Breaking! New York AG Letitia James Caught On Video Saying Judge Engoron Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)

Throw this case out. She admitted Judge Engoron had already found Trump guilty before the trial ever started. What Engoron did was unethical on epic levels. He should be impeached along with James who campaigned on going after Trump.

Video of Letitia James

NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)​

Having a hard time keeping up, are ya?
AndTrump will get to claim that when damages are assessed.
See how far he gets with that one
It will be broomed on appeal.
Having an opinion of the value of your property that is different than someone else’s is not a crime.
No. Donald Trump's crime is being Donald Trump.
They are called "Statement of Financial Conditions" which are legal documents that those involved with high finance are require to submit to lenders and insurance companies.

We are not talking about you going to the bank and applying for a home loan. This is corporation finance used by billionaires and international money conglomerates.

The lenders...who (again) have stated in court that the loans are either repaid of current and they have no problems whatsoever with what happened?
The lenders...who (again) have stated in court that the loans are either repaid of current and they have no problems whatsoever with what happened?

The lying on the legal documents submitted to the lenders and insurance carriers is the issue.

What the lenders or insurance companies did is irrelevant.

So for the valuation of Trump Organization (which are the actual owners of Mar-a-Lago, Trump Tower, Seven Seasons, etc.) in the Statement of Financial Condition required annually for the project loan and insurance...

They weren't supposed to include assets of the Trump Organization in detailing how much the Trump Organization was worth?

Got nothing to do with Trump defrauding banks who were never harmed. Theoretical misconduct=witch hunting
Got nothing to do with Trump defrauding banks who were never harmed. Theoretical misconduct=witch hunting

: shrug :

Believe as you wish, however being exposed to higher risk because of false statement in an attempt to get lower rates and more favorable terms is still fraudulent business practice.

It will be broomed on appeal.

No. Donald Trump's crime is being Donald Trump.

The lenders...who (again) have stated in court that the loans are either repaid of current and they have no problems whatsoever with what happened?
Lib loons being virtue champions by trying to convince the public that banks who State they were unharmed were harmed.
: shrug :

Believe as you wish, however being exposed to higher risk because of false statement in an attempt to get lower rates and more favorable terms is still fraudulent business practice.

Then banks would so state. You are championing a cause for a party who states they don’t need champions because nothing harmed them.
Thus exposing just how CORRUPT the Dem party is. I told you those people are the lowest form of human filth on planet earth.
This thread is about what Latitty said and not Trumps thoughts on the value of his properties

From the OP.

She said Trump was found guilty prior to the trial. That is true.

The Judge issued a summary judgement at the request of both parties. He found Trump guilty (actually liable in a civil case). So her statement is factually true.

Not sure what the beef it. The Judges summary judgement was clearly issued on the one count prior to the start of trial to determine liability on the other 6 charges (claims in a civil court) and the amount of disgorgement due.

From the OP.

She said Trump was found guilty prior to the trial. That is true.

The Judge issued a summary judgement at the request of both parties. He found Trump guilty (actually liable in a civil case). So her statement is factually true.

Not sure what the beef it. The Judges summary judgement was clearly issued on the one count prior to the start of trial to determine liability on the other 6 charges (claims in a civil court) and the amount of disgorgement due.

Summaries are not a declaration of guilt from The Judge prior to any defense or prosecution . It’s to indicate there are items that need further pursuit to determine if a guilty conclusion is warranted.
You use nice composition but your details are errant
View attachment 874523

I didn't say the Judge approved Trump's request for summary judgement, but the Judges decision to rule on summary Judgement was made by both parties.

View attachment 874524

Incorrect, Under New York Law 63(12) the AG is specifically empowered to bring suit for fraudulent and/or illegal business practices.

So, yes, she had "standing" under New York law to bring suit in New York courts.

See above image, the Judge makes not that summary judgement was requested by both parties.


You asked for the documentation which was the basis of what I said, I showed you the court document.

Nevermind the fact that the bitch had to get the laws changed to even bring the case because they're attempting to use evidence that is past the statute of limitations.

This crap case will be thrown out on appeal in any fair court in the land. But of course we're not dealing with a fair court, are we. This pedo judge was persuaded to take this case and he's agreeing with everything this racist bitch presents to him while rejecting every motion the defense makes.

You still haven't presented one document saying that Trump requested a summary judgement. Only this lying fuck pedo judge's responses.

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