Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:

You are twisting it. I quoted it verbaten.

I tell you what exactly I mean. Not only is Obama a clueless moronic idiotic stupid european ass licking socialist/communist, but he is putting the lives of american soldiers in danger as well as american citizens. in the US.

He is a douche bag too.

Verbaten? LOL. Yes, you DID quote verbatim[sic]. Now read it again

Obama is a douche bag.
And I want links.

knock yourself out.

That Obama is a douchebag.

Grow the fuck up. The term "douchbag" is a favorite of adolescents. Always a clue as to the level of one's knowledge and intelligence.

Maggots just doesn't like the fact that the term his so close to home with her.

It's perfectly ok to just ignore the whining of Maggots, the libtarded old douchebag.

Yeah, right, I'm whining...:lol: Read your own posts, genius.

MaggotMae is a Libertoid!
MaggotMae is a Libertard!
MaggotMae is a Douchbag!
Deciding that the strategies presented to him are bad doesn't mean he reject ALL of the, only the ones he's been given so far. Maybe there was no exit strategy?

So what are there? About a hundred al Queda in Afghanistan?

We had more than half a million troops in Vietnam and that country had half as many people, and was a third the size of Afghanistan, where we only have about a hundred thousand troops.

Besides, Bin Laden is gone. Bush and the Republicans LET HIM GO. They gave him a SEVEN YEAR HEAD START.

So, what is the goal in Afghanistan? Make it a "democracy" they way we have in Iraq? Ask Iraqi Christians and women how successful we were.

What is Obama's strategy ?


To surrender grandiloquently.

Taliban leader: On what terms will you surrender to us?

Obama: I demand the opportunity to transfix the world with my eloquence and a photo op in which I look victorious in defeat; the substance of the terms of surrender is uninteresting to me.

Taliban leader: By the beard of Allah, they told the Americans had elected such a man to be their president, but I would never have believed it if I hadn't heard these words spoken with my own ears. May all the Prophet's enemies be as soft and vain and easy to defeat in the future!
What is Obama's strategy ?


To surrender grandiloquently.

Taliban leader: On what terms will you surrender to us?

Obama: I demand the opportunity to transfix the world with my eloquence and a photo op in which I look victorious in defeat; the substance of the terms of surrender is uninteresting to me.

Taliban leader: By the beard of Allah, they told the Americans had elected such a man to be their president, but I would never have believed it if I hadn't heard these words spoken with my own ears. May all the Prophet's enemies be as soft and vain and easy to defeat in the future!

Okay, I give up. You frat boys are just too damned clever for me. :rolleyes:
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"Defense Secretary Robert Gates says President Barack Obama wants to take the best elements from several options presented to him for the next steps in Afghanistan.

Gates says the decision is near on whether to add more U.S. forces to the 8-year-old war. He confirmed to reporters aboard his plane Thursday that Obama did not choose any of the specific options laid out for him at a White House meeting on Wednesday. Instead, Gates said that Obama wants to select the best ideas from among many presented."

Gates: Obama picking best ideas among many options - Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009 | 9 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

In my opinion, we need to leave that cesspool, and let the Afghani's clean up their own backyard.
The problem is that if the Afghani don't successfully do so, the Taliban will take over, and Al Qaida will have their stronghold back.

It's not about them. It's about us and protecting our country.
The problem is that if the Afghani don't successfully do so, the Taliban will take over, and Al Qaida will have their stronghold back.

It's not about them. It's about us and protecting our country.

If they don't clean up their own mess, they deserve the hell that awaits them.

How about we clean up our own mess here at home first?
In my opinion, perpetual war is not conducive to a stable and sound Republic.

I believe there comes a time when we need to be about putting America first, and saying to heck with those who won't do their own dirty work.

The radical Muslim nutjobs are everywhere. They aren't all holdup in caves in Afghanistan etc.

If a country is a direct threat to the citizenry of the U.S., then we need to either tell them to back off, or declare war on their miserable county and blow it off the face of the earth.

