learned NOTHING since the invasion of both those countries. Pathetic, simply pathetic.

Oh nosies! The stupid old bitch, Maggot Mae, thinks I might be a Neanderthal! How ever will I get past that massively important contribution to this worthy debate? :lol:

Actually, Maggot, reality is far beyond your pinhead grasp.

For those of us who have been paying attention (which leaves out the slimey liberoidals like you who get their "news" predigested for them by idiots like Jon not his real name Stewart, Bill fuckface Maher and that other blood cloth on MSLSD, Olqueerman, the reason why the One, Dear Leader, President Obama, is the Ditherer in Chief is because he has not one fucking clue about the importance of what has been going in in the world.

Like the dumbass mutants he "leads" (i.e., the idiot liberoidals and fellow jackals, like you) he is absolutely blind to the notion that we have a right to defend ourselves against a bunch of fucktards who really do want to continue trying to kill us and damage us. And why would an old douchebag like you -- or our diminutive little empty suit of a President --believe that we should even be permitted to "defend" ourselves, anyway? After all, he's the fucking lead singer for his endless "America Sucks" Tour. [By the way, fuck you Mr. President.]

His incredibluy immature and unsophisticated concept is that The World will like us better if ONLY we would bow to all of them and "admit" that we are the worst thing to ever deface the surface of this lovely planet (which we are solely responsible for killing, of course).

The biggest idiot might not be him, though. It might be you and other smarmy, self-satisfied shit-bars, like you, who don't have any appreciation of the fucked-up nature of who he is and what he's doing. Morons like you are too busy trying to find new and important ways to sloganeer your incurably lame-ass BDS. You were wrong about President Bush, too, of course, but there's not a chance a schmuck like you will ever grasp that fact.

Oh, I edited your post in a way akin to how you edited mine. Of course, unlike you, I note it, as per the rule here.


Your pal,


Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
That Obama is a douchebag.

Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
That Obama is a douchebag.

The liberoidals' latest faux outrage is that we took our eye off the ball.

But the boundlessly irrational hypocrits still loudly and lovingly applaud, give praise to and genuflect in the direction of their Dear Leader, President Obama, when HIS decisive Commander in Chief conclusion is that we need to forthrightly man-up and boldly do

nothing. Well, nothing except, perhaps, JUST leave.

I wonder why it matters to the liberoidals that we supposedly took our eye off the ball if they are perfectly content never swinging the bat in the first damn place.

Like their dear leader, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they, too, are

[B said:
If there is any hope of a "point" in your churlish little rejoinder, it is not making an appearance.

Presidents, in modern times, get over-booked. They are called upon to deal with tons of ceremonial crap as well as with more significant matters of state.
No shit, Joe Palooka. Mine was in response to the moronic statement that he wastes too much time. Pay attention.

big fucking hairy deal.
Yeah, I suspect Neanderthals like you know all about hairy deals.

If President Obama is too over-worked, he should advise his appointments secretary and his Chief of Staff to simmer it down. "I want some nap-time! No fair! I need recess! Gimme basketball after lunch or else!"

In the interim, he has known for a long time that he was facing the prospect of having to make one of the larger decisions any President can make: the direction we will be going in time of war.

And his official decision appears to be that he needs yet more time and more advice in order to decide.

Yes sir, Mr. President. You have officially decided not to decide. Very indecisive in a decisive way -- or perhaps it's the other way around. Difficult to say.

The criticism is clearly valid, despite all the Obamaphiles and Messiah Addicts who would play the role of supplicant and apologist. This President is the DITHERER in Chief!

YES!!! And if you and your ilk don't *get* why, then you've learned NOTHING since the invasion of both those countries. Pathetic, simply pathetic.

Oh nosies! The stupid old bitch, Maggot Mae, thinks I might be a Neanderthal! How ever will I get past that massively important contribution to this worthy debate? :lol:

Actually, Maggot, reality is far beyond your pinhead grasp.

For those of us who have been paying attention (which leaves out the slimey liberoidals like you who get their "news" predigested for them by idiots like Jon not his real name Stewart, Bill fuckface Maher and that other blood cloth on MSLSD, Olqueerman, the reason why the One, Dear Leader, President Obama, is the Ditherer in Chief is because he has not one fucking clue about the importance of what has been going in in the world.

Like the dumbass mutants he "leads" (i.e., the idiot liberoidals and fellow jackals, like you) he is absolutely blind to the notion that we have a right to defend ourselves against a bunch of fucktards who really do want to continue trying to kill us and damage us. And why would an old douchebag like you -- or our diminutive little empty suit of a President --believe that we should even be permitted to "defend" ourselves, anyway? After all, he's the fucking lead singer for his endless "America Sucks" Tour. [By the way, fuck you Mr. President.]

His incredibluy immature and unsophisticated concept is that The World will like us better if ONLY we would bow to all of them and "admit" that we are the worst thing to ever deface the surface of this lovely planet (which we are solely responsible for killing, of course).

