Breaking! New York AG Letitia James Caught On Video Saying Judge Engoron Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)

They need to be disbarred.

Malicious prosecution. Sadly, the punishment for that is not what it should be. (That is: public crucifixion.)

You cannot be this stupid. It's not possible.

And the lenders have stated-repeatedly, in open court-that they had no problems with any of it. The loans are all current (some already paid back in full), absolutely nothing unusual happened here.
Lenders decide for themselves if they have been harmed. Lib loons Do Not Get to tell them that they have been.
I'm saying the bank accepted Trumps falsified business record when making a loan with his residence as part of the collateral.

Trump later claimed that the floor space, included mechanical spaces, like elevators etc. Yet that still didn't come anywhere near the 30,000 square feet he claimed, unless you included the ceiling and the walls.

Hence the summary judgement that Trump falsified business records.

The architectural drawings filed with the city showed the actual size.
Bullshit. You're talking about apples and oranges. What business record did he falsify?

The tax assessment and the square footage can be found on any MLS listing. All you have to do is access the MLS site and see what the property sold for when he bought it and it will give the square footage and the appraised value.
Throw this case out. She admitted Judge Engoron had already found Trump guilty before the trial ever started. What Engoron did was unethical on epic levels. He should be impeached along with James who campaigned on going after Trump.

Video of Letitia James

NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)​

This judgement will last 30 seconds on appeal.
The lenders employ their own evaluation via expensive appraisals and have Said So in court .
What was presented in court doesn't matter to these people.

Only the actions of the judge and the malicious statements by AG James matters.
So this says he denied Trump's request for a summary judgement. Then he grants a partial judgement to AG James and also grants her request to literally close down Trump's New York businesses (A decision that was put on hold until after the appeal is finished).


I didn't say the Judge approved Trump's request for summary judgement, but the Judges decision to rule on summary Judgement was made by both parties.

And during the trial it appears that her requests were way out of line. Especially since she has no standing in the case to bring suit. There is no harmed plaintiff. Thus the higher court put that decision on hold.


Incorrect, Under New York Law 63(12) the AG is specifically empowered to bring suit for fraudulent and/or illegal business practices.

So, yes, she had "standing" under New York law to bring suit in New York courts.

I still see no proof that Trump even asked for a summary judgement.

See above image, the Judge makes not that summary judgement was requested by both parties.

Swing and a miss.


You asked for the documentation which was the basis of what I said, I showed you the court document.

Bullshit. You're talking about apples and oranges. What business record did he falsify?

They are called "Statement of Financial Conditions" which are legal documents that those involved with high finance are require to submit to lenders and insurance companies.

The tax assessment and the square footage can be found on any MLS listing. All you have to do is access the MLS site and see what the property sold for when he bought it and it will give the square footage and the appraised value.

We are not talking about you going to the bank and applying for a home loan. This is corporation finance used by billionaires and international money conglomerates.

No it's not.

In this case they're trying to apply a code that deals with insurance fraud or some other kind of fraud.....not bragging about the size or value of your property.

He's not charged with "bragging" about the size or value of his property.

He's charges with making false legal submissions about the size or value of his property.

There is a big difference between bragging at the local pub and making claims on legal documents.

No....what it appears is they're using documents that were supplied by Michael Cohen who said they were Trump's legal documents.

Actually they were supplied by Donald, Donald Jr., Eric, and Allen Weisselberg (Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer).

They are called "Statement of Financial Conditions" which are legal documents that those involved with high finance are require to submit to lenders and insurance companies.

We are not talking about you going to the bank and applying for a home loan. This is corporation finance used by billionaires and international money conglomerates.

And as such individual properties Don’t have liens secured to them. Thus, their valuation from Trump were immaterial as to lender security
View attachment 874523

I didn't say the Judge approved Trump's request for summary judgement, but the Judges decision to rule on summary Judgement was made by both parties.

View attachment 874524

Incorrect, Under New York Law 63(12) the AG is specifically empowered to bring suit for fraudulent and/or illegal business practices.

So, yes, she had "standing" under New York law to bring suit in New York courts.

See above image, the Judge makes not that summary judgement was requested by both parties.


You asked for the documentation which was the basis of what I said, I showed you the court document.

Muddy ain't gonna read any of that. He wants to bitch and will ask the same questions tomorrow.
And as such individual properties Don’t have liens secured to them. Thus, their valuation from Trump were immaterial as to lender security

So for the valuation of Trump Organization (which are the actual owners of Mar-a-Lago, Trump Tower, Seven Seasons, etc.) in the Statement of Financial Condition required annually for the project loan and insurance...

They weren't supposed to include assets of the Trump Organization in detailing how much the Trump Organization was worth?


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