Douche bag.

Someone else also quoted that, and it's incredible that you don't understand "we took our eye off the ball" means that after driving the Taliban out in 01-02, US troops left Afghanistan for Iraq, and voila! The Taliban came right back once we left!! WE TOOK OUR EYE OFF THE BALL!! It's a no-brainer. Yet you twist that to mean, um, WHAT exactly? :confused: :confused:
That Obama is a douchebag.

Yep. He is.
To surrender grandiloquently.

That would certainly be a political strategy, and no more than a lot of people expect form Obama. It also would be enough to call him a traitor in my book.
Let's hope he actually is trying to get a "composite" plan as recently suggested and isn't just playing more games.
The problem is that if the Afghani don't successfully do so, the Taliban will take over, and Al Qaida will have their stronghold back.

It's not about them. It's about us and protecting our country.

You would think that, wouldn't you? Not with this administration, now it's getting a public option, and pass that cap and trade. There are priorties with this administration.
It's that he wont do anything at all. (Wrong! Making the major players think this through and come up with small things like and exit plan, when do we hand over to the Afghans, is forcing them to better plan what to do. The knee jerk shit from Bush and Cheney are what got US into this mess.We had the worst month on record in Afghanistan for troop deaths due in no small part from a military standpoint that we don't have enough troops on the ground there to stay safe. (I agree we siphoned the forces off to Iraq and now we are paying the price. Just sending in 40,000 more without a real plan is not great strategic planning.)Thus the options are either put a lot more in or get them all out and rethink how we combat terrorists. (This, I believe is what they are doing. This shit about a war on terrorism is plain shit. A war against terrorists is something that can be planned and executed.I vote for the later.

When the Dithering Duo blame Obama about dithering, you know the right is full of it and trying to cover their mistakes that got us where we are.:evil:

i wish you folks would include the name of the poster when you quote someone....:eusa_eh:
Notice Obama changed AFTER his boy lost the election in Afghanistan.

So Obama lost election on 2 Continents

You mean you really think we should have American troops dying and getting maimed in a country run by someone as corrupt as Karzai?

THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the crux of the entire problem. I hope that all this time being spent weighing the options means that they are seriously looking for an EXIT strategy, not how to WIN. Win what? Al-Qaeda has moved on.

Karzai is nothing anyway....just the Mayor of Kabul....
Funny, I used to believe that too. HOWEVER, in recent months it has become perfectly clear that the Afghans have no intention of democratizing itself in the fashion of the United States, regarding the drug trade or women. It is a lawless territory. The US would have to remain there indefinitely just to protect those few Afghan residents who actually DO want to pull themselves into the 21st Century. It's a lost cause, period.

i think there is a lot of truth in what Maggs is saying......some people are never going to change the way they are....if you are nice to them and are helping them and it isnt working....shoving it down their throats will only make it worse.....
Funny, I used to believe that too. HOWEVER, in recent months it has become perfectly clear that the Afghans have no intention of democratizing itself in the fashion of the United States, regarding the drug trade or women. It is a lawless territory. The US would have to remain there indefinitely just to protect those few Afghan residents who actually DO want to pull themselves into the 21st Century. It's a lost cause, period.

i think there is a lot of truth in what Maggs is saying......some people are never going to change the way they are....if you are nice to them and are helping them and it isnt working....shoving it down their throats will only make it worse.....

Then Obama needs to get some balls and do it. Period.
Then we're going to have to rely on our intelligence community (as scary as that sounds) to be ahead of any major attack being planned.

There are no easy answers, Phil, but just sitting around there with our collective dicks in our hand isn't a good plan.

and while these guys are sitting around fondling themselves more guys are dying.....either shit or get off the shitter.....

Oh baloney. The size of the forces in Afghanistan has been tripled since last December.
If they're sitting around, the majority of those are enjoying the reprieve.
Maggs thats not who me and Art are saying are sitting around playing with themselves....try the guys in DC....

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