The biggest idiot might not be him, though. It might be you and other smarmy, self-satisfied shit-bars, like you, who don't have any appreciation of the fucked-up nature of who he is and what he's doing. Morons like you are too busy trying to find new and important ways to sloganeer your incurably lame-ass BDS. You were wrong about President Bush, too, of course, but there's not a chance a schmuck like you will ever grasp that fact.

Oh, I edited your post in a way akin to how you edited mine. Of course, unlike you, I note it, as per the rule here.


Your pal,


I didn't edit your post, asshole. But hey, I see I got you so riled you're ready to shoot me. Giggle. Now go clean up that pile of shit you left as you typed your ass off during your little tantrum.

Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
That Obama is a douchebag.

Grow the fuck up. The term "douchbag" is a favorite of adolescents. Always a clue as to the level of one's knowledge and intelligence.
Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
That Obama is a douchebag.

Grow the fuck up. The term "douchbag" is a favorite of adolescents. Always a clue as to the level of one's knowledge and intelligence.
LOL. Too hard to make an thoughtful argument so you resort to your typical mindless personal attacks. You are consistent.
Obama to Couric.

Obama to Couric: 'We took our eye off the ball' - Politico Staff -

OBAMA: Well, I think-- I talked frequently during this campaign that we took our eye off the ball when we invaded Iraq. And now it's done. My job is to withdraw in a responsible way from Iraq and stabilize the situation there. But our real focus has to be on Afghanistan, the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we have to put as much pressure on them as possible.

I've already spoken to my National Security team about how we're going to do that.

And I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland. That's my number one priority as President of the United States.

Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:

You are twisting it. I quoted it verbaten.

I tell you what exactly I mean. Not only is Obama a clueless moronic idiotic stupid european ass licking socialist/communist, but he is putting the lives of american soldiers in danger as well as american citizens. in the US.

He is a douche bag too.
[B said:

YES!!! And if you and your ilk don't *get* why, then you've learned NOTHING since the invasion of both those countries. Pathetic, simply pathetic.

Oh nosies! The stupid old bitch, Maggot Mae, thinks I might be a Neanderthal! How ever will I get past that massively important contribution to this worthy debate? :lol:

Actually, Maggot, reality is far beyond your pinhead grasp.

For those of us who have been paying attention (which leaves out the slimey liberoidals like you who get their "news" predigested for them by idiots like Jon not his real name Stewart, Bill fuckface Maher and that other blood cloth on MSLSD, Olqueerman, the reason why the One, Dear Leader, President Obama, is the Ditherer in Chief is because he has not one fucking clue about the importance of what has been going in in the world.

Like the dumbass mutants he "leads" (i.e., the idiot liberoidals and fellow jackals, like you) he is absolutely blind to the notion that we have a right to defend ourselves against a bunch of fucktards who really do want to continue trying to kill us and damage us. And why would an old douchebag like you -- or our diminutive little empty suit of a President --believe that we should even be permitted to "defend" ourselves, anyway? After all, he's the fucking lead singer for his endless "America Sucks" Tour. [By the way, fuck you Mr. President.]

His incredibluy immature and unsophisticated concept is that The World will like us better if ONLY we would bow to all of them and "admit" that we are the worst thing to ever deface the surface of this lovely planet (which we are solely responsible for killing, of course).

The biggest idiot might not be him, though. It might be you and other smarmy, self-satisfied shit-bars, like you, who don't have any appreciation of the fucked-up nature of who he is and what he's doing. Morons like you are too busy trying to find new and important ways to sloganeer your incurably lame-ass BDS. You were wrong about President Bush, too, of course, but there's not a chance a schmuck like you will ever grasp that fact.

Oh, I edited your post in a way akin to how you edited mine. Of course, unlike you, I note it, as per the rule here.


Your pal,


I didn't edit your post, asshole. But hey, I see I got you so riled you're ready to shoot me. Giggle. Now go clean up that pile of shit you left as you typed your ass off during your little tantrum.

Yes, Maggot, you DID edit my post, ya fuckin' stupid shitpile. :cuckoo: You ARE the pile of shit, and I have no plan to "clean you up." I do plan on continuing to point out the imbecility of your typically mindless liberoidal spew, however. Learn to cope. :lol:

But lying will make you feel better, so go right ahead and repeat your obvious outright lie.

It's ok, Maggots. You only prove how ineffectual you are when you are reduced to outright lying, as you just did, you simple-minded lightweight liberoidal moron.

Sincerely yours,

your good pal,


(by the by; I edited your pinhead post again, Maggots)
* * * * *

You are twisting it. I quoted it [verbatim].

I tell you what exactly I mean. Not only is Obama a clueless moronic idiotic stupid european ass licking socialist/communist, but he is putting the lives of American soldiers in danger as well as american citizens. in the US.

He is a douche bag too.

Well said! {I did a minor couple of edits for clarity}
Obama to Couric.

Obama to Couric: 'We took our eye off the ball' - Politico Staff -

OBAMA: Well, I think-- I talked frequently during this campaign that we took our eye off the ball when we invaded Iraq. And now it's done. My job is to withdraw in a responsible way from Iraq and stabilize the situation there. But our real focus has to be on Afghanistan, the border regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we have to put as much pressure on them as possible.

I've already spoken to my National Security team about how we're going to do that.

And I'm confident that we can keep them on the run and ensure that they cannot train terrorists to attack our homeland. That's my number one priority as President of the United States.

Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:

You are twisting it. I quoted it verbaten.

I tell you what exactly I mean. Not only is Obama a clueless moronic idiotic stupid european ass licking socialist/communist, but he is putting the lives of american soldiers in danger as well as american citizens. in the US.

He is a douche bag too.

Verbaten? LOL. Yes, you DID quote verbatim[sic]. Now read it again
That Obama is a douchebag.

Grow the fuck up. The term "douchbag" is a favorite of adolescents. Always a clue as to the level of one's knowledge and intelligence.
LOL. Too hard to make an thoughtful argument so you resort to your typical mindless personal attacks. You are consistent.

There are nearly 300 posts in this thread, and I have yet to see a single one written by you that is anything more than childish insults. I rest my case. You deserve the bitchslappings you get.
Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
That Obama is a douchebag.

Grow the fuck up. The term "douchbag" is a favorite of adolescents. Always a clue as to the level of one's knowledge and intelligence.

Maggots just doesn't like the fact that the term his so close to home with her.

It's perfectly ok to just ignore the whining of Maggots, the libtarded old douchebag.
Oh nosies! The stupid old bitch, Maggot Mae, thinks I might be a Neanderthal! How ever will I get past that massively important contribution to this worthy debate? :lol:

Actually, Maggot, reality is far beyond your pinhead grasp.

For those of us who have been paying attention (which leaves out the slimey liberoidals like you who get their "news" predigested for them by idiots like Jon not his real name Stewart, Bill fuckface Maher and that other blood cloth on MSLSD, Olqueerman, the reason why the One, Dear Leader, President Obama, is the Ditherer in Chief is because he has not one fucking clue about the importance of what has been going in in the world.

Like the dumbass mutants he "leads" (i.e., the idiot liberoidals and fellow jackals, like you) he is absolutely blind to the notion that we have a right to defend ourselves against a bunch of fucktards who really do want to continue trying to kill us and damage us. And why would an old douchebag like you -- or our diminutive little empty suit of a President --believe that we should even be permitted to "defend" ourselves, anyway? After all, he's the fucking lead singer for his endless "America Sucks" Tour. [By the way, fuck you Mr. President.]

His incredibluy immature and unsophisticated concept is that The World will like us better if ONLY we would bow to all of them and "admit" that we are the worst thing to ever deface the surface of this lovely planet (which we are solely responsible for killing, of course).

The biggest idiot might not be him, though. It might be you and other smarmy, self-satisfied shit-bars, like you, who don't have any appreciation of the fucked-up nature of who he is and what he's doing. Morons like you are too busy trying to find new and important ways to sloganeer your incurably lame-ass BDS. You were wrong about President Bush, too, of course, but there's not a chance a schmuck like you will ever grasp that fact.

Oh, I edited your post in a way akin to how you edited mine. Of course, unlike you, I note it, as per the rule here.


Your pal,


I didn't edit your post, asshole. But hey, I see I got you so riled you're ready to shoot me. Giggle. Now go clean up that pile of shit you left as you typed your ass off during your little tantrum.

Yes, Maggot, you DID edit my post, ya fuckin' stupid shitpile. :cuckoo: You ARE the pile of shit, and I have no plan to "clean you up." I do plan on continuing to point out the imbecility of your typically mindless liberoidal spew, however. Learn to cope. :lol:

But lying will make you feel better, so go right ahead and repeat your obvious outright lie.

It's ok, Maggots. You only prove how ineffectual you are when you are reduced to outright lying, as you just did, you simple-minded lightweight liberoidal moron.

Sincerely yours,

your good pal,


(by the by; I edited your pinhead post again, Maggots)

Do you know what "edit" means, brainiac? I did not remove or alter a single word you said. I responded with a sentence below your sentences. That is not a violation of anything.

And any time you can come down off your fucking high and debate in a sober, civil manner, I'm more than happy to go head to head with you. But I won't even attempt to go up against a freak who thinks his points are best made when laced with the kind of crap you choose. You're an idiot and not worth my time.
Grow the fuck up. The term "douchbag" is a favorite of adolescents. Always a clue as to the level of one's knowledge and intelligence.
LOL. Too hard to make an thoughtful argument so you resort to your typical mindless personal attacks. You are consistent.

There are nearly 300 posts in this thread, and I have yet to see a single one written by you that is anything more than childish insults. I rest my case. You deserve the bitchslappings you get.
Then you're lying or just plain stupid. And you have quite the record of lying.

And still, it does nothing to mitigate the mindless nature of your input. If you focus on the topic, you might have more luck not looking like an angry and bitter old fool.
Last edited:

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